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Abstrak :
Ruang Lingkup dan Cara Penelitian : Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan di daerah tropis kaya dengan berbagai spesies flora. Sebagian besar penduduk Indonesia tinggal di pedesaan yang relatif sulit dijangkau oleh pelayanan kesehatan modern, termasuk pelayanan keluarga berencana. Menyadari keadaan ini, pemerintah melalui GBHN 1993 mencantumkan pengembangan obat tradisional. Penggunaan obat tradisional umumnya secara empiris. Termasuk penggunaan Kayu Kasai (Tristania Sumatrana Hiq.) untuk obat kontrasepsi. Untuk itu diperlukan pendekatan ilmiah guna membawa obat tradisional ke dalam pelayanan kesehatan formal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan Kayu Kasai terhadap fertilitas mencit betina. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok berpola faktorial. Faktor pertama yaitu dosis: 600, 900, dan 1200 mg/kg bb. Faktor kedua adalah lama pencekokan 10 hari dan 20 hari. Hasil Penelitian dan Kesimpulan : Ekstrak Tristania sumatrana Hiq. (Kayu Kasai) menyebabkan penurunan yang sangat bermakna terhadap berat ovarium, jumlah folikel primer, sekunder, tersier, Graaf, korpus luteum, dan fetus hidup. Peningkatan yang sangat bermakna terhadap jumlah folikel atresia. Tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah resorbsi. Antara pencekokan dengan rentangan dosis 600, 900, dan 1200 mg/kg bb tidak menyebabkan perbedaan penurunan yang bermakna terhadap: berat ovarium, jumlah folikel tersier, Graaf, korpus luteum, fetus hidup. Tidak terjadi perbedaan peningkatan yang bermakna terhadap folikel atresia, kecuali pada dosis 600, 1200 mg/kg bb terjadi perbedaan penurunan yang bermakna terhadap: jumlah folikel primer dan sekunder. Pencekokan selama 10 hari dibandingkan dengan 20 hari menunjukkan pengaruh: penurunan yang sangat. bermakna terhadap jumlah folikel tersier. Peningkatan yang sangat bermakna terhadap: jumlah folikel atresia. Tidak berpengaruh terhadap: berat ovarium, jumlah folikel primer, sekunder, Graaf, korpus luteum, fetus hidup, dan resorbsi.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Alternative Policy in the Final Tax on Stock Sales Conducted Through Stock ExchangesBeginnings 1995, any gains received by any individual person or body corporate on stock sales which are conducted through stock exchanges have been subjected to a final tax of 0.1% of their gross value. The tax is withheld by the stock exchange, broker, or dealer concerned. In practice, this policy has caused problems due to the fact that the tax is conclusive in nature such that one cannot claim that the economic resources in the form of money or funds received from stock sales are revenue until any costs and/or expenses which may be incurred are taken into consideration. In addition, in a bearish market even taxpayers who have suffered capital losses must pay this tax. Such losses cannot be compensated for or refunded. However, in a bullish market the policy is found "favorable" as stock sellers are not subject to the maximum marginal tax rate of 30% but a final tax of a mere 0.1% of any capital gains they enjoy. Discussion focuses on such things as the reasons for the introduction of the final tax, whether this tax meets the principles of justice, problems which arise from this tax and how to apply it to foreign taxpayers in connection with tax treaties. In addition to the concept of income, particularly the accretion concept of income, four maxims, equality, certainty, convenience and economy, were employed to deal with such issues. For this purpose, the author reviewed the final tax policy employing a descriptive and analytical method through both desk research and field research to gather the relevant data and information. From the review, the author has found that the policy has caused injustice to taxpayers. Taking into consideration the ideals as set forth in the accretion concept of income or the S-N-S concept, an increase in economic capacity which forms an income serves as the net earnings which permit deduction from any costs which may be incurred and connected with the processes to gain, collect and maintain such an income. In addition, this increase must be capable of being measured and must not distinguish between the types of its source so that horizontal equity may be applied, equal treatment for the equals. In further addition, the policy employs a flat rate. As a result, small-scale taxpayers bear an equal rate to that born by large-scale taxpayers. Ideally, tax rates should reflect vertical equity In that the more income one enjoys the bigger tax burden he should bear, unequal treatment for the unequal. Notwithstanding, tax authorities hold the sovereign tax power and have an interest in the supervision and securing tax receipt potential, in particular that from securities taxpayers. Notwithstanding its simplification effect on tax collection, the self-assessment system which has been introduced through the Income Tax Law has brought about technical problems in the reporting of capital gains on stock sales through annual returns. In order to deal with the problems above, the author recommends revoking the charging of the final tax on stock sales and treating such sales as withholding tax objects instead. Hence, it is expected that tax authorities will not lose tax receipt potential at one time from stock transactions on stock exchanges and that taxpayers' concern with equity will be answered. xii + 119 pages Bibliography: 30 books, 11 official documents, several daily general newspapers (from the years 1970 up to and including 2001)
