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Dea Amanta Azaria
Abstrak :
Rumah susun merupakan salah satu alternatif pemecahan masalah kebutuhan tempat tinggal karena jumlah lahan terbatas sedangkan jumlah penduduknya terus meningkat. Tesis ini membahas permasalahan hukum terkait perizinan dalam pembangunan Apartemen X di DKI Jakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini guna mengetahui permasalahan hukum yang timbul terkait perizinan pembangunan rumah susun dan bagaimanakah tanggung jawab penyelenggara pembangunan serta dampak hukum yang ditimbulkan dari permasalahan tersebut. Metode penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, dengan menggunakan data sekunder dan alat pengumpulan data dengan cara studi dokumen dan wawancara, kemudian data dianalisis dengan metode kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa meskipun serah terima satuan rumah susun Apartemen X di DKI Jakarta kepada konsumen telah dilakukan oleh penyelenggara pembangunan sesuai dengan target, namun dalam pelaksanaan pembangunannya penulis menemukan 3 tiga masalah utama terkait perizinan. Pertama, Apartemen X dibangun dengan Surat Izin Penunjukkan Penggunaan Tanah SIPPT tanpa terlebih dahulu memperoleh Surat Persetujuan Prinsip Pembebasan Lahan/Lokasi SP3L ; kedua, pembangunan tower pertama dilakukan sebelum adanya Izin Pendahuluan; ketiga, penggunaan bangunan pada tower kedua dilakukan sebelum adanya Sertipikat Laik Fungsi SLF . Sehingga hasil dari penelitian ini menyarankan agar penyelenggara pembangunan selalu mematuhi berbagai ketentuan mengenai perizinan, dan bagi pemerintah agar meningkatkan pengawasan dan penertiban terkait pembangunan rumah susun, serta masyarakat sebagai konsumen harus memastikan perizinan dalam pembangunan rumah susun sebelum melakukan pembelian satuan rumah susun.
Apartment is an alternative problem solver as a place to live because the limited amount of land while the population continues to increase. The topic of this thesis is about legal issues that arise related to the permit of Apartement X rsquo s construction in DKI Jakarta. The purpose of this research is to know legal issues that arise related to the permit of Apartement X rsquo s construction and how the developer 39 s responsibilities and the legal impacts arising from the problems. The method of this research is normative juridical using the secondary data and the data were collected by document study and interview, and then the data is analize with qualitative method. From this research we know that even the handover is already been done according to the constructions target, but it turns out that the researcher have found 3 three major permit rsquo s legal issues related to the construction of Apartment X. First, Apartment X was builded based on Appointment of Land Use Permit without Land Acquisition Permit second, the development of the first tower was begun without Preliminary Permit third, the second tower is already being used before the Functionality Permit published. Therefore the result of this research is to give advice for the developer to always follow the rules and regulations especially related to permit, and for the goverment has to improve the control of Apartments construction, and also for society as consumer have to make sure the permit rsquo s legal centainty in the construction of Apartments before buy an apartment.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sonia Ghanyyu Rebia
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas tentang Perjanjian Tripartit atau skema perjanjian 3 pihak dalam proses pembangunan Apartemen Nines Plaza and Residence BSD antara PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, BUMN dibidang konstruksi dan PT Waskita Karya Realty Tbk (anak perusahaan dari PT Waskita Karya (Persero)) yang bergerak di bidang property dan Pihak Ketiga yaitu Subkontraktor. Penelitian hukum yang dilakukan adalah yuridis normatif dengan berbasis pada analisis terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan khususnya materi/isi perjanjian kerjasama Tripartit serta kaidah-kaidah hukum perjanjian dalam Buku III KUHPerdata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Perjanjian Tripartit tersebut memenuhi 4 (empat) unsur syarat-syarat dalam pembuatan perjanjian yang diatur dalam Pasal 1320. Terjadinya wanprestasi dalam pelaksanaan Perjanjian Tripartit Proyek Nines Plaza and