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Ditemukan 31 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Effionora Anwar
"Niosom adalah salah satu vesikel surfaktan nonionik yang dapat membawa obat yang sekarang ini sedang dikembangkan. Salah satu eksipien yang digunakan dalam niosom adalah maltodektrin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kemampuan penjerapan obat oleh niosom yang menggunakan maltodekstrin DE 5-10 dart pati singkong sebagai bahan pembawa. Maltodekstrin dengan ukuran 60 mesh (250 um) ditambah surfaktan non ionik menghasilkan proniosom. Proniosom tersebut bila dihidrasi akan menghasilkan niosom. Proniosom dan niosom yang dihasilkan dievaluasi secara mikroskopik dan analisis kuantiatatif terhadap obat yang dijerap, sebagai bahan obat digunakan klorfeniramin maleat (CTM) sebagai model. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa maltodekstrin DE 5-10 dari pati singkong dapat digunakan sebagai pembawa dalam pembuatan proniosom dan proniosom yang dihasilkan tersebut dapat digunakan untuk membuat niosom, dan dapat menjerap obat sebesar 45,54% pada konsentrasis urfaktan lOmMdanCTM ImM.

Niosomes are nonionic surfactant vesicles as carrier for drug, that developed by researcher. One of the exipient can be used in niosom is maltodextrin. The aim of this research was to study entrapment ability of drug by niosom that used maltodextrin DE 5-10 from tapioca starch as carrier substance. The maltodextrin DE 5-10 with particle size 60 mesh (250 um) was added non ionic surfactant for proniosomes preparation. The proniosomes when hydrated could be produced niosomes. Both proniosom and niosomes had been evaluated by microscopic and quantity entrapment drug method, and was used chlorpheniramin maleat as a drug model. Results of this research show that maltodextrin DE 5-10 from tapioca starch can be used as the carrier in the proniosome preparations and can be used for producing niosomes, and could entrapped drug 45,54% at 10 mM surfactant concentration and 1 mM CTM."
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[place of publication not identified]: Sains Indonesia, 2004
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Berdasarkan karakteristik tepung kasava termodifikasi yang dapat memperbaiki telstur produk pangan lebih mengembang dan tidak aroma ubikayu, serta harga tepung tersebut lebih rendah dibanding harga terigu, maka produk ini mempunyai peluang untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku substitusi tepung terigu di sentra produksi ubikayu ...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dengan potensi ekonomi yang besar dari ubi kayu dalam perdagangan
dunia dan meningkatnya kebutuhan dunia akan ubi kayu serta dengan
keterbatasan-keterbatasan Indonesia dalam meningkatkan produksi ubi kayu,
perlu dikaji faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi produksi, konsumsi maupun
harga ubi kayu di Indonesia. Produksi ubi kayu dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh
variabel harga ubi kayu, luas areal panen ubi kayu dan harga pupuk urea.
Konsumsi ubi kayu di Indonesia dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh variabel
jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Harga ubi kayu di Indonesia dipengaruhi secara
signifikan oleh variabel luas panen ubi kayu, konsumsi ubi kayu dan panjang jalan
beraspal. Berdasarkan proyeksi, produksi ubi kayu akan mengalami peningkatan
jika harga ubi kayu, produktivitas lahan ubi kayu maupun luas panennya
ditingkatkan. Konsumsi ubi kayu Indonesia diproyeksikan akan mengalami
penurunan jika secara bersamaan ada peningkatan harga ubi kayu, peningkatan
pendapatan perkapita dan adanya peningkatan jumlah penduduk Indonesia. Harga
ubi kayu diproyeksikan akan mengalami peningkatan jika konsumsi ubi kayu
mengalami penurunan dibarengi dengan penurunan luas areal panen ubi kayu.

