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Trismilah, author
Abstrak :
Peneliti terdahulu telah melakukan penelitian biotransformasi progesteron menjadi 1 la-hidroksiprogesteron menggunakan kapang lokal R.stolonifer UICC 137. Namun rendemen hasil biotransformasi tersebut masih rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan galur R.stolonifer UICC 137 dan R.stolonifer UICC 137/n1 dengan mutasi kimia etil metan sulfonat (EMS). Mutan yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat mentransformasi progesteron menjadi l1a-hidroksiprogesteron lebih tinggi dari galur inang. Untuk mendapatkan mutan yang baik mutagenesis dilakukan menjadi dua tahap. Pada mutagenesis pertama diberikan variasi dosis EMS dan variasi waktu inkubasi. Seleksi mutan dilakukan secara acak, kemudian isolat yang memberikan % sintas yang terkecil dan memberikan % biotransformasi terbesar, dipilih sebagai mutan. Mutagenesis kedua dilakukan terhadap mutan-mutan dengan menggunakan dosis EMS yang memberikan % sintas terkecil (dari mutagenesis pertama). Uji stabilitas dilakukan terhadap mutan-mutan setelah dilakukan optimasi proses biotransformasi. Seleksi mutagenesis pertama untuk R.stolonifer U1CC 137/t dan R.stolonifer UICC 137/nit masing-masing menghasilkan 50 koloni kapang. Dari hasil isolasi, Gt20 dan Gn1t34 memberikan rendemen paling tinggi dan dipilih sebagai mutan. Mutagenesis kedua dilakukan. terhadap 6 mutan R.stolonifer UICC 1371t dan 5 mutan R.stolonifer UICC 137/nit (dari mutagenesis pertama), Gt40 dan Gn1t64 memberikan rendemen yang paling tinggi dan dipibh sebagai mutan. Konsentrasi awal substrat (progesteron) pada biotransformasi optimum mutan-mutan tersebut adalah 0,8 glLiter, laju pengadukan 150 rpm (Gt20 & Gt40), dan 125 rpm (Gn1t34 & Gn1t64). Mutan Gt40 memberikan yield yang tertinggi yaitu 46,15% ( 222,1% nisbah terhadap kontrol). Penyimpanan dalam ruangan dingin (2 °C-3 °C, selama 25 hari setiap generasi), mutan-mutan tersebut diatas stabil sampai generasi keempat. Dalam inkubator (30°C, selama 10 hari setiap generasi) mutan (3t20 dan Gt40 stabil sampai generasikeempat, tetapi Gnlt34 dan Gnlt64 mulai stabil pada generasi kedua sampai generasi kelima. Mutagenesis of Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137 and Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137/n1 by Ethyl Methane Sulphonate to Increase the Biotransformation Production of Progesterone to l lα-hydroxyprogesteroneThe previous researcher has reported that Rhizopus stolonifer 'ACC 137 can be used to transform progesterone to 11α-hydroxyprogesterone but with a low product yield. The aim of this study is to improve strains of Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137 & Rhizopus stolonifer UICC 137/n1 using chemical mutation of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) technique. The fungal mutants are expected to produce higher progesterone transformation than the parent strains. Two steps of mutagenesis and randomized screening method were utilized to obtain satisfactory mutants. At the first mutagenesis, various EMS doses were given and fungus with the smallest percentage of survival were collected. The mutants were chosen from isolated fungus giving higher biotransformation yield. The second mutagenesis, repeating the first one, was imposed to the mutant from the last selection with the appropriate parameters. The mutants of Gt20, Gt40, Gnlt34 and Gn1t64 gave relatively higher biotransformation yield compared to the parent strains. The highest biotransformation yield obtained was 46.15% by Gt40 mutant (222.1% compared to the control). All selected mutants were stable up to fourth generation when they maintained in cool chamber (2 - 3°C for 25 days each generation). However, in incubator (30°C for 10 days each generation), the Gt20 and Gt40 mutants were stable up to fourth generation but Gnlt34 and Gnlt64 mutants stable from second to fifth generation.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trismilah, author
