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David Purmiasa
Abstrak :
Pendorong utama kepunahan avifauna hutan tropis adalah hilangnya habitat dan fragmentasi. Pulau Halmahera yang berada di Maluku Utara memiliki nilai endemisitas burung yang tinggi. Namun, penebangan hutan dan kegiatan antropogenik lainnya telah menurunkan sekitar 80% hutan alamnya. Meskipun demikian dampak hilangnya habitat dan degradasi hutan terhadap spesies burung masih kurang dipahami. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pulau Halmahera, dari bulan Desember 2016 sampai dengan Pebruari 2017, pada dua tipe habitat yaitu hutan bekas tebangan dan kebun campuran.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan spesies burung pada habitat hutan bekas tebangan dan kebun campuran serta efek dari perubahan tipe habitat terhadap sebaran dan kelimpahan burung di Halmahera. Penelitian ini menggunakan metoda titik hitung dengan penghitungan jarak (VCP), pengamatan burung dilakukan selama sepuluh menit pada setiap titik pengamatan yang terletak pada interval 200 m sepanjang transek. Secara keseluruhan, tercatat 700 kontak burung yang teridentifikasi dari 90 titik pengamatan di hutan bekas tebangan (rata-rata = 7,7 per stasiun) dan 334 kontak burung di 55 titik pengamatan di kebun campuran (rata-rata = 6,07 per stasiun).  Jumlah total spesies yang diidentifikasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 75 jenis, 62 di hutan bekas tebangan (61 tercatat di titik pengamatan) dan 57 di kebun campuran (56 tercatat di titik pengamatan). Sebanyak 22 spesies burung endemik Maluku Utara ditemukan di hutan bekas tebangan dan 16 spesies di kebun campuran. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa keragaman spesies burung tinggi di hutan bekas tebangan yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan kembali, namun rendah di kebun campuran.  Hal yang penting adalah hampir semua spesies burung sebaran terbatas secara global di Halmahera dapat dijumpai di hutan bekas tebangan dengan proses pertumbuhan kembali. Hasil tersebut mungkin disebabkan oleh regenerasi habitat yang cepat dan adanya area hutan yang tidak terganggu atau sedikit terganggu diantara habitat hutan bekas tebangan. ......The main driver of tropical forest avifauna extinctions is habitat loss and fragmentation. Halmahera Island located in the Northern Moluccas has a high bird endemism. However, logging and other anthropogenic activities have degraded around 80% of its natural forests. The impact of habitat loss and degradation on these species is poorly understood.  This research was conducted in Halmahera Island, from December 2016 until February 2017.  The study was conducted on logged forest and mixed gardens. The purpose of the research is to know the bird species in logged forest and mixed garden in Halmahera, and  effects of habitat change to diversity and abundance on birds in Halmahera. The study used a point count method. At  each point count, birds were recorded during the ten-minute timed counts at points that were situated at 200 m intervals along transects. There were 700 bird contacts at 90 point count in logged forest (average = 7.7 contact per station) and 334 bird contacts in 55 point count in mixed garden (average = 6.07 per station) . The total number of species identified in the study were 75 species, 62 in logged forest (61 recorded at points count and 57 in mixed garden (56 recorded in point count). A total of 22 species of North Maluku endemic birds are found in logged-over forests and 16 species in mixed gardens. The study found that bird species diversity is high in the regrowth forest, but low in in mixed gardens. Importantly, almost all of the globally restricted range species were present in the regrowth forest. These results in the logged areas are probably due to rapid habitat regeneration and the presence of undisturbed or slightly disturbed forest patches.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tony Sudjarwo
Abstrak :
Penelitian telah dilakukan mengenai karakteristik Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms dan Pistia stratiotes L. pada air limbah domestik serta uji toksisitas hasil fitoremediasinya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek anatomi, fisiologi dan ekologi E. crassipes dan P. stratiotes serta toksisitas hasil fitoremediasinya terhadap Dahnia magna L. dan Cyprinus carpio L. Bahan ditempatkan di outlet kolam anaerob, fakultatif dan maturasi di Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) Bojongsoang Bandung selama 14 hari dan sebagai fitoremediator selama 10 hari dengan metode statik. Hasil fitoremediasi diuji toksisitas akut dan sub akut terhadap D. magna selama 2 hari dan C. carpio selama 4 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan E. crassipes dan P. stratiotes sebagian besar menurun pada diameter akar 1,18-2,50 mm, stele 0,37-1,82 mm, korteks 0,30-0,65 mm, panjang akar 0,05-5,21 cm dan kadar klorofil 0,19-1250,33 mg/L, serta meningkat pada berat basah 93,39-99,49 g, panjang stolon 11,33-15,97 cm, panjang petiola 2,05-3,21 cm dan luas daun 