With great economic potential of cassava in the world trade and the
increasing world demand for cassava as well as the limitations of Indonesia to
increase cassava production it needs to be investigated factors that can affect the
production, consumption and prices of cassava in Indonesia. Cassava production
is significantly influenced by the variable price of cassava, cassava harvested
area and price of urea fertilizer. Consumption of cassava in Indonesia is
significantly influenced by population of Indonesia. The price of cassava in
Indonesia is significantly influenced by cassava harvested area, consumption of
cassava and the length of tarred road. Based on projections, cassava production
would increase if cassava price, cassava land productivity and harvested area are
improved. Indonesian cassava consumption is projected to decline if there are
increasing in cassava price, per capita income and population of Indonesia
simultaneously. The price of cassava is projected to increase if the consumption of
cassava decreased accompanied by a decrease in the total area harvested
cassava., With great economic potential of cassava in the world trade and the
increasing world demand for cassava as well as the limitations of Indonesia to
increase cassava production it needs to be investigated factors that can affect the
production, consumption and prices of cassava in Indonesia. Cassava production
is significantly influenced by the variable price of cassava, cassava harvested
area and price of urea fertilizer. Consumption of cassava in Indonesia is
significantly influenced by population of Indonesia. The price of cassava in
Indonesia is significantly influenced by cassava harvested area, consumption of
cassava and the length of tarred road. Based on projections, cassava production
would increase if cassava price, cassava land productivity and harvested area are
improved. Indonesian cassava consumption is projected to decline if there are
increasing in cassava price, per capita income and population of Indonesia
simultaneously. The price of cassava is projected to increase if the consumption of
cassava decreased accompanied by a decrease in the total area harvested
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Studi interaksi antara TiO2 dan ekstrak klorofil dari daun singkong (Manihot utilissima) telah dilakukan. TiO2 yang telah dibuat dengan metode Rapid Breakdown Anodization (RBA) dilapisi pada permukaan kaca substrat FTO dengan teknik doctor blade sebagai fotoanoda. Pengukuran dilakukan terhadap fotoanoda yang direndam maupun yang tidak direndam dengan ekstrak dyes. Interaksi antar komponen diukur menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis/DRS dan FTIR. Spektrofotometer UV-Vis digunakan untuk mengukur adanya perubahan absorbansi sedangkan DRS digunakan untuk menentukan perubahan energi TiO2 yang telah direndam ekstrak dyes.
Spektrofotometer FTIR digunakan untuk menentukan karakteristik gugus fungsi. Kemudian juga diukur energi level HOMO LUMO dari ekstrak dyes dengan penentuan potensial oksidasi reduksi menggunakan metode voltametri siklik. Teknik Linear Sweep dan Multi Pulse Amperommetry digunakan untuk menentukan pengaruh penyinaran oleh sinar UV maupun sinar tampak pada fotoanoda sebelum dan sesudah perendaman dengan ekstrak dyes. Koefisien degradasi dan formasi serta koefisien difusi hole ekstrak dye diukur dengan menggunakan teknik spektroelektrokimia.
Komunikasi yang baik (good anchor) antara TiO2 dengan ekstrak dye klorofil alami dapat dilihat dari niali energi level LUMO dye (-4,26 eV) yang mendekati pita konduksi TiO2 (-4,3 eV), nilai koefisien degradasi dan formasi yang menunjukkan dye klorofil bersifat quasi reversible dan nilai koefisien difusi hole yang kecil menyebabkan terjadinya rekombinasi juga kecil sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai sensitizer.

Interaction between TiO2 and dyes sensitizer have been studied. Natural pigment has been extracted from cassava (Manihot utilissima) leaves as dyes sensitizer. Thin film photoanode consist of TiO2 which have been made using Rapid Breakdown Anodization (RBA) method then applied to film FTO using doctor blade technique. The interaction between components have been measured by UVVis / DRS and FTIR spectroscopy before and after chlorophyll dyes loading to thin film photoanode. UV-Vis spectroscopy was used to determine the absorbance changing and DRS spectroscopy to determine the band gap energy changing.
FTIR spectroscopy was used to determine the characteristic functionalities. Energy level of the dyes were measured by cyclic voltammetry method. Linear sweep and multi pulse amperometry technique was used to determine the effect of ultraviolet and visible light irradiation to photoanode before and after dyes loading. The coefficient of degradation and formations and diffusion coefficient hole recombination of the dyes was determined by spectro-electrochemical.
Good anchor between TiO2 with dye extracts natural chlorophyll can be seen from niali dye LUMO energy level (-4.26 eV) is approaching the conduction band of TiO2 (-4.3 eV), the coefficient of degradation and formations that show dye chlorophyll quasi reversible and diffusion coefficient hole recombination values were small so that it can be used as a sensitizer.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Ayu Lestari
"Keju mozzarella substitute merupakan salah satu alternatif pilihan pengganti keju mozzarella komersiil yang harganya cukup mahal di pasaran. Pembuatan keju mozzarella substitute dilakukan dengan variasi bahan baku, yaitu dengan atau tanpa penambahan bee bread, serta variasi jenis bee bread yang digunakan Penentuan jenis keju mozzarella substitute terbaik dilakukan dengan analisis proksimat, uji organoleptik oleh ahli perkejuan, dan uji hedonic dari masyarakat sekitar. Keju mozzarella substitute terbaik adalah tipe A (tanpa penambahan bee bread), dengan kadar protein sebesar 7%; kadar air 52,92%; kadar abu 1,62%; kadar lemak 14,5%; dan kadar karbohidrat 23,96%.
