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Ditemukan 809 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Skripsi ini membahas tentang aksi-aksi Front Pembela Islam (FPI) di Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dan survey. Aksi-aksi yang dilakukan Front Pembela Islam meliputi aksi sosial, konsolidasi dengan kalangan militer, aksi pembatasan tayangan media, aksi dalam dunia politik di Indonesia, aksi penutupan tempat hiburan selama bulan Ramadhan, kegiatan internal, aksi penolakan terhadap Ahmadiyah dan aksi penutupan kantor majalah Playboy. Hasil penelitian ini merekomendasikan terhadap pemerintah untuk mengawasi aksi-aksi Front Pembela Islam dengan ketat.

This thesis explains the actions of Islamic Defender Front (FPI) in Jakarta. This research conducted with qualitative and survey method. The social actions, which are consolidation with military group in Indonesia run, delimitation of media publication, political action, closing bars, gambling area, and prostitution when Ramadhan, internal activity, rejection of the Ahmadiyah and closing Playboy magazine office.. The research suggested that government has to control the actions of Islamic Defender Front."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Yena Febryanty
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh sumber daya manusia terhadap ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia Bagian Timur. Variabel sumber daya manusia di ambil dari model Mankiw, Robert and Weil Augmented Solow Model (1992) dengan menambahkan variabel kesehatan. Hasil yang di dapatkan adalah variabel kapital, pendidikan dan kesehatan memberikan hasil yang berbeda di wilayah tersendiri. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sumber daya manusia memberikan pengaruh terhadap ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia Bagian Timur.

The objective in investment of human capital is to push for greater labor productivity to compete in an advancing economy. Human capital investment in Indonesian Eastern Regions can be studied through education and health factor. By using the framework of Mankiw, robert and Weiul Augmented Solow Model (1992) implemented using Least Square Dummy Variables, the author found that saving unusual effects is found in saving rates which cause a decrease in labor productivity growth in Papua, Sulawesi and Maluku region."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dimas Pratama Yuda
Penelitian ini membahas tentang Tinjauan Yuridis Mengenai Kepastian Hukum Penyesuaian Kontrak Karya Pertambangan Terhadap UU No 4 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral dan Batubara UU Pertambangan Minerba Penelitian ini dilakukan sehubungan dengan adanya aturan di dalam ketentuan peralihan UU Pertambangan Minerba yang mewajibkan penyesuaian ketentuan di dalam Kontrak Karya KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui gambaran mengenai pengaturan penyesuaian KK serta permasalahan di dalam pelaksanaannya selain juga untuk mengetahui mengenai kepastian hukum terkait pelaksanaan penyesuaian KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba Untuk itu penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan sumber daya sekunder yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis data kualitatif Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan penyesuaian KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba masih memiliki sejumlah masalah dan kendala yang berasal dari belum adanya pengaturan yang mengatur secara komprehensif dan tumpang tindih pengaturan sehingga pengaturan yang ada belum menjamin kepastian hukum dalam proses penyesuaian kontrak karya tersebut Dengan demikian pemerintah bersama sama dengan para pemangku kepentingan stakeholders yang terkait perlu segera melengkapi serta memperbaiki pengaturan yang ada pada saat ini demi menjamin adanya kepastian hukum dalam proses penyesuaian KK terhadap UU Pertambangan Minerba

