ABSTRAKTesis dengan judul Tinjauan Hukum Terhadap Hak PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero)
Tbk yang Belum Terpenuhi Selaku Kreditor Pasca Pembagian Boedel Pailit PT. UE ASSA
(Studi Kasus Putusan Mahkamah Agung Nomor 410 k/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2013) dilatar
belakangi oleh PT. Wijaya Karya yang mengajukan kasasi kepada Mahkamah Agung atas
putusan Pengadilan Niaga Surabaya Nomor 08/PLW.Pailit/2013/PN.Niaga Sby jo Nomor.
07/PKPU/2011/PN Sby tanggal 22 April 2013 karena PT. Wijaya Karya menganggap,
bahwa putusan Pengadilan Niaga Surabaya tersebut sangat tidak adil oleh karena dalam
putusan pailit PT. Wijaya Karya hanya menerima bagian 0,28% dari boedel pailit PT. UE
ASSA atau sebesar Rp. 2.149.802.062,47 dari seluruh piutang sebesar Rp.
112.835.211.143,00. Yang menjadi pokok permasalahan adalah: 1. Bagaimanakah
kedudukan tanggungjawab perusahaan beserta seluruh jajaran pengurus PT. UE ASSA
dalam melunasi seluruh hutangnya terhadap PT. Wijaya Karya ditinjau dari UU Perseroan
Terbatas dan UU Kepailitan? 2. Bagaimanakah upaya hukum yang dapat dilakukan oleh
PT. Wijaya Karya dalam memperoleh seluruh hak yang belum terpenuhi pasca putusan
MA Nomor. 410.K/Pdt-Sus.Pailit/2013? Dengan dinyatakan pailit, pengurusan harta
kekayaan PT. UE ASSA beralih kepada kurator. Kepailitan PT. UE ASSA pada prinsipnya
tidak mengakibatkan PT. UE ASSA kehilangan haknya untuk mengurus dan menguasai
harta kekayaannya dan tidak mengakibatkan terhentinya aktivitas PT. UE ASSA, oleh
karena dalam kepailitan PT. UE ASSA kewenangan Direksi beralih kepada kurator yang
kemudian dapat bertindak sebagai Direksi untuk mengelola PT. UE ASSA.
Pertanggungjawaban PT. UE ASSA merupakan pertanggungjawaban secara timbal balik,
sehingga yang dijatuhi putusan pailit adalah perseroannya dan bukan Direksi sepanjang
Direksi tidak bertindak melawan hukum. Ada beberapa Upaya hukum yang dapat
dilakukan untuk memperoleh seluruh haknya, yaitu PT. Wijaya Karya dapat melakukan
upaya: a. Melakukan upaya Peninjauan Kembali dan b. Melakukan upaya actio pauliana.
Bentuk penelitian tesis ini adalah yuridis normatif, dengan tipologi penelitian bersifat
deskriptif analitis, jenis data berupa data sekunder, alat pengumpulan data berupa studi
dokumen, sedangkan pengolahan dan analisis data berdasarkan pendekatan yuridis
ABSTRACTThesis with the title of the Legal Overview of the Rights PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
As Remaining Bankruptcy Creditors Post Boedel division of PT. UE ASSA (Case Study
Supreme Court Decision No. 410 k / Pdt.Sus - Bankrupt / 2013 ) against the background by
PT. Wijaya Karya who has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of
Surabaya Commercial Court No. 08 / PLW.Pailit / 2013 / PN.Niaga SBY jo No. 07 / PKPU
/ 2011 / PN SBY April 22 of 2013 as PT. Wijaya Karya assume , that the Surabaya
Commercial Court decision is very unfair because of the bankruptcy decision PT . Wijaya
Karya only receive a portion of 0.28 % of boedel bankrupt PT. UE ASSA or Rp.
2149802062,47 of all receivables amounting to Rp . 112,835,211,143.00. The main issue
are : 1. What is the status of the responsibilities of the company and the whole range of the
board of PT.UE ASSA to repay the entire debt to PT . Wijaya Karya based on the Limited
Liability Company Law and Bankruptcy Law? 2. What is the remedy which can be done by
PT. Wijaya Karya in obtaining all the rights that have not been fulfilled after the Supreme
Court decision number. 410.K / Pdt - Sus.Pailit / 2013 ? By declared bankrupt, the
maintenance of the assets of PT. UE ASSA switch to the curator. PT. UE ASSA?s
bankruptcyin principle does not result in PT. UE ASSA loses its right to administer and
control of its assets and did not effect in the cessation of the activity of PT. UE ASSA, since
in the bankruptcy of PT. UE ASSA authority of the Board of Directors switch to the curator
who can then act as the Board of Directors to manage PT. UE ASSA. Responsibility PT.
