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Ditemukan 49 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Meilisa Garnisia
Abstrak :
Di Eropa saat ini, telah berkembang berbagai variasi bentuk angkutan transportasi barang baik dalam paket kecil maupun menengah. Permintaan akan logistikpun mengalami peningkatan setiap tahunnya terutama setelah krisis. Sudut pandang tesis ini adalah meningkatkan sistem transportasi yang berorientasi pada teknologi ramah lingkungan yang dapat meminimalisir polusi. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari proses penelitian ini adalah membuat studi kelayakan inovasi baru dari kendaraan otomatis untuk pengangkutan barang, Vehicule Automatic Pour Marchandise (VAM) atau dapat disebut juga, teknologi kereta kabel listrik yang ramah lingkungan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dibahas tentang pemilihan desain kereta kabel dan manajemen waktu operasionalnya. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini juga harus berdasar kepada supply chaine sustainability yang meliputi; kecepatan, keamanan, biaya, dan dampak terhadap lingkungan. Dan penelitian ini dilakukan di lingkup logistik antara DELTA 3 dan bandara Lesquin, Lille.
Recently in Europe, the freight transportation are developing in variety size as small and medium packets. Logistics demand has also increasing every year after the crisis. Based on viewpoint-oriented research, the fundamental element that must accompany any research to improve the transport systeme is the minimization of pollution. As part of this internship, the purpose is to demonstrate the feasibilty of a new innovation for Vehicule Automatique des Marchandises (VAM) or an electric cable propulsion technology which is environmnetal friendly. In addition this research should also be based on supply chain sustainability including : the speed, the security , the cost, and the impact for the environment. There will be in the preparation design and operational time management. And this study will be focus on logistics from Delta 3 as an an European multimodal and logistics platform, set up in North of France and near the urban area of Lille to Lesquin Airport or otherwise.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Merlando Yosua
Abstrak :
Potensi pengembangan transportasi kargo udara dimana transportasi udara memiliki keunggulan lebih dibandingkan dengan moda lain seperti truk, tongkang dan kereta api seperti penghematan waktu, mudah dalam pengemasan pada bongkar muat, efisien untuk paket kecil dan menengah, mendukung perkembangan ekonomi dan industri logistik . Integrasi yang baik antara area logistik dan bandara dapat mendukung distribusi barang dari industri. Tesis ini memperkenalkan inovasi transportasi kabel dalam rangka membangun desain sistem baru untuk pengangkutan barang yang berkelanjutan tidak hanya fokus pada aspek ekonomi dan sosial, tetapi juga respek terhadap lingkungan. Ini adalah peran transportasi dalam rantai pasokan.
The potential of development in air cargo transport that air transport has more advantage than another mode like truck, barges and train as saving the time, easy on packing with loading and unloading, efficient for small and medium package, supporting the economic development and logistic industry. Good integration between logistic area and airport could support distribution of goods from industry. This thesis introduce the cable transport innovation in order to build the design for new system to transport goods that sustainable not only focus on the economic and social aspect but also respect for environment. This is the role transportation in supply chain.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1971
384.55 SLO o
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Smirnov, L.
Moscow: MIR Publishers, 1968
621.319 34 SMI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rachmat Setiadi
Abstrak :
Pemohonan listrik merupakan salah satu penurunan kemampuan (degradasi) pada bahan isolasi padat berupa struktur mirip pohon, bercabangcabang akibat medan listrik tak seragam yang sangat tinggi antara bahan isolasi dengan konduktor atau induksi dari rongga Medan listrik lokal sebesar lebih dari 1MV/mm dapat muncul di daerah seperti ini. Penurunan kemampuan (degradasi) lokal akibat tekanan medan listrik seperti ini akan menginisiasi munculnya pemohonan listrik. Pemohonan ini makin lama akan makin panjang yang akan menghubungkan elektroda atau bagian konduktor dengan konduktor lain. Bila hal ini terjadi maka biasanya isolasi polimer sudah tidak dapat lagi berfungsi untuk menahan medan listrik normal. Pada skripsi ini, akan dibahas pengaruh tekanan medan listrik lokal pada isolasi XLPE pada kabel bawah tanah terhadap pertumbuhan pemohonan listrik Pada skripsi ini akan diamati pula pengaruh tegangan yang diterapkan dan jarijari ujung tonjolan pada permukaan tabir konduktor terhadap medan listrik lokal tersebut, yang pada akhirnya dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan pemohonan listrik. Electrical treeing is pre-breakdown phenomonen in insulation with structure like tree, branched by high divergen electrical field between insulation and conductor or partial discharge in void. Local electrical field above 1MV/mm can be appeared in this region. Local insulation degradation by such electrical field will initiate electrical treeing. This electrical treeing will increase higher, ultimately that can bridged between electrodes. In this case, insulation won’t be longer withstand normal electrical field. In this paper, local field effect toward electrical treeing growth within XLPE cable will be discused. In this paper, influence of voltage and protrusion tip radius toward such a local electrical field ultimately can effect treeing growth , will be observed.
