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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Christian Lokita Wijaya
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Sleep bruxism merupakan aktivitas oromandibular stereotip sewaktu tidur yang ditandai oleh grinding dan clenching gigi. Penderita sleep bruxism umumnya identik dengan adanya nyeri temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Metode: Penelitian potong lintang ini menggunakan 97 subjek terdiri dari 38 orang laki-laki dan 59 orang perempuan, dengan rentang usia 17-55 tahun. Penilaian sleep bruxism dilakukan menggunakan kuesioner oleh American Academy of Sleep Medicine versi Bahasa Indonesia, serta penilaian TMD dilakukan menggunakan indeks diagnostik DC/TMD. Hasil: Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara sleep bruxism dan TMD. Sleep bruxism, jenis kelamin dan stress emosional menjadi faktor prediktor terhadap TMD. Pada analisis multivariat dengan regresi logistik diketahui bahwa jenis kelamin dan stress emosional berpengaruh terhadap TMD dengan odds ratio (OR) masing-masing sebesar 3,113 dan 4,043, sedangkan sleep bruxism tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap TMD dengan OR sebesar 1,141. Kesimpulan: Sleep bruxism berhubungan dengan TMD, namun memiliki pengaruh yang lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan jenis kelamin dan stress emosional. ......Background: Sleep bruxism is a stereotypical oromandibular activity during sleep characterized by grinding and clenching of teeth. Patients with sleep bruxism are generally associated with temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain. Methods: This cross-sectional study used 97 subjects consisting of 38 male and 59 female, with an age range of 17-55 years. The assessment of sleep bruxism was carried out using Indonesian version of the questionnaire based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine sleep bruxism questionnaire, and the TMD assessment was carried out using the DC/TMD diagnostic index. Results: There was a statistically significant relationship between sleep bruxism and TMD. Sleep bruxism, gender and emotional stress are predictors of TMD. In multivariate analysis with logistic regression, it was found that gender and emotional stress had an impact on TMD with odds ratio (OR) of 3.113 and 4.043, respectively, while sleep bruxism had no significant impact on TMD with an OR of 1.141. Conclusion: Sleep bruxism is associated with TMD, but has a smaller impact compared to gender and emotional stress.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Oceana Roswin
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Parafunctional habit (clenching dan bruxism) menurunkan kualitas hidup melalui atrisi, abfraksi, dan resesi gingiva. Penelitian mengenai hal tersebut belum pernah dilakukan di Indonesia. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui distribusi atrisi, abfraksi, dan resesi gingiva pada pasien dengan parafunctional habit. Metode: Penelitian deskriptif menggunakan data sekunder dari 70 rekam medis periodonsia subjek parafunctional habit di RSKGM FKG UI periode 2013-2017. Hasil: Distribusi terbanyak ditemukan pada subjek parafunctional habit dengan atrisi (50%), dan diikuti atrisi dan abfraksi (32,86%). Distribusi atrisi tertinggi pada subjek clenching terlihat di gigi 31, 32, dan 42 (1,23%), dan pada subjek bruxism di gigi 42 (5,31%). Distribusi abfraksi tertinggi pada subjek clenching terlihat di gigi 14 dan 15 (1,04%), dan pada subjek bruxism di gigi 14 dan 24 (7,25%). Mayoritas subjek parafunctional habit mengalami resesi gingiva (87,14%). Resesi gingiva akibat clenching (42,55%) dan bruxism (30,47%) sering terjadi pada sisi bukal. Resesi gingiva tertinggi pada subjek clenching ditemukan pada gigi 42 (8,51%), sedangkan pada subjek bruxism ditemukan pada gigi 41 (5,5%). Kesimpulan: Subjek parafunctional habit yang mengalami atrisi sebanyak 50%, atrisi dan abfraksi sebanyak 32,86%, dan resesi gingiva sebanyak 87,14%.