This Research discusses the legal analysis of legal certainty behind the Contract of Works CoW adjustment to Law No 4 of 2009 Concerning Mineral and Coal Mining Law No 4 2009 This research is conducted due to the clause of transitional provisions in the Law No 4 2009 which requires adjustment of provisions in the CoW to the Law No 4 2009 The purpose of this research is to determine an overview of the framework in CoW adjustment regulations and issues in its implementation as well as to find out about the legal certainty regarding its conduct pertaining to the Law No 4 2009 To that end this research uses juridical normative legal research method by utilizing analyzed secondary source and qualitative data As the result this research showed that the implementation of the adjustment the CoW to the Law No 4 2009 still contains a number of problems and constraints stemming from the lack and overlapping regulations Therefore the regulations has yet to ensure legal certainty in the process of adjustment of the CoW Thus the government together with the stakeholders needs to complete and improve existing regulations in order to ensure legal certainty in the process of adjustment of the CoW to the Law 4 2009 "
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Situmorang, Jimmy
"Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui respon dinamis transaksi berjalan apabila defisit anggaran meningkat tiba-tiba melalui jalur nilai tukar dan suku bunga menggunakan data Indonesia periode 2000Q1-2013Q4 dengan model Struktural Vektor Autoregression (SVAR). Penelitian juga ingin mengetahui dampaknya terhadap PDB riil. Berdasarkan Impulse Response Function (IRF) diperoleh hasil bahwa respon transaksi berjalan atas shock defisit anggaran tidak kuat, perubahan berada pada kisaran 0,04%-0,07%. Tidak ditemukan Twin Deficits Hyphotesys dalam perekonomian Indonesia pada periode tersebut. Respon suku bunga naik dan kecil serta memerlukan tiga periode untuk memperoleh apresiasi nilai tukar. Respon PDB terhadap peningkatan defisit anggaran negatif. Berdasarkan Forecast Error Decomposition Variance (FEDV) diperoleh hasil bahwa perubahan transaksi berjalan sangat dipengaruhi pertumbuhan PDB. Pengaruh shock defisit anggaran terhadap perubahan transaksi berjalan relatif kecil.

The study was conducted to determine the dynamic effects of budget deficits distubances on current account deficit through interest rate and exchange rate using data of Indonesia in 2000Q1-2013Q4 with Structural Vector Autoregression model. The impact on real GDP also to be learned. Result of Impulse Response Function (IRF) is that the effects of shock on current account deficit is not strong, the range are between 0.04% and 0.07%. Twin Deficits Hyphotesys is not found in the Indonesia?s economy during this period. Response of interest rates is increasing and not strong. There is need three-periods to get exchange rate appreciation. Response of GDP is negative. Using Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEDV) is obtained that the current account changes greatly influenced by GDP."
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Setiadi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konvergensi produktivitas tenaga kerja industri besar dan sedang sektor manufaktur dengan data panel untuk dua puluh enam propinsi di Indonesia dari tahun 1987 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Untuk mengestimasi konvergensi penelitian ini menggunakan interval waktu tiga tahun dan lima tahun. Hasil Penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa konvergensi-β non-kondisional dan kondisional eksis pada industri besar dan sedang sektor manufaktur di Indonesia. Untuk Konvergensi-β non kondisional kecepatan konvergensi adalah 4,66 persen (periode tiga tahun) dan 6,83 persen (periode lima tahun) dengan halfway life selama 14,87 tahun (periode tiga tahun) dan 10,15 (periode lima tahun). Untuk Konvergensi-β non kondisional kecepatan konvergensi adalah 21,34 persen (periode tiga tahun) dan 27,16 persen (periode lima tahun) dengan halfway life selama 3,25 tahun (periode tiga tahun) dan 2,55 (periode lima tahun).

