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Purba, Murniati
"Pada penelitian sebelumnya, diperoleh 18 strain Candida spp. dari Apis cerana dan bunga-bunga yang dikunjunginya di Ciburial, Jawa Barat. Hasil identifikasi berdasarkan data sequence daerah ITS rDNA menggunakan primer reverse ITS4, menunjukkan bahwa 18 strain tersebut memiliki homologi rendah (85--98%) terhadap spesies terdekatnya Candida spp. Dengan demikian belum diperoleh identitas yang akurat dari 18 strain Candida spp. tersebut.
Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh identitas yang akurat dari 18 strain tersebut melalui identifikasi molekuler, analisis filogenetik, dan pengamatan karakter fenotipik (morfologi, fisiologi, dan biokimia). Identifikasi dilakukan melalui sequencing pada daerah ITS rDNA dan D1/D2 LSU rDNA. Analisis filogenetik dilakukan berdasarkan data sequence daerah ITS rDNA dan D1/D2 LSU rDNA, menggunakan metode neighbor-joining.
Berdasarkan hasil identifikasi molekuler, analisis filogenetik, dan pengamatan karakter fenotipik, 10 strain diidentifikasi ke dalam 5 spesies, yaitu C. parapsilosis (Candida sp. CR033, CR034, dan CR038), C. orthopsilosis (Candida sp. CR015 dan CR151), C. metapsilosis (Candida sp. CR047 dan CR053), Debaryomyces hansenii (Candida sp. CR065), dan Wickerhamomyces anomalus (Candida sp. CR070 dan CR105). Sebanyak 8 strain (Candida sp. CR004, CR007, CR013, CR014, CR018, CR023, CR027, dan CR035) belum dapat ditentukan nama penunjuk (epithet) spesiesnya. Berdasarkan sequence ITS rDNA 8 strain tersebut memiliki homologi yang rendah (97%) terhadap kerabat terdekatnya C. hawaiiana.
Pohon filogenetik berdasarkan sequence ITS rDNA menunjukkan 8 strain tersebut berada pada clade yang terpisah dengan C. hawaiiana dengan dukungan nilai bootstrap yang sangat tinggi, 99%. Delapan strain Candida tersebut termasuk dalam satu spesies yang memiliki perbedaan sequence ≤1% antara satu strain Candida dengan strain Candida lainnya atau disebut conspecific. Karakter fisiologi dan biokimia menunjukkan 8 strain tersebut memiliki perbedaan dengan C. hawaiiana CBS 9146T pada kemampuannya mengasimilasi sumber karbon α- methyl -D-glucoside, dan ketidakmampuannya mengasimilasi ribosa. Hasil identifikasi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 8 strain Candida tersebut merupakan spesies yang berbeda dengan C. hawaiiana.

In the previous study, 18 strains of Candida spp. were obtained from Apis cerana and their visiting flowers in Ciburial, West Java. Based on sequence data of ITS rDNA using ITS4 reverse primer, these strains showed low homology (85--98%) to their closest relatives Candida spp. Therefore, the identity of these 18 strains were not established yet.
The purpose of this study was to establish the identities of the 18 strains of Candida spp. by conducting molecular identification, phylogenetic analysis, and phenotypic characterization (morphological, physiological, and biochemical characters). Identification and phylogenetic analysis was carried out by sequencing the ITS rDNA and D1/D2 of LSU rDNA. Phylogenetic tree was constructed using neighbor-joining method.
Based on molecular identification, phylogenetic analysis, and phenotypic characterization, 10 strains were identified into 5 species. Those 10 strains were identified as C. parapsilosis (Candida sp. CR033, CR034, and CR038), C. orthopsilosis (Candida sp. CR015 and CR151), C. metapsilosis (Candida sp. CR047 and CR053), Debaryomyces hansenii (Candida sp. CR065), and Wickerhamomyces anomalus (Candida sp. CR070 and CR105). The identities of eight strains (Candida sp. CR004, CR007, CR013, CR014, CR018, CR023, CR027, and CR035) were not established yet. Based on sequence data of ITS rDNA they have low degree of homology (97%) to their closest related species, C. hawaiiana.
