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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Widyawati Arini
Abstrak :
Dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, yang menjadi permasalahan utama adalah keoptimalan jumlah fasilitas pelayanan bidang pendidikan dan bidang kesehatan di Kabupaten Bekasi, Jumlah kecamatan jika ditinjau dari pendekatan minimisasi pengeluaran pemerintah, serta kemampuan lokasi pusat pelayanan pendidikan dan kesehatan di masing-masing kecamatan (Ibukota kecamatan) menjangkau penduduk di wilayahnya. Metodologi yang akan digunakan untuk menyelesaikan beberapa permasalahan tersebut adalah Teori Analisa Market Area yang mempertimbangkan dari sisi dimensi ruang maupun jarak dengan memperhatikan sisi kebutuhan peiayanan, serta pendekatan yang mempertimbangan sisi beban pengeluaran pemerintah Kabupaten Bekasi, terutama di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan. Jumlah Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Bekasi pasca pemekaran kecamatan sudah optimal, sedangkan jumlah Puskesrnas pada kondisi sebelum rnaupun setelah pemekaran kecamatan masih belum optimal, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa kekurangan pelayanan kesehatan melalui Puskesmas dipenuhi oleh bentuk~bentuk pelayanan yang Iain. Ditinjau dari Pendekatan Minimisasi Pengeluaran Pemerintah per kapita, jumiah kecamatan yang optimal di Kabupaten Bekasi menurut perhitungan pengeluaran pemerintah di bidang pendidikan adalah 9 kecamatan, sedangkan menurut bidang kesehatan adaiah 8 kecamatan. Jumlah kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi pasca pemekaran kecamatan merupakan jumlah yang jauh lebih besar daripada nilai optimalnya dan secara rata-rata menunjukkan nilai yang masih sangat kurang. Perhitungan Market Indifference Point dan Probabilitas Market di Bidang Pendidikan maupun Kesehatan di Kabupaten Bekasi menunjukkan bahwa Iokasi pusat pelayanan masing-masing kecamatan (Ibukota kecamatan) sudah mampu menjangkau penduduk di wilayah administrasinya. Pemekaran kecamatan di Kabupaten Bekasi menjadi 23 kecamatan sudah optimal jika ditinjau dari penyediaan fasilitas secara fisik di bidang pendidikan maupun kesehatan melalui Anaiisa Market Area, pengeluaran pemerintah di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan serta jangkauan pusat pelayanan di tiap kecamatan terhadap penduduk wilayahnya.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menganalisa faktor penghambat keunggulan daya saing industri, faktor kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman dalam meningkatkan daya saing Industri Kecil Menengah Pangan Olahan Hasil Laut di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. Analisis yang dilakukan menggunakan analisis basis ekonomi, model diamond porter, dan analisis SWOT. Berdasarkan analisis SWOT, industri kecil menengah pangan olahan hasil laut di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung posisinya pada kuadran IV, ini berarti dengan segala daya upaya, pelaku IKM da n semua stakeholder harus berusaha meminimalisir segala kelemahan dan berupaya keras untuk mengatasi segala macam ancaman. Hasil Analisis SWOT menyarankan bahwa perlu dilakukan program-program untuk pemberdayaan klinik IKM, differensiasi produk, kerjasama dengan industri pariwisata, dan pembentukan kluster industri pangan olahan hasil laut.
This study attempts to analyze the competitive advantage barrier factors of the industry and the strengths, the weaknesses, the opportunities, and the threats factors in enhancing the competitiveness of small and medium seafood industries in the Province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago. Analyzes were performed using the economic base analysis, diamond porter model, and SWOT analysis. Based on SWOT analysis, the position of the small and medium seafood industries in the Province of Bangka Belitung Archipelago is at the fourth quadran, means that stakeholders have to do all efforts to minimize the weaknesses and to overcome the threats. Based on the SWOT analysis, the writer proposes the following suggestion: (1) the empowerment of IKM clinic, (2) product differentiation, (3) cooperation with tourism industries, and (4) the establishment of the small and medium seafood industry cluster.
