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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Bagi LAPAN sebagai lembaga penelitian di bidang antariksa, asset pengetahuan yang bisa berupa individu peneliti beserta pengalamannya, hasil penelitian, serta infrastruktur pendukung seperti proses, organisasi dan metode, perlu dikelola secara signifikan untuk mencapai visi dan misinya. Penerapan manajemen pengetahuan (knowledge management) melalui suatu perencanaan strategis dengan langkah awal melakukan penelitian kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal menggunakan analisa SWOT. Hasilnya didapat LAPAN berada pada posisi kuadran Threat-Weakness. Selanjutnya dilakukan pemetaan pengetahuan dan manajemen pengetahuan dengan NASA sebagai pembandingnya, sehingga didapat hasil LAPAN termasuk belum optimal dalam menerapkan manajemen pengetahuan. Langkah berikutnya, membuat perencanaan strategis manajemen pengetahuan di Pusat Teknologi Wahana Dirgantara, salah satu pusat penelitian di LAPAN.
LAPAN is research institute for aerospace scope, many kind of resource asset is scientist included their experience, result of examination and infrastructure institution like organization, method and process needed to be empowered deeply to achieve their vision and mission. Application of knowledge management in the strategic plan with start at examination in internal and external area concern used The SWOT analysis. The result SWOT analysis shows that LAPAN condition in the Threat-Weakness quadrant. More application done at mapping the knowledge and knowledge management to be compare with NASA. And result saw that LAPAN still not optimal yet in applies of knowledge management. Further more make strategic plan for knowledge management in Pusat Teknologi Wahana Dirgantara one of center examination in LAPAN.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Wigati
Abstrak :
Iron deficiency anemia among under live children is highly prevalent in Indonesia and is considered as a public health problem. Iron supplementation seems to be the most appropriate way to control iron deficiency in relatively short period of time. Children consume less food than adult and their diet often consists of foods with little iron content and poor iron bioavailability. Additional iron to food for children is therefore necessary. One possible food chosen as alternative vehicle to prevent iron deficiency among children is bread. This study gave iron supplementation using bread as vehicle which provided 25% of daily iron requirement of preschoolers to address iron deficiency problem in relatively short period of time.

The study report is arranged and divided into three parts- Part I includes the background of the study, problem statement, rationale of the study, literature review, hypotheses, objectives and variable-indicator matrix.

Part 2 is the manuscripts for publication. The manuscript ?The efficacy of iron supplementation using bread as vehicle of preschoolers in Surabaya, East Java? is written for submission to Asia Pasific Journal. This pan consists of abstract, introduction, materials and methods including study and subjects, sample size, study design, data collection, statistical analysis, ethical consideration, results, discussion, conclusion and references.

Part 3 describes the questionnaire used for 'the data collection, detailed methodology and important results that have not been presented in the manuscript, ethical consideration, grant approval, references and curriculum vitae.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Wigati
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Transfusi packed red cell (PRC) sering ditemui pada anak sakit kritis, dengan kemungkinan efek samping yang tidak sedikit. Beberapa laporan terakhir merekomendasikan ambang batas transfusi yang lebih rendah yaitu hemoglobin (Hb) 7 g/dL, namun data karakteristik serta pedoman transfusi PRC anak sakit kritis di Indonesia belum diketahui. Metode. Studi dilakukan terhadap pasien yang dirawat di unit perawatan intensif anak (PICU) Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dan diputuskan untuk mendapat transfusi PRC. Kadar Hb, saturasi vena sentral (ScvO2), rasio ekstraksi oksigen (O2ER), oxygen delivery (DO2), indeks kardiak (CI), dan indeks inotropik (INO) diukur/dihitung sebelum dan sesudah transfusi. Hasil. Dari 92 pasien yang masuk perawatan PICU, 25 anak (27,5%) menjalani transfusi PRC dengan total 38 episode transfusi selama bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2015. Tiga episode dieksklusi dari penelitian sehingga 35 episode transfusi PRC diikutsertakan dalam analisis. Sebagian besar pasien adalah anak lelaki (77,1%) berusia 1 bulan hingga 1 tahun (45,7%), dengan median usia 2,1 (rentang 0,2 ? 