"This study aims to analyze the convergence of labor productivity of large and"
"medium industrial manufacturing sector with panel data for twenty-six provinces in Indonesia from 1988 until 2012. Result shows that β-convergence of non- conditional and conditional exist in large and medium industrial manufacturing sector in Indonesia. For non-conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is"
"4.66 per cent (three-year period) and 6.83 percent (five-year period) to halfway life for 14.87 years (three-year period) and 10.15 years (five-year period). For conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is 21.34 percent (three-year period) and 27.16 percent (five-year period) with halfway life for 3.25 years (three- year period) and 2.55 years (five-year period).";"This study aims to analyze the convergence of labor productivity of large and"
"medium industrial manufacturing sector with panel data for twenty-six provinces in Indonesia from 1988 until 2012. Result shows that β-convergence of non- conditional and conditional exist in large and medium industrial manufacturing sector in Indonesia. For non-conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is"
"4.66 per cent (three-year period) and 6.83 percent (five-year period) to halfway life for 14.87 years (three-year period) and 10.15 years (five-year period). For conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is 21.34 percent (three-year period) and 27.16 percent (five-year period) with halfway life for 3.25 years (three- year period) and 2.55 years (five-year period).", "This study aims to analyze the convergence of labor productivity of large and"
"medium industrial manufacturing sector with panel data for twenty-six provinces in Indonesia from 1988 until 2012. Result shows that β-convergence of non- conditional and conditional exist in large and medium industrial manufacturing sector in Indonesia. For non-conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is"
"4.66 per cent (three-year period) and 6.83 percent (five-year period) to halfway life for 14.87 years (three-year period) and 10.15 years (five-year period). For conditional β-convergence speed of convergence is 21.34 percent (three-year period) and 27.16 percent (five-year period) with halfway life for 3.25 years (three- year period) and 2.55 years (five-year period)."]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Hudzaifah Abdul Aziz
Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen terbesar komoditas kakao biji di dunia.
Hal ini menandakan bahwa kakao biji merupakan salah satu komoditas terpenting
bagi Indonesia. Karenanya, pemerintah perlu menjaga stabilitas produksi dari
komoditas terserbut. Selanjutnya, peran penting dari komoditas kakao biji ditandai
dengan besarnya share ekspor dari komoditas tersebut terhadap total ekspor sektor
pertanian Indonesia dan juga peran penting dari komoditas kakao biji terhadap
mata pencaharian utama petani kecil di pedesaan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji determinan dari produksi komoditas kakao
biji Indonesia. Secara lebih khusus, penelitian ini mendiskusikan bagaimana
faktor-faktor agronomis, karakteristik petani, dan proses rantai nilai dapat
mempengaruhi produksi kakao biji di Indonesia yang dijelaskan melalui metode
kualitatif. Selain itu, penilitian ini juga menguji bagaimana pengaruh dari harga
produsen dan perubahannya, harga dunia, curah hujan, dan inflasi terhadap
produksi komoditas kakao biji Indonesia dengan menggunakan model random
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor agronomis dapat
mempengaruhi produksi kakao biji melalui tingkat curah hujan dan tingkat
kelembaban yang memngaruhi pohon kakao. Selanjutnya, karakteristik petani,
seperti motif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehar-hari, dapat memengaruhi
keputusan petani dalam membudidayakan komoditas kakao biji. Proses rantai nilai
menjelaskan bahwa harga produsen secara langsung mempengaruhi kapasitas
produksi domestic, sedangkan harga internasional secara tidak langsung
mempengaruhi kapasitas produksi. Sementara itu, model random effect
menunjukkan bahwa harga produsen, perubahan harga produsen, harga dunia, dan
inflasi secara signifikan memberikan pengaruh terhadap produksi kakao biji

