"This paper addresses issues related to fa
mily caregiving, as one of the areas of
caregiving in which problems are currently arising in Japan. Family caregiving
is presently inseparable from the ge
nder relationship between men as the
breadwinners and women as the caregiver
s. The perspective of gender equality
is therefore extremely important when
discussing issues related to family
caregiving. This paper focuses on the increasing number of male caregivers in
Japan, and looks at the actual circumstan
ces of caregiving by male caregivers
to investigate what significance the increase in male caregivers may have for
achieving gender equality in family careg
iving. As men engage in caregiving,
they are forced to confront their own ma
sculinities. The difficulties that they
experience demonstrate that care and ma
sculinities are not simply conflicting
aspects of their identities. In order to
achieve gender equality
in family care-
giving, it is necessary to carefully deci
pher the complex interplay between care
and masculinities. "