16,2) tahun. Rerata Hb pre- dan pascatransfusi adalah 7,7 + 1,46 dan 10,2 + 1,97 g/dL. Rerata ScvO2 dan O2ER pretransfusi normal, yaitu 73,8 + 6,46 % dan 0,25 + 0,070, dengan rerata pascatransfusi tidak berbeda bermakna untuk keduanya, yaitu 79,0 + 5,92 % dan 0,19 + 0,056. Perbedaan rerata DO2, CI, dan INO pre- dan pascatransfusi juga tidak bermakna secara klinis maupun statistik. Analisis subgrup yang menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna secara klinis adalah pada anak dengan ScvO2 pretransfusi < 70%. Subgrup ini menunjukkan rerata Hb pretransfusi 7,2 + 1,69 g/dL, dengan nilai ScvO2 pre- dan pascatransfusi sebesar 64,1 + 4,71 % (nilai p 0,181) serta O2ER pre- dan pascatransfusi 0,34 + 0,055 dan 0,21 + 0,080 (nilai p 0,152). Simpulan. Studi terhadap praktek transfusi PRC di PICU RSCM tidak menunjukkan perubahan hemodinamik yang bermakna. Analisis lebih lanjut pada anak sakit kritis dengan nilai ScvO2 < 70% sebelum mendapatkan transfusi PRC cenderung menunjukkan perbaikan hemodinamik. Penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai ambang batas Hb atau ScvO2 untuk memutuskan pemberian transfusi PRC perlu dilakukan. ......Background. Transfusion of packed red cells (PRC) often found in critically ill children, with the possibility of side effects is not uncommon. Later reports recommended a lower hemoglobin (Hb) for transfusion threshold, nevertheless the characteristics and transfusion guidelines PRC critically ill children in Indonesia is yet unknown. Methods. This study was conducted on patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) and underwent PRC transfusion. Hemoglobin level, central venous saturation (ScvO2), oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER), oxygen delivery (DO2), cardiac index (CI), and inotropic index (INO) were measured/calculated before and after transfusion. Results Of the 92 patients admitted to the PICU, 25 children (27.5%) were given PRC transfusion with a total of 38 episodes of transfusion during October to December 2015. Three episodes were excluded from the study that 35 episodes of PRC transfusion were included in the analysis. Most patients were boys (77.1%) aged 1 month to 1 year (45.7%), with a median of age 2.1 (range 0.2 to 16.2) yearold. Mean Hb pre- and post transfusion were 7.7 + 1.46 and 10.2 + 1.97 g/dL. The average ScvO2 and O2ER before transfusion were still in normal range, i.e. 73.8 + 6.46 % and 0.25 + 0.070, without significantly different levels after transfusion, i.e. 79.0 + 5.92% and 0.19 + 0.056. The mean differences of DO2, CI, and INO pre- and post transfusion were neither clinically nor statistically significant. Subgroup analysis that revealed clinically significant difference was children with pretransfusion ScvO2 <70%. This subgroup mean pretransfusion Hb was 7.2 + 1.69 g/dL, with pre/post transfusion ScvO2 values of 64.1 + 4.71% (p-value 0.181) and pre/post post transfusion O2ER 0.34 + 0.055 and 0.21 + 0.080 (p-value 0.152). Conclusions. Study on PRC transfusion practice in PICU RSCM showed no significant hemodynamic changes. Subgroup analysis of critically ill children with ScvO2 <70% before PRC transfusion indicated hemodynamic improvement. Further research on optimal transfusion thresholds, e.g. hemoglobin level or ScvO2, for PRC transfusion decision-making need to be done.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metha Hestining Wigati
Abstrak :
Kesuksesan perusahaan tergantung pada bagaimana perusahaan membangun ikatan dengan stakeholder kunci, yaitu pelanggan. Pelanggan sebagai stakeholder ini dimaksudkan bahwa setiap pelanggan memiliki peran pada satu atau lebih jaringan sosial dimana pada jaringan tersebut mereka saling mempengaruhi melalui komunikasi eWOM perilaku satu sama lain yang dapat menguatkan ataupun melemahkan ikatan tersebut. Disinilah komunikasi eWOM memainkan peran penting dalam perusahaan. Komunikasi eWOM terbentuk dikarenakan oleh beberapa hal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh perceived quality dan perceived value terhadap komunikasi eWOM melalui mediasi customer satisfaction. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sampel pengguna aplikasi Langit Musik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dimana populasi adalah pengguna aplikasi Langit musik di Indonesia. Pengujian hipotesis dilakukan dengan uji analisis jalur. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa variable perceived quality dan perceived value berpengaruh secara langsung dan signifikan baik seacara simultan maupun parsial terhadap customer satisfaction. Bahwa perceived quality dan perceived value berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap komunikasi eWOM melalui mediasi variabel customer satisfaction. Secara simultan, perceived quality, perceived value, dan customer satisfaction mempengaruhi komunikasi eWOM, sedangkan secara parsial hanya customer satisfaction yang memiliki pengaruh langsung yang signifikan terhadap komunikasi eWOM.
