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Aris Maulana Akbar
Abstrak :
Perkembangan industri di Karawang, yang awalnya diharapkan mampu menyerap banyak tenaga kerja lokal, ternyata secara tidak langsung berdampak pada hilangnya kesempatan kerja dan tingginya jumlah pengangguran lokal. Persoalan pengangguran ini menuntut dirancangnya kebijakan ketenagakerjaan yang lebih berpihak pada pengangguran lokal, yaitu Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 tentang Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Lokal. Kebijakan ini bertujuan sebagai tindakan afirmatif (affirmative action) untuk mendesak terdistribusinya kesempatan kerja bagi pengangguran lokal yang tereksklusi dalam dunia industri.

Namun, Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 ini belum mampu diimplementasikan secara optimal, sebab masih terdapat berbagai perselisihan kepentingan di antara aktor-aktor yang terkena dampak dari implementasi kebijakan ini. Berbeda dengan berbagai penelitian terhadap implementasi kebijakan yang cenderung hanya meninjau aspek-aspek prosedural dan administratif pada level tertentu, penelitian ini berupaya mengurai faktor-faktor sosiologis, terutama relasi sosial di antara aktor-aktor yang memiliki kepentingan yang berbeda, sebagai pendukung atau pun penghambat proses implementasi kebijakan ketenagakerjaan dalam multilevel: mikro, meso dan makro.

Karenanya, analisis penelitian ini dibagi dalam tiga persoalan: (1) proses implementasi kebijakan; (2) faktor-faktor yang mendukung implementasi kebijakan di level makro, meso dan mikro; dan (3) faktor-faktor yang menghambat implementasi kebijakan di level makro, meso dan mikro. Dengan begitu, penelitian ini diharapkan mampu meninjau proses implementasi kebijakan ketenagakerjaan secara lebih komprehensif.

Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, terdapat dua faktor yang mendukung proses implementasi Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011: (1) beberapa aspek dalam lingkungan eksternal (makro), seperti perkembangan pasar otomotif dan usaha garmen; (2) kerja sama stakeholders, seperti perusahaan Yahama dan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS). Sementara di level mikro tidak ditemukan faktor pendukung proses implementasi. Namun, kedua faktor pendukung tersebut lebih bersifat kondisional, sehingga sulit diterapkan pada sektor-sektor lainnya.

Sedangkan faktor-faktor penghambat proses implementasi justru lebih banyak ditemukan di semua level, baik makro, meso maupun mikro. Di level makro atau struktural, ditemukan tiga faktor penghambat, yaitu: (1) ketidakjelasan rancangan kebijakan; (2) membludaknya pencari kerja baru dan minimnya lapangan kerja; (3) minimnya anggaran. Di level meso, ditemukan dua faktor penghambat, yaitu: (1) lemahnya sistem dan budaya organisasi; (2) resistensi stakeholders. Sedangkan di level mikro, ditemukan dua faktor penghambat: (1) lemahnya SDM lokal; (2) kepentingan pribadi. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses implementasi Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 masih belum diimplementasikan secara optimal berdasarkan banyaknya faktorfaktor penghambat yang tidak mampu diatasi oleh Pemerintah Daerah Karawang.
The Industry development in Karawang, which is initially expected to absorb many local workers, in fact indirectly influences the losing of the job opportunity and the high rate of the local unemployment. This unemployment case forces the attempt to design the employment policy,Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 about Formation of the Local Workers, which tend to sustain the local employment. This policy aims to be an affirmative action to insist the distributed job opportunity for the local unemployment which is exclusive in the industry field.

However, the Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 has not implemented optimally yet, since there are still various conflict of interests among the actors affected by this implementationpolicy. Having some differences from some other various studies discussing the policy implementation which tend to observe the procedural and administrative aspects in a certain level, this study seek to elaborate the sociological factors, particularly social relations among the actors having the different interests, as a support or hindrance of the implementation of the employmentpolicy in multilevel: micro, medium, and macro.

Due to such considerations, the analysis of this study is divided into three matters: (1) the process of policy implementation; (2) the sustainingfactors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro; and (3) the intervening factors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro. This study is, therefore, expected to provide the more comprehensive investigation toward the implementation of employment policy.