Residence BSD adalah akibat terjadi suatu keadaan tidak dilaksanakannya apa yang telah diperjanjikan, oleh karena ketidakmampuan salah satu pihak yang terikat dalam perjanjian, yaitu tidak melaksanakan pembayaran yang mengakibatkan terhambatnya pembangunan berkelanjutan di Proyek Nines Plaza and Residence, diluar ketidakmampuan dalam hal pembayaran terdapat faktor lain yaitu dikarenakan Pandemi Covid-19 yang membuat semua bisnis dikalangan pekerja konstruksi macet. Akibat hukum yang timbul dari tindakan tidak melaksanakan kewajiban dalam hal pembayaran adalah Penyedia Jasa/Owner bisa dituntut ke BANI untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan (Jika Terjadi). Sejauh ini upaya penyelesaian yang ditempuh adalah melalui musyawarah di antara para pihak, hal ini didahului dengan pemberian teguran ataupun somasi dan diupayakan penyelesaian kontrak dengan membuat addendum kontrak. Disarankan perlunya dilakukan pertimbangan serta perhitungan yang lebih matang pada proyek Nines Plaza and Residence BSD yang sedang dilaksanakan. ......This thesis discusses the Tripartite Agreement or 3-party agreement scheme in the development process of Nines Plaza and Residence BSD Apartments between PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk, BUMN in the field of construction and PT Waskita Karya Realty Tbk (a subsidiary of PT Waskita Karya (Persero)) which is engaged in property and Third Parties, namely Subcontractors. The legal research carried out is normative juridical based on an analysis of statutory regulations, especially the material/content of the Tripartite cooperation agreement and the legal principles of the agreement in Book III of the Civil Code. The results of the study show that the Tripartite Agreement fulfills 4 (four) elements of the requirements in making the agreement regulated in Article 1320. The occurrence of a default in the implementation of the Tripartite Agreement for the Nines Plaza and Residence BSD Project is due to a condition where what has been agreed has not been implemented, because the inability of one of the parties bound in the agreement, namely not making payments which resulted in delays in sustainable development at the Nines Plaza and Residence Project, apart from inability in terms of payment there are other factors, namely due to the Covid-19 Pandemic which has brought all business among construction workers to a standstill. The legal consequences arising from the act of not carrying out obligations in terms of payment are that the Service Provider/Owner can be sued to BANI to resolve the dispute (if it occurs). So far the settlement efforts taken are through deliberation between the parties, this was preceded by giving a warning or subpoena and efforts were made to settle the contract by making a contract addendum. It is suggested that there is a need for more mature considerations and calculations on the Nines Plaza and Residence BSD project that is being implemented.
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anie Wijaya
Abstrak :
Bahwa dalam rumah susun di Indonesia, terdapat satuan rumah yang dapat dimiliki secara terpisah dan ada pula pemilikan bersama atas bagian bersama, benda bersama, dan tanah bersama sesuai dengan nilai perbandingan dan proporsionalnya. Hal ini menyebabkan perlunya dilakukan pengaturan mengenai penggunaan dan pengelolaannya yang dilakukan oleh Perhimpunan Penghuni sebagai badan hukum yang bertanggung jawab mengurus kepentingan bersama para pemilik dan penghuni rumah susun. Perhimpunan Penghuni diatur dalam Undang-Undang Rumah Susun Nomor 16 tahun 1985 dan juga terhadap Undang- Undang Rumah Susun Nomor 20 Tahun 2011. Perhimpunan Penghuni diberi kedudukan sebagai badan hukum yang memiliki Anggaran Dasar dan Anggaran Rumah dan dapat melakukan tindakan hukum ke luar dan ke dalam atas nama pemilik dengan wewenang yang dimilikinya untuk mewujudkan ketertiban dan ketenteraman dalam lingkungan rumah susun. Tetapi banyak perhimpunan penghuni yang tidak melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik dengan tidak mementingkan kesejahteraan para penghuni dan pemilik rumah susun. Hal ini pun terjadi pada Apartemen Mediterania Palace Residences Kemayoran, dimana perhimpunan penghuni yang seharusnya menjadi sarana untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan justru menjadi batu sandungan yang mengambil hak-hak para penghuni rumah susun.
