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Helen Surya Atmaja
Abstrak :
Bahan dan Metode : Desain cross seksional pada 99 subyek laki-laki tahun yang dipilih secara simple random sampling dari sarnpel MONICA Jakarta III. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data umum subyek, asupan makanan, antropometri, tekanan darah, EKG dan pemeriksaan laboratorium darah. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji X2, Fisher dan Kolmogorov-Smimov, Mann Whitney dan korelasi Pearson / Spearman rank. Hasil : Kadar feritin serum ?200 p.glL tedapat pads 8,1% subyek. Asupan besi total 4,81 mg (1,59-13,24 mglhari), besi hem 0,21 mg (0-1,22 mg/had), 93,9% asupan besi kurang 1 AKG. Terdapat 13,1% dengan IMT >27 kglm2, 20,2% dengan Lpe X94 cm aan rasio LpelLpa X0,95; 34,3% dengan tekanan darah >149190 mm Hg, Kadar kolesterol total abnormal 41,4% (?200 mgldL); kolesterol HDL abnormal 63,6%(z40 mgldL); kolesterol LDL abnormal 52,5% (?130 mgldL); trigiiserida abnormal 11,I%(200 mg/dL); gula puasa abnormal 5,1% (?126 mgldL). Kebiasaan merokok pada 54,5% subyek. Tidak trdapat korelasi bermakna antara asupan besi total (r--0,038) dan besi hem (r,027) dengan feritin serum. Rasio Odds kasar antara feritin serum dengan PJK (diagnostik EKG) 5,5 kali (CI. 0,87-34,33). Pada uji statistik didapat perbedaan bermakna median feritin serum pads subyek diabetes daengan non diabetes (p~,001) dan subyek dengan kelebihan lemak tubuh dengan subyek dengan lemak tubuh normal (Lpe dengan p:1,009; LpelLpa dengan p"0,047). Kesimpulan: Didapatkan hubungan tidak bermakna antara feritin serum dengan asupan zat gizi. Terdapat hubungan moderat antara feritin serum dengan risiko PJK. Subyek dengan feritin serum ? 200 .iglL mempunyai kecenderungan risiko 5,5 kali menderita PJK (diagnostik EKG) dibandingkan subyek dengan feritin serum <200 p.g(L,
Serum ferritin in men 35 years old or over and its relating factors at Mampang PrapatanMethods : A cross sectional study had been carried out of on 99 subjects age 35 years selected using simple random sampling method from MONICA Jakarta's III sample. Data collected consist of socio-economic state, dietary intake, anthropometric, laboratory, blood pressure and electrocardiogram examination. Statistical analysis was performed by X-, Fisher, Kolmogorov-Sm imov, Mann-Whitney, and Pearson/ Spearman rank correlation. Result : Serum ferritin 1200 1.tglL was found in 8,1% subjects. Total iron intake 4,81 mg (1,59-13,24 mg/day), heme iron 0,21 mg (0-1,22 mg/day), 93,9%% of iron intake below the RDA. There were 13,1% subjects with BMI >27 kg/m2; 20,2% with AC >94 cm and WHR >0,95; 34,5% with blood pressure >140/90 mm Hg. Abnormal total cholesterol level 41,4% (1200 mg/dL); abnormal HDL cholesterol 63,6% (<40 mg/dL); abnormal LDL cholesterol 52,5% (1130 mg/dL); abnormal triglyceride 1,1% (~0d mg/dL); abnormal fasting glucose 5,1% (?126 mgldL); 54,5% had smoking habits. Lack association between total iron (r=-0,038) and heme iron (r 0,027) with serum ferritin. Men with ferritin serum 1200 l.tg1L had an crude odds ration 5,5 fold suffer from CHD (according to ECG diagnostic) compare to subjects with ferritn serum <200 .iglL (CI. 0,87-34,33). Statistical analysis showed significant difference of serum ferritin median in diabetic and non diabetic subjects (p:1,001), overfatness subjects and normo fatness subjects (AC with. pC,009 and WHR with p=0,047). Conclusion : There is no significant relationship between serum ferritin level and dietary intake. Bivariate analysis found moderate relationship between serum ferritin and CHD. Men with serum ferritin 1200 pglL had a crude odds ratio 5,5 fold suffer from CHD (according to ECG diagnostic) compare to the subjects with serum ferritin < 200 pg/L.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nadeak, Dermawan C.
