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Ditemukan 21 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
[Hidrologi hutan rawa gambut merupakan faktor penting yang menjadi kunci keberadaan dan kelestarian gambut itu sendiri. Perubahan hidrologi pada gambut terutama yang diakibatkan oleh kanalisasi mengakibatkan adanya fluktuasi tinggi muka air tanah yang dapat berdampak pada peningkatan pelepasan CO2, kekeringan yang berakibat kebakaran dan banjir yang lebih cepat terjadi sehingga perlu adanya upaya mitigasi untuk mengurangi risiko tersebut. Pengolahan citra Landsat TM dan ETM serta SPOT 4 menggunakan teknik klasifikasi segmentasi berbasis objek yang dipadukan dengan hasil pengukuran tinggi muka air dan elevasi permukaan tanah dilakukan untuk menghasilkan pola perubahan genangan air hutan rawa gambut di SubDAS Bakung, Kalimantan Tengah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, pola perubahan genangan air sebagian besar terjadi di bagian hilir subDAS dengan faktor pengontrol berupa ketinggian dan lereng. Analisis multitemporal dari tahun 1998 – 2012 menjelaskan bahwa parameter curah hujan yang paling tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap perubahan genangan air adalah curah hujan dua bulanan sebelumnya dengan R sebesar 0,669. Adapun kerapatan aliran lebih berpengaruh terhadap genangan air di bagian hulu SubDAS Bakung., Hydrology of peat swamp forest is an important factor that is a key to the existence and preservation of the peat. Therefore, with the change in the hydrology of peat mainly caused by canalization it may result in fluctuations in ground water level that can impact on increasing the release of CO2, resulting in drought and peat fires, and early flood so it is need mitigation effort to reduce the risk. Processing of Landsat TM and ETM and SPOT 4 imagery using object-based classification technique are performed to produce pattern of water body change of peat swamp forest in Bakung Sub-watershed, Central Kalimantan. According to analysis, water body change pattern mostly occur in downstream area with controlled factor is topography. analysis conducted by multi-temporal in 1998 - 2012 found that rainfall parameters that influence the changes in water body is 2- monthly rainfall before observation time with R of 0.669. In addition, drainage density is more influence for occurring water body changes in the upstream area of Bakung Sub-watershed.]
Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Giri Yudho Prakoso
Abstrak :
Saat ini, pengukuran dimensi zona inhibisi masih menggunakan alat pengukur manual seperti penggaris atau jangka sorong. Kini dengan perkembangan teknologi memungkinkan pengukuran dilakukan dengan berbasis kamera digital dan pengolahan citra. Adanya perangkat penunjang lain seperti sumber cahaya, dapat menyebabkan posisi kamera tidak tegak lurus terhadap objek pengukuran. Pada penelitian ini diperkenalkan sistem koreksi tilting pada pengukuran zona inhibisi berbasis kamera. Sistem yang dikembangkan terdiri dari perangkat keras (instrumen pengukuran dan kamera) dan perangkat lunak. Teknik pengolahan citra seperti transformasi, deteksi tepi, dan deteksi garis yang digunakan untuk membangun sistem koreksi tilting secara otomatis ini. Pengujian telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan objek kalibrator checkerboard standar dan objek zona inhibisi, pada berbagai variasi orientasi sudut kemiringan dan rotasi objek. Secara umum, berdasarkan hasil pengujian, sistem yang dibangun telah berhasil diimplementasikan untuk pengukuran dimensi zona inhibisi secara tidak tegak lurus. Koreksi tilting mampu memperbaiki performa sistem pengukuran dengan penurunan kesalahan hingga 39,6%. Sudut maksimal dengan tingkat toleransi yang masih dapat diterima adalah 40°.
