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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Yulius Putra
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti perubahan persepsi investor terhadap risiko berinvestasi di Indonesia. Pada penelitian ini, deret waktu dari parameter risk aversion diestimasi menggunakan indeks saham Indonesia menggunakan data imbal hasil dengan frekuensi harian dari tahun 1990 hingga tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan model AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)-M untuk mengestimasi parameter risk aversion pada pasar saham Indonesia. Pemodelan yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini memodelkan parameter risk aversion dalam proses random walk. Penemuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa premi risiko memiliki variansi sepanjang waktu dan mengindikasikan bahwa pasar saham Indonesia berpengaruh terhadap situasi perekonomian global.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the change in perception of risk by investors in Indonesia. In this research, the time series of risk aversion parameter is estimated for the Indonesian stock market using daily return data from year 1990 to 2015. This research makes use of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)-M model to estimate the risk aversion parameter for Indonesian stock market. The model used in this research modelled the risk aversion parameter to follow a random walk process. The findings of this thesis show that the risk premium varies over time and indicate that the Indonesian stock market is vulnerable to global economy, The purpose of this thesis is to examine the change in perception of risk by investors in Indonesia. In this research, the time series of risk aversion parameter is estimated for the Indonesian stock market using daily return data from year 1990 to 2015. This research makes use of AR(1)-GARCH(1,1)-M model to estimate the risk aversion parameter for Indonesian stock market. The model used in this research modelled the risk aversion parameter to follow a random walk process. The findings of this thesis show that the risk premium varies over time and indicate that the Indonesian stock market is vulnerable to global economy]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tunjung Agung Wijaya
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tingkat kebehasilan dan mengukur benefit sistem informasi UMS yang telah diimplementasikan di gudang PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan dua metode, pertama adalah dengan cara survei kepada pengguna sistem dan yang kedua adalah dengan mengukur cycle time, biaya, jumlah aktifitas proses, dan resiko. Metode pertama dilakukan dengan mengadaptasi model DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, sistem informasi UMS sudah tergolong sistem yang sukses. Baik hasil analisis suvei maupun pengukuran benefit menunjukkan bahwa sistem informasi UMS mampu meningkatkan proses bisnis gudang PT IAMI.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate and measure success level and benefits of UMS which has been implemented at PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia warehouse department. This research used two methods, the first is analizing surveyed value which captured from UMS users. The second methods is measuring cycle time, cost, counts of process activity, and risks. First methods adapted DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Based on research result, UMS is categorized as a success information system. Both methods show that UMS able to improve PT IAMI Warehouse Dept business process, The purpose of this research is to evaluate and measure success level and benefits of UMS which has been implemented at PT Isuzu Astra Motor Indonesia warehouse department. This research used two methods, the first is analizing surveyed value which captured from UMS users. The second methods is measuring cycle time, cost, counts of process activity, and risks. First methods adapted DeLone and McLean IS Success Model. Based on research result, UMS is categorized as a success information system. Both methods show that UMS able to improve PT IAMI Warehouse Dept business process]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annisa Chandra
Abstrak :
Ekuitas merek merupakan serangkaian aset dan kewajiban merek yang terkait dengan sebuah merek, nama dan simbolnya, yang menambah atau mengurangi nilai yang diberikan sebuah produk atau jasa kepada perusahaan atau pelanggan perusahaan tersebut. Penelitian ini membahas tentang pengaruh elemen-elemen utama ekuitas merek, yaitu persepsi kualitas, kesadaran merek, asosiasi merek, dan loyalitas merek, dalam membangun ekuitas merek Shell Helix HX3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hanya loyalitas merek yang memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan terhadap ekuitas merek Shell Helix HX3. Dengan demikian, sebaiknya Shell Indonesia terus meningkatkan aktivitas komunikasi pemasaran terpadu secara terencana dan berkelanjutan untuk meningkatkan loyalitas merek dan selanjutnya ekuitas merek Shell Helix HX3.