Phylogenetic tree based on sequence data of ITS rDNA showed they were separated from C. hawaiiana by 99% bootstrap value. Multiple alignment of their sequences of ITS and D1/D2 showed that they have ≤1% differences, which indicate that these strains are conspecific (same species). Their morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics showed that these strains differed from C. hawaiiana CBS 9146T by their ability to assimilate α-methyl-D-glucoside and their inability to assimilate ribose as carbon sources. Our data suggest that these strains were distinct species from C. hawaiiana.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retno Widowati
"Penelitian bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat-isolat khamir, memperoleh informasi spesies-spesies khamir yang berasal dari lebah madu Apis cerana dan substrat terkait, dan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian pollen substitute (PS) terhadap produktivitas koloni A. cerana. Khamir diisolasi dari telur, larva, pupa, lebah pekerja, lebah ratu, lebah jantan serta bee pollen, bee bread dan madu A. cerana, serta nektar dan serbuk sari dari bunga-bunga yang dikunjungi A. cerana. Khamir diisolasi menggunakan medium YMA dan YMA+sukrosa 50%.
Identifikasi khamir dilakukan berdasarkan data sequence daerah internal trancribed spacer ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA), analisis filogenetik dilakukan dengan metode Neighbor Joining, serta karakter morfologi dan fisiologi-biokimia. Sebanyak enam variasi PS dibuat untuk menguji preferensi A. cerana terhadap jenis PS. PS dalam bentuk pasta diberikan setiap hari selama 20 hari. Pengujian pengaruh pemberian variasi PS lokal dan PS impor terhadap produktivitas koloni A. cerana dilakukan selama 13 minggu. Sebanyak 1.409 isolat khamir diperoleh dari A. cerana dan substrat terkait. Lima puluh isolat representatif diseleksi untuk diidentifikasi.
Hasil identifikasi menunjukkan bahwa 50 isolat khamir tersebut terdiri dari 12 genera dan 21 spesies. Sebanyak enam genera termasuk ke dalam phylum Ascomycota (class Hemiascomycetes, order Saccharomycetales),dan enam genera lainnya termasuk ke dalam phylum Basidiomycota (classes: Hymenomycetes, Urediniomycetes, dan Ustilaginomycetes).
Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan adanya asosiasi dan interaksi antara spesies khamir dengan lebah madu. Hasil uji preferensi terhadap enam variasi PS lokal menunjukkan PS yang mengandung Candida hawaiiana CR015 asal bunga Brugmansia suaveolens (PS1) dan PS yang mengandung baker?s yeast (PS4) lebih disukai oleh A. cerana dibandingkan PS lain. Hasil uji produktivitas menunjukkan pollen substitute yang mengandung Candida hawaiiana CR015 asal bunga Brugmansia suaveolens (PS1) terbukti potensial dalam meningkatkan produktivitas koloni A. cerana setara dengan pollen substitute impor.

The aims of this study were to obtain yeast isolates, to get species information from honeybee Apis cerana and related substrates, and to determine the effects of a pollen substitute (PS) on the productivity of A. cerana colonies.Yeasts were isolated from A. cerana eggs, larvae, pupae, workers, queens, drones, bee pollen, bee bread, honey, and nectars and pollens from flowers visited by A. cerana. The media used to isolate the yeasts were Yeast-Extract Malt-Extract Agar (YMA) and YMA+50% sucrose.
The yeasts were identified based on sequence data of internal transcribed spacer regions of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA). Phylogenetic analysis of yeasts based on ITS rDNA sequence data was performed by the neighbor-joining method. Morphological, physiological and biochemical characteristics of yeasts were observed. To determine the preference of A. cerana for pollen substitutes, honeybee colonies were fed daily with six varieties of pollen substitutes in patty form for 20 days. To examine the effects of pollen substitutes on the productivity of A. cerana, honeybee colonies were fed on local pollen substitutes (PSs) and imported PS for 13 weeks. A total of 1,409 yeast isolates were obtained from various substrates. Fifty representative isolates were selected for identification. The identification results showed that those 50 yeast isolates consisted of 12 genera and 21 species. Six of these genera belong to phylum Ascomycota, and class Hemiascomycetes, while the other six genera belong to phylum Basidiomycota and classes Hymenomycetes, Urediniomycetes and Ustilaginomycetes.