Currently, the measurements of the Zone of Inhibition are still using manual measurement tools such as a ruler or caliper. Now with the development of technology enables this measurement based on digital cameras and image processing. The presence of another supporting devices such as light sources, causing the camera position not perpendicular to the object. This study introduces the tilt correction system on camera-based measurement of the inhibition zones, which consists of hardware (measuring instruments and cameras) and software. Image processing techniques such as geometrical transformations, edge detection, and line detection is used to build the automated tilt correction system. The experiments have been conducted using standard checkerboard calibrator objects and Zone of Inhibition objects at various orientations and the angle of rotation of the object. In general, based on experiment results, the system has been successfully implemented for not perpendicular dimensional measurements of zone of inhibition. Tilt correction system improves the measurement system performance with a reduction in estimated errors up to 39,6%. The maximum angle with a tolerance level that is acceptable is 40°.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Eka Putri
Abstrak :
Nanopartikel emas memiliki sifat optik yang unik saat berinteraksi dengan cahaya yang disebut sebagai efek localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR). Sifat ini muncul berupa peningkatan intensitas serapan cahaya pada frekuensi cahaya tertentu yang bergantung kepada indeks bias medium nanopartikel emas. Sifat inilah yang dimanfaatkan dalam pembuatan biosensor untuk mendeteksi formaldehida. Dalam penelitian ini, telah berhasil dibuat biosensor menggunakan enzim alkohol oksidase yang di-imobilisasi pada membran poli(nBA-NAS) dan diletakkan diatas substrat ITO yang telah ditumbuhkan nanopartikel emas. Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan karakterisasi struktur nanopartikel emas dengan menggunakan XRD, SEM dan sifat plasmoniknya dengan spektroskopi UV-Visible, karakterisasi stuktur membran polimer dengan spektroskopi FTIR dan optimasi terhadap parameter biosensor yang dibuat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nanopartikel emas yang terbentuk mempunyai diameter 25-35 nm, tersebar merata di permukaan ITO, membran polimer (nBA-NAS) merupakan membran selektif ion H+, keberadaan NAS pada polimer sangat penting untuk mengikat enzim alkohol oksidase, jumlah enzim optimum yaitu 2 unit untuk tiap biosensor, pH optimum biosensor dapat bekerja yaitu pada pH 7, waktu respon biosensor lima menit dan biosensor dapat mendeteksi formaldehida pada rentang konsenstrasi 1x10-7 M hingga 1 M.
Gold nanoparticles have unique optical properties when interacting with the light that is usually referred as the Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance effect (LSPR). These properties appear as the increasing of light absorption at the certain frequency of light that depends on the refractive index of the surounding medium of gold nanoparticles. This effect is utilized in the fabrication of biosensors to detect formaldehyde. In this study, it was successfully made a biosensor using the immobilized enzyme alcohol oxidase on the membrane poly(nBA-NAS) and placed above the ITO substrate which had been grown gold nanoparticles. In this research, it has been carried out the structural characterization of gold nanoparticles by using XRD, SEM and its plasmonic properties with UV-Visible spectrometer, the structural characterization of membrane polymer by using FTIR spectroscopy and the optimization all of the parameters in the fabrication of biosensor. The results showed that gold nanoparticles are formed having a diameter of 25-45 nm, spread evenly on the surface of the ITO, the membrane polymer poly(nBA)NAS is an H+ ion selective membrane, the existence of NAS in polymers is essential to bind the enzyme alcohol oxidase, the amount of enzyme the optimum is 2 units for each biosensor, the optimum pH is 7, the response time of biosensor is five minutes and the biosensor can detect formaldehyde in the range of concentrations of 10-7 M to 1 M.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silvia Dwi Wardhani
Abstrak :
Kekeringan merupakan bencana alam yang terjadi akibat dari kemarau panjang yang tidak terlepas dari adanya pengaruh fenomena El Nino. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sensitivitas wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen terhadap bencana kekeringan. Melalui perhitungan statistik dan pemetaan data spasial, penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa tingkat sensitivitas wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen terhadap bencana kekeringan baik berdasarkan kondisi iklim selama 30 tahun (1985-2014) ataupun pada tahun 2015 memiliki tingkat sensitivitas yang sama yaitu terdiri dari tingkat sensitivitas yang 'rendah' dan 'sedang'. Akan tetapi, tingkat sensitivitas wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen terhadap kekeringan yang 'sedang' jauh lebih luas pada tahun 2015 daripada tingkat sensitivitas wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen berdasarkan kondisi iklim selama 30 tahun (1985-2014). Sehingga adanya pengaruh fenomena El Nino di Kabupaten Kebumen pada tahun 2015 tergolong kuat. Sebaran wilayah yang memiliki tingkat sensitivitas yang 'rendah' umumnya terdistribusi di bagian tengah hingga utara Kabupaten Kebumen. Sedangkan, tingkat sensitivitas wilayah Kabupaten Kebumen terhadap kekeringan yang 'sedang' umumnya terdistribusi di bagian tengah hingga selatan terutama di daerah pesisir selatan Kabupaten Kebumen. ......Drought is a natural disaster that occurred as a result of the long dry that can't be separated from the influence of El Nino phenomenon. This research aims to determine the region sensitivity of Kebumen Regency against drought. Through statistical calculations and mapping of spatial data, this research reveal that level of the region sensitivity of Kebumen Regency against drought is same between based on climatic conditions for 30 years (1985-2014) and 2015 that consists of region sensitivity level of 'low' and 'moderate'. However, the region sensitivity level of Kebumen Regency on drought 'moderate' is much wider in 2015 than the region sensitivity level of Kebumen Regency based on climatic conditions for 30 years (1985-2014). So, the effect of El Nino phenomenon in Kebumen Regency in 2015 relatively strong. Distribution of areas that have region sensitivity level 'low' is generally distributed from the middle to northern of Kebumen Regency. Meanwhile, the region sensitivity level of Kebumen regency 'moderate' is generally distributed from the middle to southern, especially in the southern coastal of Kebumen Regency.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ayu Apdila Yuarthi
Abstrak :
Karakterisasi reservoar pada Lapangan "X" telah dilakukan menggunakan inversi impedansi akustik dan geostatistik. Kedua teknik ini dapat menghasilkan peta persebaran reservoar yang didapatkan dari impedansi akustik hasil inversi dan porositas. Selain itu, peta persebaran reservoar dapat digunakan untuk melihat litologi batuan reservoar. Daerah penelitian terletak di Lapangan "X" pada Cekungan Sumatera Tengah, Provinsi Riau. Teknik inversi impedansi akustik yang digunakan adalah inversi model based, sedangkan teknik geostatistik yang digunakan adalah teknik cokriging. Hasil analisa terintegrasi dari kedua teknik menunjukkan bahwa daerah target mempunyai litologi batupasir ber-porous disekitar well A-1 dengan porositas tinggi pada nilai impedansi akustik 15.000-19592 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)) dan mempunyai litologi batupasir tight disekitar well A-12 dan well A-16 dengan porositas cukup rendah pada nilai impedansi akustik 15306-20204 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)) dan 15306-21429 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)).
Reservoir characterization in 'X' field has been carried out using acoustic impedance inversion and geostatistics. Both of these techniques can produce a map of the distribution reservoir that obtained from acoustic impedance inversion and porosity results. Beside that, a map of the distribution reservoir can be used to view the lithology of rocks. The research area is in "X" field at Central Sumatera Basin, Riau, Indonesia. The acoustic impedance inversion is performed by using "model based" inversion, while the cokriging technique had been used as part of geostatistic technique. The integrated analysis results from these methods show that the reservoir in research field has porous sandstones around the well A-1 with high porosity in acoustic impedance values 15000-19592 ((ft/s) *(g/cc)) and has tight sandstone around well A-12 and well A-16 with low porosity in acoustic impedance values 15306-20204 ((ft/s) *(g/cc)) and 15306-21429 ((ft/s)*(g/cc)).
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alethea Yuwanda Murtiningrum
Abstrak :
Model penyebaran penyakit DBD akan dibahas dalam tugas akhir ini. Berbagai intervensi mulai dari vaksin terhadap manusia dewasa, vaksin terhadap bayi baru lahir, penggunaan insektisida, larvasida, dan mechanical control akan menjadi pertimbangan dalam menganalisa model DBD. Terdapat tiga jenis titik keseimbangan yang terbentuk dari model penyebaran penyakit DBD dengan berbagai intervensi ini yaitu: Mosquito-Free Equilibrium, Disease-Free Equilibrium (dengan dan tanpa kompartemen vaksin), dan Endemic Equilibrium. Dari model ini akan diperoleh nilai basic reproduction number yang menjadi faktor dimana penyakit ini dikatakan epidemik atau tidak dalam suatu populasi. Melalui kajian analitik dan numerik, diperoleh hasil bahwa penggunaan insektisida, vaksinasi terhadap manusia dewasa, dan pelaksanaan mechanical control merupakan intervensi yang paling signifikan dalam mengurangi penyebaran infeksi penyakit DBD oleh nyamuk, dibandingan dengan penggunaan larvasida, dan vaksin pada bayi baru lahir.