The company's success depends on how they build a relationship with its main stakeholder, customer. Customer as a stakeholder means that every customer has a role in one or some social network where they influence each other through eWOM communication . This habit can strengthen as well as weaken the relationship. That's why eWOM communication is a vital concern on a company. The goal of this research is to examine the effect or influence of perceived quality and perceived value to eWOM communication through customer satisfaction mediation. The sample on this research is Langit Musik application user in Indonesia. The hypothesis tested by path analysis. The result is that perceived quality and perceived value has direct and significant influence, both simultaneously and partially, to customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, perceived quality, perceived value, and customer satisfaction has influence to eWOM communication. Meanwhile, partially, only customer satisfaction has direct and significant influence to eWOM communication. In conclusion, perceived quality and perceived value has indirect influence to eWOM communication through customer satisfaction mediation.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanjung Retno Wigati
Abstrak :
Perencanaan pajak dianggap sebagai salah satu kegiatan yang penting bagi perusahaan. Meskipun secara umum pemegang saham memandang perencanaan pajak sebagai kegiatan yang memberi manfaat bagi nilai perusahaan, pernyataan ini masih dipertanyakan. Asimetri informasi dapat memfasilitasi manajer yang bertindak oportunistik dan kepentingan mereka mungkin tidak sesuai dengan kepentingan pemegang saham yaitu peningkatan nilai perusahaan. Menurut Desai Dharmapala 2009 , pengawasan yang baik dapat meminimalisir perilaku oportunistik ini. Dengan demikian, tata kelola perusahaan yang mewakili pengawasan yang baik dapat memoderasi hubungan antara perencanaan pajak dengan nilai perusahaan. Penelitian ini mennyelidiki dampak perencanaan pajak terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan tata kelola perusahaan sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Analisis univariat dan multivariat digunakan untuk menguji hubungan ini. Perencanaan pajak dioperasionalkan dengan menggunakan dua proksi yaitu; Current / Cash ETR-based CTS dan GAAP ETR-Based Tax Saving GAAPTS , sedangkan nilai perusahaan diukur dengan rasio Return on Assets ROA , Rasio Market to Book Ratio MTB dan Price Earnings PER . Tata kelola perusahaan ditentukan dengan menggunakan indeks yang terdiri dari beberapa daftar pertanyaan Dengan menggunakan perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebagai sampel, hasil multivariat menggambarkan bahwa perencanaan pajak yang lebih tinggi menghasilkan ROA yang lebih tinggi. Hasil ini berlaku untuk kedua model yang menggunakan CTS dan GAAPTS sebagai ukuran perencanaan pajak. Selain itu, temuan penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa tata kelola perusahaan memoderasi hubungan ini. Namun, hasil tersebut tidak berlaku untuk model lain yang menggunakan MTB dan PER sebagai ukuran dari nilai perusahaan. Selain itu, ketika diselidiki dengan analisis univariat, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada semua model tidak ditemukan dampak signifikan dari perencanaan pajak terhadap nilai perusahaan dan hubungan ini tidak dimoderasi oleh tata kelola perusahaan.
Tax planning is considered as one of the most significant activity by the company. Even though traditionally shareholder has viewed tax planning as an activity that gives benefit to firm value, this statement has been challenged. Information asymmetry may facilitate manager acting opportunistic and their interest may be not in line with shareholder interest firm value improvement. According to Desai Dharmapala 2009 , good supervision can minimize this opportunistic behavior. Thus, corporate governance which represents good supervision may moderate the relationship between tax planning and firm value. This paper investigates the impact of tax planning on firm value with corporate governance as moderating variable. Univariate and multivariate analyses are used to examine this relationship. Tax planning is operationalized using two proxies which are Current Cash ETR Based tax saving CTS and GAAP ETR Based Tax Saving GAAPTS , whereas firm value is measured by Return on Assets ROA , Market to Book Ratio MTB and Price Earnings ratio PER . Corporate governance is determined using an index which consists of several subquestions. Using Indonesian public companies as the sample, the multivariate result depicts that higher tax planning leads to higher ROA. This result holds for both models which use CTS and GAAPTS as tax planning proxy. Moreover, the finding also shows that corporate governance moderates this relationship. However, the result does not hold for the other models that use MTB and PER as the proxy of firm value. In addition, this research shows that there is no significant impact of tax planning on firm value and this relationship is not moderated by corporate governance, when all the models are investigated using univariate analysis.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dinar Wahyu Wigati
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1993
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rere Karlina Wigati
Abstrak :
Pembayaran Pajak Kendaraan Bermotor melalui e-samsat didasari oleh Peraturan Presiden Nomor 5 Tahun 2015 tentang Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap. Pemerintah bermaksud untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada masyarakat dengan menyediakan pembayaran PKB secara elektronik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana implementasi pembayaran PKB melalui e-samsat di DKI Jakarta jika ditinjau dari asas kemudahan administrasi. Analisis dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori asas kemudahan administrasi menurut Ibu Haula Rosdiana dan Bapak Edi Slamet Irianto. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat secara akademik maupun dari segi kepentingan praktis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif post-positivis dengan wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari asas certainty, pembayaran PKB melalui e-samsat dapat dikatakan belum memenuhi kepastian. Hal ini dikarenakan belum ada peraturan secara rinci yang khusus mengatur mengenai pembayaran PKB melalui e-samsat. Dari asas convenience of payment, pembayaran PKB melalui e-samsat dapat dikatakan memenuhi asas ini dari sisi kenyamanan membayar. Dari asas efficiency, pembayaran PKB melalui e-samsat dapat dikatakan terpenuhi baik dari sisi petugas pajak maupun Wajib Pajak. Dari asas simplicity, pembayaran PKB melalui e-samsat belum begitu mudah karena masih terdapat banyak kendala yang terjadi di lapangan.