This study indicated that there is an association and an interaction between yeast species and honeybee. The preference test result showed that a PS containing Candida hawaiiana CR015 isolated from the flower of Brugmansia suaveolens (PS1) and a PS containing baker?s yeast (PS4) were favoured by A. cerana colonies.
The productivity test result showed that a PS containing Candida hawaiiana CR015. The preference test result showed that a PS containing Candida hawaiiana CR015 isolated from the flower of Brugmansia suaveolens (PS1) and a PS containing baker?s yeast (PS4) were favoured by A. cerana colonies. The productivity test result showed that a PS containing Candida hawaiiana CR015 isolated from the flower of Brugmansia suaveolens (PS1) was proved to potentially increase the productivity of A. cerana colonies and could be considered as good as imported pollen substitute.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kristina Hersandi
"Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian Pollen Substitute (PS) dan Nectar Substitute (NS) terhadap produktivitas Apis cerana, dan menganalisis kualitas madu sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia. Pemberian PS dan NS berfungsi sebagai pengganti pakan alami lebah madu, yaitu pollen dan nectar. Pollen Substitute dibuat dari biomassa basah khamir Saccharomyces cerevisiae dan NS dari sirup nanas. Pakan diberikan dengan cara mencampurkan 2 gr PS dan 50 ml NS. Pada penelitian digunakan 10 koloni lebah madu: lima koloni sebagai kontrol dan lima koloni untuk perlakuan, seluruh koloni dibiarkan tetap mencari pakan alaminya. Pollen substitute dan NS diberikan setiap hari selama 2 periode (6 minggu per periode). Produktivitas lebah madu diamati setiap periode. Analisis kualitas madu dilakukan setelah 6 minggu. Hasil pengamatan pada dua periode menunjukkan penambahan keliling sisir madu dan jumlah sisir madu pada koloni perlakuan lebih besar dibandingkan kontrol. Meskipun demikian hasil uji T menunjukkan pemberian perlakuan tidak berbeda nyata terhadap kontrol (P>0,05). Rerata kenaikan keliling sisir madu dan jumlah sisir madu berturut–turut pada koloni kontrol sebesar 37 ± 23,42 cm dan 0,75 ± 0,95 buah (periode 1); 172,5 ± 79,65 cm dan 3,5 ± 1,73 buah (periode 2). Sedangkan pada koloni yang diberi PS dan NS sebesar 52 ± 55,37 cm dan 1,25 ± 1,5 (periode I); 199,5 ± 79,41 cm dan 5 ± 2,16 buah (periode 2). Volume madu yang dihasilkan koloni perlakuan lebih banyak dibandingkan kontrol, baik pada periode 1 maupun periode 2. Hasil analisis kualitas madu kontrol dan yang diberi PS dan NS sesuai dengan SNI 8664:2018. Pemberian PS dan NS mampu mempertahankan dan meningkatkan produktivitas koloni A. cerana yaitu pada keliling sisir, jumlah sisir, volume madu, dan kekuatan koloni.