Abstrak :
Salah satu kegunaan enzim tripsin adalah berperan dalam pemecahan rantai peptida pada protein menjadi asam amino yang diperlukan tubuh. Protease serupa tripsin (PST) dihasilkan oleh L. plantarum FNCC 0270 melalui proses fermentasi dengan optimasi komposisi media dan agitasi menggunakan Central Composite Design dan Response Surface Methode dengan software Design Expert versi 7.1.5. Untuk mendekati keadaan ideal dilakukan optimasi melalui simulasi numerik yaitu fermentasi dengan komposisi baker yeast = 3,64%, kadar glukosa = 1,21%, konsentrasi susu skim = 0,13% dan agitasi 77 rpm, waktu 15 jam akan diperoleh aktivitas enzim 1,51 mU/mL dan kadar protein 0,205 mg/mL. Dari optimasi numerik kemudian dilakukan verifikasi fermentasi di laboratorium, dalam erlenmeyer menggunakan shaker inkubator, agitasi 77 rpm, pH awal 8, suhu 370C, t=15 jam. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan aktivitas enzim dan kadar protein masing-masing 1,273 ± 0,227 mU/mL dan 0,248 ± 0,012 mg/mL. Selanjutnya untuk isolasi PST dalam skala lebih besar dilakukan di dalam Fermentor volume kerja 3,5 liter, pada T=370C, pH = 8 aerasi 0,5 vvm, memberikan aktivitas 1,29 mU/mL, kadar protein 0,49 mg/mL. Pemurnian PST dilakukan dengan ultrafiltrasi Hollow Fiber Catridge 5 kD, pengendapan ammonium sulfat jenuh (30-70%), dialisis, kolom kromatografi penukar ion resin Q-XL 1 mL, (Ø1 cm x 2,5 cm); dan kolom kromatografi afinitas HiTrap Benzamidine FF 1mL, (Ø1 cm x 2,5 cm); ligand paminobenzamidine masing-masing memberikan peningkatan kemurnian terhadap enzim kasar. Dari SDS-PAGE diperoleh 4 pita yang setara dengan berat molekul 47 kD, 38 kD, 21 kD dan 13 kD. Enzim stabil pada pH 8 dan rentang suhu 25-35OC, hal tersebut dibuktikan waktu paruh enzim yang sama pada suhu 25, 30 dan 35OC, yaitu 693,2 menit. Nilai Km 0,231mM dan Vmaks 1,05mU/mL.menit menggunakan subtrat BAPNA. PST dihambat EDTA, Ca2+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Mn2+ dan oleh substrat?substrat spesifik (SBTI, FBS dan diazinon). Uji imunokimia PST dengan metode dot blot positip. Analisis protein melalui situs internet dari NCBI www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ diperoleh struktur dari serine protease HtrA (L. plantarum subs.plantarum ST-III) terdiri dari tiga domain : 1. N-terminal : dari AA nomor 1-27 dan 28-131; 2. Domain aktif : dari AA nomor 132 s/d nomor 269; 3. PDZ_serine_protease : pada C-terminal mulai dari AA 311-406. Dengan soft ware Clone Manager® melalui align two sequens diperoleh 11 (sebelas) Lactobacillus penghasil trypsin-like serine protease yang mempunyai tingkat similaritas 40-90 %. Dengan soft ware Clustal W2 melalui multiple sequens alignment dari 11 (sebelas) Lactobacillus tersebut diperoleh pohon filogenetik yang menunjukkan L.plantarum mempunyai kedekatan kekerabatan dengan L.buchneri, L. brevis dan L.malefermentans. Hasil analisis kesejajaran menunjukkan bahwa 8 fragmen peptida dari pita 1 dan pita 2 hasil SDS-PAGE, berada pada region active domain keempat Lactobacillus penghasil trypsin?like serine protease. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kesejajaran tersebut diasumsikan bahwa protein PST dari L.plantarum FNCC 0270 termasuk kelompok protease serin dari L. plantarum.