1,12-8,56 cm2; kelimpahan bakteri nitrifikasi pengoksidasi amonia (AOB) dan bakteri pengoksidasi nitrat (NOB) meningkat pada rhizosfer E. crassipes. Efisiensi tertinggi E. crassipes 86,14% fosfat dan 98,41% nitrat dengan retensi terendah 0,3-0,4 hari, serta tertinggi P. stratiotes 96,34% TSS, 97,20% kekeruhan dan 96,70% BOD. Kadar nitrat di akar lebih tinggi dibanding pada daun. Hasil fitoremediasi menunjukkan toksik rendah, meningkatkan rata-rata telur 12,1-14,7, frekuensi bertelur 0,7 dan awal hari bertelur 3,5-3,6 hari, serta peningkatan laju konsumsi oksigen 150,8-239,1 mg/g bb/jam C. carpio pada hasil fitoremediasi E. crassipes. Hasil-hasil tertinggi sebagian besar diperoleh pada air limbah domestik dari kolam anaerob dan fakultatif. Eichhornia crassipes dan Pistia stratiotes adaptif pada air limbah domestik, berpotensi tinggi dalam menurunkan polutan air limbah domestik dengan hasil fitoremediasinya toksik rendah.;
Research has been done on the characteristics of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. in domestic wastewater and phytoremediation results toxicity test. The study aims to determine anatomy, physiology and ecology aspect, and the toxicity test of phytoremediation results against Daphnia magna L. and Cyprinus carpio L. Materials placed on the outlet in anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds on Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Bojongsoang Bandung for 14 days, and as phytoremediator for 10 days using static methods. Acute toxicity tests and sub acute phytoremediation results for D. magna reproduction for 2 days and the rate of oxygen consumption C. carpio for 4 days. The results showed in E. crassipes and P. stratiotes most of the decrease in root diameter 1.18-2.50 mm, stele 0.37-1.82 mm, cortex 0.30-0.65 mm, root length 0.05-5.21 cm and chlorophyll content 0.19-1250.33 mg/L, and the increase in wet weight 93.39-99.49 g, stolon length 11.33-15.97 cm, petiole length 2.05-3.21 cm and leaf area 1.12-8.56 cm2; abundance of nitrifying ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrate oxidizing bacteria (NOB) is increased in the rhizosphere of E. crassipes. The highest efficiency of E. crassipes 86.14% phosphate and 98.41% nitrate, and P. stratiotes 96.34% TSS, 97.20% turbidity and 96.70% BOD, and the lowest retention of 0.3-0.4 days. Nitrate levels in roots was higher than in the leaves. Domestic wastewater toxicity test phytoremediation results to D. magna and C. carpio showed low toxic. Subacute toxicity tests on D. magna reproduction showed increase the average egg 2.1-14.7, the frequency spawn about 0.7 and earlier in the day spawn 3.5-3.6 days, and increase in the rate of oxygen consumption 150.8-239.1 mg/g w/h C. carpio on E. crassipes phytoremediation results. The results mostly takes place in the wastewater from the anaerob and facultative ponds. Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes adaptive in domestic wastewater, high potential in reducing, Research has been done on the characteristics of Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms and Pistia stratiotes L. in domestic wastewater and phytoremediation results toxicity test. The study aims to determine anatomy, physiology and ecology aspect, and the toxicity test of phytoremediation results against Daphnia magna L. and Cyprinus carpio L. Materials placed on the outlet in anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds on Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Bojongsoang Bandung for 14 days, and as phytoremediator for 10 days using static methods. Acute toxicity tests and sub acute phytoremediation results for D. magna reproduction for 2 days and the rate of oxygen consumption C. carpio for 4 days. The results showed in E. crassipes and P. stratiotes most of the decrease in root diameter 1.18-2.50 mm, stele 0.37-1.82 mm, cortex 0.30-0.65 mm, root length 0.05-5.21 cm and chlorophyll content 0.19-1250.33 mg/L, and the increase in wet weight 93.39-99.49 g, stolon length 11.33-15.97 cm, petiole length 2.05-3.21 cm and leaf area 1.12-8.56 cm2; abundance of nitrifying ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrate oxidizing bacteria (NOB) is increased in the rhizosphere of E. crassipes. The highest efficiency of E. crassipes 86.14% phosphate and 98.41% nitrate, and P. stratiotes 96.34% TSS, 97.20% turbidity and 96.70% BOD, and the lowest retention of 0.3-0.4 days. Nitrate levels in roots was higher than in the leaves. Domestic wastewater toxicity test phytoremediation results to D. magna and C. carpio showed low toxic. Subacute toxicity tests on D. magna reproduction showed increase the average egg 2.1-14.7, the frequency spawn about 0.7 and earlier in the day spawn 3.5-3.6 days, and increase in the rate of oxygen consumption 150.8-239.1 mg/g w/h C. carpio on E. crassipes phytoremediation results. The results mostly takes place in the wastewater from the anaerob and facultative ponds. Eichhornia crassipes and Pistia stratiotes adaptive in domestic wastewater, high potential in reducing]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library