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Sylvana Evawani
Abstrak :
Gangguan fungsi kognitif pada gangguan afektif bipolar timbul bersamaan dengan gejala episode mood dan diharapkan dapat pulih seiring remisi gejala episode mood. Penelitian-penelitian menemukan fungsi kognitif yang menetap pada fase remisi gejala dan diduga dapat memengaruhi fungsi psikososial. Salah satu fungsi kognitif yang terganggu selama fase remisi adalah memori verbal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan hubungan antara fungsi memori verbal dengan fungsi psikososial pada pasien dengan gangguan afektif bipolar fase remisi dan nonremisi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang yang dilakukan di Poli Psikiatri Dewasa RSCM. Subyek yag digunakan sebanyak 64 orang, terdiri atas 32 pasien fase remisi dan 32 pasien fase nonremisi. Memori verbal diukur dengan Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT), fungsi psikososial diukur dengan The World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0). Kedua kelompok tidak memerlihatkan perbedaan performa fungsi memori verbal, kecuali pada performa fungsi pemanggilan kembali segera (p 0,046). Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang signifikan secara statistik antara memori verbal dengan fungsi psikososial pada pasien dengan gangguan afektif bipolar fase remisi dan nonremisi. Performa memori verbal yang sama antara kelompok pasien remisi dan nonremisi menunjukkan bahwa memori verbal pada gangguan afektif bipolar dapat terganggu meskipun gejala mood sudah remisi. Fungsi psikososial dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor selain fungsi memori verbal yang perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. ......Cognitive impairment in bipolar affective disorders happens during mood epsisode symptoms and are expected to recover within remission of mood episode symptoms. Studies have found cognitive functions that settled during remission phase of symptoms and are thought to affect psychosocial function. One of the impaired cognitive functions during the remission phase is verbal memory. The purpose of this study was to prove the relationship between verbal memory and psychosocial function is patients with bipolar disorder currently in remission and nonremission ones. This study was a cross-sectional study conducted at Adult Psychiatry Policlinics at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital. The subjects were 64 patients, consisting of 32 remitted patients, and 32 nonremitted patients. Verbal memory is measured using Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT). Psychosocial functions were measured by the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0). The two groups showed no differences in the performance of verbal memory, eccet for immediate recall function (p 0,046). There was no statistically significant relationship between verbal memory and psychosocial function in both groups. Verbal memory performnace may still impaired bipolar disorder during remission. Psychosocial functions can be influenced by various factors other than verbal memory fucntion and need to be investigated further.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tinambunan, Iriawan Rembak
Abstrak :
Gangguan bipolar dikenal memiliki kaitan dengan berbagai komorbiditas klinis yang memengaruhi pekerjaan, kehidupan berkeluarga, dan fungsi interpersonal. Duapertiga pasien dengan gangguan bipolar memiliki komorbid yang akan memperburuk luaran gangguan bipolar dan dapat menganggu penatalaksanaan terhadap penyakitnya. Belum ada penelitian yang menggambarkan frekuensi komorbiditas fisik yang terjadi pada penderita bipolar di Indonesia. Rumah Sakit Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi sebagai rumah sakit jiwa tertua di Indonesia juga belum memiliki data mengenai jenis dan frekuensi komorbid fisik, mengingat bahwa rumah sakit ini juga menangani rawat inap umum di samping rawat inap psikiatri Metode: Penelitian menggunakan rancangan potong lintang pada 100 orang dengan Gangguan Bipolar di Poliklinik Jiwa Dewasa dan Bangsal Psikiatri R.S. Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrument Structured Clinical Interview For the DSM-IV Axis I Disorders untuk menentukan Gangguan Bipolar, dan kriteria diagnostik sepuluh komorbid fisik yang mengacu pada kriteria diagnostik masing-masing komorbid fisik. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara umur dengan terjadinya komorbid fisik yaitu p= 0.001(p di bawah 0.005). Pada analisis tambahan didapatkan adanya hubungan bermakna antara pemberian obat polifarmasi/monoterapi dengan terjadinya komobid fisik terbanyak yakni hipertensi (nilai p= 0,0001). Pada sepuluh komorbid fisik yang dinilai, migrain, hipertensi dan dermatitis merupakan yang paling banyak. Simpulan Hipertensi, migrain dan dermatitis merupakan tiga besar komorbid fisik di R.S. Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara umur dengan terjadinya komorbid fisik. Pemberian obat polifarmasi/monoterapi juga bermakna dalam terjadinya hipertensi. Diperlukan kewaspadaan psikiater dalam mengawasi terjadinya komorbid fisik pada gangguan bipolar di layanan psikiatri.
