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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Karisma Prameswari
Latar Belakang Papiloma inverted (PI) merupakan papiloma yang berasal dari
traktus sinonasal yang dilapisi oleh epitel Schneiderian, yang secara ektodermal
berasal dari mukosa respiratorius. Tumor jinak ini memiliki karakter yang bersifat
agresif secara lokal, memiliki angka rekurensi tinggi dan kemampuan untuk
bertransformasi ke arah keganasan. Karakteristik biomolekuler dari tumor PI
belum banyak diteliti. Perkembangan PI diduga berasal dari ketidakseimbangan
antara peningkatan proliferasi sel epitel yang berlebihan dan peningkatan
apoptosis yang tidak bermakna. Tujuan Mengetahui gambaran karakteristik
biomolekuler tumor PI berdasarkan ekspresi HSP 70, HSF-1, NF-kappa-B dan
Bcl-2. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian studi potong lintang
untuk mencari gambaran ekspresi HSP 70, HSF-1, NF-kappa-B dan Bcl-2 pada
epitel dan stroma jaringan tumor PI melalui pemeriksaan imunohistokimia. Hasil
Terdapat korelasi yang bermakna antara HSF-1 epitel dan Bcl-2 epitel dengan p =
0,022 (p<0,05) dan r = 0,709. Hasil korelasi yang bermakna juga didapatkan
antara HSF-1 stroma dan HSP 70 stroma dengan p = 0,024 (p<0,05) dan r =
0,699. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara nilai ekspresi NF-kappa-B pada
epitel dan stroma dengan adanya transformasi keganasan (p<0,05). Kesimpulan
Terdapat peran dari HSP 70, HSF-1 dan Bcl-2 dalam perkembangan tumor PI
secara umum. Proses transformasi keganasan berkaitan erat dengan ekspresi NFkappa-
B. Penelitian lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menentukan titik potong nilai
ekspresi NF-kappa-B sebagai prediktor transformasi keganasan pada tumor PI.

Background Inverted papilloma (IP) is a papiloma that is lined by the
Schneiderian epithelials, derived ectodermally from the respiratory mucosa. This
benign neoplasm has a characteristic of local aggresiveness, high recurrence rate
and possibility of malignant transformation. Biomolecular characteristics have
not been studied extensively. Development of IP is thought to arise due to the
imbalance between excessive cell proliferation and insignificant apoptosis.
Objective To describe the expressions of HSP 70, HSF-1, NF-kappa-B and Bcl-2
in IP. Methods This research is a cross-sectional study to describe the
expressions of HSP 70, HSF-1, NF-kappa-B and Bcl-2 in epithelial and stromal
IP using immunohistochemistry. Results There is a strong positive correlation
between epithelial HSF-1 with epithelial Bcl-2 with p=0,022 (p<0,05) and
r=0,709. There is also a strong positive correlation between stromal HSF-1 and
stromal HSP 70 with p=0,024 (p<0,05) and r=0,699. There is a relationship
between epithelial and stromal NF-kappa-B expression with signs of malignancy
transformation (p<0,05). Conclusion There is a role of HSP 70, HSF-1 and Bcl-
2 in the development of IP. There is a close relationship between malignant
transformation and the expression of NF-kappa-B. Further research is needed to
determine the cut-off point for NF-kappa-B expression to predict malignant
transformation in IP.;;"
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fanny Septiani Farhan
"Latar belakang: Paparan hipoksia subletal (Hypoxia conditioning) diyakini memiliki efek neuroprotektif yang dapat meningkatkan resistensi sel dengan cara menginduksi perubahan ekspresi gen dan jalur sinyal intraseluler yang mengakibatkan adaptasi intraseluler melalui proses eritropoiesis, angiogenesis, transport glukosa dan glikolisis anaerobik melalui aktivitas gen HIF- 1 alpha. Penelitian mengenai hipoksia hipobarik intermiten (HHI) telah membuktikan bahwa induksi HHI menurunkan kerusakan jaringan otak pada korteks, dan meningkatkan densitas mikrovaskuler. HHI juga memicu respons neuroplastisitas pada sel otak sebagai upaya agar fungsi sel otak tidak terganggu.
Tujuan: Menganalisis efek hipoksia hipobarik intermitten (HHI) terhadap neuroplastisitas jaringan otak dengan mengamati perubahan fungsi motorik dan kognitif serta peningkatan protein PSD95 sebagai respons adaptasi pasca induksi hipoksia hipobarik intermitten.