UE ASSA is a reciprocal responsibility, so the company sentenced for bankruptcy, not the
Directors as long as the Directors did not act unlawfully. There are several legal remedies
that can be done to obtain the rights, PT Wijaya Karya can: a. Conducting a Judicial
Review and b. Conducting an actio pauliana. The form of this thesis research is normative
juridical, with typology analytical descriptive study, the type of data in the form of
secondary data, data collection tools such as the study of documents, while the processing
and analysis of data based on a normative juridical approach.;Thesis with the title of the Legal Overview of the Rights PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
As Remaining Bankruptcy Creditors Post Boedel division of PT. UE ASSA (Case Study
Supreme Court Decision No. 410 k / Pdt.Sus - Bankrupt / 2013 ) against the background by
PT. Wijaya Karya who has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of
Surabaya Commercial Court No. 08 / PLW.Pailit / 2013 / PN.Niaga SBY jo No. 07 / PKPU
/ 2011 / PN SBY April 22 of 2013 as PT. Wijaya Karya assume , that the Surabaya
Commercial Court decision is very unfair because of the bankruptcy decision PT . Wijaya
Karya only receive a portion of 0.28 % of boedel bankrupt PT. UE ASSA or Rp.
2149802062,47 of all receivables amounting to Rp . 112,835,211,143.00. The main issue
are : 1. What is the status of the responsibilities of the company and the whole range of the
board of PT.UE ASSA to repay the entire debt to PT . Wijaya Karya based on the Limited
Liability Company Law and Bankruptcy Law? 2. What is the remedy which can be done by
PT. Wijaya Karya in obtaining all the rights that have not been fulfilled after the Supreme
Court decision number. 410.K / Pdt - Sus.Pailit / 2013 ? By declared bankrupt, the
maintenance of the assets of PT. UE ASSA switch to the curator. PT. UE ASSA?s
bankruptcyin principle does not result in PT. UE ASSA loses its right to administer and
control of its assets and did not effect in the cessation of the activity of PT. UE ASSA, since
in the bankruptcy of PT. UE ASSA authority of the Board of Directors switch to the curator
who can then act as the Board of Directors to manage PT. UE ASSA. Responsibility PT.
UE ASSA is a reciprocal responsibility, so the company sentenced for bankruptcy, not the
Directors as long as the Directors did not act unlawfully. There are several legal remedies
that can be done to obtain the rights, PT Wijaya Karya can: a. Conducting a Judicial
Review and b. Conducting an actio pauliana. The form of this thesis research is normative
juridical, with typology analytical descriptive study, the type of data in the form of
secondary data, data collection tools such as the study of documents, while the processing
and analysis of data based on a normative juridical approach., Thesis with the title of the Legal Overview of the Rights PT. Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
As Remaining Bankruptcy Creditors Post Boedel division of PT. UE ASSA (Case Study
Supreme Court Decision No. 410 k / Pdt.Sus - Bankrupt / 2013 ) against the background by
PT. Wijaya Karya who has filed an appeal to the Supreme Court against the decision of
Surabaya Commercial Court No. 08 / PLW.Pailit / 2013 / PN.Niaga SBY jo No. 07 / PKPU
/ 2011 / PN SBY April 22 of 2013 as PT. Wijaya Karya assume , that the Surabaya
Commercial Court decision is very unfair because of the bankruptcy decision PT . Wijaya
Karya only receive a portion of 0.28 % of boedel bankrupt PT. UE ASSA or Rp.
2149802062,47 of all receivables amounting to Rp . 112,835,211,143.00. The main issue
are : 1. What is the status of the responsibilities of the company and the whole range of the
board of PT.UE ASSA to repay the entire debt to PT . Wijaya Karya based on the Limited
Liability Company Law and Bankruptcy Law? 2. What is the remedy which can be done by
PT. Wijaya Karya in obtaining all the rights that have not been fulfilled after the Supreme
Court decision number. 410.K / Pdt - Sus.Pailit / 2013 ? By declared bankrupt, the
maintenance of the assets of PT. UE ASSA switch to the curator. PT. UE ASSA’s
bankruptcyin principle does not result in PT. UE ASSA loses its right to administer and
control of its assets and did not effect in the cessation of the activity of PT. UE ASSA, since
in the bankruptcy of PT. UE ASSA authority of the Board of Directors switch to the curator
who can then act as the Board of Directors to manage PT. UE ASSA. Responsibility PT.
UE ASSA is a reciprocal responsibility, so the company sentenced for bankruptcy, not the
Directors as long as the Directors did not act unlawfully. There are several legal remedies
that can be done to obtain the rights, PT Wijaya Karya can: a. Conducting a Judicial
Review and b. Conducting an actio pauliana. The form of this thesis research is normative
juridical, with typology analytical descriptive study, the type of data in the form of
secondary data, data collection tools such as the study of documents, while the processing
and analysis of data based on a normative juridical approach.]"