Abstrak :
Metode: Desain penelitian cross-sectional, sampel dipilih secara consecutive sampling, didapatkan 124 ibu hamil. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data umum subyek, asupan makanan, pengukuran antropometrik dan pemeriksaan laboratorium darah Vena. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi Spearman. Hasil: Rerata umur subyek penelitian 29,3 (± 4,9) tahun, median umur kehamilan 26,3 (8-38 ) minggu, rerata IMT 25,39 (± 3,9) kg/mm2, rerata LLA 25,6 {± 7,2) cm, Hb 11,1 (± 1,0) g/dL, TLC 1837/mm3, median Zn plasma 18,6 (7,2- 25,7) µmo1/L, median IgG antiCMV 41 (9-175) AU/mi sedangkan IgM antiCMV ditemukan negatif (-) pada semua sampel. Median asupan energi berdasarkan FFQ-semikuantitatif adalah 1212,3Ka1, Protein 57,6 g, Lemak 24,8 g dan Zn 7,2 mg. Riwayat abort-us terdapat pada 29,8% sampel. Dengan uji korelasi Spearman rank IgG antiCMV berkorelasi positif (r 0,394) dengan kadar Zn plasma. Dengan uji mean-rank Kruskal-Wallis asupan Zn tertinggi didapat melalui metode FFQ-semikuantitatif. Kesimpulan: Terdapat korelasi positif antara kadar Zn plasma dengan IgG anti CMV. Anemia ditemukan pada 55,5% subyek penelitian dan status imunologik subyek penelitian balk. Untuk mendapatkan asupan Zn sebaiknya menggunakan metode FFQ-semikuantitatif.
The Correlation Betweeb Plasma Zinc and Cytomegalo Virus Infection in Pregnant MothersMethods: One hundred and twenty four pregnant mothers were recruited consecutively in this cross-sectional study. The collected data consist of the general characteristics of the subjects, dietary, anthropometric, and venous blood analysis data. Spearman correlation was used for the statistical test. Result The mean age was 29,3 (± 4,9) years, median age of pregnancy 26,5 (8-38) weeks, BMI 25,39 (± 3,9) kg/m2, MIJAC 25,6 (± 7,2 ) cm, Ilb 11,1 (± 1,0) g/dL, median of plasma Zn 18,6 (7,2-25,7) p.mol/L, median. of IgG antiCMV 41 (9-175) AU/ml whereas 1gM antiCMV was found negative in all subjects. The median daily energy intake based on semi quantitative FFQ method was 1212 Cal, protein 57,6 g, fat 24,8 g and Zn 7,2 mg. History of abortion was found in 29,8% subjects. Using Spearman rank correlation analysis between IgG antiCMV and plasma Zn showed positive correlation (r = 0,394). By using Kniskal-Wallis mean-rank test, the highest Zn intake was found by semi quantitative- FFQ method. Conclusion: The current study indicated that there was significant positive correlation between plasma Zn and IgG antiCMV. Anemia was found in 55,5% subjects, and immunological state was normal. The highest Zn intake was found by -using semi quantitative-FFQ method.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Inayah Budiasti Sutiko
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui status besi anak usia sekolah dan faktor yang berhubungan serta hubungan status besi dengan daya konsentrasi belajar. Tempat : Sekolah Dasar Pekayon 18 dan Jasmin, Kecamatan Cibubur, Jakarta Timur. Bahan dan cara : Penelitian desain cross sectional, pada 92 orang subyek yang dipilih secara purposive. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data umum subyek dan responden/ibu subyek, status gizi, asupan makan, serta pemeriksaan laboratorium darah dan tinja. Setelah status besi ditetapkan berdasarkan kadar hemoglobin dan feritin plasma, subyek dibagi secara acak sederhana (sub sampel) menjadi status besi normal dan defisiensi besi kemudian terhadap ke dua kelompok dilakukan pemeriksaan daya konsentrasi belajar. Uji statistik yang digunakan untuk mengetahui hubungan dua variabel adalah uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov dengan dua variabel dan uji eksak Fisher. Hasil : Prevalensi anemia ditemukan sebesar 14,1% dan defisiensi besi 14,2%, sebanyak 1,1% di antaranya menderita anemia defisiensi besi. Dari penilaian food frequency amount didapatkan 85,9% subyek mempunyai asupan besi yang tergolong kurang dan 79,3% subyek asupan energinya termasuk kriteria kurang. Data pola makan menunjukkan 50% subyek termasuk dalam kriteria kurang. Penilaian terhadap status gizi mendapatkan 7,5% subyek mempunyai bentuk tubuh pendek dan 2,2% subyek tergolong kurus. Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna (p > 0,05) antara daya konsentrasi belajar dengan status besi pada subyek penelitian dan ditemukan pula hubungan yang tidak bermakna (p>0,05) antara sebagian besar variabel yang diteliti. Simpulan: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan prevalensi anemia 14,1% dan defisiensi besi 14,2%, sejumlah 1,1% subyek di antaranya menderita anemia defisiensi besi. Tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna (p > 0,05) antara status besi dengan daya konsentrasi belajar.
