ABSTRACTHalitosis merupakan masalah medico-social yang mempengaruhi citra dan kepercayaan diri seseorang serta masyarakat. Kemampuan seseorang untuk mengetahui bahwa dirinya memiliki halitosis dan sejauh mana bau tersebut mengganggu khalayak ramai belum diketahui, sehingga diperlukan informasi mengenai gambaran perceived needs halitosis dengan metode self-assessment.
Sampel penelitian didapat dengan menyebar angket formulir ekektronik dan didapatkan 1253 responden mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia. Hasil uji Chi Square menunjukan terdapat perbedaan responden dengan bau mulut dan tanpa
bau mulut berdasarkan karakteristik, persepsi waktu terjadinya bau mulut, menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut, serta persepsi keadaan rongga mulut memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan dengan halitosis, sedangkan penyakit sistemik dan kebiasaan selfcare tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan.
ABSTRACTHalitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristic, perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don't have significant differences. Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment methods is necessary to know the effect of someone's perception about halitosis and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics, perception of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however systemic diseases and self care habit don't have significant differences.;Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and
community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment
methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis
and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form
questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of
Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences
in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics; perception
of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however
systemic diseases and self care habit don?t have significant differences.;Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and
community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment
methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis
and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form
questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of
Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences
in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics; perception
of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however
systemic diseases and self care habit don?t have significant differences., Halitosis is a medico-social problem that affects the confidence of a person and
community. The information of perceived needs halitosis by using self-assessment
methods is necessary to know the effect of someone?s perception about halitosis
and how far it affects community. Samples were obtained by distributing e-form
questionnaire and there were 1253 respondents from undergraduate students of
Universitas Indonesia. Chi Square test shows that there are significant differences
in respondents with or without halitosis based on these characteristics; perception
of halitosis occurring time, oral hygiene, and perception of oral health, however
systemic diseases and self care habit don?t have significant differences.]"