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Nopa Arlianti
Infekunditas sekunder merupakan kondisi seorang wanita usia subur yang masih
memiliki kemungkinan untuk memiliki anak dan berharap bisa memiliki anak,
baik yang belum pernah melahirkan ataupun sudah pernah melahirkan, belum
pernah hamil maupun yang sudah pernah hamil dan atau pernah memiliki anak
sebelum lima tahun terakhir serta tidak menggunakan alat kontrasepsi pada
periode tersebut. Faktor yang menyebabkan infekunditas sekunder sebagian besar
merupakan penyebab yang sama pada faktor yang menyebabkan infertilitas.
Dimana akibat yang ditimbulkan karena terjadinya infekunditas sekunder yaitu
gangguan psikologis, sosial dan ekonomi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan
yaitu cross sectional dengan menggunakan data WUS SDKI 2012. Jumlah sampel
yaitu sebanyak 27414 (85.03%) mengalami fekunditas dan 4826 (14.97%)
mengalami infekunditas sekunder. Analisis data menggunakan univariat, bivariat
dan regresi logistik. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, propinsi yang memiliki
angka infekunditas sekunder tertinggi yaitu Papua (31.39%), Aceh (23.23%) dan
Papua Barat (20.75%). Dengan analisis regresi logistik diperoleh bahwa
determinan infekunditas sekunder di Indonesia adalah umur, merokok, sosial
ekonomi, pekerjaan, riwayat keguguran, pendidikan, umur pertama melakukan
hubungan seksual, dan paritas

Secondary infecundity is a condition of a woman at childbearing age who still
have the possibility to have children and wish to have a child who had never given
birth or had given birth, has never been pregnant or who have ever been pregnant
or had had children before the last five years and does not use contraception in
the period. Factors that cause secondary infecundity largely accounts for the
same factors that cause infertility. The impact due to the occurrence of secondary
infekundity are psychological disorders, social and economic. The research
method used is cross sectional using data from Indonesian Demographic and
Health Survey 2012. Study population are Woman at Childbearing Age. The
number of samples as many as 27414 (85.03%) experienced fecundity and 4826
(14.97 %) experienced secondary infecundity. Data was analyzed by univariate,
bivariate and logistic regression multivariable. Result showed accordingly from
the highest prevalence are Papua (31.39 %), Aceh (23.23 %) and West Papua
(20.75 %). Logistic regression analysis showed determinant of secondary
infekundity accordingly in Indonesia are age, smoking, socio-economic,
employment, history of miscarriage, education, age at first sexual intercourse,
and parity"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
I Gede Manu Mahendra
"Latar belakang: Persalinan merupakan peristiwa penting dan unik dalam kehidupan wanita yang memiliki risiko negatif seperti trauma perineum selama persalinan pervaginam. Angka robekan perineum dilaporkan 35,1-78,3% pada primipara dan 34,8-39,6% pada multipara. Faktor risiko terjadinya ruptur perineum cukup beragam dimana masalah ruptur perineum belum dianalisis secara luas sehingga penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memprediksikan kejadian ruptur perineum selama anternatal pada wanita hamil cukup bulan pada persalinan pervaginam.
Metode penelitian: Tahap pertama menggunakan desain deskriptif, tahap kedua dilaksanakan dengan desain case cohort study. Penelitian dilakukan pada Penelitian Multisenter HUGI (Penelitian Multisenter HUGI (RSCM, RS YPK Mandiri), dan RSUD di DKI Jakarta pada bulan Agustus 2023-April 2024. Pengambilan sample menggunakan consecutive sampling sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Pengolahan data menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS (Statistical Pogram for Social Science) dan akan dianalisis menggunakan Analisa regresi logistik dengan p value <0,25.
Hasil: Sebanyak 146 subjek direkrut dengan 118 subjek memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Jumlah robekan perineum mencapai 77 (65,3%) dan sebagian besar (80%) mengalani robekan derajat 2. Dari analisis diperoleh model prediksi yang terdiri dari paritas (OR=4,64 IK 95%: 1,74-12,33), indeks massa tubuh (OR=2,45 IK 95%: 1,04-5,73), dan AP hiatal (OR=2,26 IK 95%: 0,94-5,42).
Kesimpulan: Variabel yang dapat memprediksikan kejadian robekan perineum pada wanita hamil cukup bulan yang menjalani partus pervaginam adalah paritas, indeks massa tubuh, dan AP hiatal.