Iron Status of Children of Two Elementary Schools and Its Related Factors in Cibubur District, East Jakarta: Relationship between Iron Status and Capacity of Learning ConcentrationObjective: To know the iron status of school-age children and its related factors and the relationship between iron status and capacity of learning concentration. Location: Pekayon 18 and Jasmin Elementary Schools, Cibubur District, East Jakarta. Material and Method: A cross-sectional study has been carried out on 92 subjects? selected using purposive sampling method. Data collected consist of socio-economic status, nutritional status, dietary intake, and laboratory examinations for hemoglobin, plasma ferritin and stool egg count. Iron status was determined by hemoglobin concentration and plasma ferritin level. Subjects were divided into normal and iron deficiency based on these laboratory findings, and capacity of learning concentration was examined on both groups. Statistical analysis was performed by Kosmogorov-Smirnov and Fisher exact test for the relationship between variables. Results: Anemia was found in 14.1% subjects, and 14.2% of subjects had iron deficiency in which 1.1% of them had iron deficiency anemia. Inadequate iron and energy intake was found in 85.9 and 79.3% of subjects respectively, and 50% of subjects had poor eating pattern. Nutritional status assessment showed that 7.6% of subjects had short stature (stunted) and 2.2% were wasted. There was no significant relationship (p>0.05) between iron status and the capacity of learning concentration and between most variables. Conclusion: The prevalence of anemia in this study was 14.1%, and iron deficiency was found in 14.2% of subjects, in which 1.1% of them had iron deficiency anemia. There was no significant relationship (p>0.05) between iron status and the capacity of learning concentration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Elvi
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara asupan asam lemak tak jenuh tunggal (ALTJT) serta faktor-faktor lainnya dengan kadar kolesterol high density lipoprotein (HDL) plasma penderita penyakit jantung koroner (PJK). Tempat: Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita. Metodologi: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kasus-kontrol tanpa berpasangan, yang telah disetujui oleh panitia tetap penilai etik penelitian Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Sebanyak 134 orang penderita PJK diikut sertakan dalarn penelitian ini, terdiri dari 67 orang kelompok kasus (kadar kolesterol HDL plasma <35 mg/dL) dan 67 orang kelompok kontrol (kadar, kolesterol HDL plasma (35 mg/dL). Pengambilan subyek penelitian dilakukan dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi: karakteristik demografi, asupan zat gizi makro dengan metode tanya ulang 1x24 jam dan food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) semikuantitatif 3 bulan terakhir, kebiasaan olahraga, merokok, minum alkohol, indeks massa tubuh (IMT) dan rasio lingkar pinggang/lingkar panggul (rasio Lpi/Lpa). Hasil: Berdasarkan karakteristik demografi, kelompok kasus dan kontrol setara. Asupan ALTJT kelompok kontrol lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kasus namun tidak berbeda bermakna. IMT kedua kelompok berada pada kategori obes I dan tidak berbeda bermakna. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara rasio Lpi/Lpa dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma (p=0,034;OR=2,55; 95%CI=1,06-6,15). Didapatkan korelasi positif yang bermakna antara asupan ALTJT dengan kadar kolesterol HDL pada kelompok kontrol Terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna antara rasio Lpi/Lpa dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma pada kelompok kontrol (p=0,03;r=0.23). Tidak didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara variabel-variabel lain yang diteliti dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma. Kesimpulan: 1. Terdapat korelasi positif yang bermakna antara asupan ALTJT dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma pada kelompok control. 2. Terdapat korelasi negatif yang bermakna dari rasio Lpi/Lpa dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma pada kelompok kontrol. 3. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara rasio Lpi/Lpa dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma. 4. Hubungan antara asupan ALTJT (15% dari kalori total dengan kadar kolesterol HDL plasma, pada penelitian ini belum dapat dibuktikan.) ...... Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between of mono unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) intake and other factors with plasma high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level on coronary heart diseases (CHD) patients. Place: Rumah Sakit Jantung Harapan Kita. Method: The design was unmatched case- control study, which has been approved by ethical committee Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia. One hundred and thirty four patients with CHD as subjects of the study, consist two groups. 