Mathematical model of dengue diseases transmission will be discussed in this undergraduate thesis. Various interventions such as adult and newborn vaccine, the used of insecticide and larvacide treatment, also enforcement of mechanical control will be considered when analyzing the mathematical model. There are 3 types of equilibrium points that will be built upon the dengue model. In this thesis those points are Mosquito-Free Equilibrium, Disease-Free Equilibrium (with and without vaccinated compartment), and Endemic Equilibrium. From this dengue model, basic reproduction number will be obtained as the main value factor whether the disease will become epidemic in a population or not. Based on the analytical and numerical analysis, insecticide treatment, adult vaccine, and enforcement of mechanical control are the most significant interventions when reducing the spread of dengue disease infection that caused by mosquitoes, rather than larvacide treatment and newborn vaccine.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuryanti Dewi Jayanti
Abstrak :
Pemanfaatan penggunaan gas CO2 untuk dikonversi menjadi senyawa yang memiliki nilai tambah semakin meningkat karena meningkatnya perhatian terhadap pemanasan global. Reduksi CO2 secara elektrokatalik untuk membentuk senyawa siklik karbonat dengan adanya epoksida merupakan topik yang cukup menarik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan elektrosintesis senyawa kimia dari reduksi CO2 dan propilen oksida menggunakan katalis Cu. katalis Cu disintesis pada permukaan elektroda emas dengan metode elektrodeposisi pada potensial -3,1 V vs Ag/AgCl selama 5 menit. Deposit yang terbentuk dikarakterisasi menggunakan SEM-EDS. Deposit yang terbentuk berbentuk foam dengan adanya penambahan bahan aditif PEG (Polietilen Glikol). Hasil Deposit yang terbentuk digunakan sebagai katalis untuk mereduksi CO2 dan dipelajari dengan metode siklik voltametri dengan cairan ionik [BMIM][PF6] dalam asetonitril. Reduksi CO2 teramati pada potensial -1,9 V vs Ag/AgCl dan diaplikasikan untuk membentuk senyawa kimia dari CO2 dan propilen oksida . Proses sintesis dilakukan pada sel yang tidak terpisah dan dilakukan pada suhu ruang. Produk yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi menggunkan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) dan Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). Dari hasil karakterisasi produk yang terbentuk adalah tripropilen glikol, 1-propil-1-sikloheksen, sikloheksanol dan 4-propil-sikloheksanol.
ABSTRAK The use of CO2 for converted into value added compounds has dramatically increased due to increased global warming concerns. Reduction of CO2 to form cyclic carbonate compound with the epoxide is interesting topic. In this research chemical compounds will be synthesized from the reduction of CO2 and propylene oxide using Cu deposit catalyst. Cu catalysts synthesized on the surface of a gold electrode by electrodeposition method at potential -3.1 V vs Ag / AgCl for 5 minutes. Deposits formed were characterized using SEM-EDS. Deposits are shaped foam with the addition of additives PEG (Polyethylene Glycol). Deposits were used as a catalyst to reduce CO2 and studied by cyclic voltammetry method with ionic liquids [BMIM][PF6] in acetonitrile. CO2 reduction potential was observed at -1.9 V vs Ag/AgCl and applied to synthesize chemical compounds from CO2 and propylene oxide. The synthesis process using undivided cell and performed at room temperature. The resulting products were characterized using the Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS). The products are tripropylene glycol, 1-propyl-1-cyclohexene, 4-propyl-cyclohexanol.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andi Fadly
Abstrak :
Aplikasi atribut seismik 3D dan sifat fisik batuan telah dapat memodelkan reservoar A Formasi Ledok Lapangan X Blok Cepu. Beberapa atribut seismik yang sesuai untuk mengidentifikasi penyebaran reservoar dilapangan ini adalah root mean square (rms), sweetness, dan impedansi akustik relatif. Dimana ketiga atribut seismik tersebut memperlihatkan suatu anomali amplitudo berupa bright spot yang diidentifikasi sebagai reservoar A dan memperlihatkan pola penyebaran berarah selatan-utara. Fasies reservoar A yang merupakan batugamping pasiran adalah reservoar yang sangat baik dalam menyimpan hidrokarbon gas dengan porositas 19% dan saturasi air sebesar 40%. Adanya faktor ketidakpastian dalam penentuan batas penyebaran reservoar A dari atribut seismik, model reservoar A di bagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu perkiraan optimis (P90), perkiraan sedang (P50) dan perkiraan pesimis (P10). Keberadaan hidrokarbon gas di Lapangan X dikontrol oleh suatu perangkap stratigrafi bukan perangkap struktur hal ini terlihat dari tidak adanya tutupan (klosur). Berdasarkan sebaran reservoar melalui integrasi atribut seismik, properti batuan dan model reservoar diusulkan 4 (empat) sumur pemboran untuk mengembangkan lapangan gas X.
Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X.;Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X.;Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X., Application of 3D seismic attributes and physical properties of reservoir rocks have been to model the formation Ledok A Field X Cepu Block. The seismic attributes, which can be used to identify distribution of the reservoir in this field were the root mean square (rms), sweetness, and relative acoustic impedance. The attributes of the seismic amplitude anomaly shows a bright spot in the form identified as reservoars A and show the pattern of northsouth trending deployment. A reservoir facies which is a sandy limestone reservoir was very good at keeping a hydrocarbon gas with 19% porosity and water saturation of 40%. The existence of uncertainty in the determination of reservoir distribution limit of seismic attributes. A reservoir model was divided into three parts, optimistic estimate (P90), moderate estimate (P50) and pesimistic estimate (P10). The existence of hydrocarbon gases in field X in was control by a stratigraphic traps compared to traps structure as seen from the absence of cover (closur). Based on integration of seismic attributes, rock properties and reservoar model proposed four (4) wells drilling to develop the gas field X.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dzil Mulki Heditama
Abstrak :
Penentuan zona rekahan reservoar di daerah Geotermal sangat penting untuk keperluan penentuan titik pemboran. Penentuan zona rekahan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode geofisika, salah satunya adalah metode microearthquake (MEQ). Metode MEQ dapat memberikan informasi yang berkaitan dengan struktur permeabilitas reservoar, pola pergerakan fluida injeksi, dan batas reservoar pada lapangan Geotermal. Terdapat beberapa metode penting yang dilakukan untuk analisis zona rekahan dari data MEQ, yaitu relokasi menggunakan metode double difference, tensor momen dan tomografi. Dalam hal ini penulis berupaya untuk melakukan penelitian pengembangan software terkait penentuan waktu tiba menggunakan spektrogram. Setelah lokasi hiposenter diperoleh, maka langkah berikutnya adalah melakukan analisis tensor momen dan tomografi. Dari berbagai analisis yang dilakukan tersebut, penentuan zona rekahan di daerah Geotermal dapat dilakukan dengan baik. Diharapkan penelitian ini memberikan hasil yang terbaik sehingga metode yang dilakukan tersebut dapat diterapkan dalam penentuan zona rekahan yang lebih tepat.
