"Secara geografis Indonesia sangat berpotensi untuk budidaya perikanan, termasuk budiday komoditas udang. Udang merupakan komoditas perikanan yang menjadi prospek utama untuk ekspor. Ekspor udang Indonesia didukung dari hasil penangkapan dan budidaya. Pemerintah dalam hal ini, Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan mendukung penuh untuk optimalisasi sektor perikanan dan kelautan. Karena pemanfaatan sektor kelautan dan perikanan belum optimal. Revitalisasi perikanan merupakan wujud dari dukungan pernerintah terhadap perkembangan sektor ini.
Pertumbuhan ekspor udang Indonesia mengalanti pertumbuhan yang lambat, hal tersehut disebabkan oleh banyak faktor. Pertama adalah berubahnya lingkungan yang menyebabkan konsumen menjadi lebih kritis terhadap makanan yang dikonsumsi. Kedua, adanya standarisasi mutu yang diharuskan dari negara pengimpor. Ketiga, menurunnya produktivitas industri negara secara keseluruhan. Keempat, meningkatnya persaingan dalam industri baik dalam negeri maupun secara global. Kelima, krisis ekonomi yang melanda Indonesia dan beberapa negara lainnya.
Bila dilihat secara geografis, maka wilayah Indonesia sangat berpotensi untuk mengekspor udang-udang berkualitas ke pasar dunia. Terlebih setelah Amerika Serikat memberlakukan anti dumping terhadap enam negara yaitu Thailand, Cina, Vietnam, Equador, India, dan Brasil. Maka peluang btsar terbuka bagi Indonesia untuk memasok udang ke pasar dunia. Amerika saat ini merupakan pasar udang utama dunia, diikuti oleh Jepang dan negara-negara Uni Eropa seperti Spanyol, Italia, Perancis, dan sebagainya.
PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu dari banyak perusahaan di Indonesia yang melakukan ekspor udang ke pasar dunia. Dimana pasar utama perusahaan adalah Amerika Serikat (65%), Uni Eropa (18 %), Jepang (12 %), Cina (3%), Canada (1%) dan Australia (1%). Dengan adanya ancaman embargo dari Uni Eropa untuk seluruh produk perikanan Indonesia masuk ke kawasan Eropa, meningkatnya persaingan dari keseluruhan pemain di pasar udang dunia, maka menuntut PT XYZ memiliki stategi bersaing agar dapat terus bertahan dan mengembangkan perusahaan menjadi lebih.baik. Berdasarkan hasil analisa SWOT, perusahaan memiliki posisi strategik di kuadran satu. Hal ini berarti bahwa, perusahaan harus menggunakan strategi agresif dalam mengembangkan produknya.
Keunggulan-keunggulan yang dimilik perusahaan antara lain : integrated shrimp, reputasi perusahaan yang balk, penguasaaan terhadap teknologi, pengelo]aan penuh dari pembenihan sampai produk akhir ditangani perusahaan, pengawasan yang baik terhadap petani dan proses produksi, produk yang bermutu yang sesuai dengan kualitas dan standar pasar dunia, memiliki annada pengiriman sendiri, sertifikasi ISO dan HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Point), distribusi yang baik dengan menggunakan jasa distributor terbesar dan terkemuka di negara tujuan ekspor. Dengan keunggulan tersebut maka perusahaan dapat bersaing dalam pasar udang dunia dan dapat membantu menghasilkan devisa negara serta mensejahterakan ekonomi masyarakat secara keseluruhan.
Geographically Indonesia very potential for the fisheries cultivation, including aquaculture shrimp. Shrimp were the fisheries commodity that became the main prospect for the export. The export of Indonesian shrimp was supported from results of the capture and the aquaculture. The government in this case, the Marine Department and supportive fisheries were full for the optimisation of the sector of fisheries and marine. Because the utilisation of the marine sector and fisheries were not yet optimal. Revitalisation of fisheries was the shape from the government support for the development of this sector.The growth of the export of Indonesian shrimp experienced the slow growth, this matter was caused by many factors. First was the change in the environment that caused the consumer to become more critical against food that was consumed. Secondly, the existence standarization the quality that was required from the importer's country. Thirdly, the decline in the productivity of the country's industry on the whole. Fourthly, the increase in the competition in the good industry domestic and globally. Fifthly, the economic crisis that struck Indonesia and several other countries.When was seen in a geogarafis manner, then the Indonesian territory very potential to export quality shrimp to the world market. At first after the United States put into effect anti dumping against six countries that is Thailand, China, Vietnam, Equardor, India and Brazil. Then the big opportunity was open for Indonesia to supply shrimp to the world market. America at this time was the main shrimp market the world, had taken part in by Japan, and European Union countries like Spain, Italia, France, etc. -PT. XYZ was one of the many companies in Indonesia that did the export of shrimp to the world market. Where the main market the company was, the United States (65%), the European Union (18 %), Japan (12 %), China (3%), Canada (1%) and Australia (1%). With the existence of the embargo threat from the European Union for all the Indonesian fisheries product entered the European region, the increase in the competition from the player's whole in the market of world shrimp, then prosecuted PT XYZ had stalegi was competitive in order to be able to continue to remain and develop the company became better.Be based on hasi the SWOT analysis, the company had the position strategik in the quadrant one. This was significant that, the company must make use of the aggressive strategy in developing his product. The superiority that the company in part: integrated shrimp, the reputation of the good company, towards technology, the management was full from the germination until the end product was handled by the company, the supervision that was good towards the fanner and the process of the production, the high-quality product that was in accordance with the quality and the standard of the world market, had the sending fleet personally, ISO certification and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Point), the distribution that was good with made use of the distributor's most big and foremost service in the aim country of the export. With this superiority then the company could be competitive in the market of world shrimp and could help produced the country's foreign exchange as well as made the community's economics on the whole more prosperous."