Background: Parafunctional habit (clenching and bruxism) decreases quality of life through attrition, abfraction, and gingival recession. No study has evaluated about the problem in Indonesia. Objective: Evaluate distribution of attrition, abfraction, and gingival recession in subjects with parafunctional habit. Methods: A descriptive study using secondary data from 70 periodontal medical records of parafunctional habit subjects in RSKGM FKG UI 2013-2017. Result: Highest distribution was found in parafunctional habit subjects with attrition (50%), followed by attrition and abfraction (32.86%). Highest attrition distribution was seen in tooth 31, 32, and 42 (1.23%) of clenching subjects, and tooth 42 (5.31%) of bruxism subjects. Highest abfraction distribution was found in tooth 14 and 15 (1.04%) of clenching subjects, tooth 14 and 24 (7.25%) of bruxism subjects. Majority of parafunctional habit subjects got gingival recession (87.14%). Gingival recession from clenching (42.55%) and bruxism (30.47%) often occurred at buccal site of teeth. Highest gingival recession was found in tooth 42 (8,.51%) of clenching subjects, and tooth 41 (5.5%) of bruxism subjects. Conclusion: Parafunctional habit subjects experiencing attrition were about 50%, attrition and abfraction were about 32.86%, and gingival recession were about 87.14%.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Angelin Yaputri
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Banyak faktor risiko yang ditemukan berkaitan dengan bruksisme, faktor sentral, faktor perifer, faktor psikososial, faktor eksogen, dan faktor hereditas. Faktor psikososial seperti stres dan kecemasan, faktor eksogen seperti konsumsi kopi, rokok, alkohol dan faktor herditas merupakan faktor-faktor yang sering diteliti keterkaitannya dengan bruksisme pada mahasiswa. Bruksisme apabila tidak dirawat maka dapat menyebabkan gangguan sendi temporomandibular, gigi aus, dan sakit kepala. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian bruksisme yang paling banyak ditemukan pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia Program Sarjana angkatan 2019-2022. Metode: Sebanyak 114 mahasiswa telah setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan desain potong lintang dan menggunakan teknik consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui pengisian kuesioner bruksisme yang disusun oleh Winocur et al. (2010) yang dapat mengindikasikan seseorang mengalami possible bruxism, kuesioner perceived stress scale10, kuesioner generalized anxiety disorder-7, kuesioner konsumsi kopi, rokok, alkohol, dan kuesioner faktor hereditas. Kuesioner disebarkan secara daring melalui google form. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 114 mahasiswa, sebanyak 37,7% memiliki bruksisme. Dari 43 responden yang memiliki bruksisme, 74,4% memiliki stres sedang, dan 14,0% memiliki stres berat, 44,2% memiliki kecemasan ringan, 20,9% memiliki kecemasan sedang, dan 11,6% memiliki kecemasan berat, 58,1% mengonsumsi kopi secara ringan, 97,7% tidak pernah mengonsumsi rokok dan 2,3% pernah mengonsumsi rokok, 90,7% tidak mengonsumsi alkohol dan 9,3% mengonsumsi alkohol secara ringan, 55,8% tidak memiliki anggota keluarga dengan bruksisme dan 44,2% memiliki anggota keluarga dengan bruksisme. Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor risiko yang sering dikaitkan sebagai penyebab bruksisme, ditemukan pada responden. ......Background: There are a lot of risk factors associated to bruxism, namely central factors, peripheral factors, psychosocial factors, exogenous factors, and heredity factors. Psychosocial factors such as stress and anxiety, exogenous factors such as consumption of coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, and heredity factors are factors that are often studied in relation to bruxism in college students. If left untreated, bruxism can cause temporomandibular joint disorders, worn teeth, and headaches. Objectives: This study aims to determine the risk factors for bruxism that are commonly found in dental students of University of Indonesia class 2019-2022. Method: A total of 114 students have agreed to participate in this study. This research is descriptive with cross sectional method and using consecutive sampling. Data collection was carried out by filling out a bruxism questionnaire by Winocur et al. (2010), which can indicate someone having possible bruxism, perceived stress scale-10 questionnaire, generalized anxiety disorder-7 questionnaire, coffee consumption, cigarette consumption, alcohol consumption, and genetic factor questionnaire. These