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Peran penting Pasar Tradisional dalam perekonomian daerah, mendorong adanya upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja pasar melalui program revitalisasi pasar tradisional. Program revitalisasi pasar tradisional direalisasikan melalui pembangunan pasar tradisional baru dan/atau memperbaiki fisik pasar tradisional yang ada, mengadakan pelatihan manajemen pengelolaan pasar, dan pendampingan terhadap pengelola, konsumen, serta sosialisasi revitalisasi pasar tradisional. Namun dalam perkembangannya pelaksanaan dari program revitalisasi menyisakan banyak permasalahan seperti rendahnya jumlah pembeli. Dalam penelitian ini fokus utamanya adalah menjawab pertanyaan mengapa pemanfaatan fasilitas di pasar Panggungrejo dan pasar Pucangsawit begitu rendah. Dengan menggunakan metode survei melalui teknik penyebaran kuisioner dan interview secara mendalam (dept interview), dan kemudian dilakukan analisis secara deskriptif maka diperoleh hasil bahwa rendahnya pemanfaatan fasilitas pasar disebabkan oleh faktor lokasi pasar yang tidak strategis, rendahnya jumlah pembeli, kondisi usaha, dan pengelolaan pasar yang kurang baik.;The important role of traditional markets in the regional economy, encourage their efforts to improve the performance of the market through the traditional market revitalization program. Traditional market revitalization program is realized through the development of new markets and improve the physical traditional markets, management training markets, and assistance to managers, consumers and dissemination of traditional market revitalization. But in its development, implementation of revitalization program leaves a lot of problem such as low of buyer. In this study the main focus is to answer the question of why the use of facilities in Panggungrejo and Pucangsawit markets so low. By using the survey method through quetionnaires and interview techniques in depth, and then conducted a descriptive analysis of the obtained results that the low utilization factor of the market caused by the lack of strategic market location, the low number of buyers, bussiness condition, and management of unfavorable market;The important role of traditional markets in the regional economy, encourage their efforts to improve the performance of the market through the traditional market revitalization program. Traditional market revitalization program is realized through the development of new markets and improve the physical traditional markets, management training markets, and assistance to managers, consumers and dissemination of traditional market revitalization. But in its development, implementation of revitalization program leaves a lot of problem such as low of buyer. In this study the main focus is to answer the question of why the use of facilities in Panggungrejo and Pucangsawit markets so low. By using the survey method through quetionnaires and interview techniques in depth, and then conducted a descriptive analysis of the obtained results that the low utilization factor of the market caused by the lack of strategic market location, the low number of buyers, bussiness condition, and management of unfavorable market, The important role of traditional markets in the regional economy, encourage their efforts to improve the performance of the market through the traditional market revitalization program. Traditional market revitalization program is realized through the development of new markets and improve the physical traditional markets, management training markets, and assistance to managers, consumers and dissemination of traditional market revitalization. But in its development, implementation of revitalization program leaves a lot of problem such as low of buyer. In this study the main focus is to answer the question of why the use of facilities in Panggungrejo and Pucangsawit markets so low. By using the survey method through quetionnaires and interview techniques in depth, and then conducted a descriptive analysis of the obtained results that the low utilization factor of the market caused by the lack of strategic market location, the low number of buyers, bussiness condition, and management of unfavorable market]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Fatimah
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi dan urbanisasi di kota- kota besar di negara berkembang seperti Jakarta menyebabkan timbulan/generasi sampah semakin meningkat. Sementara itu kapasitas TPA semakin menurun. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut diperlukan upaya pengurangan sampah sejak dari sumbernya. TPS 3R dapat mengurangi volume sampah yang diangkut dan dibuang ke TPA melalui pengomposan dan daur ulang pada skala kawasan. Namun demikian TPS 3R sangat mengandalkan peran serta masyarakat dalam bentuk retribusi sampah dan pemilahan sampah sejak dari sumbernya. Metode Choice Modeling (CM) dan Contingent Valuation (CV) digunakan untuk mengetahui WTP masyarakat atas beragam pilihan layanan sampah berbasis 3R. CM digunakan untuk mengestimasi harga implisit tiap atribut layanan seperti aroma TPS, pemilahan dan frekuensi pengumpulan sampah. Hasil CM menunjukkan pemilahan sampah dari sumber masih merupakan beban bagi rumah tangga sedangkan aroma TPS yang semakin tidak bau dan pemilahan sampah di TPS menambah utilitas rumah tangga. Secara keseluruhan rumah tangga ternyata memberikan penilaian yang cukup tinggi pada layanan manajemen sampah berbasis 3R. Dengan membandingkan potensi pendapatan dengan biaya layanan manajemen sampah tiap skenario, ditemukan bahwa tingkat cost recovery layanan manajemen sampah ramah lingkungan/TPS 3R lebih tinggi dibandingkan layanan konvensional. Dengan adanya tingkat cost recovery yang lebih tinggi dan sejumlah eksternalitas positif yang dapat diperoleh, tidak ada alasan bagi pemda untuk tidak mendukung layanan manajemen sampah berbasis 3R.
Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers? willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R.;Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers? willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R.;Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R., Population,economic growth and urbanization in big cities in developing countries like Jakarta cause proliferating growth in solid waste generation. Meanwhile landfill capacity is diminishing. To overcome this problem, efforts to reduce waste from the source are needed. Solid waste intermediate treatment facilities based on 3R principles (TPS 3R) can reduce waste which must be transported and disposed through communal composting and recycling. However TPS 3R relies on community participation in the form of waste retribution and at-source-wastesorting. Choice Modelling (CM) and Contingent Valuation (CV) are used to elicit consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for different service options. The CM especially aims to estimate the implicit price for each service attribute such as the TPS odour, at source waste sorting and collection frequency. CM results indicate at-source-waste-sorting is still a burden for households while the diminishing bad odour and waste sorting in TPS add household utilities. Overall household turned out to give a fairly high valuation on 3R-based solid waste management services. By comparing the potential service fee revenue with its operational cost in each scenario, it was found that the cost recovery rate of ecological solid waste management service/TPS 3R is higher than the conventional one. With higher cost recovery rate and a number of positive externalities that can be obtained, there is no reason for the government not to support 3R-based solid waste management service/TPS 3R.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fransiscus Alimin
Abstrak :
Dalam UUD 1945 menyebutkan bahwa setiap orang berhak memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan dan Negara bertanggung jawab atas penyediaan fasiltas kesehatan dan fasilitas umum yang layak. Untuk memenuhi dan mewujudkan hak bagi setiap warga negara dalam mendapatkan pelayanan kesehatan yang layak dan kewajiban pemerintah penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan sebagai amanat UUD 1945 maka pemerintah pusat menyelenggarakan program jaminan kesehatan nasional (JKN) dan untuk pemerintahan daerah khusus Ibukota (DKI Jakarta) menyelenggarakan jaminan kesehatan daerah yang dikenal dengan nama Kartu Jakarta Sehat (KJS). RSCM adalah rumah sakit milik pemerintah pusat yang salah satu visinya adalah menjadi rumah sakit pusat rujukan nasonal terkemuka di Asia Pasifik tahun 2014. RSCM diharapkan dapat melayani masyarakat dari seluruh penjuru Indonesia dengan sistem rujukan berjenjang dengan optimal sesuai dengan standar pelayanan kesehatan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin terhadap pelayanan di RSCM dalam program JKN dan KJS. Program kesehatan JKN dan KJS ini tidak lepas dari permasalahan dalam pelaksanaannya, salah satunya adalah mengenai pelayanan di rumah sakit dalam pelaksanaan program tersebut. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur nilai indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin di RSCM dalam pelaksanaan program JKN dan KJS serta untuk mengetahui unsurunsur yang sudah baik dan yang masih membutuhkan peningkatan kualitas pelayanannya. Hasil dari penelitian kuantiatif menilai bahwa indeks kepuasan masyarakat miskin di RSCM adalah sangat baik, tetapi ada beberapa pelayanan yang perlu menjadi perhatian dan atau perbaikan yang didapat dari hasil penelitian kualitatif.
Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM is ?very good?, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from the results of qualitative research.;Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM is ?very good?, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from the results of qualitative research., Indonesia Constitution (UUD 1945) states that every citizen has the right to obtain medical care and the Government is responsible for the provision of health and adequate public facilities. In order to satisfy and fulfil the right of every citizen in getting proper health care as mandated by the Constitution, The central government has issued the National Health Insurance Program (JKN) whereas the Jakarta Provincial Government has issued a Regional-based Health Insurance Program known as the Jakarta Health Card (KJS). National General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) is one of the hospitals owned by the central government and one of its visions is to become regional referral hospitals in Asia Pacific in 2014. RSCM is expected to serve people from all over Indonesia accordance with the standard of health services and regulations. This study discusses the satisfaction index of the poor with regard to services in RSCM especially on the implementation of the JKN and KJS. The problem of the implementation of JKN and KJS are still occurred, one of the problems is the hospital services in the implementation of the programs. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM on the implementation of JKN and KJS as well as to determine the factors that are good and which are still in need of improvement of service quality. The results of the quantitative study is conclude that the satisfaction index of the poor in RSCM is “very good”, yet there are some services that need to be improved derived from the results of qualitative research.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Achyati
Abstrak :
Dalam mengatasi persoalan ketersediaan rumah bagi MBR, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta telah mengeluarkan kebijakan berupa pengenaan kewajiban kepada pengembang untuk menyediakan dan membiayai rumah susun sederhana/murah (RSS/M) bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR) sebanyak 20% dari luas efektif yang dikembangkan. Alternatif lain dalam pemenuhan kewajiban tersebut adalah konversi dalam bentuk dana yang dihibahkan kepada Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis potensi nilai ekonomis dari pemenuhan kewajiban pengembang dalam penyediaan rumah susun sederhana bagi MBR yang muncul akibat kebijakan dimaksud dan membandingkan antara penyerahan dalam bentuk bangunan dengan konversi kewajiban dalam bentuk dana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa potensi ekonomi dari kontribusi kewajiban pengembang mampu mengurangi backlog. Terdapat kesenjangan pandangan antara Pemerintah dan Pengembang dalam menentukan pilihan kebijakan. Konversi memberikan kemudahan bagi pengembang dalam memenuhi kewajibannya, karena nilai konversi lebih rendah jika dibandingkan dengan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membangun RSS/M. Sementara Pemerintah Provinsi memandang konversi tidak dapat mengatasi persoalan sebenarnya dalam penyediaan RSS/M karena dana hasil konversi tidak bisa digunakan langsung untuk perbaikan layanan perumahan. Dana tersebut termasuk dalam Pendapatan Asli Daerah lain-lain yang sah, digunakan untuk pembangunan kota secara umum. Regulasi yang jelas dan penerapan yang konsisten disertai dengan sanksi, serta penegakkan hukum yang kuat diperlukan untuk menjamin ketersediaan hunian yang berimbang dengan mengutamakan rumah publik. ......In addressing the issue of housing for low incomes communities, Jakarta Provincial Government has created policies that use obligation for developers to provide social housingfor low-income society as much as20% of the effective area developed. Another alternative in the fulfillment of this liability is conversion into funds that granted to the Jakarta Provincial Government. The purposes of the study are to analyzing the potential economic value for the fulfillment of the developer obligationson providingsocial housing for lowincome communities comes from the policy and comparing the submission in the form of a building with an obligation conversion in cash. The result shows that economics potential of contribution liability of developers were able to reduce the backlog. There is a gap between the Government and developer point of view in determining the alternatives. Conversion facilitates the developers to meet its liability easily, because the conversion value is lower if it`s compared to the cost to build the social housing. While in fact Jakarta Provincial Government looked at the conversion cannot overcome the problems on providing social housing because the funds from the conversion cannot be used directly as a housing repairing services. The funds included in legal others revenue, used to urban development in general. Clear regulation and consistent application accompanied by punishments, and strong law enforcement is required to ensure availability on providing housing that balanced with priority the public housing and at the other hand control the development of commercial housing.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jauhari Santo Rihat
Abstrak :
Analisa perkembangan ekonomi dari sisi pengeluaran yaitu dengan mengukur variabel konsumsi, investasi, pengeluaran pemerintah dan selisih ekspor dengan impor. Ruang lingkup penelitian tesis ini selain untuk membahas perkembangan ekonomi juga untuk fokus pada variabel investasi. Dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari berbagai sumber yang relevan dan legal dari tahun 1980 sampai dengan 2012. Penelitian ini adallah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode analisis persamaan simultan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara berbagai variabel dengan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi di DKI Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi di provinsi DKI Jakarta dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor yaitu konsumsi RT, pembentukan PMTDB, pengeluaran pemerintah dan net eskpor, investasi fasilitas, investasi non fasilitas dan investasi pemerintah. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN): yaitu faktor UMP dan panjang jalan, dummy variabel Pembentukan PTSP dan dummy variabel krisis ekonomi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) adalah yaitu faktor UMP dan panjang jalan serta dummy variabel pembentukan PTSP. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan investasi non fasilitas adalah pengaruh UMP dan pertambahan panjang jalan serta periode krisis ekonomi memberikan pengaruh signifikan terhadap aliran investasi non fasilitas. Faktor yang mempengaruhi peningkatan Investasi Pemerintah yaitu faktor penerimaan pemerintah, PDRB dan periode krisis ekonomi. ABSTRACT