Background: Childbirth is an important and unique event in women’s life which have negative risk such as perineal trauma during vaginal birth. It’s said that perineal rupture happened 35,1-78,3% in primipara and 34,9-39,6% in multipara. The risk factors of perineal rupture haven’t widely analyzed. This research was done to analyze the factors of perineal rupture during antenatal care in term pregnancy that going to perform vaginal delivery.
Methods: This research was done in two steps. First step using descriptive design and second step using case cohort study. Research was done in Multicenter HUGI (Dr. Cipto Mangunkusuomo Hospital, YPK Mandiri Hospital) and General Publich Hospital in Jakarta during Agustus 2023-April 2024. Sample was collected using consecutive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data processing using SPSS (Statistical Pogram for Social Science) and analyzed by logistic regression with p value <0,25.
Results: There were 146 recruited subjects of which 118 subjects were met the criteria for inclusion and exclusion. Number of perineal laceration reached 77 (65,3%) mostly perineal rupture grade 2 (80%). Prediction models were obtained consist of parity OR=4,64 IK 95%: 1,74-12,33), body mass index (OR=2,45 IK 95%: 1,04-5,73), and APD (OR=2,26 IK 95%: 0,94-5,42).
Conclussion: Parity, body mass index, and APD were variables of prediction in full term pregnant women undergoing vaginal delivery.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desi Ari Madiyanti
Kejadian postpartum blues pada hari pertama atau ketiga persalinan masih kurang
mendapat perhatian oleh perawat karena dianggap sebagai gangguan mental
ringan dan hilang dalam beberapa hari postpartum, dampaknya adalah kurang
optimalnya hubungan dan kelekatan antara ibu dan bayinya. Tujuan penelitian ini
untuk mengidentifikasi faktor determinan terjadinya postpartum blues pada ibu
postpartum primipara. Desain pada penelitian ini adalah cross sectional dengan
consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel 100 orang. Hasil penelitian
diidentifikasi bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi kejadian postpartum blues pada
ibu primipara adalah faktor komplikasi persalinan dan pendapatan. Komplikasi
persalinan, merupakan faktor yang paling dominan mempengaruhi terjadinya
postpartum blues (p value = 0,000). Di rekomendasikan bahwa perawat harus
lebih memberikan perhatian dengan intervensi pendekatan psikososial pada ibu
postpartum primipara untuk mencegah terjadinya postpartum blues yang dapat
mempengaruhi bonding attachment dengan bayi

The incidence of postpartum blues in the first or third day of childbirth has
received less attention from nurses because is considered as a mild and that
disappears within a few days of postpartum, the impact is the inadequate bonding
and attachment between a mother and a baby. The purpose of this research is to
identify the determinant factors of the postpartum blues incident in primiparous
postpartum mothers. The research design is cross-sectional with consecutive
sampling. The samples were 100 people. The results of this study is to identify
that the factors affecting the incidente of postpartum blues in the primiparous
mothers are complications and financial. Factor of labor complications was the
most dominant factor affecting the occurrence of postpartum blues incident (p
value = 0.000). It is recommended that nurses provide more attention and
psychosocial approached interventions to primiparous postpartum mothers in
order to prevent postpartum blues that can affect bonding and attachment with the
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Rehabilitative the mother and baby health becomes priority to health development at Indonesia. The rehabilitative implementation was concern to physical health and psychological. The psychological problem of mothers postpartum primipara there are the postpartum blues evidence very high almost 75-80%. This research purposed to know music therapy effectiveness in prevents postpartum blues on postpartum prim Para's mother. This research utilize quasi experiment's design, pretest-posttest with control group and intervention group. Intervention group listened ti instrumental music which is Mozart classical musiv type: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik with frequency 20-40 cps hertz's in 15-20 minutes duration, sounding off in 2 times a day, on 8.00WIB a.m an on 14.00 WIB along 3 days. The sample in this observational is postpartum primipara's mother which was nursed at midwifery room RSCM Jakarta Pusat, with total each controls group and intervention group are 18 person. The tests result of logistics regression and double linear regression prove there are available influence music therapy to postpartum blues' prevention. On motherwhich sounding off musical therapy decreased postpartum blues evidence score as 1.80. meanwhile mother that doesn't listened to musical therapies. The research conclusion is the implementasion of listened in musical therapy so effective in postpartum blues' prevention. This result study recommendate it is needs to sound off musical therapy to all post partum's mother as intervention relaxation therapy at health service center such as hospital, puskesmas and also the maternity clinic"
BULHSR 14:1 (2011)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library