questionnaires were distributed online via google form. Result: The results showed that of the 114 respondents, 37.7% had bruxism, namely 43 respondents. Of the 43 respondents who had bruxism, 74.4% had moderate stress and 14.0% had severe stress, 44.2% had mild anxiety, 20.9% had moderate anxiety, 11.6% had severe anxiety, 58.1 % consume coffee lightly, 97.7% never consume cigarettes and 2.3% have ever consumed cigarettes, 90.7% do not consume alcohol and 9.3% consume alcohol lightly, 55.8% do not have family members with bruxism and 44.2% have family members with bruxism. Conclusion: This study shows that the risk factors that are often associated as a cause of bruxism are found in the respondents.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Every dentist knows about bruxism, however, the etiology. the treatment, and the relationship between bruxism and temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are still unknown and controversial. Bruxism can happen to all ages, from children (15% of all children) to adults (96% of all adults), male and female. Given the data, what can a dentist do to help the patient with bruxism? The various clinical signs that can be found in these patients are excessive tooth wear, muscle and joint fatigue, headache, tooth sensitivity or mobility, fractures of teeth and restorations, as well as TMD symptoms. Currently no method can permanently eliminate bruxism, but there are several ways to help patients with symptoms caused by parafunctions. Two categories of bruxism are bruxism without symptoms and bruxism with symptoms that lead to temporomandibular disorders. To make the patient aware of the destructive parafunctional activities, self-monitoring, biofeedback, medications, occlusaladjustment and fabricating a splint can reduce the unfavorable consequences of bruxism, although they usually do not stop it. Periodical control is advisable.
Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Oral splints have been frequently used in the treatment of bruxism to protect teeth and periodontium from damage, but the mechanism of action and efficacy of oral splints remain controversial. It has been suggested that they can be used to treat bruxism, based on the assumption that the device can eliminate or remove occlusal interference. Currently there are no reliable data to support the assumption of occlusion as an etiologic factor for bruxism, because several other factors have a role in bruxism, such as psychiatric, neurological and systemic disorders. In this paper, the mechanism of action and efficacy of oral splints in bruxism are discussed. Conclusions: although oral splint may be beneficial in protecting the dentition, the efficacy of this device in reducing bruxism is still not confirmed. There are several aspects that would support the broad usage of oral splints in the treatment of bruxism, but there are also limitations associated with each of these aspects. In conclusion, oral splints can be considered as useful adjuncts in the management of sleep bruxism but not as a definitive treatment.
[Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Stella Lesmana
Abstrak :
Stres adalah sekumpulan reaksi tubuh terhadap stimuli yang mengancam keseimbangan dan dapat terjadi pada orang dewasa maupun anak-anak. Beberapa cara untuk mengukur besarnya stres antara lain melalui pengisian kuesioner dan pengukuran kadar kortisol. Kuesioner Stress in Children didesain untuk mengukur besar stres anak usia 9-12 tahun. Kortisol adalah hormon penanda stres yang bisa didapat melalui saliva. Stres disebutkan sebagai etiologi utama bruxism. Bruxism adalah gerakan involunter berupa menggesekkan atau menggeretakkan gigi dan prevalensinya di anak-anak besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan membandingkan kadar kortisol saliva anak stres yang bruxism dengan non bruxism usia 9-11 tahun. Desain penelitian analitik deskriptif potong lintang. Untuk mengukur kadar stres digunakan kuesioner Stress in Children yang diisi subyek. Untuk mendiagnosa bruxism digunakan kriteria diagnostik American Academy of Sleep Medicine AASM yang diisi oleh orang tua subyek dan pemeriksaan klinis keausan gigi. Saliva diambil pada setiap subyek sebanyak 5 mL untuk pengukuran kadar kortisol di laboratorium. Analisa statistik dengan uji T menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang tidak bermakna p 0,05 . Disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara anak stres yang bruxism dengan non bruxism sehingga stres bukanlah etiologi utama bruxism dalam kelompok penelitian ini. ...... Stress defined as a set of body's reactions to stimuli that threaten its equilibrium and can occurs in adults or children. There are some methods to measure stress magnitude for example filling the stress questionnaire or measuring cortisol level. Stress in Children Questionnaire designed to measure stress magnitude in children aged 9 12 years. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can collected from saliva. Stress was suspected as the major cause of bruxism. Bruxism is involuntary excessive grinding or clenching during the nonfunctional movements of the masticatory system and the prevalence in children is high. The aim of the study is to compare salivary cortisol level between bruxism and non bruxism stress children aged 9 11 years. The study design was analytic descriptive cross sectional. To measure stress level, subjects filled Stress in Children Questionnaire. To diagnose bruxism, questionnaire based on American Academy of Sleep Medicine AASM was filled by subject's parents followed by clinical assestment of tooth wearness. Amount of 5 mL saliva was collected from each subject. Statistical analysis with Independent T Test showed no significant difference between two groups p 0,05 . It was concluded that there is no significant difference between cortisol level of stress children with bruxism and non bruxism, so stress is not the major etiology of bruxism in this population.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pola grinding oklusal selama sleep bruxism dan kelainan temporomandibular. Sleep Bruxism merupakan salah satu etiologi terjadinya temporomandibular disorder (TMD), dan menyebabkan banyak kelainan di rongga mulut seperti keausan gigi atau faset. Namun, hingga kini belum ada penelitian tentang hubungan antara sleep bruxism dan TMD. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara pola grinding oklusal selama sleep bruxism dan kelainan temporomandibular. Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional dilakukan melibatkan 30 pasien yang diduga mengalami sleep bruxism yang datang ke Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia (FKG UI RSGMP). Mereka mengisi 2 kuesioner, yaitu kuesioener berisi indeks ID-TMD dan kuesioner dari American Academy of Sleep Medicine. BruxChecker dibuat sesuai untuk masing-masing pasien, kemudian digunakan selama dua malam untuk merekam pola grinding oklusal. Pola grinding oklusal dikategorikan menjadi sisi laterotrusive grinding (LG) dan sisi mediotrusive. Selanjutnya, LG dibagi menjadi tiga klasifikasi: gigi insisif-kaninus (IC), gigi insisif-kaninus-premolar (ICP) dan gigi insisif-kaninus-premolar-molar (ICPM). Sisi Mediotrusive diklasifikasikan sebagai kontak mediotrusive (MC) dan mediotrusive grinding (MG). Hasil: Ditemukan bahwa pola grinding oklusal pada subjek tidak TMD adalah IC + MC, subjek dengan TMD ringan adalah ICP + MG, dan subjek dengan TMD moderat adalah ICP + MG dan ICPM + MG. Pola grinding ICP dan ICPM mempengaruhi TMJ lebih signifikan dibandingkan dengan pola grinding IC. Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara pola grinding oklusal selama sleep bruxism dan TMD.
Sleep Bruxism is a significant etiology of temporomandibular disorder (TMD) and causes many dental or oral problems such as tooth wear or facet. There is no study analyzing the relationship between sleep bruxism and TMD. Objective: To investigate any relationship between occlusal grinding pattern during sleep bruxism and temporomandibular disorder. Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 30 sleep bruxism patients attended the Faculty Dentistry Universitas Indonesia Teaching Hospital (RSGMP FKG UI). Completion of 2 forms of ID-TMD index and questionnaire from American Academy of Sleep Medicine were done. BruxChecker was fabricated and used for two nights to record the occlusal grinding pattern. The occlusal grinding pattern was categorized into laterotrusive grinding (LG) and mediotrusive side. Further divisons of LG were: incisor-canine (IC), incisor-caninepremolar (ICP) and incisor-canine-premolar-molar (ICPM). Mediotrusive side was classified as mediotrusive contact (MC) and mediotrusive grinding (MG). Results: It was found that occlusal grinding pattern in non-TMD subjects were IC+MC, in subjects with mild TMD were ICP+MG and in subjects with moderate TMD were ICP+MG and ICPM+MG. TMJ was more significantly affected by ICP and ICPM grinding pattern than that of IC. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between occlusal grinding pattern during sleep bruxism and TMD.
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library