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Oki Yoga Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Dalam rangka ikut serta menyukseskan Program Listrik 35000 MW untuk meningkatkan produksi energi listrik nasional dan mengembangkan sumber EBT yang ekonomis serta ramah lingkungan, menurut rencana akan dibangun Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mini Hidro di Desa Jegu - Kab. Blitar - Jatim, dengan memanfaatkan potensi hidro ekisting bendungan Wlingi dan saluran irigasi Lodagung. Unit pembangkit akan beroperasi dengan memanfaatkan outflow irigasi bendungan Wlingi, tepatnya debit operasional harian saluran irigasi Lodagung sebelum dialirkan untuk keperluan pengairan. Analisa feasibility study diperlukan untuk mengidentifikasi kelayakan potensi dari segi teknis lapangan (hidrologi, geografi, geologi) dan desain perencanaan instalasi (sipil, mekanik, elektrik). Berdasarkan hasil olah data hidrologi menggunakan metode FDC, Log Pearson III, dan analisa debit rerata diperoleh debit desain minimum sebesar 7,00 m3/s; debit desain maksimum 14,22 m3/s; dan debit andalan sebesar 10,28 m3/s dengan probabilitas 87,5%. Berdasarkan data topografi dan geomorfologi lapangan didapatkan nilai tinggi jatuh asli sebesar 12,75 m. Berdasarkan analisis potensi energi pada awal tahap FS, diestimasikan daya listrik yang dibangkitkan mencapai 1,3 MW (ηs=86% ; ηm=90% ; ηe=95%) dengan produksi energi listrik andalan sebesar 8,1 GWh/tahun. Data hasil olah FS kemudian digunakan untuk mendesain Detail Engineering Design (DED). Desain PLTM menggunakan teknologi intake vacuum siphon dengan dua buah unit pembangkit, outputnya akan ditransmisikan melalui jaringan ekisting GI Wlingi. Desain PLTM yang direncanakan terdiri dari instalasi sipil (sistem vakum sipon: bangunan intake - headrace; sistem bifurikasi I, pipa pesat, sistem bifurikasi II, draft tube, dan tailrace). Instalasi mekanik yang direncanakan berupa turbin hidraulik. Instalasi elektrik yang direncanakan berupa generator dan komponen pendukung lain seperti trafo utama, kabel daya, pumpa vakum, dll). Evaluasi DED diperlukan untuk menguji kelayakan desain yang telah dibuat, identifikasi mencakup analisis parameter kerja dari desain PLTM yang dirancang. Hasil evaluasi DED sebagai berikut: desain aman terhadap bahaya kavitasi ; efisiensi sistem rata-rata ηPLTM = 69,15% (ηs=80,89% ; ηm=90% ; ηe=95%) ; Tinggi jatuh bersih artifisial rata-rata sebesar 11,4m ; Output daya listrik maksimum sebesar 1,24 MW dan produksi energi andalan sebesar 8,7 GWh/tahun dengan probabilitas 87,5%.
