"The direction of health development and social welfare according to the Outline of State Guideline 1999-2004 is to improve the human resource quality and to develop conducive environtment using health pradigm approach , that give priorities in improving health status, prevention, treatment, recovery, and rehabilitation since the beginning of human conception until old age. Furthermore, the directions is also increase and maintain the quality of institution and health service through sustainable empowerment of human resource and facilities and health inlrastmcture, including the availability of medicines affordable by the people. It is also increase the quality of population through controlling of birth, reduce mortality rate, and to improve the quality of family planning program.
This study is intended to obtain description regarding performance of Midwife in villages as a contracted manpower -that currently are working in Regency of Padang Pariaman during their contract-extended period. The research is intended to examine what factors related to their performance, and what factors is the most closely related to the perfonnance. It was conducted by using cross-sectional study design that study the relationship of dependent variable with related &Cl0l'$ Gndependent variable) by observing the status of independent variable and dependent variable simultaneously (cross sectionally). The population of this research is the whole midwives in villages as contracted workers that are in extended-contract status, which are 92 respondents.
Processing and analysis of data was done using univariate, bivariate and multivariate methods. The univariate analysis is done with descriptive analysis to see the perfomiance and description of each individual variable. The bivariate analysis was using Chi-Square ies! to sec the relationship of independent variable with dependent variable, and multivariate analysis is done by using binary multiple logistic regression test to see the relationship of independent variable together with dependent variable.
The results of bivariate analysis indicates that 9 of the independent variables analyzed, it tumed out that there are three variables that has signihcant relationship (p < 0,05) with the perfomiance _of midwives in villages as contracted workers during extension period, namely knowledge, level tenure, and work load. The result of the multivariate analysis indicates that 2 variables as predictor of performance namely tenure and marriage status.
Recommendation to the midwives in villages as temporary workers for the extension worlc it is necessary to recommend the tenure and marriage status of the midwives should be carefully considered in the placement of the midwives."