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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Kecelakaan kerja menyebabkan terhentinya proses bekerja. Kondisi tidak aman di tempat kerja, atau praktik yang tidak aman dari sesama karyawan, dapat mengganggu orang dan merusak kinerja mereka. Salah satu upaya perusahaan dalam mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan adalah dengan melakukan safety inspection. Skripsi ini membahas tentang evaluasi pelaksanaan safety safety inspection di area kerja drilling oleh PT. Surveyor Indonesia – Drilling & Completion Safety Compliance Audit pada tahun 2012. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian semi kuantitatif. Untuk melakukan evaluasi, digunakan International Safety Rating System edisi ke-enam tahun 1996, yaitu elemen ketiga mengenai safety inspection. Kerangka konsep penelitian ini diambil dari variabel-variabel yang ada pada ISRS. Secara keseluruhan hasil penilaian safety inspection di PT. Surveyor Indonesia – DCSCA adalah 100 %, bahwa semua sasaran, target, serta pelaksanaan safety inspection sudah sesuai dengan elemen-elemen yang ada dalam International Safety Rating System. ......Workplace injury causes the cessation of the work process. Unsafe conditions in the workplace, or unsafe actions from the workers, could disturb and damage the work performance. One of the company’s efforts to prevent accidents in to do a safety inspection program.This thesis discusses the evaluation of the safety inspection in area of work drilling by PT. Surveyor Indonesia- Drilling & Completion Safety Compliance Audit in 2012. This research is a semi-quantitative. To perform the evaluation, use the International Safety Rating System (ISRS) the sixth edition 1996, the third element of the safety inspection. Conceptual framework were taken from the variables that exist in the ISRS. Overall, of safety inspection at PT. Surveyor Indonesia - DCSCA is 100%, that all goals, targets, and implementation of safety inspection is in accordance with the elements that exist in the International Safety Rating System.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Anugrah
Abstrak :
Pada studi ini dilakukan suatu peninjauan kembali suatu prosedur perencanaan casing yang dilakukan pada salah satu sumur minyak/gas yang dimiliki oleh ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd. Perusahaan minyak dan gas umumnya selalu menggunakan casing dari grade yang tinggi untuk sumur-sumur yang dibor. Terdapat setidaknya tiga alasan utama mengapa selalu digunakan casing high grade untuk sumur-sumurnya antara lain adalah untuk menyederhanakan proses procurement (pembelian), untuk memaksimalkan aspek keamanan pada sumur-sumur yang dibor dan untuk menyederhanakan proses pada operasi pada pengeboran lepas pantai. Dampak terbesar dari digunakannya casing high grade ini adalah meningkatnya biaya untuk mengebor suatu sumur. Fungsi engineering diperlukan agar system casing yang digunakan tetap dalam safety factor yang sesuai dengan kebijakan keselamatan dari Migas dan dari perusahaan serta telah melalui proses kalkulasi yang optimal sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk sistem casing yang diaplikasikan tidak eksesif. Disain casing secara garis besar dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain: karakteristik batuan/formasi reservoir hidrokarbon yang dibor (tekanan pori dan tekanan rekah), mechanical properties dari casing itu sendiri (resistansi burst dan collapse serta pembebanan yang dialami oleh casing itu sendiri), dan kondisi/karakteristik lingkungan dari sumur (offshore dan onshore), serta kebijakan perusahaan dan Migas. Umumnya kebijakan perusahaan telah memiliki standar keselamatan yang lebih tinggi dari kebijakan Migas. Secara garis besar, terdapat 3 langkah proses optimasi yang dilakukan di sini sebagai berikut: review jumlah casing point menjadi minimum untuk mendapatkan jumlah wellbore section yang optimum; pemilihan grade casing berdasarkan beban burst, collapse, tension dan biaxial/triaxial; serta konsiderasi pengaruh dari environmental loads dan pengaruhnya terhadap pemilihan grade casing. Keluaran dari hasil studi ini adalah suatu disain casing pada suatu proyek pengeboran sumur minyak, terutama pengeboran yang dilakukan di laut dalam lepas pantai, baik itu adalah pengeboran satu sumur (single well drilling) maupun yang bersifat batch drilling, yang bersifat optimal, baik dari segi engineering, safety maupun biaya. Manfaat dari studi ini bagi penulis adalah sebagai sarana untuk mengembangkan diri dan memperluas wawasan dan pengetahuan, terutama yang berhubungan dengan perminyakan, struktural/civil engineering dan tentu saja aspek-aspek mekanikal dari sistem casing yang dirancang. Bagi pembaca, diharapkan studi ini dapat bermanfaat dalam memberikan wawasan yang lebih luas mengenai suatu disain casing dan tinjauannya secara komprehensif dari berbagai bidang ilmu terutama perminyakan, civil engineering dan juga perspektif mekanikal. Dan bagi masyarakat umum secara luas, studi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi maksimal dalam proses pemanfaatan sumber daya alam yang dieksploitasi terutama sumber daya alam hidrokarbon (minyak dan gas). ......This study, conceptually reviewed a procedure of a casing disain that was done at one of oil/gas well that owned by ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd. Oil companies, at general practice always utilize casing that has high grade for their wells. There are at least three reasons why the high grade casings are often utilized in its wells: first is to simplify the procurement process, second is to maximize the safety aspect for the drilled wells and third is to simplify the operation process, especially for offshore wells. The biggest effect from utilization of this high grade casing is the increased cost to drill a well. The engineering function is needed in order to engineer the casing system so that the system still within the safety factor with accordance to the government (Migas) policy and also company policy. This engineering process has been through an optimal calculation process so that the running cost spent for the applied casing system will not be excessive. Casing design mainly is affected by factors such as: the characteristic of the rocks/formation from a hydrocarbon reservoir that will be drilled (pore pressure and frac pressure), casing?s mechanical properties (burst and collapse resistance and the loads that experienced by the casing) and the environmental loads and condition (offshore and onshore), and also the government and company policy. In general practice, company will has higher standard of safety. Basically, there are 3 steps of optimization, as follows: review the casing points into minimum in order to have optimum wellbore sections; casing grade selection based on burst load, collapse, tension and biaxial/triaxial; and also consideration of the effect of environmental loads and its effect to the casing grade selection. Output from this study is a casing design at a particular oil-well drilling project, especially offshore, for single well or batch drilling, that fully optimized from engineering, safety and economy perspective. The main benefit from this study for the writer is the tool for self development and enrich the writer?s knowledge, especially the knowledge related to petroleum, structural/civil engineering and the mechanical aspects of the casing the already designed. For the readers, it is expected that this study will give wider knowledge related with casing design and its view comprehensively from various perspective especially petroleum engineering, civil/structural engineering and also mechanical engineering. And for the community and society in general, it is expected that this study will give maximum contribution in the process of natural resources utilization that was exploited, especially natural resources of hydrocarbon (oil and gas).
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deni Saputra
Abstrak :
[Daerah prospek panas bumi Gunung Arjuno dan Gunung Welirang berada pada jalur vulkanik yang dikenal dengan jalur ring of fire, yaitu rentetan gunung api, baik yang aktif, maupun gunung api yang tidak aktif. Gunung tersebut berasosiasi dengan pembentukan sistem panas bumi yang ditandai dengan kemunculan manifestasi yang terdiri dari mata air panas Padusan, Coban dan Cangar serta adanya fumarol yang terdapat di komplek Gunung Welirang. Dari hasil perhitungan geothermometer daerah prospek panas bumi Gunung Arjuno dan Gunung Welirang memiliki temperatur 250o C dan masuk dalam kategori high temperature (>225 oC). Untuk mengetahui batas, kedalaman, dan geometri dari reservoir yang ada, dilakukan pengukuran dengan metode Magnetotellurik (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) dan gaya berat. Dari hasil pengukuran tersebut, dilakukan pemodelan pada 138 data MT, 103 data TDEM dan 253 data gaya berat. Selanjutnya hasil pemodelan dianalisa dengan menggunakan penampang 1 dimensi, 2 dimensi dan visualisasi 3 dimensi. Karakteristik reservoir berada pada kisaran 10-30 Ohm-m dengan nilai densitas rata-rata 2.2 gr/cc dan menghasilkan prospek panas Gunung Arjuno dan Gunung Welirang sekitar 40 km2 dengan potensi yang dapat dikembangkan untuk pembangkit tenaga listrik sebesar 140 MWe, rekomendasi penentuan titik bor eksplorasi berada di 2 km baratlaut dari komplek Gunung Welirang. ......The geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang is on track which is known as volcanic ring of fire, which is a series of volcanoes, both active and inactive volcanoes. The mountain is associated with the formation of geothermal systems that are characterized by the appearance of manifestations consisting of Padusan, Coban and Cangar hot springs and their fumaroles located in Mount Welirang complex. From the calculation geothermometer, the geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Welirang has a temperature of 250°C and in the category of high temperature (190 oC-236 oC). To determine the boundary, the depth, and the geometry of the existing reservoir, measured by the method of magnetotelluric (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravity. From the results of these measurements, modeling performed on the 138 MT data, 103 TDEM data and 253 gravity data. Furthermore, the modeling results were analyzed using 1 dimensional cross-section, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional visualization. The position of the reservoir is in the range of 10-30 Ohm-m with an average density value 2.2 g/CC3 to generate hot prospects Mt.Arjuno and Mount Welirang approximately 40 km2. with potential developed for power plants of 140 