Triyono Rakhmadi
Abstrak :
Minyak & gas bumi merupakan salah satu penentu neraca devisa negara
indonesia. Pertingkatan produksi migas selalu tidak seimbang dengan peningkatan
konsumsinya balk untuk penggunaan langsung maupun produk turunannya dalam
berbagai sektor industri. Premier Oil Indonesia (POI) adalah salah satu KPS (Kontraktor
Production Sharing) minyak dan gas bumi yang ada di Indonesia yang dalam operasinya
menggunakan teknologi tinggi dengan investasi yang cukup besar dan kecelakaan kerja
yang terjadi pasti akan menimbulkan kerugian bagi pekerja, perusahaan dan lingkungan.
Di POI, Occupational Health and Safoty Management System (OHSMS) menjadi bagian
dari keseluruhan sistem manajemen. Tujuan dan sasaran KJ terintegrasi dalam ~tiap
rencana, langkah kerja dan target spesitlk yang harus dicapai.
Selarna kuron waktu 6 (enam) tabun dari 2001 - 2006, ada sekitar 380 kasus
kecelakaan keija yang terjadi dan dilaporkan. Mulai awal tabun 2007 POI ingin lebih
meningkatkan kinerja KJLH-nya dengan memasukan kasus Higb Risk (High Potential)
Incident menjadi salah satu indikator K3LH seiain Incident Rate da1am KPI-nya (Key
Performance Indicator). Hal inilah yang memotivasi dan menarik untuk perlunya
dilakukan penelitian ini, guna menganalisa
Product increase Oil and gas always incommensurate to make-up of its consumption to
direct usage and also its generation product in so many industrial sector. Premier Oil
Indonesia ( POI) is one of the CPS ( Contractor Production Sharing) gas and oil exist in
Indonesia which in its operation use high technology with big enough investment, and
accident work that happened surely win generate Joss to worker, environment and
company. In POI, Occupational Health Safety Management System and ( OHSMS)
become the part of the overall of management system. And HSE target integrated in each
plan. work activity and specific goals which must reach.
During range of 6 year from 2001 -2006, there is about 380 work accident that
happened and reported. Start early year 2007 POI wish more is improving of HSE
performance with High Risk ( High Potential) Incident become one of the HSE indicator
besides Incident Rate in KPI ( Key Perfomance Indicator). This matter motivate and
draw to the importance of done by this research, analyze work accident data which have
high risk criterion ( HiPo Incident) that happened during year 2001 - 2006 to know the
performance result of effort HSE specially in level of accident .
This research character is analytic descriptive of comparability, to study accident
that happened (accident analysis) and assessment of risk by use risk assessment matrix (
RAM) to know accident of job which categorize High Risk I High Potential ( HiPo
Incident) and comparing it v.ith annual accident report data of POI and also result of
former research.
The research data used secondary data from acddent data which noted in HSE
Department POI from year 200 l ( quarter four in year 2000 representing early usage of
online database in POI) up to year 2006. Because this research use secondary data,
accident data validity only pursuant to work accident report data. Quality of accident
report existing very determining result of analysis at this research.
From result of this research indicate that:
1. Incident that happened during period the last 6 year very fluctuate specially
from severity level. but from amount of hence at the last two year is make-up of
which is significant. Percentage of HiPo case in year 2005 resulted at total height
of accident work in year 2006, but do not significant in year 2002 ~ 2003.
Pursuant to analysis from time and location the happening of highest accident~
conclude that increasing activity relate to number of accident.
2. Primary Cause which most dominant is Equipment that is failure of lifting
equipment and unsafe equipment due to defect, then human that is Lack of
attention I care, fur the root of cause dominant is Failure to foliow known job
procedure, inadequate training I poor training standard. inadequate supervision.
3. HiPo Incident that happened in POI majority ( 41 %) representing near miss and
nothing that represent security case. From awareness side to do reporting, this
matter represent that its high enough on awareness, accident reported not merely
because wounded victim or its severity of injury.
4. From HiPo inciden data during 6 year almost 90% of similar case v.-ill "
POSSIBLE" happened again ( in this case include 41% of case very possible
happened again and 14% most certainly happened accident again).
Expected with result of this research hence company suggested to alert to statistica1
performance of existing accident, making Hi Po Incident as KPI in year 2007 representing
a step in the right direction so long as with improvement of knowledge all its employees.
Investigation of accident have to identify cause till get root cause and fOllow-up from
accident recommendation for the action of prevention and correction have to really is
replying of existing causa11 because most of all case accident reported HiPo have potency
to recurred again happened: and generate more serious loss or effect, this matter if
condition stili is: equal to 6 years period or mean POI management do not make a
significant change from existing situation specially in the Jast 2 year having data most
Compulsion follow existing working procedure. efficient and effective training
according to each employees competence requirement, the importance of improving of
supervisory function to its subordinate performance, direct observe and inspection at
work and also give suggestion if there is mistake in or possibility of potential hazard.
Intensification aH effort which have there are ; HSE Meeting. Safety Inspection, PASS,
Hazard Report, STOP and others for support focus in the accident prevention. HSE
Manual, Procedure, Task Instruction which have there is and available have to be assured
by implementation maximally and correctness, trained to all employees which must
involve to be have competence to and supervised by its by related/relevant Supervisor to
lessen implementation diffraction is and also done by periodical review to assure
according to risk and hazard expanding.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library