Bipolar disorders are known to cause various clinical comorbidity that may affect work, family and interpersonal function. Two third of bipolar disorder have comorbidities that may worsen the outcome of bipolar itself and interfere with it's therapy. There has not been sufficient study about physical comorbidities in bipolar in Indonesia. As the oldest psychiatric hospital in Indonesia that treats physical and psychiatric inpatients, Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi hospital still lacks data concerning types and frequencies of physical comorbidities. Method: This research uses cross-sectional design from 100 people with bipolar disorder at Psychiatric Clinic and Psychiatric Ward at Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor Hospital. This research also uses the Structured Clinical Interview For the DSM-IV Axis I Disorders to ensure the bipolar diagnosis, and criteria diagnostic for ten physical comorbidities from each of their field. Result: There is a significant relationship in this research between age and physical comorbidities p=0.001 (p below 0,005). In the additional analysis, there are significant relationship in this research between polypharmacy / monotherapy and hypertension (p=0,0001). Migraine, hypertension, and dermatitis were the top three physical comorbidities in this research. Conclusion: Hypertension, migraine and dermatitis are the top three in our physical comorbidities in Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi hospital. Age has a significant relationship with physical comorbidities. Polipharmacy and monotherapy also has significances in hypertension. Therefore psychiatrist must be aware about the possibility of physical comorbidity in the psychiatric care, Bipolar disorders are known to cause various clinical comorbidity that may affect work, family and interpersonal function. Two third of bipolar disorder have comorbidities that may worsen the outcome of bipolar itself and interfere with it’s therapy. There has not been sufficient study about physical comorbidities in bipolar in Indonesia. As the oldest psychiatric hospital in Indonesia that treats physical and psychiatric inpatients, Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi hospital still lacks data concerning types and frequencies of physical comorbidities. Method: This research uses cross-sectional design from 100 people with bipolar disorder at Psychiatric Clinic and Psychiatric Ward at Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor Hospital. This research also uses the Structured Clinical Interview For the DSM-IV Axis I Disorders to ensure the bipolar diagnosis, and criteria diagnostic for ten physical comorbidities from each of their field. Result: There is a significant relationship in this research between age and physical comorbidities p=0.001 (p below 0,005). In the additional analysis, there are significant relationship in this research between polypharmacy / monotherapy and hypertension (p=0,0001). Migraine, hypertension, and dermatitis were the top three physical comorbidities in this research. Conclusion: Hypertension, migraine and dermatitis are the top three in our physical comorbidities in Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi hospital. Age has a significant relationship with physical comorbidities. Polipharmacy and monotherapy also has significances in hypertension. Therefore psychiatrist must be aware about the possibility of physical comorbidity in the psychiatric care]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurmiati Amir
Jakarta: Badan Penerbit FKUI, 2010
616.895 NUR g
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI Publishing, 2019
616.895 MEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Gangguan bipolar merupakan suatu gangguan yang ditandai dengan perubahan mood antara rasa girang yang ekstrem dan depresi yang parah (Nevid, Rathus & Greene, 2003). Para penderita gangguan bipolar tidak memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan emosi sehingga menyebabkan kualitas hidup mereka rusak (Goodwin & Jamison, 1990). Mereka sulit mempertahankan suatu hubungan, memiliki kinerja kerja yang buruk, dan sulit menjalankan fungsi sosial dengan baik. Walaupun tidak bisa kembali normal, seorang penderita bipolar mampu mengusahakan agar dapat pulih. Coleman (1999, dalam Straughan & Buckenham, 2006) mengatakan pulih berarti kemampuan seseorang untuk mempertahankan kondisi stabil agar tidak terlalu 'tinggi' ketika manik atau terlalu 'rendah' ketika memasuki episode depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor pendukung pemulihan pada penderita bipolar dengan menggunakan metode wawancara mendalam. Sampel penelitian ini adalah tiga orang penderita bipolar yang telah mendapat diagnosis dari psikolog atau psikiater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses pemulihan yang dialami setiap subjek telah melalui beberapa kali peristiwa kambuh dan usaha bunuh diri. Dari peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut para subjek belajar untuk mengenali gejala-gejala gangguan bipolar sehingga mampu melakukan usaha pencegahan atau meminimalisir tingkat keparahan saat kambuh. Terdapat beberapa faktor pendukung proses pemulihan pada mereka yaitu nilai agama, dukungan keluarga, kehadiran teman dan obat-obatan.