Analysis of economic development from expenditure side is by measuring the variables of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. The scope of thesis research in addition to discuss economic development is also to focus on the variable investment. This research is using secondary data from a variety of relevant sources from 1980 to 2012 and kind a quantitative study with simultaneous quations analysis method. The result of this research is the discovery of significant influence of the various variables in driving economic growth in Jakarta. The research describe that economic growth in the province of Jakarta influenced by factors; House hold consumption, investment, Government Spending and Net Exports, Facility Investment, non Facility Investment and Government Investment. Factors affecting the increase in Domestic Investment (DI): the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP and Dummy variables of economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP. Factors affecting the increase in non facility investment is the provincial minimum wage factor, length of roads, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in the Government Investment: Government revenues Factor, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis;Analysis of economic development from expenditure side is by measuring the variables of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. The scope of thesis research in addition to discuss economic development is also to focus on the variable investment. This research is using secondary data from a variety of relevant sources from 1980 to 2012 and kind a quantitative study with simultaneous quations analysis method. The result of this research is the discovery of significant influence of the various variables in driving economic growth in Jakarta. The research describe that economic growth in the province of Jakarta influenced by factors; House hold consumption, investment, Government Spending and Net Exports, Facility Investment, non Facility Investment and Government Investment. Factors affecting the increase in Domestic Investment (DI): the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP and Dummy variables of economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP. Factors affecting the increase in non facility investment is the provincial minimum wage factor, length of roads, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in the Government Investment: Government revenues Factor, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis, Analysis of economic development from expenditure side is by measuring the variables of consumption, investment, government spending and net exports. The scope of thesis research in addition to discuss economic development is also to focus on the variable investment. This research is using secondary data from a variety of relevant sources from 1980 to 2012 and kind a quantitative study with simultaneous quations analysis method. The result of this research is the discovery of significant influence of the various variables in driving economic growth in Jakarta. The research describe that economic growth in the province of Jakarta influenced by factors; House hold consumption, investment, Government Spending and Net Exports, Facility Investment, non Facility Investment and Government Investment. Factors affecting the increase in Domestic Investment (DI): the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP and Dummy variables of economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the provincial minimum wage factor, GDP, length of roads, Dummy variables establishment of PTSP. Factors affecting the increase in non facility investment is the provincial minimum wage factor, length of roads, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis. Factors affecting the increase in the Government Investment: Government revenues Factor, GDP and dummy variables economic crisis]
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dave Akbarshah Fikarno
Abstrak :
The aeronautics industry is of major importance for a country such as Indonesia that comprises of islands. Apart from that matter, global development makes this industry as one of the main factor of creating communication among nations. But it is such a shame that in recent years, Indonesia?s aeronautic industry has been in dire states. This was caused by low safety flying standards, indicated by major airline accidents that prohibited Indonesia?s airlines to enter the European Union. The heart of the matter in this thesis is ?Why are Indonesia?s airline?s security standards still so low?? By knowing the crux of the matter of such low security levels in the airlines industry, I thereby, have certain strategies to increase such security standards in Indonesia?s aeronautics industry. The methodology in this thesis is divided into two parts, the first being a method of evaluating the airlines institution performances to create safety flying procedures. From the result of undergoing such a research, it was found that each airlines institution contributes towards such low-key safety flying standards. The result of research on consumer behaviour shows that the majority of Indonesian airlines consumers do prefer cheaper rates. Making strategies of cheaper tariffs is quite an effective application. This, therefore, brings to conclusion that each airlines institution in Indonesia lacks quality performance, and therefore, every sector is contributing towards low safety flying procedures. Cheap tariffs is surely a potential risk towards low maintenance costs for the airplanes, which would eventually cause low safety conditions in Indonesia?s airlines industry.
