"Destination branding dianggap sebagai aspek utama dalam penerapan konsep pemasaran dalam suatu destinasi, terutama saat peluang dalam industri pariwisata meningkat dan bertambahnya berbagai pilihan destinasi wisata. Sebelumnya, telah dibahas mengenai theoretical framework mengenai destination branding menggunakan variabel source credibility, destination image, destination attachment, dan destination satisfaction. Penelitian kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh dari destination source credibility terhadap destination satisfaction dengan mediasi destination image dan destination attachment. Penelitian ini melibatkan 302 orang responden yang sebelumnya pernah mengunjungi destinasi wisata Malang Raya dan melakukan pencarian informasi menggunakan situs dan/atau aplikasi User Generated Content UGC . Data diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling SEM . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa variabel destination image memediasi pengaruh destination source credibility terhadap destination attachment. Destination attachment memiliki peran mediasi pada pengaruh destination image terhadap destination satisfaction. Namun, destination attachment tidak memiliki peran mediasi dalam pengaruh destination source credibility terhadap destination.
Destination branding is considered as the main aspect of destination marketing, align with the increasing opportunity in tourism industry and the development in alternative destination choices. Before, the theoretical framework of destination branding already developed, which include destination source credibility, destination image, destination attachment, and destination satisfaction. This quantitative research aims to see the effect of destination source credibility to destination satisfaction with destination image and destination attachment as mediation variable. The study involved 302 respondents who have visited Malang Raya and have done information research using site and or application of User Generated Content UGC . The data was processed using Structural Equation Modeling SEM . The results of this study showed that destination image does mediate the effect of destination source credibility to destination attachment. Destination attachment does mediate the effect of destination image to destination satisfaction, but does not mediate the effect of destination source credibility to destination satisfaction."