Dari hasil uji organoleptik yang dilakukan oleh ahli keju, dari ketiga jenis sampel tersebut disimpulkan sampel A (keju mozzarella substitute tanpa penambahan bee bread) lebih acceptable dari segi rasa, aroma, tekstur dan warna dibandingkan kedua jenis sampel lainnya. Di samping itu, hasil uji hedonik juga menunjukkan bahwa responden lebih menyukai keju mozzarella substitute tipe A dengan persentase kesukaan terhadap rasa sebesar 90%; aroma 80%; tekstur 74%; dan warna 80%.

Mozzarella cheese substitute is one of the alternative food choices that can replace the commercial mozzarella cheese which is quite expensive in the market. In this research, manufacturing process of mozzarella cheese substitute is divided into three types, the first type doesn’t use bee bread, the second type use2% of bee bread Trigona, and the third type use2% of bee bread A.dorsata as its raw material. The best mozzarella cheese substitute is determined by using proximate analysis, organoleptic analysis, and hedonic test. The best mozzarella cheese substituteis the first type (without an addition of bee bread) with a protein content of 7%; moisture content of 52,92%; ash content of 162%; fat content of 14,5%; and carbohydrate content of 23,96%.
From the results of organoleptic test conducted by its experts, from three types of the samples are summed sample A (substitute mozzarella cheese without the addition of bee bread) is more acceptable in terms of flavor, aroma, texture and color than the other two types of samples. In addition, hedonic test results also showed that the respondents preferred the substitute mozzarella cheese type A with a preference for flavors percentage of 90%; aroma 80%; texture of 74%; and color of 80%."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Raden Mas Chemilo, auhtor
"Singkong dapat menjadi salah satu alternative dalam pengembangan bioethanol dan ekspor di Indonesia. Selain itu tanaman singkong hampir bisa kita jumpai dimana saja. Singkong yang sudah dikeringkan atau biasa di sebut gaplek memiliki nilai untuk di ekspor. Penelitian kali ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakterisasi dari singkong untuk dijadikan referensi dalam perancangan rotary dryer dan juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari temperatur, aliran udara dan tebal singkong terhadap laju pengeringan singkong.
Dalam kasus ini singkong akan dipotong dengan ukuran 0,3cm, 0,5cm, 0,7cm. Singkong yang diletakkan didalam ruang pengering akan dialirkan udara dengan 3 variasi ketinggian manometer yaitu 10mm, 18mm, 28mm. Udara yang dialirkan juga akan divariasikan temperaturnya yaitu 100℃, 80℃, 60℃. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa equilibrium moisture content (xe), konstanta pengeringan (k) dan α saling berhubungan. Critical moisture content (xc) sangat dipengaruhi oleh ketebalan potongan singkong dan laju aliran udara pengering.

Cassava can be one of alternatives in developing bioethanol and export in Indonesia. Furthermore cassava can be found almost anywhere. Cassava which had been dried or commonly called gaplek have a sale value for export. This research is meant to observe the character of cassava to be made reference in designing a rotary dryer and also to ascertain the influence of temperature, air flow, and cassava thickness toward drying the cassava.
In this case the cassavas will be cut into pieces with measurement 0,3cm, 0,5cm, 0,7cm. Cassavas that placed in drying chamber will be air flowed with 3 height manometer variations which is 10mm, 18mm, 28mm. Air for flowing also will be variant, which is 100℃, 80℃, 60℃. Research outcome shows that equilibrium moisture content (xe), drying constants (k), and α are interrelated. Critical moisture content (xc) is greatly influenced by cassavas thickness and dryer air flow.
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Grafena merupakan material komposit yang memiliki karakteristik mekanik, optik, dan konduktivitas yang baik. Dibutuhkan alternatif untuk menurunkan cost dalam proses fabrikasinya, salah satu upayanya adalah mengganti bahan baku menjadi limbah biomassa, digunakan limbah kulit singkong. Metode yang digunakan dalam pembutan grafena adalah mereduksi grafena oksida. Grafena oksida dibuat menggunakan metode Hummers termodifikasi. Metode reduksi kimia adalah metode yang umum digunakan, tetapi memiliki residu yang berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, digunakan metode  alternatif yaitu reduksi laser. Proses reduksi dilakukan dalam 4 variasi waktu, yaitu 1, 2, 3, dan 4 jam. Dilakukan beberapa pengujian, diantaranya SEM, FTIR, UV-Vis, dan XRD. Hasil UV-Vis dari proses reduksi grafena oksida didapatkan puncak pada 237 nm untuk 1 jam, 245 untuk 2 jam, dan optimum 3 jam pada 261 nm menunjukkan adanya transisi orbital C=C. Setelah 3 jam, puncak menghilang mengindikasikan terbentuk cacat. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan hilangnya puncak gugus oksigen dan hidroksil. Pengamatan SEM menunjukkan morfologi lembaran tipis dan menggulung serta hasil XRD yang mengalami pergeseran puncak ke daerah 25,7°.
