"[Hipospadia merupakan salah satu kelainan congenital pada penis yang paling sering terjadi, dengan angka kejadian 0.2-0.8% kasus di dunia. Prinsip dasar tehnik pembedahan hipospadia masih tetap sama dari tahun ke tahun, padahal terdapat banyak tehnik yang dapat digunakan namun belum ada penelitian yang membandingkan antara satu tehnik operasi dengan tehnik operasi lainnya. Untuk itu, kami mengumpulkan data dari para urolog di Indonesia untuk mengetahui hal tersebut, memberikan gambaran tehnik operasi hipospadia apa saja yang digunakan, dan bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan urolog lainnya untuk mencoba tehnik operasi lainnya.
Dilakukan survey kepada ahli bedah urologi di seminar-seminar dan konferensi yang dilakukan di Indonesia dari tahun 2012-2013 dengan membagikan kuesioner mengenai tatalaksana operatif pada hipospadia distal dan proksimal. Hasil
Total sebanyak 87 partisipan menyelesaikan kuesioner yang diberikan. Sebagian besar partisipan (61%) telah menjadi urolog selam kurang dari 5 tahun, dan kebanyakan bekerja di rumah sakit pemerintahan. Jumlah pasien hipospadia yang ditangani per tahunnya rata-rata 1-5 pasien (34.5%) dan usia tersering adalah 3-6 tahun (56.3%) dengan varian tersering yakni tipe midshaft penile (57.5%).
Tehnik operasi pada tahap pembebasan kordae yang paling sering digunakan adalah dorsal placation (48.3%) dan dilakukan percobaan ereksi artificial dan turniket intraoperasi (79.3% dan 66%). Pada hipospadia distal, tehnik TIP merupakan yang paling sering digunakan (66.7%-88.5%) sementara sisanya memilih MAGPI, matthew atau onlay island flap. Untuk yang proksimal, beberapa urolog menggunakan TIP (16.1%-39.1%) sementara yang lainnya memilih onlay island flap, koyanagi, transverse preputial island flap, operasi dua tahap, dan cangkok bukal.
Penggunaan kateter foley pada stenting daerah distal dan proksimal masih dilakukan oleh sebagian besar urolog setelah prosedur operasi selesai, seperempat responden melakukan sistostomi simultan dengan kateter foley. Kesimpulan
Tren yang terkini dalam penatalaksanaan hipospadia di Indonesia masih bervariasi bergantung pada kebiasaan urolog. Hasil menunjukkan pendekatan yang berbeda- beda pada tehnik operasi hipospadia distal maupun proksimal, dan tidak sesuai juga dengan literature yang ada. Hal ini mungkin disebabkan karena faktor sosioekonomi, lingkungan, dan pengalaman pribadi.;Hypospadia is one of the most common congenital anomaly of the penis, ranging from to be 0,2 to 8.2% worldwide.The principles of hypospadia surgery remains the same throughout the years and there are many techniques of surgery which could be chosen but current practice in Indonesia have not yet been studied. With this in mind, we obtained data from urologist in Indonesia to provide an insight and hopefully be a source of discussions that may lead to a change of personal practice.
A survey was conducted in seminars and conferences in Indonesia from 2012 to 2013 with a questionairre regarding repair of distal and proximal hypospadia Results A total of 87 participants completed the questionairre. Most of the participants (61%) had been a urologist for less than 5 years, and most worked in goverment university hospital.The number of patient encountered most was 1-5 patient per year (34,5%) and the age majority was 3-6 years old (56,3%) with the highest variant seen was midshaft penile (57,5%).
Regarding technique of the operation, for chordee release most used dorsal plication (48,3%) and also performed artificial erection and tourniquet intra- operatively (79,3% and 66%). For distal repair, the tubularized incised plate (TIP) was the preferred technique (66,7% - 88,5%) while the remainder preferred MAGPI, matthew or onlay island flap. For proximal repair, some still preferred TIP (16,1% - 39,1%) while the remainder relied on onlay island flap, koyanagi, transverse preputial island flap, two-staged repair and buccal graft.
The use of foley catheter for distal and proximal stenting post repair remains majority in the case of hypospadia, with less than a quarter performed also cystostomy simultaneously. Conclusions
The current trend in the management of hypospadias in Indonesia still varies based on personal preferrence. The result also shows different approach for proximal and distal hypospadia even compared to the literature. This might be caused by socioeconomic, environmental or personal experience., Hypospadia is one of the most common congenital anomaly of the penis, ranging from to be 0,2 to 8.2% worldwide.The principles of hypospadia surgery remains the same throughout the years and there are many techniques of surgery which could be chosen but current practice in Indonesia have not yet been studied. With this in mind, we obtained data from urologist in Indonesia to provide an insight and hopefully be a source of discussions that may lead to a change of personal practice.
A survey was conducted in seminars and conferences in Indonesia from 2012 to 2013 with a questionairre regarding repair of distal and proximal hypospadia Results A total of 87 participants completed the questionairre. Most of the participants (61%) had been a urologist for less than 5 years, and most worked in goverment university hospital.The number of patient encountered most was 1-5 patient per year (34,5%) and the age majority was 3-6 years old (56,3%) with the highest variant seen was midshaft penile (57,5%).
Regarding technique of the operation, for chordee release most used dorsal plication (48,3%) and also performed artificial erection and tourniquet intra- operatively (79,3% and 66%). For distal repair, the tubularized incised plate (TIP) was the preferred technique (66,7% - 88,5%) while the remainder preferred MAGPI, matthew or onlay island flap. For proximal repair, some still preferred TIP (16,1% - 39,1%) while the remainder relied on onlay island flap, koyanagi, transverse preputial island flap, two-staged repair and buccal graft.
The use of foley catheter for distal and proximal stenting post repair remains majority in the case of hypospadia, with less than a quarter performed also cystostomy simultaneously. Conclusions
The current trend in the management of hypospadias in Indonesia still varies based on personal preferrence. The result also shows different approach for proximal and distal hypospadia even compared to the literature. This might be caused by socioeconomic, environmental or personal experience.]"