67 subjects as case (plasma HDL cholesterol < 35 mg/dL) and 67 subjects as control group (plasma HDL cholesterol (35 mg/dL) respectively. Consecutive sampling method was used to obtain the subjects. Data collected were demographic characteristics, macronutrient intake using 24 hours recall and semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FR)) method in the last three month, smoking habit, alcohol consumption, exercise, body mass index (BMI), and waist hip ratio (WHR) measurements. Results: Demographic characteristic of both groups were similar. MUFA intake in the control group was higher than case, but no significant difference was found between groups. No significant difference was found in term of the BMI between case and control group. There was significant relationship between WHR and plasma HDL cholesterol (p0.034; OR=2,55; 95%CI= 1,06-6,15). Significant positive correlation between MUFA intake and plasma HDL cholesterol in the control group was found (p=O,Ol;r~,29). There was significant negative correlation between WHR and plasma HDL cholesterol in the control group (p=),03;r=-0,23). Other variables did not show any relationship with plasma HDL cholesterol. Conclusion: 1. There was significant positive correlation between MUFA intake and plasma HDL cholesterol and negative correlation between WHR and plasma HDL cholesterol in the control group. 2. There was significant relationship between WHR and plasma HDL cholesterol. Relationship between of MUFA intake (l5% total calorie and plasma HDL cholesterol has not been proved yet.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Julia Suryantan
Abstrak :
This study aimed to assess the dietary changes of overweight and obese subjects and its relation to the body weight changes during 24 week of orlistat study. This study was an observational study as part of an open-labelled, randomised, parallel﷓group, real life study of the efficacy of orlistat for 36 weeks. However, this observational study followed the subjects until 24 weeks. The subjects were 64 overweight and obese Indonesian adults with body mass index 25.08 - 37.4 kglm2 and mean weight 76.7 kg (58,2 - 106.7 kg). Subjects were being prescribed a nutritionally balanced mild hypocaloric low fat diet. Caloric levels prescribed were a deficit of 500 kcal/day from daily caloric requirement (BMR corrected with physical activity level). 32 subjects were given orlistat 120 mg tid. On week-24, data of 38 subjects were being pooled and analyzed together. Until week-24, the subjects had lost an average of 7.8% of their initial body weight and 5.9% of their initial waist circumference. Total energy (p<0.05), protein (p<0.05), fat (p<0.001), carbohydrate (p<0.001) and PUFA intake (p<0.005) significantly reduce from week-0 to week-24. The mean percentage reduced were 19.3% of energy intake, 32.7% of fat intake, 17.4% of carbohydrate intake and 7.5% of protein intake. Several predictors that may influence the body weight changes were treatment (orlistat), carbohydrate, and PUFA intake changes. In conclusion the dietary intake changes might influence the body weight reduction and waist circumference reduction, regardless the treatment, especially because typical Indonesian diet the energy source mostly from carbohydrate.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agnes Riyanti Inge Permadhi
Abstrak :
Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh suplementasi vitamin B6, B12 dan asam folat terhadap kadar homosistein plasma pada lansia dalam rangka mengurangi risiko terjadinya aterosklerosis. Tempat : Panti werdha Santa Anna - Jakarta. Bahan dan cara : penelitian eksperimental pra dan pasca suplementasi vitamin B6 (10 mg), B12 (400 µg) dan asam folat (1 mg) yang diberikan per oral, sekali sehari selama 6 minggu, terhadap 10 subyek lansia (60 tahun) yang telah memenuhi kriteria penerimaan dan penolakan. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data non nutrisi, data nutrisi, data antropametri, status vitamin B6, kadar vitamin B12 serum dan asam folat serum dan kadar homosistein plasma. Hasil : Pada pra suplementasi, diketahui prevalensi subyek dengan hiperhomosisteinemia tipe ringan sebesar 70%. Prevalensi defisiensi vitamin B6 (KA ASATE>I,40), 812 (<258 pmol/L) dan asam folat (<15 nmo/L) adalah 30%,30% dan 90%. Prevalensi defisiensi vitamin B6, B12 dan asam folat pada subyek dengan hiperhomosisteinemia adalah 14%, 43% dan 85%. Pada pasca suplementasi didapatkan perbaikan pada seluruh hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium secara bermakna (p<0,05) yaitu penurunan KA ASATE 11,68%, kenaikan kadar vitamin B12 serum 111,75%, kenaikan kadar asam folat serum 139,05% dan penurunan kadar homosistein plasma 36,68%. Kesimpulan : Suplementasi vitamin B6, B12 dan asam folat terbukti secara efektif dan elision dapat memperbaiki status vitamin dan menurunkan kadar homosistein plasma secara bermakna pada seluruh subyek penelitian.
