Kata kunci: kolestasis kronik, status gizi, makronutrien, mikronutrien, ascites, perdarahan saluran cerna. ......Abstract
Children with chronic cholestasis have a higher risk of malnutrition that affect growth and development in life. There are several risk factors that should be identified and managed to reduce the risk of malnutrition. In this study we want to know the prevalence of malnutrition, the profile and risk factors that are related to malnutrition in children with chronic cholestasis. This cross-sectional study involved children age 3 months to 5 years old at pediatrics gastro-hepatology clinic RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo. Methods include standard anthropometric examination, evaluation of nutritional status, pattern of intake nutrition and identification risk factors that are related to malnutrition. Out of 94 subjects, the prevalence of malnutrition is 53.3%, prevalence of stunting is 59.6% and prevalence of microcephaly is 59.6%. 71.1% had history of hospitalization, 44.7% had history of fasting, 38.3% had moderate and massive ascites, and 11.7% had gastro-intestinal bleeding. Insufficient daily macronutrient intake are as follows: calorie 67.1%, carbohydrate 53.2%, protein 13.8%, lipid 77.7% and MCT 76.6%. Insufficient daily micronutrient intake are as follows: vitamin A 56.4%, vitamin D 55.3%, vitamin E 21,3%, vitamin K 24,5%, vitamin B1 21,3%, vitamin B2 13.8%, vitamin B6 24.5%, vitamin B12 2.1%, vitamin C 15.8% Fe 69.1%, zinc 87.2 %, P 3.2% and Mg 66%. There were significant relationships between gastro-intestinal bleeding (p value of 0.001) and moderate-massive ascites (p value of 0.025) in nutrition status in children with chronic cholestasis. No relationships were observed among insufficient macronutrient intake, duration of hospitalization and duration of fasting with nutrition status in children with chronic cholestasis. The high prevalence of malnutrition in children with chronic cholestasis and the causes of malnutrition are varied. Although some causes have no specific treatment, all children with chronic cholestasis should have periodic nutritional evaluation to optimized macronutrient and vitamin intake. Comprehensive management moderate – massive ascites and gastro-intestinal bleeding are important to prevent malnutrition in children with chronic cholestasis.