T 26298
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Purba, Arifanda
Abstrak :
Tesis ini menganalisis Hasil Pemeriksaan Pajak Tahun 2008-2011 untuk menentukan pola profil Wajib Pajak Badan yang potensial di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Jakarta Palmerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif, dimana terhadap data-data yang diperoleh kemudian diolah dan disajikan dalam tabel-tabel. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa pola Wajib Pajak Badan Potensial hasil pemeriksaan yang terbentuk cenderung mengikuti pola Wajib Pajak berdasarkan besarnya penerimaan pajak per sektor usaha. Sektor usaha yang potensial tersebut diantaranya adalah Pertambangan dan Penggalian (Kode KLU : 10 sd.14) serta Real Estat; Persewaan; Jasa Perusahaan (Kode KLU : 70 sd. 74). Selain itu juga ditemukan bahwa guna mengoptimalkan penerimaan dari pemeriksaan pajak sebaiknya lebih mengedapankan penerapan kebijakan pemeriksaan khusus bagi Wajib Pajak Badan karena cenderung menghasilkan penerimaaan pajak cukup besar.
This thesis analyzing tax audit result for 2008-2011 to determine profile model of potential corporate tax payer at Palmerah Tax Service Office. This research using statistic descriptive method, in which the obtained data was proceeded and presented in tabulair models. From this research, had been find that profile model from corporate tax payer examination result tends to follow tax payer model based on tax revenue per business sector. The potential business are mining and excavation sector (KLU Code :10-14) and real estate; office rental; corporate services sector (KLU Code : 70-74). Additionally, it?s also find that in order to optimize revenue from government tax audit should be more forward using special tax audit criteria for corporate tax payer because it tends produce large enough tax revenue.
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Ichwan
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas Kualitas Pelayanan Publik di Unit Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Atap Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan Metode SERVQUAL untuk mengukur kualitas pelayanan dari sektor penyedia layanan dan penerima layanan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa pelayanan perizinan di Unit Pelayanan Terpadu belum optimal dan menyarankan perlu dilakukan perbaikan terhadap faktor kepastian waktu penyelesaian perizinan, ketepatan buka/tutup loket dan kecepatan petugas pelayanan menghadapi permintaan pelanggan. Dengan melakukan peningkatan terhadap sumber daya manusia dan peralatan pendukung serta melakukan kajian dan evaluasi terhadap prosedur pelayanan saat ini untuk menciptakan Pelayanan perizinan yang lebih cepat, mudah dan murah.
This thesis discribed about Public Service Quality at One Gate Integrated Service Unit in North Jakarta Distric Administration. The research?s type is qualitative research with SERVQUAL method for measuring quality of service providers and customers. The result of this research is One Gate Integrated Service has not been optimum yet and there are some recommendations given such as: service time frame, counter working hour, and customer service responsiveness. By developing human resource management, supporting instruments, and doing evaluation research based on existing basic procedure in order to create faster, easier, and cheaper of public services.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
T 26305
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library