MWe, recommendations exploration drill point determination located at 3km north-west of the mountain complex Mount Welirang.;The geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang is on track which is known as volcanic ring of fire, which is a series of volcanoes, both active and inactive volcanoes. The mountain is associated with the formation of geothermal systems that are characterized by the appearance of manifestations consisting of Padusan, Coban and Cangar hot springs and their fumaroles located in Mount Welirang complex. From the calculation geothermometer, the geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Welirang has a temperature of 250°C and in the category of high temperature (190 oC-236 oC). To determine the boundary, the depth, and the geometry of the existing reservoir, measured by the method of magnetotelluric (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravity. From the results of these measurements, modeling performed on the 138 MT data, 103 TDEM data and 253 gravity data. Furthermore, the modeling results were analyzed using 1 dimensional cross-section, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional visualization. The position of the reservoir is in the range of 10-30 Ohm-m with an average density value 2.2 g / CC3 to generate hot prospects Mt.Arjuno and Mount Welirang approximately 40 km2. with potential developed for power plants of 140 MWe, recommendations exploration drill point determination located at 3km north-west of the mountain complex Mount Welirang.;The geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang is on track which is known as volcanic ring of fire, which is a series of volcanoes, both active and inactive volcanoes. The mountain is associated with the formation of geothermal systems that are characterized by the appearance of manifestations consisting of Padusan, Coban and Cangar hot springs and their fumaroles located in Mount Welirang complex. From the calculation geothermometer, the geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Welirang has a temperature of 250°C and in the category of high temperature (190 oC-236 oC). To determine the boundary, the depth, and the geometry of the existing reservoir, measured by the method of magnetotelluric (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravity. From the results of these measurements, modeling performed on the 138 MT data, 103 TDEM data and 253 gravity data. Furthermore, the modeling results were analyzed using 1 dimensional cross-section, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional visualization. The position of the reservoir is in the range of 10-30 Ohm-m with an average density value 2.2 g / CC3 to generate hot prospects Mt.Arjuno and Mount Welirang approximately 40 km2. with potential developed for power plants of 140 MWe, recommendations exploration drill point determination located at 3km north-west of the mountain complex Mount Welirang.;The geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang is on track which is known as volcanic ring of fire, which is a series of volcanoes, both active and inactive volcanoes. The mountain is associated with the formation of geothermal systems that are characterized by the appearance of manifestations consisting of Padusan, Coban and Cangar hot springs and their fumaroles located in Mount Welirang complex. From the calculation geothermometer, the geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Welirang has a temperature of 250°C and in the category of high temperature (190 oC-236 oC). To determine the boundary, the depth, and the geometry of the existing reservoir, measured by the method of magnetotelluric (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravity. From the results of these measurements, modeling performed on the 138 MT data, 103 TDEM data and 253 gravity data. Furthermore, the modeling results were analyzed using 1 dimensional cross-section, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional visualization. The position of the reservoir is in the range of 10-30 Ohm-m with an average density value 2.2 g / CC3 to generate hot prospects Mt.Arjuno and Mount Welirang approximately 40 km2. with potential developed for power plants of 140 MWe, recommendations exploration drill point determination located at 3km north-west of the mountain complex Mount Welirang.;The geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang is on track which is known as volcanic ring of fire, which is a series of volcanoes, both active and inactive volcanoes. The mountain is associated with the formation of geothermal systems that are characterized by the appearance of manifestations consisting of Padusan, Coban and Cangar hot springs and their fumaroles located in Mount Welirang complex. From the calculation geothermometer, the geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Welirang has a temperature of 250°C and in the category of high temperature (190 oC-236 oC). To determine the boundary, the depth, and the geometry of the existing reservoir, measured by the method of magnetotelluric (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravity. From the results of these measurements, modeling performed on the 138 MT data, 103 TDEM data and 253 gravity data. Furthermore, the modeling results were analyzed using 1 dimensional cross-section, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional visualization. The position of the reservoir is in the range of 10-30 Ohm-m with an average density value 2.2 g / CC3 to generate hot prospects Mt.Arjuno and Mount Welirang approximately 40 km2. with potential developed for power plants of 140 MWe, recommendations exploration drill point determination located at 3km north-west of the mountain complex Mount Welirang., The geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Mount Welirang is on track which is known as volcanic ring of fire, which is a series of volcanoes, both active and inactive volcanoes. The mountain is associated with the formation of geothermal systems that are characterized by the appearance of manifestations consisting of Padusan, Coban and Cangar hot springs and their fumaroles located in Mount Welirang complex. From the calculation geothermometer, the geothermal prospect areas Mount Arjuno and Welirang has a temperature of 250°C and in the category of high temperature (190 oC-236 oC). To determine the boundary, the depth, and the geometry of the existing reservoir, measured by the method of magnetotelluric (MT), Time Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) and gravity. From the results of these measurements, modeling performed on the 138 MT data, 103 TDEM data and 253 gravity data. Furthermore, the modeling results were analyzed using 1 dimensional cross-section, 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional visualization. The position of the reservoir is in the range of 10-30 Ohm-m with an average density value 2.2 g / CC3 to generate hot prospects Mt.Arjuno and Mount Welirang approximately 40 km2. with potential developed for power plants of 140 MWe, recommendations exploration drill point determination located at 3km north-west of the mountain complex Mount Welirang.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naldo Badriansyah
Abstrak :
Proses pemboran migas dalam pelaksanaannya memiliki proses kontrak perjanjian kerja yang akan mempengaruhi kegiatan dari jasa pemboran menjadi pendapatan organisasi. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis melakukan penelitian tentang proses bisnis yang terjadi pada organisasi jasa pengeboran di lini pendapatan, seperti pembuatan dokumen penagihan untuk pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Kami memvalidasi kesetaraan kriteria informasi dengan ahli dalam administrasi jasa pengeboran dengan kriteria informasi dalam administrasi publik. Dijelaskan juga proses bisnis yang terjadi dan perbandingan durasi proses pada standar jasa pemboran dengan proses realisasi juga untuk mengidentifikasi masalah dan menentukan kemungkinan pengembangan proses bisnis dengan BPR. Penelitian ini menghasilkan alternatif proses bisnis yang memiliki perubahan pada area proses bisnis yang berbeda-beda, diantaranya perubahan proses bisnis internal perusahaan, proses bisnis eksternal perusahaan atau proses bisnis pada klien, dan penggabungan antara proses bisnis internal dengan eksternal. Dari alternatif-alternatif tersebut didapatkan proses bisnis To-Be yang lebih efisien yang dihasilkan dari perbandingan alternatif-alternatif tersebut dengan manajemen risiko dan Analytical Hierarchy Process - Technique for Order Preference by similiarity to ideal solution. ......The oil and gas drilling process in its implementation has a contractual agreement process that will affect the activities of drilling services into organizational income. In this paper, the author conducts research on the business processes that occur in drilling services in the revenue line, such as making billing documents for the work done. We validated the question of information criteria with experts in drilling services administration with information criteria in public administration. It also explained the business processes that occurred and the comparison of the duration of the standard drilling service process with the realization process as well as to identify problems and determine the possibility of developing business processes with BPR. This research produces alternative business processes that have changes in different business processes, including changes to the company's internal business processes, the company's external business processes or business processes to clients, and the merger between internal and external business processes. From these alternatives, a more efficient To-Be business process was obtained resulting from the comparison of these alternatives with risk management and Analytical Hierarchy Process - Technique for Order Preference by similarity to ideal solution
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prasetyo Bayu Murty
Abstrak :