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kabel tanah merupakan jaringan listrik yang frekuensi gangguannya jauh lebih rendah dari saluran udara ; tetapi bila mengalami gangguan, menemukari letak titik gangguan yang tepat menyebabkan harus dilakukan penggalian tanah yang cukup panjang dan sandat memakan waktu dan biaya untuk perbaikan galian yang tidak murah. Pencarian titik gangguan kabel secara tepat tidak lepas dari pengetahuan personel teknisi gangguan kabel tentang jaringan kabel terpasang (isolasi kabel, lintasan kabel, panjang dan penampang kabel), karakteristik gangguan dan kemampuan peralatan yang digunakan. Teknisi juga harus mampu menerjemahkan data yangdiperoleh menjadi jarak titik gangguan. Untuk mampu melakukan hal ini diperlukan latihan dan pengalaman lapangan yang cukup banyak. Dalam setiap tahap usaha pencarian titik gangguan harus digunakan peralatan yang tepat dan disesuaikan dengan sifat gangguan.
537 JIEK 1:1 (2008)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pangihutan, Kevin Bisuk Jogi
Abstrak :
PDB Indonesia setiap tahun semakin meningkat. Hal ini memungkinkan pemerintah melmulai banyak proyek pembangkit listrik. Permintaan kabel nasional mengalami peningkatan seiring dengan hal tersebut. Selain itu, pemerintah juga menggalakan pembangunan green infrastructure. Oleh karena itu, produsen kabel nasional mmemiliki insentif untuk memproduksi kabel secara berkelanjutan. Salah satu aspek yang penting dalam melakukan proses produksi dalam rangka memenuhi pesanan adalah pemilihan pemasok. Terdapat tiga tahap dalam penentuan prioritas pemasok bahan baku kabel. Pertama adalah penentuan faktor yang mempengaruhi penilaian pemasok berdasarkan keberlanjutan dan penilaian terhadap pemasok itu sendiri. Terdapat 8 faktor utama penilaian pemasok bahan baku kabel. Selanjutnya ialah penentuan bobot dari setiap faktor dengan menggunakan fuzzy AHP. Kriteria dampak lingkungan memiliki bobot tertinggi. Terakhir ialah penentuan peringkat pemasok bahan baku kabel dengan menggunakan TOPSIS. Pemasok 2 merupakan prioritas utama pemasok bahan baku kabel.