One of the enzyme trypsin function is to split peptide chains of the protein into amino acids that the body needs. Trypsin like protease ( PST ) produced by L. plantarum FNCC 0270 which was isolated from fermented Growol. The medium compotion and agitation for enzyme production was optimized using Central Composite Design and Response Surface Method with Design Expert software version 7.1.5. Numerical optimization was performed to approach the ideal state of the fermentation.The medium composition of fermentation used was: 3.64 % baker's yeast, 1.21 % glucose, 0.13 % skim milk and agitation speed of 77 rpm. After 15 hours of fermentation the enzyme activity reached was1.51 mU/mL and protein levels of 0.205 mg/mL. After numerical optimization, the fermentation process was verified using 125 mL Erlenmeyer in shaking incubator 77 rpm agitation, initial pH 8, temperature of 370C, 15 hours of fermentation. The verification results showed that the enzyme activity and protein levels, was 1.273 ± 0.227 mU/mL and 0.248 ± 0.012 mg/mL, respectively. Furthermore PST isolation was done in the fermentor working volume of 3.5 liters, at T=370C, pH=8, aeration 0.5vvm, resulted in enzyme of 1.29 mU/mL, 0.49 mg protein/mL. PST purification performed with ultrafiltration Hollow Fiber Cartridge 5 kD, saturated ammonium sulfate precipitation ( 30-70 % ), dialysis, ion exchange chromatography column with resin Q-XL 1mL, (Ø1 cm x 2,5 cm) and HiTrap affinity chromatography column Benzamidine FF 1mL, (Ø1 cm x 2,5 cm); ligand p - aminobenzamidine each purification step increased purity of the crude enzyme. SDS - PAGE analysis showed 4 protein bands with molecular weight of 47 kD , 38 kD , 21 kD and 13 kD . The enzyme was stable at 8 pH and temperature range of 25 ? 350C. The half-life of the enzyme at 25, 30 and 35OC, was the same which was 693.2 minutes. Km value of 0.231 mM and Vmax of 1.05 mU/mL.min. Using BAPNA as a substrate. PST was inhibited by EDTA, Ca2+, Zn 2 +, Mg 2 +, Mn 2 + and by specific substrates ( SBTI, FBS and diazinon ). Trypsinlike protease affinity test with dot blot was positive. Based on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genbank/ structures of serine protease HtrA ( subs.plantarum L. plantarum ST - III ) consisted of three domains : 1. N - terminal : AA number from 1-27 and 28-131 ; 2. Active domain : AA number of 132 to 269 numbers ; 3. PDZ_serine_protease : the C-terminal ranging from AA 311-406. Using Clone Manager® soft ware through align two sequences obtained 11 ( eleven ) The trypsin - like serine protease producing Lactobacillus that has 40-90 % similarity level. Using the Clustal W2 soft ware through multiple sequences alignment of 11 (eleven) the phylogenetic tree of the isolate L.plantarum was closely realted to L.buchneri, L.brevis and L.malefermentans. Alignment analysis results showed that 8 peptide fragments of bands 1 and bands 2 of the SDS-PAGE was, in the region active domain of fourth trypsin - like serine protease -producing Lactobacilli.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trismilah, author
Abstrak :
The purpose of this study was to get optimum medium composition and agitation to trypsin-like protease production by Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0270. The medium composition and agitation for enzyme production was optimized using Central Composite Design and Response Surface Method with Design Expert software version 7.1.5. Fermentation was carried out in erlenmeyer flask at initial pH 8, 37 °C, with shaker incubator at 87.5 rpm. The results of the best of enzyme activity 1.0 mU/mL, protein levels of 0.557 mg/mL and desirability value of 0.740. Numerical optimization was performed to approach the ideal state of the fermentation or desirability value of 1. The medium composition of fermentation used was: 3.64% baker's yeast, 1.21% glucose, and 0.13% skim milk. The enzyme activity reached was 1.51 mU/mL and protein levels of 0.205 mg/mL. After numerical optimization, the fermentation process was verified using 125 mL Erlenmeyer in shaking incubator at 77 rpm, initial pH 8, 37 °C, 15 h of fermentation. The verification results showed that the enzyme activity and protein levels was 1.273 ± 0.227 mU/mL and 0.248 ± 0.012 mg/mL, respectively.

Optimization of Trypsin-like Protease Production by Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0270 using Response Surface Methodology. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh komposisi medium dan agitasi optimum untuk produksi protease serupa tripsin oleh Lactobacillus plantarum FNCC 0270. Protease serupa tripsin (PST) dihasilkan oleh L. plantarum FNCC 0270 melalui proses fermentasi dengan optimasi komposisi medium dan agitasi menggunakan Central Composite Design dan Response Surface Methode, dengan software Design Expert versi 7.1.5. Fermentasi dilakukan dalam erlenmeyer pH awal 8 dan suhu 37 °C menggunakan shaker inkubator pada 87,5 rpm. Hasil eksperimen terbaik menunjukkan aktivitas enzim 1 mU/mL, kadar protein 0.557 mg/mL dan diperoleh nilai desirability 0,740. Untuk mendekati keadaan ideal atau nilai desirability 1 dilakukan optimasi melalui simulasi numerik, yaitu fermentasi dengan komposisi baker yeast 3,64%, kadar glukosa 1,21%, konsentrasi skim milk 0,13%, dan agitasi 77 rpm, sehingga diperoleh aktivitas enzim 1,51 mU/mL dan kadar protein 0,205 mg/mL. Setelah optimasi numerik kemudian dilakukan verifikasi fermentasi di laboratorium, dalam erlenmeyer menggunakan shaker inkubator, agitasi 77 rpm, pH awal 8, suhu 37 °C, selama 15 jam. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan aktivitas enzim dan kadar protein masing-masing 1,273 ± 0,227 mU/mL dan 0,248 ± 0,012 mg/mL.
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library