Determination of the reservoir fracture zone in Geothermal areas are very important for the purposes of determining the drilling point. Determination of the fracture zone can be performed by applying geophysical methods, one of which is a microearthquake (MEQ) method. MEQ method may provide information relating to the structure of the reservoir permeability, patterns of fluid injection movement, and boundary the field of Geothermal reservoir. There are several important methods to analyze fracture zone performed on the data MEQ, relocation using the double difference method, moment tensor and tomography. In this case the author seeks to conduct research related to the development of software such methods can be used to process and analyze the MEQ data. In this case I do research related to software development related to the timing of arrival using the spectrogram. After the location of the hypocenter is obtained, then the next step is to analyze the moment tensor and tomography. From the various analyzes performed, the determination of the fracture zone in the Geothermal area can be done well. It is expected that this study provides the best results so the methods can applied in the determination of a more precise fracture zone.;Determination of the reservoir fracture zone in Geothermal areas are very important for the purposes of determining the drilling point. Determination of the fracture zone can be performed by applying geophysical methods, one of which is a microearthquake (MEQ) method. MEQ method may provide information relating to the structure of the reservoir permeability, patterns of fluid injection movement, and boundary the field of Geothermal reservoir. There are several important methods to analyze fracture zone performed on the data MEQ, relocation using the double difference method, moment tensor and tomography. In this case the author seeks to conduct research related to the development of software such methods can be used to process and analyze the MEQ data. In this case I do research related to software development related to the timing of arrival using the spectrogram. After the location of the hypocenter is obtained, then the next step is to analyze the moment tensor and tomography. From the various analyzes performed, the determination of the fracture zone in the Geothermal area can be done well. It is expected that this study provides the best results so the methods can applied in the determination of a more precise fracture zone.;Determination of the reservoir fracture zone in Geothermal areas are very important for the purposes of determining the drilling point. Determination of the fracture zone can be performed by applying geophysical methods, one of which is a microearthquake (MEQ) method. MEQ method may provide information relating to the structure of the reservoir permeability, patterns of fluid injection movement, and boundary the field of Geothermal reservoir. There are several important methods to analyze fracture zone performed on the data MEQ, relocation using the double difference method, moment tensor and tomography. In this case the author seeks to conduct research related to the development of software such methods can be used to process and analyze the MEQ data. In this case I do research related to software development related to the timing of arrival using the spectrogram. After the location of the hypocenter is obtained, then the next step is to analyze the moment tensor and tomography. From the various analyzes performed, the determination of the fracture zone in the Geothermal area can be done well. It is expected that this study provides the best results so the methods can applied in the determination of a more precise fracture zone., Determination of the reservoir fracture zone in Geothermal areas are very important for the purposes of determining the drilling point. Determination of the fracture zone can be performed by applying geophysical methods, one of which is a microearthquake (MEQ) method. MEQ method may provide information relating to the structure of the reservoir permeability, patterns of fluid injection movement, and boundary the field of Geothermal reservoir. There are several important methods to analyze fracture zone performed on the data MEQ, relocation using the double difference method, moment tensor and tomography. In this case the author seeks to conduct research related to the development of software such methods can be used to process and analyze the MEQ data. In this case I do research related to software development related to the timing of arrival using the spectrogram. After the location of the hypocenter is obtained, then the next step is to analyze the moment tensor and tomography. From the various analyzes performed, the determination of the fracture zone in the Geothermal area can be done well. It is expected that this study provides the best results so the methods can applied in the determination of a more precise fracture zone.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Lapangan FTM sebagai lapangan minyak dan gas bumi. Pada lapangan FTM terdapat dua reservoir gas dan reservoir minyak, yaitu formasi Minahaki dan Formasi Tomori. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada formasi Tomori dengan litologi batuan karbonat dan merupakan reservoir minyak yang berumur Miocene Akhir. Stuktur ini terbentuk oleh sesar mendatar (Trust fault) dengan sudut kecil yang berarah NE-SW. Identifikasi hidrokarbon pada studi ini didasarkan pada hasil metode dekomposisi spektral. Metode dekomposisi spektral berbasis ISA dan CWT digunakan untuk analisa anomali frekuensi rendah. Anomali frekuensi rendah berasosiasi adanya hidrokarbon. Analisa petrofisika pada lapangan FTM pada daerah hidrokarbon mempunyai porositas yang bagus dan saturasi air yang kecil. Hasil dari pemetaan zona prospek hidrokarbon dan analisa petrofisika ini diharapkan bisa dilakukan delineasi zona prospek untuk kepentingan survey seismik lebih lanjut dan acuan untuk proses pemboran.;FTM Field is one of the new fields as energy reserves in Indonesia as an oil and gas field. In the field there are two reservoirs FTM gas and oil reservoirs, namely the formation Minahaki and Tomori Formation. Research conducted on the formation lithology Tomori with carbonate rocks and an oil reservoir Late Miocene. This structure is formed by a horizontal fault (Trust fault) with a small angle of the NE - SW trending. Hydrocarbon determination using spectral decomposition method, based spectral decomposition method is used for analysis ISA and CWT low frequency anomaly. Low frequency anomaly associated hydrocarbon indicator. Petrophysical analysis FTM field have good porosity and water saturation small on hydrocarbon area. Results of mapping zones of hydrocarbon prospects and petro physical analysis is expected to be used for the benefit of the prospect delineation zone further seismic surveys and drilling of reference for the process.;FTM Field is one of the new fields as energy reserves in Indonesia as an oil and gas field. In the field there are two reservoirs FTM gas and oil reservoirs, namely the formation Minahaki and Tomori Formation. Research conducted on the formation lithology Tomori with carbonate rocks and an oil reservoir Late Miocene. This structure is formed by a horizontal fault (Trust fault) with a small angle of the NE - SW trending. Hydrocarbon determination using spectral decomposition method, based spectral decomposition method is used for analysis ISA and CWT low frequency anomaly. Low frequency anomaly associated hydrocarbon indicator. Petrophysical analysis FTM field have good porosity and water saturation small on hydrocarbon area. Results of mapping zones of hydrocarbon prospects and petro physical analysis is expected to be used for the benefit of the prospect delineation zone further seismic surveys and drilling of reference for the process.;FTM Field is one of the new fields as energy reserves in Indonesia as an oil and gas field. In the field there are two reservoirs FTM gas and oil reservoirs, namely the formation Minahaki and Tomori Formation. Research conducted on the formation lithology Tomori with carbonate rocks and an oil reservoir Late Miocene. This structure is formed by a horizontal fault (Trust fault) with a small angle of the NE - SW trending. Hydrocarbon determination using spectral decomposition method, based spectral decomposition method is used for analysis ISA and CWT low frequency anomaly. Low frequency anomaly associated hydrocarbon indicator. Petrophysical analysis FTM field have good porosity and water saturation small on hydrocarbon area. Results of mapping zones of hydrocarbon prospects and petro physical analysis is expected to be used for the benefit of the prospect delineation zone further seismic surveys and drilling of reference for the process.;FTM Field is one of the new fields as energy reserves in Indonesia as an oil and gas field. In the field there are two reservoirs FTM gas and oil reservoirs, namely the formation Minahaki and Tomori Formation. Research conducted on the formation lithology Tomori with carbonate rocks and an oil reservoir Late Miocene. This structure is formed by a horizontal fault (Trust fault) with a small angle of the NE - SW trending. Hydrocarbon determination using spectral decomposition method, based spectral decomposition method is used for analysis ISA and CWT low frequency anomaly. Low frequency anomaly associated hydrocarbon indicator. Petrophysical analysis FTM field have good porosity and water saturation small on hydrocarbon area. Results of mapping zones of hydrocarbon prospects and petro physical analysis is expected to be used for the benefit of the prospect delineation zone further seismic surveys and drilling of reference for the process.;FTM Field is one of the new fields as energy reserves in Indonesia as an oil and gas field. In the field there are two reservoirs FTM gas and oil reservoirs, namely the formation Minahaki and Tomori Formation. Research conducted on the formation lithology Tomori with carbonate rocks and an oil reservoir Late Miocene. This structure is formed by a horizontal fault (Trust fault) with a small angle of the NE - SW trending. Hydrocarbon determination using spectral decomposition method, based spectral decomposition method is used for analysis ISA and CWT low frequency anomaly. Low frequency anomaly associated hydrocarbon indicator. Petrophysical analysis FTM field have good porosity and water saturation small on hydrocarbon area. Results of mapping zones of hydrocarbon prospects and petro physical analysis is expected to be used for the benefit of the prospect delineation zone further seismic surveys and drilling of reference for the process., FTM Field is one of the new fields as energy reserves in Indonesia as an oil and gas field. In the field there are two reservoirs FTM gas and oil reservoirs, namely the formation Minahaki and Tomori Formation. Research conducted on the formation lithology Tomori with carbonate rocks and an oil reservoir Late Miocene. This structure is formed by a horizontal fault (Trust fault) with a small angle of the NE - SW trending. Hydrocarbon determination using spectral decomposition method, based spectral decomposition method is used for analysis ISA and CWT low frequency anomaly. Low frequency anomaly associated hydrocarbon indicator. Petrophysical analysis FTM field have good porosity and water saturation small on hydrocarbon area. Results of mapping zones of hydrocarbon prospects and petro physical analysis is expected to be used for the benefit of the prospect delineation zone further seismic surveys and drilling of reference for the process.]
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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