Proyek pengeboran eksplorasi minyak dan gas bumi merupakan proyek berisiko yang sebagian besar pekerjaannya dilaksanakan oleh kontraktor vendor . Risiko atas proyek yang dikerjakan oleh kontraktor umumnya dikelola dengan suatu kontrak. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena terdapat potensi membengkaknya biaya proyek yang dikarenakan lemahnya pengelolaan kontrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kerangka kerja manajemen kontrak untuk mengendalikan biaya proyek pengeboran eksplorasi. Pengembangan kerangka kerja tersebut dilakukan dengan menerapkan proses manajemen risiko. Dari pengumpulan data dan analisis yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini dihasilkan 276 items checklist untuk meminimalkan probabilitas terjadinya 67 risiko yang berkaitan dengan 172 aktivitas manajemen kontrak. Di samping itu, untuk memitigasi dampak dari suatu risiko dalam penelitian ini juga disusun 8 klausula kontrak yang berkaitan dengan risiko yaitu hak dan kewajiban, tata cara pembayaran, sanksi dan denda, mediasi/pra litigasi, penyelesaian sengketa, ganti kerugian, asuransi, dan pembagian tugas. ......Oil and gas exploration drilling project is a risky project which most of its works is executed by a contractor vendor . Risks of a project carried out by vendors should be managed by a contract. This research was initiated because there is possibility for increased project costs due to a weak contract management. This study aims to develop a contract management framework to control cost of drilling project. Such framework is developed by conducting risk management process. From data collection and analysis conducted in this research, 276 checklist items were produced to minimize the probability of 67 risks that related to 172 contract management activities. In addition, to mitigate the impact of the risks, this research proposed 8 risk related contract clauses, including rights and obligations, payment procedures, sanctions and penalties, mediation pre litigation, dispute resolution, compensation, insurance, and matrix of duties.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Intan Kusumawati
Abstrak :
MRT Jakarta merupakan sebuah sistem transportasi modern yang sedang dibangun di Jakarta. Salah satu konstruksinya yaitu konstruksi bawah tanah menggunakan TBM tipe EPB sebagai metode pengerjaannya. Berdasarkan data histori dari konstruksi tunnel mencatat banyaknya permasalahan bahkan kegagalan dari konstruksi tunnel yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor dan dapat berdampak pada keterlambatan proyek. Suatu manajemen risiko diharapkan dapat mengurangi dampak buruk risiko yang dihadapi pada pekerjaan konstruksi. Penelitian berupa studi kasus menggunakan metode kuesioner pada tahap penggumpulan data. Pengolahan data yang dilakukan berupa analisis deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji validitas reliabilitas, uji homogenitas, dan analisis kualitatif risiko. Risk register merupakan output dari penelitian yang memberikan gambaran tingkat risiko, penyebab risiko, dan respon risiko yang dilakukan oleh kontraktor untuk mengurangi dampak risiko tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 7 risiko dominan pada pekerjaan pengeboran tunnel yaitu Kerusakan segmen akibat tekanan mesin tinggi, Kesalahan koordinat posisi awal mesin TBM, Risiko yang terjadi akibat operator mesin tidak bersertifikat, Permukaan tanah menurun saat dilakukan pengeboran, Risiko mesin keluar dari center line , Ketersediaan segmen terlambat, dan Risiko kerusakan lapisan karet penahan tekanan air. ...... MRT Jakarta is a modern transportasion system being executed in Jakarta. One of its construction is Underground Construction using TBM type of EPB as working methods. Based on historycal data of tunnel construction, there are many failure of tunnel occured by many factors and cause the project to delay. This research is case study using questionary and expert judgement method in phase of collecting data. The data provided is analized with descriptive analysis, normality test, validity and reliability test, homogenity test and qualitative risk analysis. Risk management is expected to decrease the effect of it. Risk register is an output of this reseacrh determining level of hazard, cause of risk, preventive action, and risk respon by contractor to mitigate the hazard effect. Seven dominant riks as the result of this research are damaged to segment by high pressure of TBM, failure of TBM coordinate positioning, risk by uncertificate operator, Settlement of ground level when drilling, failure of TBM lining, Segments not available in timely manner, and Damage to the rubber coating retaining water pressure.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This book presents a complete review of the unique instruments and the communication technologies utilized in downhole drilling environments. These instruments and communication technologies play a critical role in drilling hydrocarbon wells safely, accurately and efficiently into a target reservoir zone by acquiring information about the surrounding geological formations as well as providing directional measurements of the wellbore. Research into instruments and communication technologies for hydrocarbon drilling has not been explored by researchers to the same extent as other fields, such as biomedical, automotive and aerospace applications. Therefore, the book serves as an opportunity for researchers to truly understand how instruments and communication technologies can be used in a downhole environment and to provide fertile ground for research and development in this area. A look ahead, discussing other technologies such as micro-electromechanical-systems (MEMS) and fourth industrial revolution technologies such as automation, the industrial internet of things (IIoT), artificial intelligence, and robotics that can potentially be used in the oil/gas industry are also presented, as well as requirements still need to be met in order to deploy them in the field.