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of pollen substitute (PS) and nectar substitute (NS) on the productivity of Apis cerana colonies and the quality of honey according to Indonesian National Standard for honey. Provision of PS and NS serves as a substitute for natural pollen and nectar. Pollen Substitute was prepared from wet biomass of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and NS from pineapple syrup. The feed were given to the colony by mixing 2 g of PS and 50 ml of NS. Ten honeybee colonies were used in this study, five colonies were used as feeding trials and five colonies as control, and they were allowed to forage on flowers. Pollen substitute and nectar substitute were provided to the colonies every day for two periods (total 12 weeks, six weeks per period). Honey quality analysis was performed after six weeks. The results of provision of PS and NS in two periods to the colonies showed the greater than the control in their increasing of honeycomb circumference and the number of honeycombs. However, the results of the T test showed that the provision of PS and NS was not significantly different from the control (P>0,05). The average increase in the honeycomb circumference and the number of honeycombs in control colonies were 37 ± 23.42 cm and 0.75 ± 0.95 pieces (period 1); 172.5 ± 79.65 cm and 3.5 ± 1.73 pieces (period 2). Meanwhile, the colonies fed on PS and NS were 52 ± 55.37 cm and 1.25 ± 1.5 (period 1); 199.5 ± 79.41 cm and 5 ± 2.16 pieces (period 2). The yield of honey produced from colonies fed on PS and NS was higher than control colonies, both in periods 1 and 2. The quality of honey produced by the colony fed on PS and NS met the criteria of the Indonesian National Standard for honey SNI 8664:2018. This study revealed that the provision of PS and NS was able to maintain and increased the productivity of A. cerana colonies, in terms of honeycomb circumference, number of honeycombs, honey yield, and colony strength.

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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Estriningtyas Agus Rismawanti
"Penelitian bertujuan membuat pollen substitute (PS) yang disukai dan dapat meningkatkan produktivitas lebah madu A. cerana. Pollen substitute dibuat dengan bahan dasar tepung kedelai dan susu skim. Pada penelitian ini A.cerana diberikan tiga macam pollen substitute, yaitu PS A (mengandung bahan dasar, Debaryomyces hansenii CR133, madu); PS B (mengandung bahan dasar, sirup gula); PS C (mengandung bahan dasar, madu). Pemberian PS selama 20 hari, dan lebah dibiarkan mencari serbuk sari dan nektar di alam. Koloni kontrol tidak diberi PS.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PS yang dibuat memenuhi kriteria sebagai PS yang baik. Apis cerana menyukai PS A dan PS C dengan tingkat konsumsi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan PS B. Pemberian semua jenis PS meningkatkan keliling (0,3--4,5 cm per hari) dan jumlah honeycomb. Pada kontrol terdapat kenaikan keliling honeycomb (0,2--0,5 cm per hari), namun tidak ada penambahan jumlah honeycomb. Secara umum, lebah pekerja yang diberi PS dan kontrol mengalami kenaikan berat badan (5--56,94%).

The research aimed to make pollen substitutes preferred by and increase the productivity of A. cerana. Basic ingredients of pollen substitutes (PS) were soy flour and skim milk. There were three types of pollen substitutes, i.e. PS A (contained basic ingredients, Debaryomyces hansenii CR133, honey); PS B (basic ingredients, sugar syrup); and PS C (basic ingredients, honey). The pollen substitutes were fed to colonies of A. cerana for 20 days, but they were allowed to forage on flowers. No PS was given to the control colonies.
The results showed that A. cerana preferred PSA and PS C to PS A. Increases of circumference and number of honeycombs were observed in colonies fed with all types of PSs (0,3--4,5 cm/day). There was an increase of the circumference of honeycombs in the control (0,2--0,5 cm/day), but there was no addition of new honeycomb. Generally, the weight of individual worker bees increased in colonies fed with PSs and control (5--56,94%).
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Produksi madu dari peternakan lebah di Irian Jaya, khususnya kabupaten Jayapura menurun dengan drastis disebabkan oleh adanya infestasi tungau Tropilaelaps clereae dan Varroa jacobsoni dan adanya protozoa Nosema apis. Infestasi T.clareae hanya ada pada satu koloni Apis mallifera, sedangkan Varroa jacobsoni pada koloni Apis cerana. Infestasi T.clereae pada 14 koloni A.mellifera yang diamati bervariasi antara 0% - 59%, sedangkan derajat infestasi V.jacobsoni antara 0,59% - 1,2%. Nosema apis ditemukan pada 2 koloni A.mellifera. Pemakaian campuran belerang dan kamper dapat memberantas tungau belum digunakan oleh peternak lebah dengan perbandingan yang tepat ( 2 gram belerang dan 1 gram kamper) serta dengan jadwal yang tertentu, sehingga campuran tersebut tidak bekerja dengan hasil yang memuaskan."
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MPARIN 6 (1-2) 1993
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library