Metode: 25 tikus Sprague-Dawley, dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok diinduksi HHI dan 1 kelompok sebagai kelompok kontrol.Induksi dilakukan dengan hypobaric chamber di Lakespra TNI AU dengan interval induksi 1 minggu selama 4 kali (hari-1, 8, 15 dan 22). Setelah induksi, kelompok itu diuji untuk parameter fisiologis menggunakan balok berjalan untuk mengukur fungsi motorik dan Y Maze untuk mengukur fungsi kognitif. Jaringan otak diambil untuk pemeriksaan reseptor neurotransmitter glutamat dan GABA serta protein PSD95.
Hasil: kelompok perlakuan dengan 1,2,3,4 kali paparan hipoksia hypobarik tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dalam fungsi neuromotor kompleks, fungsi kognitif dan PSD 95 dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol (p> 0,05). Ekspresi reseptor GABA dan glutamat menurun secara signifikan di induksi pertama, namun meningkat secara signifikan pada kelompok induksi kedua dan ketiga dan untuk akhirnya menurun mendekati rerata kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan: HHI menginduksi proses neuroplastisitas sebagai respon adaptasi terhadap paparan hipoksia hipobarik intermiten pada tikus Sprague-Dawley.

Background: Sublethal exposure to hypoxia known as hypoxia preconditioning is believed to have neuroprotective effect. Hypoxia preconditioning induces changes in gene expression and intracellular signaling pathways that lead to the emergence of intracellular adaptation through the process of erythropoiesis, angiogenesis, glucose transport and anaerobic glycolysis through HIF- 1 alpha gene activity. Intermittent hypobaric hypoxic conditions (IHH) which occurs at high altitude such as during flight, is a common condition that causes exposure to hypoxia preconditioning. HHI induction decreased brain cortical tissue damage, and increased microvascular density. The aim of the present study is to investigate the effect of hypoxic preconditioning on the function of neuronal cells.
Aims: to investigate the neuroplasticity responses after intermittent hypobaric hypoxia induction on cerebral function (complex neuromotor function,cognitive function, PSD95 and neurotransmitter transduction).
Method: A total of 25 Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into 4 groups of IHH and 1 group as control. The 4 IHH groups were exposed to intermittent hypobaric hypoxia in Indonesian Air Force Institute of Aviation Medicine hypobaric chamber, by 1 week interval for 4 times (day-1, 8, 15 and 22). After the induction, the groups were evaluated for physiological parameters using walking beam to measure the complex neuromotor function and Y maze to measure the cognitive function. The brain was taken for immunochemistry and ELISA analysis.
Results: the group treated with 1,2,3,4 times exposure to hypobaric hypoxia shows no significant differences in complex neuromotor function,cognitive function and PSD95 compare to control group ( p>0.05). The level of GABA and glutamate receptor decreased significantly in induction 1, but raised significantly in group induction 2 and 3 compare to control group.
Conclution: IHH induced neuroplasticity as adaptation respons to hypobaric intermittent hypoxia in Sprague-Dawley rats.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
George G. Chen, editor
"Our recent understanding of the cellular and molecular defects and the regulation of the apoptotic signalling pathways has resulted in rationally designed anticancer strategies and the development of novel agents that regulates apoptosis. A comprehensive review of all apoptotic-related anticancer therapies is not the purpose of this book. However, in the volume of this book with 11 chapters, we have described a number of novel apoptotic regulators that have shown promising value and also great feasibility for cancer treatment. These novel agents either occur naturally or are chemically synthes. "
Dordrecht: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bisen, Prakash S.
"Cancer is a class of disease or disorders characterized by uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues. One new approach in dealing with cancer is through apoptotic regulators, which is the process of controlling cell growth by abnormally prolonging cell survival, facilitating the accumulation of transforming mutations and promoting resistance. This book uses oral cancers as the specific means to demonstrate this technique with this particular type of cancer, which is quite prevalent (and deadly) in India and other parts of Asia, in particular"--Provided by publisher."
Boca Raton : CRC Press 2012, 2014
616.994 31 BIS b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rhim, Johng S., editor
"This text explores the latest progress in cell transformation model systems, and explores molecular and cellular changes at work in the transformation of normal cells into neoplastic cells. Also covers stem cells, and the role of microenvironments in cancer."
New York: Springer, 2011
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jackson, Trachette L., editor
"This book explores the development and use of innovative computational and mathematical approaches for modeling the vascular development of tumors. Covers modeling of the angiogenesis cascade, and integrates vasculature development with tumor growth dynamics."
New York: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library