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Abstrak :
Congo Red sebagai salah satu bahan kimia organik sintetik yang banyak digunakan untuk industri tekstil mencemari lingkungan air dan tanah. Zat warna tekstil ada beberapa macam, pada penelitian ini menggunakan zat warna congo red. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi limbah zat warna congo red dengan metode fotokatalitik menggunakan katalis suspensi TiO2. Proses fotokatalisis yang melibatkan partikel-partikel semikonduktor TiO2 di bawah iluminasi sinar UV-Vis akan menghasilkan radikal hidroksil yang dapat mendegradasi zat warna congo red. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan konsentrasi TiO2 optimum untuk mendegradasi zat warna congo red adalah 4,5 mg dan waktu optimum yang didapat 150 menit. Penggunaan jumlah TiO2 Optimum (4,5 mg) dengan lama waktu radiasi yang optimum (150 menit), pada berbagai konsentrasi. TiO2 optimum dan waktu optimum adalah sebesar 48,90 %. Sedangkan CODnya sebesar 84,1 %. Penggunaan penjumlahan TiO2 optimum (4,5 mg) dengan lama waktu radiasi yang optimum (150 menit), pada berbagai variasi konsentrasi masih cukup effektif pada konsentrasi congo red 50 ppm absorbansi berkurang sebesar 62,5 % COD berkurang sebesar 10,71 %. ......Congo Red as one of the synthetic organic chemicals that widely used for textile industries has been contributed on water and soil polution. In this experiment, congo red dye is used as subtrate. The purpose of this experiment is to reduce congo red dye by photocatalytic process, using TiO2 as catalyst. Photocatalysis process involving TiO2 semiconductor particles under illumination of UV-Vis will produce hydroxyl radicals that can degrade the dye congo red. The results showed the optimum concentration of TiO2 to degrade the dye congo red was 4.5 mg and obtained the optimum time 150 minutes. Optimum use of the TiO2 (4.5 mg) with the optimum duration of radiation (150 minutes), at various concentrations. TiO2 optimum and optimum time amounted to 48.90 %. While COD of 84.1 %, optimum use of the sum of TiO2 (4.5 mg) with the optimum duration of radiation (150 minutes), at various concentrations are still quite effective at 50 ppm concentration of congo red absorbance was reduced by 62.5% COD was reduced by 10.71 %.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang profil teofilin dalam plasma dan urine setelah pemberian peroral kapsul teofilin yang berisi 150 mg teofilin.

Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 12 orang sllicarelawan pria yang sehat, berat badan berkisar antara 45 sampai 58 kg, umur berkisar antara 19 sampai 25 tahun.

Pengambilan darah dilakukan sebelum obat diberikan, 30, 60, 120, 240 dan 360 menit setelah obat diminumo Urine dikumpulkan pada interval waktu tertentu selama 30 jam. Konsentrasi teofilin dalam plasma dan urine ditetapkan secara spektrofotomeri. Dari hasil penelitian dida:patkan kadar terapi teofilin dalam plasma tidak tercapai setelah pemberian 150 .. · mg teo£ilin. Ada hubungan antara pro£il teo£ilin dalam plasma dan urine dimana waktu untclr mencanai ekskresi puncak. teo£ilin dalam urine dua kali 1t-1aktu untclt mencapai kadar puncak teofilin dalam plasma. Juga diperoleh parameter-paraiL'!eter farma.'l.cokinetik seperti 1,-mktu paruh (t"l/2), tetapan kecepatan eliminasi dan ekskresi teofilin dalam urine kUt'Tlulatif.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1987
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Depok: UI-Press, 2010
PGB 0011
UI - Pidato  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
A method by high performance liquid chromatography for the analysis of acrylamide in potato chips, is reported. The retention time for the elution of acrylamide from the C18 columm ranged from 3 to 3.2 minutes and the eluate was analyzed by UV-VIS detector. A linear response was found for the acrylamide standard tested within the concentration range of 0.8-10 g/ml and the corelation coefficient (r0 greater that 0.999 with detection limit 0.06 ppm and quantitatice limit 0.19 ppm. Sample preparation was performed by measn of solvent extraction using dichlormethane and subsequent re-extraction of the organic solvent with water. This aqueous sample solution was found to be free of any interferences and gave acrylamide and recorveries higher than 90%.
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
Rebamipid tergolong suatu obat antiulkus yang masuk dalam kategori obat wajib uji Bioekivalensi (BE) menurut Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh kondisi optimum untuk analisis rebamipid dalam plasma in vitro menggunakan Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi (KCKT) detektor ultraviolet dan melakukan validasi metode analisis tersebut. Kromatografi dilaksanakan dengan teknik isokratik pada kolom fase terbalik Kromasil® C18 (5 μm, Akzo Nobel) panjang kolom 250 x 4,6 mm, fase gerak asetonitril-dapar fosfat pH 3,0 (40:60), dengan kecepatan alir 1,0 ml/menit, dan dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 230 nm. Teknik penyiapan sampel dilakukan dengan cara ekstraksi cair-cair menggunakan asam fosfat dan etil asetat. Karbamazepin digunakan sebagai baku dalam. Metode ini valid menurut FDA dalam Bioanalytical Method Validation, dengan nilai koefisien korelasi r = 0,9993 dan linier pada kisaran konsentrasi 0,04 ? 1,2 ìg/ml, batas terendah kuantitasi (LLOQ) 42,0 ng/ml, presisi kurang dari 6%, dan nilai perolehan kembali antara 90,32 sampai 113,45%. Rebamipid stabil dalam plasma selama 14 hari penyimpanan pada suhu -200C.