Indonesia experiences a steady GDP increase every year. This allows the government to start many power plant projects. The demand for national cable has increased accordingly. In addition, the government is also heavily promoting the development of green infrastructure. Therefore, national cable producers have incentives to produce cables in a sustainable manner. One of the important aspects in carrying out the production process in order to fulfill the demand is the selection of suppliers. There are three stages in determining the priority of cable raw material suppliers. First is determining the factors that influence supplier ratings based on sustainability and the assessment of the supplier itself. There are 8 main factors in determining the location of a raw material supplier. Next is determining the weight of each factor by using fuzzy AHP. The environmental impact criteria have the highest weight. The last is determining the ranking of suppliers of cable raw materials using TOPSIS. Supplier 2 is the main priority of cable raw material supplier.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
In this study connection between cable and pylon in a cable stayed bridge was experimentally investigated A structural model of cable stayed bridge was manufactured where connection between cable and pylon was pulley, sliding or hinged type. Pulley connection is a connection which is able to rotate without any function between cable and pylon. To obtain longitudinal stifness and dynamic characteristics (such as fundamental natural frequency and damping ratio), static load test and free vibration test were carried out. Dynamic responses of bridge structure were obtained Font harmonic forced vibration test. Using a shaking table, excitation in the longitudinal direction was applied to that model. Then longitudinal deflection at the top of pylon was measured Results of the model test shown that the pylon with hinged connection Ls more rigid and its deflection could be minimal but has low damping ratio. While sliding type connection is more flexible but has high damping ratio. Damping ratio was strongly influence by functions occurred in the bridge.
Jurnal Teknologi, 19 (4) Desember 2005 : 278-287, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
IGN. Irawan Wibawa
Abstrak :
The present study deals with the static and dynamic behavior of cable-systems and cable-stayed bridge systems. In the static analysis, linear. and geometry nonlinearities such as large-deflections and stress-stiffening are evaluated. In the dynamic analysis, only linear: analysis is taken into account, the nonlinearities are disregarded.

In the cable system, there are two cable models evaluated, i.e., the horizontal cable-systems and inclined cable-systems. The cable systems are modeled as three-dimensional (3-D) structural system. The various prestressed forces in the cables are investigated, and the results show that the nonlinearity effects do not quite have an influence when the prestressed forces are between 21% - 45% fp. and 15% - 45% fpU for the horizontal cable and inclined cable-systems, respectively. The transverse (coupling effect) stiffnesses are nearly zero for the prestressed forces in the cable between 16% - 45% Cu. The dynamic characteristic of both cable-systems are quite similar, with the first mode is out-of-plane motion. The gravity acceleration does not take an important influence in the dynamic behavior of the cable-systems study herein.

In the cable-stayed bridge systems, two common types of cable-stayed bridge are investigated, namely the fan-type and the harp-type cable-stayed bridge. The bridges are modeled as two-dimensional (2-D) structural system. The comparison results of axial forces in the cables, vertical displacement in the mid-point of middle span, horizontal displacement at top of pylon, bending moment in the deck, axial forces in the deck and also vertical reaction at foundation of pylon are all investigated. The results show that the nonlinearity effects with the prestressed forces in stay cable between 16% - 45% fp? seem do not have quite important influence. The natural frequencies and mode shapes for the first 20 modes are presented and the results are quite similar for the both bridge systems. The influence of dead load multiplier to the dynamic characteristic of such bridges are also evaluated and the results show that the structure buckle under 19 DL (Dead Load) and 15 DL for the fan and harp-type, respectively. These results show that bridge models studied herein are in the safe design consideration.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dyah Kusumaningrum
Abstrak :
The Business of television media industry was rising back after hit by the monetary crisis few years ago. The local autonomy which was put into effect by the government at almost the same time, and the issue of new regulation ?Article No. 32/2002?, regarding "Broadcast", push a head the growth of the new local TV Stations and will affect the map of TV Media lndustry in Indonesia in the future.

Pay Television (Pay TV), regardless the distribution way of broadcasting relay, e.g.: Kabelvision (distributed through ?Cable") and lndovision (distributed through ?Satellite? ), slowly but sure have started making some new breakthroughs by creating new marketing strategies to gain more customers. Free-to-Air TV is not the competitor of Pay TV, and they could become a mutual partner each other.

This research is aimed to analyze the business opportunity of Pay TV and Free-to-Air TV in Indonesia. The big opportunity was predicted to Free-to-Air TV and Pay TV if it were seen through the point of view from the big number of population, the number of potential households and the wide geographic area. But especially for Pay TV, the realization is quite difhcult as there are some elements involved in reaching the succeed possibility, like internal- and external environment, which make the result is not the same with the expectation. In this research, the factor which influenced the most to the business opportunity is the income level and education level (value worth 0.4745) and then followed by the capital, infrastructure and technology.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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