Thomas Noach Peea
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini beljudul, Etika Bisnis Periklanan di Indonesia Saat ini : Dalam Perspektif Pemikiran Kritis. Fungsi iklan sebagai mediasi/representasi pesan melalui persuasi, dan pencitraan pada awalnya relatif masih bersifat human (intersubyektif). Namun kemudian terjadi pergeseran luar biasa, terutama setelah munculnya abad informasi dan era bisnis global. Perkembangan serta pergeseran fungsi iklan telah membuat iklan bersifat netral dan otonom (menjadi bidang kajian tersendiri), selain itu iklan juga terbuka untuk berbagai pengaruh kepentingan, terutama kepentingan pebisnis untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebesar-besarnya.
Pengaruh tekonologi informasi, kepentingan ekonomi, telah menimbulkan pergeseran makna dan fungsi iklan. Iklan juga dianggap berperan besar dalam menciptakan masyarakat konsumer dewasa ini. Pergeseran, manipulasi yang ditimbulkan serta etika periklanan yang diasumsikan dapat mengatasi berbagai pelanggaran dalam dunia periklanan, merupakan fokus kajian disertasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis adalah metode hermeneutika-fenomenologi dan teori kritis Jurgen Habermas.
Penelitian terhadap teks dan fenomena kehidupan kita sekarang ini menggunakan metode hermeneutika dan fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian terhadap perkembangan iklan menunjukkan bagaimana perkembangan dan terjadinya perubahan dalam dunia bisnis periklanan, terjadinya pelanggaran etis serta semacam kekerasan simbolik terhadap masyarakat (khususnya konsumen) dan pengguna jasa oleh pebisnis dan dunia periklanan. Pelanggaran etis dunia periklanan antara Iain: teks-teks ildan dengan kecenderungan disinformasi, deformasi, manipulasi serta dominasi demi kepentingan pebisnis.
Diperlukan tindakan advokasi sebagai perlindungan kepada konsumen/masyarakat, akulturasi penclidikan, pendirian etika profesi periklanan, kode etik periklanan, serta aturan hukum yang jelas bagi pelanggaran kode etik itu. Untuk mempertemukan berbagai pemahaman yang berbeda serta saling pengertian di antara produsen agent / wholesaler - Biro iklan, masyarakat / konsumen pengguna barang/jasa/fasilitas, teori komunikasi Habermas kiranya tepat untuk diterapkan.
The title of this dissertation is; Today's Advertisement Business Ethics in Indonesia : l.n a Critical Thought Perspective. Function of advertisement as a message media or representative, persuasive effort, and imaging was at iirst relatively humane (inter-subjective). But then incredible shift occurred, particularly since the infomation age and global business era. Advertisement function development and Shih have made advertisement neutral and autonomous (it become a separate field of study), moreover, advertisement is also open to various interests, particularly to the interests of businessmen to obtain as much proht as possible.
The effect of infomation technology as well as economics interest has made advertisement meaning and function shift. Advertising is also considered to have important role in creating today?s consumptive society. The shift and manipulation that occurred as well as advertisement ethics that is assumed to be the solution of any violation in advertisement business, is the focus of the study in this dissertation. Analysis method used in this study is hermeneutics-phenomenology and the criticism theory of Jurgen Habermas.
Research about the literature and our lives phenomenon uses the hermeneutics-phenomenology and the criticism theory of Jurgen Habermas. The research output to the advertisement development reveals how changes in advertisement business has developed and occurred, how ethics in.'ri'ingement occurred, and a kind of symbolic abuse (particularly to the customers) and the service users caused by business in advertisement business. Ethics in.ti'ingements in advertisement are among others : advertisement texts with a tendency of disinfotrnation, deformation, manipulation as well as domination for the sake of business interests.
Advocacy measure is necessary as a protection to the customers and the society in general, as well as educational acculturation, the establishment of advertisement professional ethics, advertisement ethics code and other clear regulations for any individual or party who infringe the ethics code. To synchronize various comprehensions and to grow understanding to each other between producers agent/wholesaler, advertisement agency, customers or general people who are the users of the goods, services or facilities Habermans communication theory is relevant to be applied.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library