Whereas, for the condominium in Indonesia, there is a unit of condominium which can be owned separately and can be owned jointly upon the joint property, joint asset, and joint land in accordance with each of the party?s calculation and proportionality. These would cause the needs of the regulatory regarding its use and maintenance, which conducted by Resident?s Association as a legal entity which responsible to maintain the joint interest of the owners and residents of the condominium. Resident?s Association is regulated under the Law of Condominium No. 16 Year 1985 and as well the Law of Condominium No. 20 Year 2011. Resident?s Association is given the authority as the legal entity and having its own articles of association and articles of maintenance which entitle to conduct a legal action outside and inside on behalf of the owners with its given authorization to implement the safety and tranquility of the condominium?s environment. However, there are Resident?s Association which not implement its duty with good faith by not pursue the wealth of the residents and owners of the condominium. These also happens on the Mediterania Palace Residences Kemayoran Apartment, whereby the Resident?s Association who are obliged to be the facility to improve the wealth of the residents, precisely became the hindrance and (illegally) detain the rights of the condominium residents.;Whereas, for the condominium in Indonesia, there is a unit of condominium which can be owned separately and can be owned jointly upon the joint property, joint asset, and joint land in accordance with each of the party?s calculation and proportionality. These would cause the needs of the regulatory regarding its use and maintenance, which conducted by Resident?s Association as a legal entity which responsible to maintain the joint interest of the owners and residents of the condominium. Resident?s Association is regulated under the Law of Condominium No. 16 Year 1985 and as well the Law of Condominium No. 20 Year 2011. Resident?s Association is given the authority as the legal entity and having its own articles of association and articles of maintenance which entitle to conduct a legal action outside and inside on behalf of the owners with its given authorization to implement the safety and tranquility of the condominium?s environment. However, there are Resident?s Association which not implement its duty with good faith by not pursue the wealth of the residents and owners of the condominium. These also happens on the Mediterania Palace Residences Kemayoran Apartment, whereby the Resident?s Association who are obliged to be the facility to improve the wealth of the residents, precisely became the hindrance and (illegally) detain the rights of the condominium residents.;Whereas, for the condominium in Indonesia, there is a unit of condominium which can be owned separately and can be owned jointly upon the joint property, joint asset, and joint land in accordance with each of the party?s calculation and proportionality. These would cause the needs of the regulatory regarding its use and maintenance, which conducted by Resident?s Association as a legal entity which responsible to maintain the joint interest of the owners and residents of the condominium. Resident?s Association is regulated under the Law of Condominium No. 16 Year 1985 and as well the Law of Condominium No. 20 Year 2011. Resident?s Association is given the authority as the legal entity and having its own articles of association and articles of maintenance which entitle to conduct a legal action outside and inside on behalf of the owners with its given authorization to implement the safety and tranquility of the condominium?s environment. However, there are Resident?s Association which not implement its duty with good faith by not pursue the wealth of the residents and owners of the condominium. These also happens on the Mediterania Palace Residences Kemayoran Apartment, whereby the Resident?s Association who are obliged to be the facility to improve the wealth of the residents, precisely became the hindrance and (illegally) detain the rights of the condominium residents., Whereas, for the condominium in Indonesia, there is a unit of condominium which can be owned separately and can be owned jointly upon the joint property, joint asset, and joint land in accordance with each of the party’s calculation and proportionality. These would cause the needs of the regulatory regarding its use and maintenance, which conducted by Resident’s Association as a legal entity which responsible to maintain the joint interest of the owners and residents of the condominium. Resident’s Association is regulated under the Law of Condominium No. 16 Year 1985 and as well the Law of Condominium No. 20 Year 2011. Resident’s Association is given the authority as the legal entity and having its own articles of association and articles of maintenance which entitle to conduct a legal action outside and inside on behalf of the owners with its given authorization to implement the safety and tranquility of the condominium’s environment. However, there are Resident’s Association which not implement its duty with good faith by not pursue the wealth of the residents and owners of the condominium. These also happens on the Mediterania Palace Residences Kemayoran Apartment, whereby the Resident’s Association who are obliged to be the facility to improve the wealth of the residents, precisely became the hindrance and (illegally) detain the rights of the condominium residents.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library