Currently, Indonesia has become one of the major producers of cocoa bean in the
world. Then, it makes cocoa bean as one of the important commodities for
Indonesia. Since the crop has become one of the important commodities for
Indonesian economy, the government needs to maintain the stability of cocoa
bean production. The important role of cocoa bean can be shown by the share of
cocoa bean export on Indonesian agricultural export and the livelihood of
smallholder farmers.
This research aims to examine the determinants of Indonesian cocoa bean
production. Particularly, this research discusses how the agronomics factors,
farmers? characteristics, and value chain process can affect the cocoa bean
production in Indonesia. Qualitative analysis is used to discuss these factors.
Furthermore, this research also examines the affect of producer price, change in
producer price, world price, rainfall, and inflation on the cocoa bean production.
Random effect model is used to examine the affect of those variables.
The result reveals that agronomics factors can affect the production through the
impact of rainfall and humidity on cocoa tree. The farmers? characteristics, i.e. the
motive to survive can affect the decision of farmers in cultivating cocoa bean. The
value chain process can explain that producer price of cocoa bean can directly
affect the domestic production, whereas the world price indirectly affects the
domestic production. Meanwhile, the random effect model reveals that change in
price of cocoa bean, producer price of cocoa bean, the world price, and inflation
significantly affect the domestic production.;Currently, Indonesia has become one of the major producers of cocoa bean in the
world. Then, it makes cocoa bean as one of the important commodities for
Indonesia. Since the crop has become one of the important commodities for
Indonesian economy, the government needs to maintain the stability of cocoa
bean production. The important role of cocoa bean can be shown by the share of
cocoa bean export on Indonesian agricultural export and the livelihood of
smallholder farmers.
This research aims to examine the determinants of Indonesian cocoa bean
production. Particularly, this research discusses how the agronomics factors,
farmers’ characteristics, and value chain process can affect the cocoa bean
production in Indonesia. Qualitative analysis is used to discuss these factors.
Furthermore, this research also examines the affect of producer price, change in
producer price, world price, rainfall, and inflation on the cocoa bean production.
Random effect model is used to examine the affect of those variables.
The result reveals that agronomics factors can affect the production through the
impact of rainfall and humidity on cocoa tree. The farmers’ characteristics, i.e. the
motive to survive can affect the decision of farmers in cultivating cocoa bean. The
value chain process can explain that producer price of cocoa bean can directly
affect the domestic production, whereas the world price indirectly affects the
domestic production. Meanwhile, the random effect model reveals that change in
price of cocoa bean, producer price of cocoa bean, the world price, and inflation
significantly affect the domestic production., Currently, Indonesia has become one of the major producers of cocoa bean in the
world. Then, it makes cocoa bean as one of the important commodities for
Indonesia. Since the crop has become one of the important commodities for
Indonesian economy, the government needs to maintain the stability of cocoa
bean production. The important role of cocoa bean can be shown by the share of
cocoa bean export on Indonesian agricultural export and the livelihood of
smallholder farmers.
This research aims to examine the determinants of Indonesian cocoa bean
production. Particularly, this research discusses how the agronomics factors,
farmers’ characteristics, and value chain process can affect the cocoa bean
production in Indonesia. Qualitative analysis is used to discuss these factors.
Furthermore, this research also examines the affect of producer price, change in
producer price, world price, rainfall, and inflation on the cocoa bean production.
Random effect model is used to examine the affect of those variables.
The result reveals that agronomics factors can affect the production through the
impact of rainfall and humidity on cocoa tree. The farmers’ characteristics, i.e. the
motive to survive can affect the decision of farmers in cultivating cocoa bean. The
value chain process can explain that producer price of cocoa bean can directly
affect the domestic production, whereas the world price indirectly affects the
domestic production. Meanwhile, the random effect model reveals that change in
price of cocoa bean, producer price of cocoa bean, the world price, and inflation
significantly affect the domestic production.]"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Zico Fernando
"Tindakan hukum berupa pengalihan asset oleh Debitur Pailit dapat dimintakan pembatalan kepada pengadilan. Pembatalan tersebut disebut Actio Pauliana yang diatur dalam Pasal 41 sampai dengan Pasal 50 Undang-undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004. Namun demikian pada prakteknya tidak mudah untuk memintakan pembatalan terhadap perbuatan hukum Debitor kepada pengadilan. Dari beberapa pengajuan hanya Actio Pauliana pleh kurator, sampai saat ini, hanya segelintir yang dikabulkan oleh hakim. Adanya beberapa putusan Actio Pauliana menyatakan Pengadilan Niaga tidak berwenang memeriksa perkara Actio Pauliana dengan alasan kewenangannya merupakan Pengadilan Negeri.

Legal action in the form of transfer of assets by Debtor Bankruptcy may be requested cancellation to the court. Cancellation is called actio Pauliana provided for in Article 41 through Article 50 of Law No. 37 of 2004. However, in practice it is not easy to request cancellation of the debtor to the court legal action. From some of the submissions only actio Pauliana pleh curator, to date, only a handful have been granted by the judge. The existence of several decisions of the Commercial Court declared actio Pauliana unauthorized actio Pauliana examine cases on the grounds its authority is the District Court."
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Uus Ruswenda
"Supervisi akademik sebagai salah satu sarana untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas profesionalitas tenaga pendidik, belum banyak dirasakan manfaatnya oleh para guru. Indikator dan faktor-faktor yang menghambat efektivitas pelaksanaan supervisi akademik tersebut diungkap melalui penelitian ini. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif dengan metode observational case studies. Teknik pengambilan data secara participant observation dan wawancara.
Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pelaksanaan supervisi akademik pengawas SMK di Kabupaten Kuningan dinilai tidak efektif, karena kegiatan penyusunan program dan laporan hasil pengawasan, kegiatan pembinaan, pemantauan, penilaian, dan kegiatan pembimbingan dan pelatihan profesionalitas guru tidak sesuai dengan pedoman tugas pengawasan. Faktor penyebabnya adalah motivasi, komitmen dan kemampuan pengawas rendah, komunikasi tidak lancar, upaya pemberdayaan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan belum optimal, kompleksitas dan beban kerja pengawas berat, dan budaya sekolah tidak mendukung. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan dan pengaruh faktor-faktor tesebut terhadap efektivitas pelaksanaan supervisi akademik Pengawas SMK.