......Graphene is a composite material that has good mechanical, optical and conductivity characteristics. Alternative is needed to reduce costs in the fabrication process, one of the efforts is to replace the raw material to biomass waste  used cassava peel. The method used in making graphene is by reducing graphene oxide. Graphene oxide synthesized using a modified Hummers method. The chemical reduction method is the most commonly used method, but it has residues that are harmful to the environment. Therefore, an alternative method is used, namely laser reduction. Laser reduction used various reduction time range from 1, 2, 3, and 4 hours. Several characterization techniques were utilized, including SEM, FTIR, UV-Vis, and XRD. The UV-Vis results from the process reduction of graphene oxide showed peaks at 237 nm for 1 hour, 245 for 2 hours, and an optimum for 3 hours at 261 nm indicating a C=C orbital transition. After 3 hours, the peaks disappeared indicating defect formed. FTIR results also show the loss of the hydroxyl group peaks, indicating a successful reduction process. SEM observations showed the morphology of thin and rolled sheets. Finally, XRD results or rGO displayed a peak shift back to region 25,7°."
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Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Emmy Kurniati
"Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menelaah permasalahan yang terjadi dalam pemasaran ubi kayu di Lampung dan mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah.untuk mengatasi permasalahan ubi kayu dalam jangka panjang sangat penting dipertimbangkan menarik partisipasi petani melalui wadah keorganisasiaan ekonomi desa KUD."
Palembang: Kopertis wilayah II Palembang, 2007
507 MANDIRI 9:3 (2006)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cassava pulp, a low cost solid byproduct of cassava starch industry, has been proposed as a high potential ethanolicfermentation substrate due to its high residual starch level, low ash content and small particle size of the lignocellulosic fibers. As the economic feasibility depends on complete degradation of the polysaccharides to fermentable glucose, the comparative hydrolytic potential of cassava pulp by six commercial enzymes were studied. Raw cassava pulp (12%
w/v, particle size <320 μm) hydrolyzed by both commercial pectinolytic (1) and amylolytic (2) enzymes cocktail, yielded 70.06% DE. Hydrothermal treatment of cassava pulp enhanced its susceptibility to enzymatic cleavageas compared to non-hydrothermal treatment raw cassava pulp. Hydrothermal pretreatment has shown that a glucoamylase (3) was the most effective enzyme for hydrolysis process of cassava pulp at temperature 65°C or 95°C for 10 min and
yielded approximately 86.22% and 90.18% DE, respectively. Enzymatic pretreatment increased cassava pulp vulnerability to cellulase attacks. The optimum conditions for enzymatic pretreatment of
30% (w/v) cassava pulp by a potent cellulolytic/ hemicellulolytic enzyme (4) was achieves at 50 °C for 3, meanwhile for liquefaction and
saccharification by a thermo-stable α-amylase (5) was achieved at 95°C for 1 and a glucoamylase (3) at 50°C for 24 hours, respectively, yielded a reducing sugar level up to 94,1% DE. The high yield of glucose indicates the potential use of enzymatic-hydrothermally treated cassava pulp as a cheap substrate for ethanol production."
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[Direktorat Riset dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember. Fakultas Teknologi Industri], 2011
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"For most reason for dry suspension is the drug changes from chemical degradation or hydrolysis like ampicillin. The dry syrups that require mixing prior to administration is solving the problem. These suspension are commersial, dry mixtures that require the addition of water at the time of dispensing. Many antibiotics are
formulated as dry syrups and are intented for a pediatric patient population. There are usually fewer suspending material in suspension dry syrup than in convensional suspensions. The criteria for selecting inggredients are based both on suitable reconstitution
and on physical tipe of powder mixture desired. This research was carried out the possibility of using phycical and chemical modification of cassava starch as suspending material. First, pregelatinized cassava starch was made by heated the cassava starch with added amount water. Secondly, phosphorylated by adding phosphorous oxychloride for making cross-linked reaction and adding sodium monohydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4) for making substituted reaction respectively. Both of the cassava starch phosphate derived was used in tree formulas dry syrup, as comparative suspending material was Na Alginate. Then dry syrup was evaluated
accordance to Indonesian Farmacopea ed IV included sedimentation volume, redispersion, viscosity, flowing properties, pH, and ampicillin content after seven days. The result of evaluation were particle size 355-500 µm, flow rate 2,7-4,6 g/det. Sedimention volume at temperature 27ºC during seven days for all formulas were 0,8-1,0, and redispertion 3-5 times. The viskosity of the suspensions were
58,6-357,1 cps .Flowing properties of the liquids were plastis -plastis tixotropic, pH 4,97-5,21, and ampicillin content between 93,12-99,00%."
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[Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Indonesia], 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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