Objective : To identify the effect of vitamin B6, B12 and folate supplementation to plasma homocysteine concentration of elderly people in respect of minimizing atherosclerosis risks. Place :Panri werdha Santa Anna - Jakarta. Materials and Methods :Experimental study of pre and post oral supplementation of vitamin B6 (10 mg), B12 (400 }1g) and folate (1 mg), once a day for 6 weeks continuously applied to 10 elderly subjects NO years) passing through pre-defined inclusion criteria. Relevant information and data was collected through questionnaire, field observation and laboratory measurement which comprise of ages, sex, education, anthropometrics, dietary intake, food frequency amount, food habits, vitamin B6, B12 and folate status and finally plasma homocysteine concentration. Results :During pre-supplementation, 70% of subjects was classified as moderate hyperhomocysteinemia. Cut off points to define deficiency vitamin status are erytrocyte aspartate aminotransferase activity coefficient (EAST-AC) >1,40 for vitamin B6 , serum vitamin B12 and folate concentrations were <258 pmol/L and <15 nmol/L respectively. The overall prevalence of deficiencies vitamin B6, B12 and folate status were 30%, 30% and 90% respectively. The prevalence of deficiencies vitamin B6, B12 and folate status in hyperhomocysteinemia subjects were 14%, 43% and 85% respectively. During post supplementation, no more vitamins deficiencies subjects was detected. Post supplementation laboratory measurement indicate the following significant improvement (p<0,05) on EAST-AC reduction 11,68%, serum vitamin B12 concentration improvement to 111,75%, serum folate concentration improvement to 139,05% and reduction of plasma homocysteine concentration of 36,68%. Conclusion :Supplementation of vitamin B6, B12 and folate are effectively and significantly improve both vitamin status and plasma homocysteine concentration level of all subjects.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nany Leksokumoro
Abstrak :
Tujuan: Mengetahui status asam folat dan perilaku tentang asupan asam folat pada akseptor KB, sehingga dapat dipertimbangkan perlu tidaknya suplementasi asam folat pada akseptor KB, khususnya akseptor pil. Tempat: RW 014 Kelurahan Pisangan Baru, Kecamatan Matraman, Jakarta Timur. Bahan dan Cara: Penelitian crows-sectional dan subjek penelilian adalah semua akseptor KB yang memenuhi kriteria penelitian. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi data sosio demografi, pola makan, asupan giri (makro matrial dan asam folat), status kadar asam folat serum dan sel darah merah (SDM). Hasil: Tidak didapatkan kadar asam folat serum < 3 ag/ml. Status asam folat serum subjek tidak berhubungan dengan pemakaian pil, karakteristik demografi, asupan gizi dan status gizi. Persentase kadar asam folat SDM < 160 mg/ml. adalah 3,5%. Kadar asam folat SDM subjek pil tidak berbeda dengan subjek bukan pil, namun ada kecenderungan kadar asam folat SDM subjek pil lebih rendah dari subjek bukan pil. Secara bermakna kadar asam folat SDM subjck bcrhubungan dengan kebiasaan mengkonsumsi sayur hijau dan kelompok umur. Perbedaan dalam mengolah sayur menyebabkan perbedaan bermakna pada jumlah subjek yang mempunyai kadar asam folat SDM < 160 mg/ml. Rata-rata asupan zat-zat gizi subjck penelitian di bawah AKG yang dianjurkan. Subjek pil mempunyai rata-rasa asupan asam folat lebih rendah bermakna dari subjek bukan pil, namun tidak didapatkan korelasi antara asupan asam folat dengan kadar asam folat serum dan SDM subjek penelitian. Kcsimpulan: Status asam folat serum dan SDM subjek penelitian tidak berhubungan dengan pemakaian pil dan bukan pil, sehingga belum diperlukan suplementasi pada subjek penelitian khususnya subjek pil. ...... Objective: To determine the folic acid slates