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Tujuan inti keselamatan dan kesehatan kenja (K3) adalah mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan termasuk penyakit akibat kerja, Sejak diberlakukannya Undang undang No. I tahun 1970 tentang keselamatan kerja, masih banyak kalangan industri yang belum menjiwai penerapan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Contoh kasus pada perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit milik PT. X yang berlokasi di Sumatera Barat dimana kasus terjadinya kecelakaan kerja cukup tinggi seperti tercatat pada tahun 2007 terjadinya 241 kasus kecelakaan kexja. Dengan latar belakang ini penulis ingin melihat bagaimana gambaran persepsi risiko di PT. X adakah peran lama bekerja dan pelatihan terhadap persepsi risiko di perusahaan tersebut. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa persepsi terhadap pekerjaan dan prosedur kerja cukup baik di kalangan pekerja, sedang persepsi terhadap APD cenderung buruk. Hal ini cukup beralasan karena angka terjadinya kecelakaan kerja yang tinggi dan mereka merasa telah bekerja sesuai dengan prosedur kerja. Mereka menggangap bahwa APD kurang mampu melindungi mereka dari terjadinya kecelakaan kerja bahwa APD dapat mengganggu proses kexja yang mereka jalankan karena adanya rasa tidak nyaman. Dari hasil uji statistic ternyata. hanya lama kerja yang berhubungan signifikan terhadap persepsi pekerjaan (p-value= 0.001) dan persepsi terhadap prosedur kerja (p-va1ue= 0.036), sedangkan terhadap persepsi pemakaian APD tidak signifikan berhubungan )p-value= 0.746). untuk pelatihan tidak ada yang berhubungan signifikan terhadap persepsi risiko kecelakaan responden. ...... Main target of work health and safety (K3) is preventing accident including the disease of work effect. Since the existence of law No. I, 1970 conceming job health, many industries did not get implementation of work health and safety yet. For example, case of palm oil plantation at PT. X which located in West Sumatera where case of work accident was higher; there were 241 cases of work accident in 2007. Because of this background, the writer wants to find the description of risk perception at PT. X ls there role of work and training period affected to risk perception in the company. Research result indicated that perception of work risk and work procedures were good enough among the workers, but perception of APD was bad. This thing is enough for the reason of highest level of accident and they feel worked based on procedure. They assumed that APD can’t avoid them from the accident of working even APD can disturb their work process because of feeling not comfort. From statistical test result indicated only work period which had relation of risk perception signiicantly (p-value 0.00l) and perception of work procedure (p-value* 0.036), while perception of APD usage did not have effect significantly (p-value=0.746). Training didn't have effect of risk perception.
Depot: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1982
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ivan Syamsurizal
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Deny Hidayat Syamsurizal
Abstrak :
Akar kucing (Acalypha indica Linn) merupakan tanaman yang memiliki banyak kegunaan antara lain sebagai obat yang dapat menurunkan kadar asam urat dalam darah. Pemanfaatan secara luas dari tanaman ini harus didukung oleh data-data yang dapat membuktikan keamanannya secara ilmiah. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian rebusan akar tanaman akar kucing terhadap fungsi ginjal tikus. Penelitian ini menggunakan 40 ekor tikus yang dipilih secara acak menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok I sebagai kontrol normal yang diberi air 2 ml/200 g bb. Kelompok II, III dan IV diberi perlakuan rebusan akar A. indica masingmasing dengan dosis 13,5 g/kg bb, 27 g/kg bb, dan 54 g/kg bb. Frekuensi pemberian sekali sehari selama 90 hari. Pada hari ke-91 tikus diambil darahnya untuk dilakukan pengukuran kadar urea dan kreatinin plasma secara kolorimetri dan dibedah untuk pemeriksaan histologis ginjal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada gejala toksik pada tikus yang diberi rebusan Acalypha indica Linn ditinjau dari kadar urea dan kreatinin plasma serta gambaran histologis ginjal.
Akar kucing (Acalypha indica Linn) is a plant that has many usage such as for reduce uric acid consentration. The comprehensive usage from this preparation must be supported with data which can prove it is safety scientifically. Therefore an experiment is done to know the effect of giving the extract to rat renal function. This research used fourty rats which divided into four groups. Group I as normal control which were given water 2 ml/200 g body weight. Group II, III, IV were given water extract of A.indica roots doses 13,5/kg body weight, 27g/kg body weight, and 54 g/kg body weight. Frequency of exposure A. indica was once a day during 90 days. In the 91st day blood sample was collected from observed rats and measured their plasma urea and creatinine levels through colorimetry methods, and the surgery were done to the rats for the histological inspection of their kidneys. The results shows that no toxic effect of Acalypha indica to white rats seen from plasma urea and creatinine levels and kidney histology.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library