The findings reveal that there are two factors sustaining the implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011: (1) several aspects in the external situation (macro), for instance the development of automotive and garment industries; (2) cooperation of stakeholders, such as Yamaha company and Resident Civil Organization/Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS). Meanwhile, in the micro level, the sustaining factors of the implementation process were not found. However, the two sustaining factors tend to be conditional that these tend to be difficult to be implemented in other sectors. On the other hand, the intervening factors of the implementation process are more frequently found in all levels, either in the levels of macro, medium, or micro. In the macro or structural level, three intervening factors were found: (1) the lack of clearance in the policy design; (2) the increasing number of the new job seekers and the lack of work-field; (3) the lack of budgeting. In the medium level, two intervening factors were found: (1) the weakness of system and culture of organization; (2) stakeholders resistances. Meanwhile, in the micro level, two intervening factors were found: the weakness of local human resources; (2) personal interest. This study, therefore, arrives at a conclusion that implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 is not implemented optimally, based on the many intervening factors which cannot be dealt with by The Region Government of Karawang.;The Industry development in Karawang, which is initially expected to absorb many local workers, in fact indirectly influences the losing of the job opportunity and the high rate of the local unemployment. This unemployment case forces the attempt to design the employment policy,Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 about Formation of the Local Workers, which tend to sustain the local employment. This policy aims to be an affirmative action to insist the distributed job opportunity for the local unemployment which is exclusive in the industry field. However, the Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 has not implemented optimally yet, since there are still various conflict of interests among the actors affected by this implementationpolicy. Having some differences from some other various studies discussing the policy implementation which tend to observe the procedural and administrative aspects in a certain level, this study seek to elaborate the sociological factors, particularly social relations among the actors having the different interests, as a support or hindrance of the implementation of the employmentpolicy in multilevel: micro, medium, and macro. Due to such considerations, the analysis of this study is divided into three matters: (1) the process of policy implementation; (2) the sustainingfactors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro; and (3) the intervening factors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro. This study is, therefore, expected to provide the more comprehensive investigation toward the implementation of employment policy. The findings reveal that there are two factors sustaining the implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011: (1) several aspects in the external situation (macro), for instance the development of automotive and garment industries; (2) cooperation of stakeholders, such as Yamaha company and Resident Civil Organization/Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS). Meanwhile, in the micro level, the sustaining factors of the implementation process were not found. However, the two sustaining factors tend to be conditional that these tend to be difficult to be implemented in other sectors. On the other hand, the intervening factors of the implementation process are more frequently found in all levels, either in the levels of macro, medium, or micro. In the macro or structural level, three intervening factors were found: (1) the lack of clearance in the policy design; (2) the increasing number of the new job seekers and the lack of work-field; (3) the lack of budgeting. In the medium level, two intervening factors were found: (1) the weakness of system and culture of organization; (2) stakeholders resistances. Meanwhile, in the micro level, two intervening factors were found: the weakness of local human resources; (2) personal interest. This study, therefore, arrives at a conclusion that implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 is not implemented optimally, based on the many intervening factors which cannot be dealt with by The Region Government of Karawang.;The Industry development in Karawang, which is initially expected to absorb many local workers, in fact indirectly influences the losing of the job opportunity and the high rate of the local unemployment. This unemployment case forces the attempt to design the employment policy,Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 about Formation of the Local Workers, which tend to sustain the local employment. This policy aims to be an affirmative action to insist the distributed job opportunity for the local unemployment which is exclusive in the industry field. However, the Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 has not implemented optimally yet, since there are still various conflict of interests among the actors affected by this implementationpolicy. Having some differences from some other various studies discussing the policy implementation which tend to observe the procedural and administrative aspects in a certain level, this study seek to elaborate the sociological factors, particularly social relations among the actors having the different interests, as a support or hindrance of the implementation of the employmentpolicy in multilevel: micro, medium, and macro. Due to such considerations, the analysis of this study is divided into three matters: (1) the process of policy implementation; (2) the sustainingfactors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro; and (3) the intervening factors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro. This study is, therefore, expected to provide the more comprehensive investigation toward the implementation of employment policy. The findings reveal that there