and the behavior of folic acid intake in contraceptive users. This is in order to decide whether folic acid supplemeration is necessary, especially for pill users. Location: RW 014 Kelurahan Pisangan Baru, Kecamatan Matraman, Jakarta Timur. Methods: cross-sectional study and subjects were all contraceptive users who fulfill study criteria. Data ' collected were socio-demographic, eating paucrn, nutritional intake (macro nutrient and folic acid), nutritional status, serum and RISC folic acid level. Results: Serum folic acid level of < 3 mg/ml, was not found, Scrum folic acid level was not associated with using pill or non pill, socio-demographic, eating pattern, nutritional intake and nutritional status. The percentage of RISC folic acid level of N 160 mg/ml, was 3.5%. RISC folic acid level was not associated with using pill or non-pill, but there was a tendency Chef ItBC folic acid level in pill users was lower than non-pill users, There was a significant correlation between R13C folic acid level wish the frequency of green vegetables consumption and age group, 'Ihe difference in the manner of cooking significantly associated with the number of subject with RBC folic acid level of 160 mg/ml. Nutritional intake was under RDl level in almost subjects. Pill users had in average significant lower folic acid intake compare to non-pill users, but there was no correlation between folic acid intake with scrum and RBC folic acid level. Conclusions: Serum and RHC folic acid stains is not associated with using pill or non-pill. From this study it is still not necessary for folic acid supplementation, especially for pill users.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henie Soesanto
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh pada lansia. Tempat : Puskesmas Kecamatan Kotamadya Semarang yang mempunyai program lansia binaan. Bahan dan cara : Studi cross-sectional pada lansia 60 tahun ke atas(69 pria dan 173 wanita), subyek penelitian dipilih secara acak sederhana pada tingkat Puskesmas. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi : data non nutrisi, data nutrisi, antropometri, kadar lipid serum data gula darah puasa .Penetapan nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh (IMT, Lpe, rasioLPe/Lpa ,ML) ditetapkan pada nilai median. Sedangkan nilai indikator metabolik sebagai faktor risiko PJK ditetapkan pada batas diwaspadai (berdasarkan Konsensus Nasional Dislipidemia Indonesia, 1993). Hasil : Profil kol. total dan kol. HDL serum subyek wanita lebih tinggi daripada subyek pria (p = 0,001). Prevalensi faktor risiko PJK seperti dislipidemia pada subyek wanita lebih tinggi dibandingkan subyek pria (p < 0.05). Nilai-nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu IMT (pria 21 kg/m2; wanita 23 kg/m2 ), LPe (pria 79 cm; wanita> 80 cm), rasio LPe-LPa (pria) 0,91; wanita > 0,85), massa lemak tubuh (pria > 22 %; wanita > 35 %). Sensitifitasnya dikaitkan dengan profit lipid sebagai faktor risiko PJK yaitu 40 - 60 %, sedangkan spesifisitasnya 70 - 80 %. Terdapat perbedaan determinan komposisi tubuh terhadap gangguan metabolik pada subyek pria dan wanita. Pada subyek pria nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh berkorelasi dengan TG dan GDP, sedangkan pada subyek wanita berkorelasi dengan kol. HDL, kol. total, kol. LDL dan TO. Kesimpulan : Nilai-nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh yang didapat pada penelitian ini cenderung memberi spesifisitas yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan sensitifitasnya (dikaitkan dengan dislipidemia). Pada subyek pria indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh lebih terkait pada TG den GDP. Sedangkan pada subyek wanita indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh lebih terkait pada dislipidemia.