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aris Prasetiyo
Abstrak :
Sebelum melakukan pengeboran, rig dan armada pendukungnya harus melewati wilayah rawa di Blok Mahakam. Agar dapat melewati wilayah tersebut maka diperlukan kegiatan dredging. Kesalahan dalam memilih vendor dredging akan mengakibatkan keterlambatan yang menimbulkan biaya yang sangat besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kriteria yang tepat untuk memilih vendor menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Dengan menggunakan AHP sistem terbuka melalui rating approach, maka berapapun jumlah vendor akan dapat diberikan penilaian. Hasil penelitian yaitu bobot kriteria dan intensitas rating: kriteria harga (bobot 0,36) dengan 3 intensitas rating (bobot sesuai estimasi: 1, diatas estimasi: 0,794, dibawah estimasi: 0,630), kriteria HSE Index (bobot 0,263) dengan 5 intensitas rating (bobot excellent: 1, good: 0,626, adequate: 0,292, fair: 0,158, poor: 0,138), kriteria fasilitas produksi dan kapasitas (bobot 0,176) dengan 3 intensitas rating (bobot diatas target: 1, sesuai target: 0,437, dibawah target 0,191), kriteria kualitas (bobot 0,113) dengan 4 intensitas rating (bobot sangat baik: 1, baik: 0,516, cukup: 0,191, kurang: 0,135) dan kriteria keadaan finansial (bobot 0,089) dengan 3 intensitas rating (bobot sehat: 1, tidak sehat: 0,252, pailit: 0,159).
Yogyakarta: Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat (P3M) STTA, 2022
620 JIA XIV:1 (2022)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Choirunnisa Muthi`Ah
Abstrak :
Pada konstruksi MRT Jakarta, pekerjaan tunnelling dilakukan dengan menggunakan alat Tunnel Boring Machine TBM . Salah satu tahap awal pada pelaksanaan pekerjaan terowongan menggunakan TBM adalah pembangunan fasilitas sementara TBM. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko pada fasilitas sementara TBM yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja waktu proyek MRT, dampak dan penyebabnya, serta tindakan yang dapat dilakukan terhadap faktor-faktor risiko tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data melalui survey kuesioner dan wawancara. Kemudian, data tersebut diolah menggunakan uji-uji stastistik dan analisis kualitatif risiko. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan lima faktor risiko fasilitas sementara TBM yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja waktu proyek. Faktor risiko tertinggi pada fasilitas sementara TBM adalah ketidaksejajaran sumbu TBM dengan back anchor. ...... Within Jakarta MRT construction, tunnelling work done by using a Tunnel Boring Machine TBM . One of the early stages of the implementation tunnelling work using a TBM is the construction of temporary facilities for TBM. This research has purposes to identify risk factors of temporary facilities for TBM that influence time performance of MRT project, its cause and effects, and also treatment or response that can do for that risk factors. The research was conducted by collecting data through a survey questionnaire and interview. Then, evaluated by statistics test and qualitative risk analyze. The result of this research is acquired five risk factors of temporary facilities for TBM that influence to time performance of MRT project. The highest risk of temporary facilities for TBM is misalignment of TBM axis with back anchor.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library