Rebamipide is antiulcer agent and it is one of the drug that have to be evaluated with bioequivalency test according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The objective of this research is to find out the optimum condition of rebamipide in human plasma in vitro analysis by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with ultraviolet detector, and then the method was validated. The chromatography was carried out by isocratic technique on a reversed-phase Kromasil® C18 (5 μm, Akzo Nobel), column length was 250 x 4.6 mm, with mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile - phosphate buffer pH 3.0 (40:60) at flow rate of 1.0 ml/min, and detection was performed at wavelength of 230 nm. The sample preparation technique was liquidliquid extraction by phosphoric acid and ethyl acetate. Carbamazepine was used as the internal standard. The method was valid according to FDA in Bioanalitycal Method Validation, with coefficient correlation of 0.9993 and linear in the range concentration of 0.04 ? 1.2 μg/ml, the lower limit of quantitation was 42.0 ng/ml, precision less than 6% and recovery percentage was 90.32 to 113.45%. Rebamipide in plasma was stable for 14 days storage in -200C.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
Cilostazol merupakan antiplatelet yang bekerja dengan menghambat fosfodiesterase III (PDE III). Berdasarkan Food and Drug Administration (FDA), cilostazol merupakan obat yang wajib untuk uji bioekuivalensi. Metode analisis menggunakan kromatografi cair kinerja tinggi (KCKT) dengan detektor ultraviolet untuk penentuan cilostazol dalam plasma manusia in vitro telah dikembangkan dan divalidasi. Cilostazol dan pioglitazone sebagai baku dalam diekstraksi dari plasma dengan metode pengendapan protein menggunakan metanol. Fase gerak terdiri dari asetonitril-dapar kalium dihidrogen fosfat 50 mM (40:60) dengan kecepatan alir 1,5 mL/menit, menggunakan kolom C18 (SunfireTM, 5 μ m, 250x4,6 mm) fase terbalik, dan dideteksi pada panjang gelombang 257 nm. Pada rentang konsentrasi 20 - 2000 ng/mL dihasilkan kurva kalibrasi yang linier dengan koefisien korelasi (r) 0,9999. Akurasi (% diff) dari metode ini -14,67% sampai 8,84% dengan presisi (KV) antara 0,98% sampai 4,93%, dan uji perolehan kembali absolute 82,26% sampai 119,85%. Cilostazol dalam plasma stabil selama 30 hari pada penyimpanan dengan suhu -20oC.
Cilostazol is an antiplatelet agent with the mechanism of action by inhibiting phos-phodiesterase III (PDE III). Referred to Food and Drug Administration(FDA), cilostazol is a drug recommended to be bioequivalence (BE) studied. A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with ultraviolet detector for in vitro determination of cilostazol in human plasma had been developed and validated. Cilostazol and pioglitazone as internal standard were extracted from human plasma by protein precipitation method using methanol. The mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile-potassium di-hydrogen phosphate buffer 50 mM (40:60) was used at the flow rate of 1.5 mL/min on reversed phase C18 column (SunfireTM, 5μ m, 250x4.6 mm), and was detected at wavelength of 257 nm. Linearity was established within concentration range of 20-2000 ng/mL with coefficient correlation (r) was 0,9999. Accuracy (% diff) of this method was -14.67% up to 8.84% with precision (CV) being 0.98% to 4.93%, and absolute recovery was established to be 82.26% to 119.85%. Cilostazol in plasma was stable for 30 days in -20oC storage.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
Acrylamide is a chemical substance which derived from acrylonitrile, is the material used in polyacrylamide production. Recent research has found acrylamide is contained in some food, especially food is rich in carbohydrate and treated in high temperature (more than 120°C). Due to its nature, acrylamide is classified as a hazardous material to be contained in human?s food. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified acrylamide into group 2A (probably carcinogenic for humans). Many methods that used to analyse the acrylamide in some foods with sophisticated equipment, and in department of pharmacy FMIPA-UI there were also develop the method with simple extraction and conventional HPLC.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
The aim of this research is to find the method for analyze glimepiride and it?s metabolite. Glimepiride is the second generation of antidiabetic oral from the sulphonyl urea that works by stimulating the insulin secretion from beta cells of pancreas. Glimepiride is isolated from plasma the using chloroform. Using the high performance liquid chromatography method which include C18 reversed phase column, using mixture of methanol:water (50:50, v/v) as a mobile phase, flow rate 1.0 ml/minutes, detection at wavelenght 228 nm with photo diode array detector gives retention times of glimepiride in 17 minutes without any interference from endogen component of plasma and from it?s metabolite. Linearity with added internal standard gliclazide was established for the range concentration 100-1000 ng/ml with coefficient of correlation (r) is 0.9977 and give the limit of quantitation of glimepiride in 50 ng/ml. The results of validation method fulfilled for the given criterias.
Depok: Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2006
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harahap, Yahdiana
Abstrak :
A method by high performance liquid chromatography for the analysis of acrylamide in potato chips, is reported. The retention time for the elution of acrylamide from the C18RP column ranged from 3 to 3,2 minutes, and the eluate was analyzed by UV-VIS detector. A linear response was found for the acrylamide standard tested within the concentration range of 0,8 ? 10ìg/ml and the corelation coefficient (r) greater than 0,999, with detection limit 0,06 ppm and quantitative limit 0,19 ppm. Sample preparation was performed by means of solvent extraction using dichlormethane and subsequent re-extraction of the organic solvent with water. This aqueous sample solution was found to be free of any interferences and gave acrylamide and recorveries higher than 90%.
Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Indonesia, 2005
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library