Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah cross-sectional. Seluruh populasi mahasiswa FK & FKG UI angkatan 2013-2017 (n = 1432) diminta untuk melengkapi kuesioner. Kuesioner terdiri dari 12 pertanyaan yang didesain untuk mengetahui awareness mahasiswa mengenai kolaborasi antara praktik kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi.
Hasil: Response rate penelitian ini adalah 79.39%. Mayoritas mahasiswa (86.1%) aware terhadap kolaborasi antara praktik kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi. Mahasiswa menganggap bahwa disiplin ilmu Kecelakaan dan Layanan Darurat, Bedah, dan Telinga, Hidung & Tenggorokan (THT) merupakan tiga disiplin ilmu yang paling umum memiliki kolaborasi antara praktik kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi.
Kesimpulan: Dalam penelitian ini, mahasiswa kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi pada umumnya menunjukkan awareness yang baik terhadap kolaborasi antara praktik kedokteran dan kedokteran gigi di Universitas Indonesia. Hal ini merupakan fondasi penting untuk terus mendorong kolaborasi yang sangat vital dalam meningkatkan efisiensi sumber daya dan standar pelayanan kesehatan. ...... Background: Medical-dental collaboration is essential for improving resource efficiency and standards of care. However, few studies have been conducted on it. This study aimed to investigate the awareness of medical and dental students about collaboration between medical and dental practices in University of Indonesia.
Methods: The study design used is cross-sectional. All population of Faculty of Medicine & Faculty of Dentistry UI students (n = 1432) in the year of 2013-2017 was asked to complete a questionnaire. It contained 12 questions designed to elicit their awareness of the collaboration between dentistry and medicine.
Results: The response rate of this study is 79.39%. Most students (86.1%) were aware of the collaboration between medical and dental practice in University of Indonesia. They considered that Accident & Emergency, Surgery, and Ear, Nose & Throat were the three most common medical disciplines which entailed collaboration between medical and dental practice.
Conclusion: In this study, the medical and dental students in general demonstrated a good awareness of the collaboration between medical and dental practice in University of Indonesia. This established an essential foundation for fostering medical-dental collaboration, which is vital to improving resource efficiency and standards of care.