Bipolar disorder is a symptom that is indicated by changing in mood extremely between manic and acute depression (Nevid, Rathus & Greene, 2003). The bipolar disorder sufferer do not have ability to control their emotion and it affects their life (Goodwin & Jamison, 1990). They will find difficulties in making relationship, having bad working habbits, and hard to carry out their social function. Although the sufferer cannot back to the previous condition, but they can make an effort to be recovered. Coleman (1999, in Straughan & Buckenham, 2006) said that recovered here means condition that make someone can maintain the stability of their emotional condition. The aim of this research is knowing supporting factors of recovery in bipolar disorder sufferer using intensive interview method. Objects of this research are three bipolar disorder sufferers who have been diagnosed by the psychiatrist. The result indicate that during recovery process, the sufferers recurrenced from their illness for several times and even tried to commit suicide. From that experience, the sufferer learned how to analyst the bipolar disorder symptom so they can do preventive action against it. There are severals suppporting factors that can help recovery process, they are religion moral, family support, friends, and medicines.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
616.89 FAU f
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Media Indonesia telah konsen dengan eksistensi Internet. Beberapa media cetak menciptakan situs berita online yang bisa diakses beragam jenis teknologi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi situs berita online dari beragam teknologi, respon emosi pengguna. Dengan menerapkan respon emosi bipolar, kajian eksperimen ini mengevaluasi konten dari aspek kredibilotas, kualitas, kegemaran, dan pertanggungjawaban.Hasilnya adalah respon emosi bipolar dari pengguna memiliki beragam polarisai padansetiap aspek konten. Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahwa situs berita online Indonesia memiliki perbedaan respon secara emosional diantara pengguna dari beragam alat teknologi.
Indonesia media have concern with the existence of the Internet. Several printed media created online news website and that can be accessed by various devices. However, none of the online news websitesnwere evaluated by any tools. This study proposed to evaluated online news websites based on emotional response of users. By adopting bipolar emotional response, the experiment study evaluated the content from credibility, quality, liking, and representativeness aspects. Results revealed that emotional resppnse of users had various polarization on every aspect of content. This finding shows that Indonesia onlone news websites have different response emotionally among users from different devices.
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johanis Sebastian Edwin
Abstrak :
[Pendahuluan Penegakkan diagnosis gangguan bipolar sering mengalami kesulitan kerena adanya komorbiditas yang mengakibatkan gejala pada gangguan bipolar tidak menonjol. Tumpang tindih gejala pada gangguan bipolar dengan gangguan jiwa lainnya menyebabkan terjadinya ketidaktepatan diagnosis sehingga orang dengan gangguan bipolar didiagnosis sebagai gangguan jiwa lainnya pada pemeriksaan awal. Data dari National Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (NDMDA) menunjukan 60% gangguan bipolar didiagnosis depresi, 26% anxietas, 18% skizofrenia, 17% gangguan kepribadian borderline atau antisosial, 14% penyalahgunaan alkohol dan 11% skizoafektif. Sekitar 69%-73% pasien dengan gangguan bipolar mengalami ketidaktepatan diagnosis pada saat pemeriksaan awal. Peneliti ingin mengetahui besaran komorbiditas pada penderita gangguan bipolar dan hubungannya dengan ketidaktepatan diagnosis pada gangguan bipolar. Metode Studi ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan potong lintang. Responden adalah pasien dewasa di RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta dan RS dr. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor pada bulan Desember 2014 hingga didapatkan jumlah sampel, yaitu 80 responden. Pasien yang berobat dan terlihat adanya gejala mood dilakukan pemeriksaan dari rekam medis dan pemeriksaan dengan instrumen SCID I. Hasil Didapatkan 80 responden dengan gangguan bipolar, pada studi rekam medis diketahui ada 11 responden (13.8%) yang didiagnosis bukan sebagai gangguan bipolar setelah rutin mendapatkan perawatan medis. Diketahui juga ada 62.5% dari seluruh responden yang memiliki komorbid. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan SPSS versi 20 didapatkan hasil adanya hubungan yang bermakna antara komorbid dengan terjadinya ketidaktepatan diagnosis gangguan bipolar dengan nilai p 0.046. Simpulan Pada penelitian ini instrumen SCID I digunakan sebagai standar baku emas untuk menegakkan diagnosis gangguan bipolar dan mengetahui adanya komorbid. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini didapatkan 13.8% responden yang didiagnosis bukan sebagai gangguan bipolar walaupun telah rutin mendapatkan perawatan medis. Terdapat hubungan antara kejadian komorbid dengan ketidaktepatan diagnosis gangguan bipolar., Background Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder often times has become difficult due to comorbidities causing indistinct features emerging from the disorder. Overlapping of bipolar disorder with other psychiatric disorders leads to inaccuracy since the beginning of diagnosis. Thus people with bipolar disorder has been diagnosed with other disorders previously.Data fromNational Depressive and Manic Depressive Association (NDMDA) shows 60% of bipolar disorder being diagnosed with depression, 26% with anxiety, 18% with skizofrenia 17% with borderline or antisocial personality disorder, 14% with alcohol abuse and 11%with schizoaffective. Approximately 69%-73% patients with bipolar disorder experienced inaccuracy of diagnosis in the beginning.The author would like to find comorbidities of people with bipolar disorder and its relationship with misdiagnosis of bipolar diagnosis. Method This is an analytic descriptive study with cross sectional in design. Respondents are adults patients at National Referal Hospital of dr Cipto Mangunkusumo in Jakarta and dr. Marzoeki Mahdi Hospital in Bogor on Desember 2014, and a total of 80 samples were acquired. Patients on medication and observed to be with mood symptoms were performed evaluation from medical record and SCID 1 instrument. Result From medical record evaluation, 11 (13.8%) out 80 respondents with bipolar disorder were found to be diagnosed with other than bipolar disorder after routine medical treatment. This study found 62.5% from all respondents to have comorbidities. Analysis using SPSS version 20 revealed significant relationship between comorbidities with misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder (p 0.046). Conclusion This study used SCID I instrument as gold standard in diagnosing bipolar disorder and to find comorbidities. 13.8% respondents were found to be diagnosed with other than bipolar disorder even after routine medical treatment. There is a relationship between comorbidity with misdiagnosis of bipolar disorder.]
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lake, C. Raymond
Abstrak :
The author reviews the changing diagnostic concepts of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder with a historical perspective to clarify how the current conflict over explanations for psychosis has arisen. That two disorders, schizophrenia and bipolar, known as the Kraepelinian dichotomy, account for the functional psychoses has been a cornerstone of Psychiatry for over 100 years, but is questioned because of substantial similarities and overlap between these two disorders. Literature in the field demonstrates that psychotic patients are frequently misdiagnosed as suffering from the disease called schizophrenia when they suffer from a psychotic mood disorder. Such patients, their families, and their caretakers suffer significant disadvantages from the misdiagnosis. Psychotic patients misdiagnosed with schizophrenia receive substandard care regarding their medications, thus allowing their bipolar conditions to worsen. Other adverse effects are substantial and will be included. Liability for medical malpractice is of critical importance for the mental health professionals who make the majority of the diagnoses of schizophrenia. The concept put forward in this work will have a discipline-altering impact.
New York: [Springer-Science, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wheatley, Denys N.
Abstrak :
Written with disarming honesty by a long-term sufferer of bipolar disorder, with more than half a century’s experience of intervention and treatment, this highly personal volume traces the effectiveness of a therapy modality for mental illness that has gained much ground in the past two decades : art. The author began to use art, and in particular doodling, from 1998 as a way of externalizing his feelings. Its expressiveness, accessibility and energy-efficiency was ideally suited to the catatonia he experienced during the bouts of depression that are a feature of bipolar disorder, while as the low moods lifted and his energy surged, he completed more ambitious and elaborate works. As well as being highly eclectic, Wheatley’s assembled oeuvre has afforded him both insights and therapeutic intervention into his condition, once deemed highly debilitating and taboo, but much more socially accepted now that well known sufferers such as Stephen Fry have recounted their experiences of the condition. After an opening account of how the images were generated, the volume reproduces a ‘gallery’ of selected work, and then offers an extended epilogue analyzing the art’s connections with the disorder as well as the author’s assessment of how each attempt at visual self-expression was, for him, a therapeutic intervention. Wheatley, a cell biologist who has enjoyed a full career in cancer research, has had no formal training in art, yet his haunting pictures, many of them resembling life forms, are brought to life by his perceptive, self-aware commentary.
Dordrecht: [Springer, ], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evans, Dwight L.
New York: McGraw-Hill, Medical Publishing Division, 2006
616.895 EVA p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library