In order to participate in the succession of the 35000 MW Electricity Program to increase national electricity production and develop economical and environmentally friendly sources of EBT, planned Mini Hydro Power Plant in Jegu Village - Kab. Blitar - East Java, by utilizing the existing hydro potential of the Wlingi dam and Lodagung irrigation channel. The generating unit will operate by utilizing the Wlingi dam irrigation outflow, precisely the daily operational outflow of the Lodagung irrigation channel before being discharged for irrigation purposes. Analysis of the feasibility study is needed to identify the feasibility of potential in terms of technical field (hydrology, geography, geology) and design of installation planning (civil, mechanical, electrical). Based on the results of the hydrological data processing using the FDC method, Log Pearson III, and the average discharge analysis obtained a minimum design debit of 7.00 m3/s; maximum design debit of 14.22 m3/s; and the dependable debit is 10.28 m3/s with a probability of 87.5%. Based on topographic and geomorphological data from the field it was found that the value of the original fall height was 12.75 m. Based on the analysis of energy potential at the beginning of the FS stage, it is estimated that the electrical power generated reaches 1.3 MW (ηs = 86%; ηm = 90%; ηe = 95%) with dependable electrical energy production of 8.1 GWh/year. The results of the FS data are then used to design the Detail Engineering Design (DED). The design of the PLTM uses a vacuum siphon technology with two generating units, the output of which will be transmitted through the existing network of GI Wlingi. The planned PLTM design consists of a civil installation (vacuum siphon system: intake building - headrace; bifurication system I, penstock, bifurication system II, draft tube, and tailrace). Planned mechanical installation in the form of a hydraulic turbine. Planned electrical installations in the form of generators and other supporting components such as main transformers, power cables, vacuum pumps, etc.). DED evaluation is needed to test the feasibility of the design that has been made, identification includes analysis of the working parameters of the design of the MHP designed. The results of the DED evaluation are as follows: the design is safe against the dangers of cavitation; system efficiency the average ηPLTM = 69.15% (ηs = 80.89%; ηm = 90%; ηe = 95%); Artificial net height is 11.4m; Maximum electric power output is 1.24 MW and dependable energy production is 8.7 GWh / year with a probability of 87.5%.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yoga Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Dalam setengah dekade terakhir, produksi karya sastra pekerja migran di Singapura berkembang pesat. Para pekerja migran tersebut berkumpul untuk menarasikan kisah melalui segi pandang mereka sendiri, bertekad untuk membentuk ulang narasi dominan mdash;yang cenderung negatif mdash;seputar pekerja migran. Beberapa peneliti telah mulai mempelajari karya sastra produksi pekerja migran. Namun, penelitian yang mereka lakukan hampir selalu terfokus pada karya sastra itu sendiri; belum ada peneliti yang mendiskusikan produksi karya sastra pekerja migran dalam kaitannya dengan kekuasaan negara. Penelitian ini berusaha memahami bagaimana penulis migran memosisikan diri mereka di tengah sistem semi-otoriter Republik Singapura. Melalui metode etnografi daring online ethnographic method , peneliti mengumpulkan data melalui wawancara-wawancara yang dilakukan dengan penulis migran terkemuka yang karyanya telah dicetak dan diterbitkan oleh penerbit lokal. Penulis-penulis migran tersebut meliputi Wina Indonesia , Fedelis Filipina , dan Hasan Banglades . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesadaran kolektif dan politik para penulis migran dipicu oleh Migrant Worker Poetry Competition dan program-program pasca-acaranya yang diselenggarakan bersama Sing Lit Station. Dalam praktiknya, skema work permit untuk pekerja rumah tangga dan konstruksi bangunan menggeser kekuasaan dari pusat negara kepada para majikan; hal ini menciptakan efek pendisiplinan berganda terhadap para penulis migran. Sering kali, kondisi ini menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi mereka. Akan tetapi, para penulis migran tersebut nyatanya dapat melakukan negosiasi terhadap kondisi ini. Faktor-faktor yang menentukan proses negosiasi tersebut meliputi: latar belakang pendidikan, kecakapan menggunakan perangkat sastra literary devices , dan kasus hukum yang pernah mereka alami.
The last half a decade has seen the proliferation of migrant literary writings in Singapore. These migrant writers have banded together to narrate their stories through their own lens, determined to reshape the dominant mdash often negative mdash discourse surrounding migrant workers. Researchers have begun to study these literary writings. However, such researches are invariably centered on the literary works no one has discussed the production of migrant literary works with regards to State power. This research attempts to understand how migrant writers position themselves amidst the soft authoritarian system of Singapore Government. Using online ethnographic method, I gathered data from online interviews with three prominent migrant writers who have their literary works published and circulated by local publishers. These writers include Wina Indonesian , Fedelis Filipino , and Hasan Bangladeshi 1 . The results demonstrate that the migrant writers rsquo political and collective consciousness is raised, in large part, by Migrant Worker Poetry Competition and its post event programs put together in collaboration with Sing Lit Station. In practice, the existing work permit scheme for domestic and construction workers decenters power from the State to employers, creating multiple disciplining forces towards migrant writers. Often, this condition raises concerns among said workers. Nevertheless, some negotiation is enacted by these migrants. The factors determining the negotiation enacted by these writers include educational background, mastery of literary devices, and legal cases that they have had in the past. 1 The names Wina, Fedelis, and Hasan are not their real names
Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library