ABSTRACT The Cut Off Point Determination Of Overfatness In Relation to Selected CHD Risks In Elderly In Semarang Objective : To determine cut off points of overfatness in the elderly using CHD risks factors as the end points. Place : Seven public health centers with elderly clubs in Semarang municipal. Materials and Methods : This cross-sectional study involved 242 elderly individuals (69 males & 173 females), aged 60 years and over. Simple random sampling was applied at the PHC level. Structured questionnaires were used to collect information on sosiodemography, life styles, food habits and practices Anthropometric assessments were done to estimate body compositional status. Serum lipids and fasting blood glucose were measured to identify metabolic disorders. High body mass index, high abdominal circumference, high abdominal hip ratio and high fat mass values were used as overfatness indicators. The Indonesian National Consensus on Dyslipidemia was used to identify dyslipidemic cut off values. Results : Mean serum total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in females were higher than those in males (220.99 ± 46.66 vs 199.31 ± 35.71, p = 0.001 and 51.17 ± 11.58 vs 45.22 ± 12.52, p = 0.001, respectively). The prevalence of CHD risks (dyslipidemic profiles) in females were also higher than that in males (p < 0.05). With respect to CHD risks, cut-off points for overfatness using BM1 values were > 21 kglr2 and ) 23 kglm2 for males and females respectively. Cut off points for other overfatness indicators were AC) 79 cm and ) 80 cm; AHR > 0.91 and ) 0.85 and percent body fat 3 22% and ) 35% for males and females, respectively. Using these cut off values, the sensitivity ranged from 40 -- 60% and the specificity ranged from 70 -- 80%. There were gender differences in the determinants of metabolic disorders. In males, overfatness was more related to TG and fasting blood glucose values. On the other hand, in females, overfatness was more related to total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and TG. Conclusion : This study supports the findings reported by other investigators that cut off values for overfatness, in relation to metabolic disorders, are more specific than sensitive. Gender differences in the determinants of metabolic disorders indicate that interpretation on body compositional disorders in the elderly should be taken cautiously.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
A cross sectional study to determine the salt consumption at household level was carried out in Sukabumi District. Two hundred households with children 1-5 years were selected randomly. This study consisted of interviews of the mothers, observation of iodized salt usage and analysis of the iodine content in iodized salt.

The results showed that all households in the study area have used iodized salt but they were not aware that. they used iodized salt.

The average salt consumption at household level was 4.8 gr per day per capita with majority iodine intake (71 %) less than 100 pg. Using lodometry test, 47 % of households had iodine content in iodized salt was less than 30 ppm. In general, all cooked food used salt except for rice as staple food, but not all of food prepared with salt were consumed by children 1-5 years.

According to mothers' perception, the mother with better knowledge had higher percentages on using iodized salt and also had better educational level.

These findings showed that the recommended iodine intake by WHO of 100-300 pg per day per capita was not fulfilled, mainly because of the low quality of iodized salt, as well as improper ways of salt storage and food preparations. Lack of knowledge due to low educational level of mother was worsening this condition.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Nastiti Iswarawanti
Abstrak :
This cross sectional study was carried out in Jakarta, among institutionalized elderly aged 60 - 74 years. Rabe study reported that there is a high prevalence of low body mass index (BMI) value among the elderly in Jakarta. Ferro-Luzzi et at (1992) and James et al (1988) stated that an adult person with BMI less than 18.5 kg/m2 was proposed being chronic energy deficient (CED) and had functioning and health impairment. General aim of this study is to investigate whether low BMI among elderly is associated with adaptation in energy expenditure and had negative consequences on health. Based on James and colleague classification of BMI, two groups of elderly with different BMI value represented this study. Twenty elderly subjects with BMI < 11.00 kg/m2 (low BMI group) and 20 elderly subjects with BMI 22.0 --25.00 kg/m2 (normal BMI group). To every subject in each group was conducted questionnaires, Hb level measurement, 2 days combined record and recall daily physical activity, 2 days combined food weighing and 24-hour food recall intake, and resting energy expenditure (REE). Body composition was assessed by skinfolds technique and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) using Lukaski and Deurenberg equations. Result revealed that fat mass and fat free mass of low BMI subjects are significantly lower than the normal BMI subjects. The low BMI subjects had very low fat mass. However, both groups had same PAL [1.3 X basal Metabolic rate (BMR)]. The low BMI subjects who were considered as CED had similar level of activity of daily living (ADL) as those with normal BMI subjects. Both BMI group had no significant different on the number of health complaint. On the whole, findings indicated that the CED elderly had no physical adaptation and negative consequences on health. Anyway using the cut-off point to define CED proposed by Ferro-Luzzi and colleague for Indonesian elderly needs carefully consideration.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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