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Abstrak :
Pengobatan alternatif saat ini menjadi popular sebagai terapi yang diyakini dapat membantu mengobati kanker. Penelitian fenomenologi ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pengalaman orang tua dalam penggunaan pengobatan alternatif pada anak yang menderita kanker. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap delapan orang tua dan dianalisis dengan metode Colaizzi. Tema pada penelitian ini adalah dampak penyakit pada anak, upaya yang dilakukan orang tua, gambaran penggunaan pengobatan alternatif, efek pengobatan alternatif pada anak, makna penggunaan pengobatan alternatif dan harapan orang tua. Tidak ada perubahan dan adanya efek jera dalam penggunaan pengobatan alternatif merupakan hal baru yang teridentifikasi dalam penelitian ini. Diharapkan tenaga kesehatan profesional dapat menyadari tentang penggunaan pengobatan alternatif pada anak dan memberikan informasi yang adekuat kepada orang tua tentang keefektifan dan efek merugikan dari pengobatan alternatif.
......Alternative medicine are very popular today as a therapy that are believed to treat cancer. A phenomenology study was carried out to identify the experince of parent?s in using alternative medicine for children with cancer. The method of data collection was indepth interview to eigth parents and data was analyzed by Colaizii?s method. Themes of this research are the impact of illness to children, parent?s effort, description of alternative medicine, the effect of alternative medicine for children, meaning of using alternative medicine and parents expectation. No benefit effect for children and detterence effect in using alternative medicine are current findings in this research. Healthcare professional should concerned about using alternative medicine in children and providing adequate information regarding effectiveness and adverse effects of alternative medicine.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Sugandi Hartanto
Abstrak :
Peningkatan angka morbiditas dan mortalitas akibat penyakit kanker di Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan kanker ini semakin besar dan kompleks Salah satunya adalah adanya keterlambatan pasien kanker untuk mendapatkan terapi definitif yang disebabkan oleh faktor faktor yang berasal dari pasien sendiri Penelitian ini merupakan studi analisis deskriptif menggunakan metode campuran kuantitatif dan kualitatif untuk mengetahui data insidens keterlambatan terapi karena keterlambatan pasien pada pasien kanker yang dirujuk ke Departemen Radioterapi RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo pada bulan Mei Agustus 2015 serta mengevaluasi faktor faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keterlambatan pasien tersebut Terdapat 294 orang pasien yang diikutsertakan dalam penelitian ini setelah mendapatkan persetujuan tertulis Sebagian besar pasien 71 4 adalah perempuan dan 141 orang 48 bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga Rentang umur terbanyak adalah 36 50 tahun yaitu sebanyak 132 pasien 44 9 dan hampir seluruh pasien 91 8 telah menikah Keterlambatan terapi didapatkan pada 153 orang pasien 52 dan 67 orang di antaranya 43 8 memiliki riwayat pengobatan alternatif yang dilakukan dalam interval waktu setelah timbul keluhan pertama kali dan atau setelah pasien melakukan konsultasi medis pertama kali Analisis statistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor usia p 0 047 pendidikan p 0 047 dan riwayat pengobatan alternatif p 0 0001 dengan keterlambatan terapi Adanya rasa takut untuk berobat secara medis atau menjalani tindakan medis menjadi alasan 51 orang pasien untuk memilih pengobatan alternatif Oleh karena itu diperlukan pengawasan dan evaluasi terhadap pengobatan alternatif terutama yang menyangkut kualitas efikasi dan keamanannya ABSTRACT
Increased morbidity and mortality due to cancer in Indonesia showed that this problem has become more complex and significant One of the problems pointed out is regarding a delay in cancer patients to receive definitive therapy caused by factors derived from the patients themselves This study is a descriptive analysis using combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the incidence of treatment delay due to patient delay in cancer patients who were referred to Radiotherapy Department Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo hospital during May August 2015 and to evaluate factors that influence the patient delay There are 294 patients enrolled in this study after obtaining a written consent Most of the patients 71 4 were women and 141 48 work as a housewife The largest age range was 36 50 years with 132 patients 44 9 and almost all patients 91 8 were married Delay in treatment obtained in 153 patients 52 and 67 of them 43 8 had a history of alternative medicine that is performed in a time interval after the patients experienced first complaints and or after patients had their first medical consultation Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between age p 0 047 educational level p 0 047 and history of alternative medicine p 0 0001 with the treatment delay The fear of being treated medically or undergo a medical procedure has become the major reasons found in 51 patients to choose the alternative treatment Therefore it is necessary to conduct monitoring and evaluation of alternative medicine especially concerning the quality efficacy and its safety ;Increased morbidity and mortality due to cancer in Indonesia showed that this problem has become more complex and significant One of the problems pointed out is regarding a delay in cancer patients to receive definitive therapy caused by factors derived from the patients themselves This study is a descriptive analysis using combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the incidence of treatment delay due to patient delay in cancer patients who were referred to Radiotherapy Department Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo hospital during May August 2015 and to evaluate factors that influence the patient delay There are 294 patients enrolled in this study after obtaining a written consent Most of the patients 71 4 were women and 141 48 work as a housewife The largest age range was 36 50 years with 132 patients 44 9 and almost all patients 91 8 were married Delay in treatment obtained in 153 patients 52 and 67 of them 43 8 had a history of alternative medicine that is performed in a time interval after the patients experienced first complaints and or after patients had their first medical consultation Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between age p 0 047 educational level p 0 047 and history of alternative medicine p 0 0001 with the treatment delay The fear of being treated medically or undergo a medical procedure has become the major reasons found in 51 patients to choose the alternative treatment Therefore it is necessary to conduct monitoring and evaluation of alternative medicine especially concerning the quality efficacy and its safety ;Increased morbidity and mortality due to cancer in Indonesia showed that this problem has become more complex and significant One of the problems pointed out is regarding a delay in cancer patients to receive definitive therapy caused by factors derived from the patients themselves This study is a descriptive analysis using combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to determine the incidence of treatment delay due to patient delay in cancer patients who were referred to Radiotherapy Department Dr Cipto Mangunkusmo hospital during May August 2015 and to evaluate factors that influence the patient delay There are 294 patients enrolled in this study after obtaining a written consent Most of the patients 71 4 were women and 141 48 work as a housewife The largest age range was 36 50 years with 132 patients 44 9 and almost all patients 91 8 were married Delay in treatment obtained in 153 patients 52 and 67 of them 43 8 had a history of alternative medicine that is performed in a time interval after the patients experienced first complaints and or after patients had their first medical consultation Statistical analysis showed a significant relationship between age p 0 047 educational level p 0 047 and history of alternative medicine p 0 0001 with the treatment delay The fear of being treated medically or undergo a medical procedure has become the major reasons found in 51 patients to choose the alternative treatment Therefore it is necessary to conduct monitoring and evaluation of alternative medicine especially concerning the quality efficacy and its safety
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir Universitas Indonesia Library