Brand equity is a set of assets (and liabilities) linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to (or subtracts from) the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or that firm's customers. This study discusses the influence of the main elements of brand equity, including perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association, and brand loyalty, in building brand equity of Shell Helix HX3. The results showed that the only element that has a significant positive effect on brand equity of Shell Helix HX3 was brand loyalty. Thus, Shell Indonesia should continue to improve the integrated marketing communications activities in a planned and sustainable manner to increase brand loyalty and subsequently brand equity of Shell Helix HX3, Brand equity is a set of assets (and liabilities) linked to a brand's name and symbol that adds to (or subtracts from) the value provided by a product or service to a firm and/or that firm's customers. This study discusses the influence of the main elements of brand equity, including perceived quality, brand awareness, brand association, and brand loyalty, in building brand equity of Shell Helix HX3. The results showed that the only element that has a significant positive effect on brand equity of Shell Helix HX3 was brand loyalty. Thus, Shell Indonesia should continue to improve the integrated marketing communications activities in a planned and sustainable manner to increase brand loyalty and subsequently brand equity of Shell Helix HX3]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yogi Prabowo
Abstrak :
Industri otomotif saat ini semakin berkembang. Berdasarkan data statistik Gaikindo (Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia), pencapaian penjualan kendaraan bermotor khususnya roda empat pada tahun 2013 lalu mencapai 1.226.901 unit (domestic auto market & export import category) atau ada kenaikan sebesar 10% jika dibandingkan tahun 2012 yaitu 1.116.230 unit. Namun tahun 2015 ini mengalami penurunan dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya, salah satu penyebabnya dari siklus hidupnya (lifecycle) yang sudah masuk tahap dewasa (maturity). Berbagai program telah dikembangkan dan diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan customer loyalty. Namun, jenis loyalty program yang diperlukan tetapi tidak cukup untuk meningkatkan customer loyalty dari berbagai sisi. Kepentingan penelitian di brand community diawali oleh fakta bahwa brand community membantu perusahaan untuk menarik konsumen individu dan untuk memperkuat customer relationship. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk menganalisa pengaruh trust dan affect terhadap sebuah brand community dalam komitmen dari brand community, dan menguji melalui suatu mekanisme komitmen dalam brand community yang dapat meningkatkan loyalty behaviors. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan secara signifikan dan positif. Sampeldari 160 responden anggota Toyota Fortuner Club of Indonesia yang ikut berpartisipasi mengisi kuesioner (online dan offline). Dan analisis data menggunakan SEM (Structural Equation Modelling). ......The automotive industry is currently growing. Based on statistical data Gaikindo (Indonesian Automotive Industry Association), the achievement of sales of four-wheeled motor vehicles, especially in 2013 and reached 1,226,901 units (domestic auto market and export import category) or there is an increase of 10% when compared to the year 2012 is 1,116. 230 units. However, 2015 has decreased compared to previous years, one of the causes of the life cycle (lifecycle) which has entered the mature stage (maturity). Various programs have been developed and implemented to increase customer loyalty. However, the type of loyalty program necessary but not sufficient to improve customer loyalty from all sides. Brand research interests in the community initiated by the fact that the brand community helps companies to attract individual consumers and to strengthen the customer relationship. This study was made to analyze the influence trust and Affect towards a community brand in the commitment of the brand community, and investigate through a mechanism in the brand community commitment to increase loyalty behaviors. Results from this study showed significant and positive. A sample of 160 respondents member of the Toyota Fortuner Club of Indonesia who participated fill out a questionnaire (online and offline). And data analysis using SEM (Structural Equation Modelling).
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ibrahim Adam
Abstrak :
Fokus tesis ini membahas mengenai kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh pemimpin serikat pekerja di Indonesia dan pelatihan yang dibutuhkan dalam membentuk kompetensi tersebut agar tercipta hubungan industrial yang sehat. Tujuan tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui kompetensi pemimpin serikat pekerja ideal dari sudut pandang tiga unsur kunci, yaitu serikat pekerja, pengusaha, dan pemerintah. Tesis ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara secara mendalam terhadap informan dari ketiga unsur kunci. Kompetensi yang dibutuhkan oleh pemimpin serikat pekerja adalah kapasitas adaptif seperti kemampuan menyesuaikan diri. Kedua kapasitas teknis seperti pengetahuan mengenai dasar organisasi serikat pekerja. Ketiga kapasitas manajemen seperti bagaimana mengelola konflik yang terjadi baik internal atau eksternal. Terakhir kapasitas kepemimpinan seperti integritas. Untuk membentuk kompetensi itu dibutuhkan pelatihan secara formal dan informal. Penulis berharap kompetensi ini dapat dijadikan referensi bagi organisasi serikat pekerja dalam membentuk dan mengembangkan kompetensi pemimpinnya. Unsur pengusaha dan pemerintah diharapkan dapat membantu dengan memberikan pelatihan bersama dengan unsur serikat pekerja.
The focus of this thesis is to disscuss about the competency that should be embraced by union leader in Indonesia and the training that is needed to develop the key competency. The purpose of this thesis is to know key competencies of ideal union leader from the perspectives of three key participants: union, management, and government. This thesis is qualitative method. The data were collected by means of a deep interview. Competencies required by the union leaders are adaptive capacities such as the ability to adjust. Second, technical capacity, such as knowledge about the fundamental of trade union organizations. Third, management capacity such as managing the conflict either internally or externally. The last competency is the leadership capacity such as integrity. Formal and informal training are required to develop these competencies. The researcher suggests that the competency can be the reference for union to shape and develop their leader competency. Both management and government can help to give training collaboration with the union.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library