The benefit of academic supervision as one of the means to help improving the professional quality of educators has not yet been maximally spread among teachers. Indicators and factors that prevent the effectiveness of academic supevision aplication will be revealed through this research. Research approaches are done qualitatively by means of observational case studies. Techniques of data collection through participant observations and interviews.
The result of this research concludes that academic supervision for vocational school supervisors in Kuningan is considered not effective because the activities of program settings and the report of supervision result, the activities of building, observation, assessment, guidance and training for teacher profesionalism are not appropriate with the guides of supervision duties. These occur because of inadequate motivation, commitment, and supervisors abilities, bad communications, the effort from the head of education service which is not optimal yet, complexity and the heavy burden of supervisors and school cultures that do not support. Further researches are needed to find out whether there are relationships and influences of those factors againts the effectiveness of academic supervision for vocational school supervisors.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahmat Yusmal Andi
"Tujuan akhir tesis ini adalah mengidentifikasi penyebab rendahnya jumlah realisasi KPR Sarasuna bersubsidi sebagai instrumen pemilikan Rusunami oleh masyarakat sasaran di perkotaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey dan wawancara terstruktur terhadap pakar yang terlibat langsung dalam berjalannya instrumen ini.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penyebab rendahnya penyerapan Rusunami oleh masyarakat sasaran diantaranya adalah: Housing Finance System yang ada masih belum mantap/maksimal, adanya kenaikan harga terbawah Rusunami di pasaran, dan budaya masyarakat yang masih terbiasa tinggal di landed house walaupun di pinggiran kota.

Trough this research, we would like to identify cause of low level absorption KPR Sarasuna Bersubsidi instrument for Rusunami by target community. This research is a quantitative study with survey and deep interview against the expert who was directly involved in walking this instrument.
Results of this research determined the cause of low level the Rusunami absorption by the target community are Housing Finance System was not yet stable/maximal, the existence of the Rusunami price increase in the market and the community's culture that still familiar with landed house although in suburban.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didit Widiana
"Tesis ini membahas struktur mikro pasar valuta asing menggunakan data transaksi harian perdagangan mata uang Dolar Amerika Serikat (USD) terhadap Rupiah (IDR) selama periode Agustus sampai Oktober 2008. Komponen struktur mikro pasar valuta asing mencakup frekuensi dan volume perdagangan serta pergerakan harga, lmplikasi variabel struktur rnikro pasar pada rnanajemen risiko direfleksikan dalam perbandingan volatilitas komponen tersebut saat pasar dalam kondisi normal dan tidak normal melalui pendekatan Valut at Risk (VaR).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (I) volume perdagangan cenderung tinggi pada pembukaan dan penutupan pasar dan membentuk pola U-shaped, (2) volume perdagangan tinggi pada hari Selasa dan pada hari-hari berikutnya cenderung menurun hingga Jumat (3) volatilitas pada pasar tidak normal 4 sampai 5 kali dari pasar normal dan tidak berpola U-shaped, (4) pengendali pasar selama periode observasi didominasi oleh bank asing dan bank pemerintah.

This study focus on the microstructure of foreign exchange markets using a daily transaction data set from American Dollar (USD) against Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) in periods of August to October 2008. The microstructure of foreign exchange markets variables are trading frequency and volume behavior, and price changes. The implication of these variables to market risk management is reflected on its volatility comparison between normal markets and abnormal markets using Value at Risk approach.
The results show that (l) a U-shaped pattern in volume during trading day, that is, volume is highest at the beginning and the end ofthe trading day (2) the trading volume is different within and across days. This research provide of an inverted U-shaped in volume across days. Tuesday has the lowest volume, and on the next days until Friday, volume tends decrease, (3) the volatility of abnormal markets is 4 to 5 times than normal markets. The market makers are relatively denominated by foreign banks and goverment banks.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
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