are two factors sustaining the implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011: (1) several aspects in the external situation (macro), for instance the development of automotive and garment industries; (2) cooperation of stakeholders, such as Yamaha company and Resident Civil Organization/Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS). Meanwhile, in the micro level, the sustaining factors of the implementation process were not found. However, the two sustaining factors tend to be conditional that these tend to be difficult to be implemented in other sectors. On the other hand, the intervening factors of the implementation process are more frequently found in all levels, either in the levels of macro, medium, or micro. In the macro or structural level, three intervening factors were found: (1) the lack of clearance in the policy design; (2) the increasing number of the new job seekers and the lack of work-field; (3) the lack of budgeting. In the medium level, two intervening factors were found: (1) the weakness of system and culture of organization; (2) stakeholders resistances. Meanwhile, in the micro level, two intervening factors were found: the weakness of local human resources; (2) personal interest. This study, therefore, arrives at a conclusion that implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 is not implemented optimally, based on the many intervening factors which cannot be dealt with by The Region Government of Karawang., The Industry development in Karawang, which is initially expected to absorb many local workers, in fact indirectly influences the losing of the job opportunity and the high rate of the local unemployment. This unemployment case forces the attempt to design the employment policy,Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 about Formation of the Local Workers, which tend to sustain the local employment. This policy aims to be an affirmative action to insist the distributed job opportunity for the local unemployment which is exclusive in the industry field. However, the Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 has not implemented optimally yet, since there are still various conflict of interests among the actors affected by this implementationpolicy. Having some differences from some other various studies discussing the policy implementation which tend to observe the procedural and administrative aspects in a certain level, this study seek to elaborate the sociological factors, particularly social relations among the actors having the different interests, as a support or hindrance of the implementation of the employmentpolicy in multilevel: micro, medium, and macro. Due to such considerations, the analysis of this study is divided into three matters: (1) the process of policy implementation; (2) the sustainingfactors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro; and (3) the intervening factors of the policy implementation in the levels of macro, medium, and micro. This study is, therefore, expected to provide the more comprehensive investigation toward the implementation of employment policy. The findings reveal that there are two factors sustaining the implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011: (1) several aspects in the external situation (macro), for instance the development of automotive and garment industries; (2) cooperation of stakeholders, such as Yamaha company and Resident Civil Organization/Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil (OMS). Meanwhile, in the micro level, the sustaining factors of the implementation process were not found. However, the two sustaining factors tend to be conditional that these tend to be difficult to be implemented in other sectors. On the other hand, the intervening factors of the implementation process are more frequently found in all levels, either in the levels of macro, medium, or micro. In the macro or structural level, three intervening factors were found: (1) the lack of clearance in the policy design; (2) the increasing number of the new job seekers and the lack of work-field; (3) the lack of budgeting. In the medium level, two intervening factors were found: (1) the weakness of system and culture of organization; (2) stakeholders resistances. Meanwhile, in the micro level, two intervening factors were found: the weakness of local human resources; (2) personal interest. This study, therefore, arrives at a conclusion that implementation process of Pasal 25 Perda Karawang No. 1/2011 is not implemented optimally, based on the many intervening factors which cannot be dealt with by The Region Government of Karawang.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Firsty Husbani
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai demokratisasi di Indonesia setelah reformasi 1998. Salah satu prasyarat demokrasi adalah partisipasi. Tesis ini mengupas partisipasi dalam proses penyusunan perundang-undangan. Ruang partisipasi dalam proses penyusunan perundang-undangan telah mendapat pengakuan secara hukum melalui Undang-undang nomor 10 tahun 2004. DPR telah mengembangkan mekanisme untuk terlaksananya ruang ini. Disisi lain, dalam perjalanannya ternyata ruang partisipasi ini lebih banyak dimanfaatkan oleh LSM. Adanya ruang publik ini telah memberikan pendidikan politik bagi publik. Tesis ini memberikan rekomendasi bagi DPR dalam rangka pendalaman demokrasi, melalui penciptaan mekanisme akuntabilitas terhadap konstituen. Bagi LSM, tesis ini merekomendasikan terbangunnya jaringan yang setara dalam rangka demokratisasi sampai ke akar rumput.
The focus of this study is democratization in Indonesia after the reform era. Participation is one important requirement for democracy. The study analyzes public participation on the law making process. As result from the reform, participation on the law making process is guaranteed under the law; Law 10 of 2004. So far, NGOs is the most active party to make use of the sphere. It is acknowledge that the public sphere already give sphere for political education to people. The study recommends mechanisms on constituent accountability to support deepening democracy in Indonesia. While for NGOs, the study recommends to establish egalitarian networking among NGOs.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library