Motor vehicle tax payment through e samsat is conducted based on Presidential Regulation No 5 Year 2015 concerning One Roof Administration System. Jakarta Government intend to increase the quality of service to the citizens by providing new method of motor vehicle tax payment through electronic system. This research aims to analyze the implementation of motor vehicle tax payment through e samsat based on ease of administration principles. The analysis is supported by theory of Ease of Administration principle stated by Rosdiana and Irianto. This research is hoped to provide some benefits for each academic and practical purpose. The method used in this research is descriptive post positivist, conducted through in depth interview. The results shows that based on certainty principle, tax payment through e samsat has not fulfilled the certainty of procedures due to unavailability of specific regulations regarding tax payment through e samsat. Based on convenience of payment principle, tax payment through e samsat has fulfilled the convenience of payment indicators. Based on efficiency principle, tax payment through e samsat has fulfilled the efficiency criteria both on tax authority rsquo s side and tax payer rsquo s side. Based on simplicity principle, tax payment through e samsat is not simple due to several troubles occurring in the field.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fiqriena Anggita Wigati
Abstrak :
Perlindungan arsip statis di Indonesia sangat dibutuhkan karena arsip statis memiliki nilai guna kesejarahan dan kebangsaan, yang digunakan untuk kepentingan Negara, pemerintahan, pelayanan publik, dan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Menurut Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 43 tahun 2009 tentang Kearsipan, arsip statis adalah arsip yang dihasilkan oleh pencipta arsip karena memiliki nilai guna kesejarahan, telah habis retensinya, dan berketerangan dipermanenkan yang telah diverifikasi baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung oleh Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia dan/atau lembaga kearsipan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis perlindungan arsip statis yang terdapat di Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia khususnya pada Direktorat Preservasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang menggunakaan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia hingga saat ini, dalam masalah perlindungan arsip statis terhadap bencana kebakaran, belum memikirkan dengan matang apa yang harus mereka lakukan jika kebakaran terjadi dan melahap seluruh arsip yang dimiliki dan disimpan di ANRI, ini dapat dilihat dari beberapa hal, yaitu: perlindungan terhadap pemakaian peralatan dan belum adanya pengecekkan alat pemadam kebakaran sprinkler yang dapat mengeluarkan air.
This research studies static archives protection against fire at Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. Not only archives that must be put into consideration but the building where the archives are stored is also worth noting. Eden and Matthews 1996 stated that within an institution or organization it is of utmost important to have a plan for disaster control in disaster management process. Act Number 28 year 2002 on Building clause 2 mentioned that building is organized based on the principles of utility, safety, balance as well as harmony of the building with its environment. Building which has been designed to store its archives or documents will protect the documents from any possible disasters and causing them to disappear or cannot even be reused. One of disasters claiming life and causing material loss is fire. Muir and Shenton 2002 affirmed that information institution staff should have the awareness of disaster plan as a response towards sudden disaster. This research aims to identify static archives protection against fire at Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia. This research is using qualitative approach with case study method. Data is collected through observation and interviews. Informants were 11 eleven people selected by purposive sampling, with the criteria only staff who formulate, execute and develop preservation at ANRI. This research is useful to enhance static archives protection program with the purpose to preserve historical archives so as to be utilized by society as knowledge.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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