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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
The numerical simulation of heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics was carried out on the airflow through a rectangular channel-mounted vortex generator (VG). The VG was installed on a plate that was attached to the heater. The inlet velocity of the airflow varied from 0.4 to 2.0 m/s. The VGs used in this study were concave delta winglet pairs (CDWPs) with the attack angle of 30° and with variation in the number of rows: one pair, two pairs, and three pairs. The CDWPs are predicted to produce the longitudinal vortex (LV), which increases the intensity of turbulence resulting in better mixing of flow. This, in turn, can improve the heat transfer between the plate surface and the airflow in the rectangular channel. The results showed that the installation of CDWPs does improve the overall heat transfer performance. However, it has the consequences of a greater pressure drop. Based on the variation in the number of rows, the greater the number of pairs of VGs was the greater the convection heat transfer coefficient (h) in both laminar and turbulent flows. The h value was based on the number of row of CDWPs: one pair, two pairs, and three pairs exhibited increases of 65.9-108.4%; 34.4-71%; and 42.2-110.7% compared to the baseline, respectively. A great number of rows of VGs also led to an increasing pressure drop value in laminar and turbulent flows. The percentage increases in pressure drop for CDWPs with one pair, two pairs, and three pairs, as compared to the baseline, were 70.1-92.1%; 123.6-161.3%, and 180-266.9%, respectively.
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI-IJTECH 8:7 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syafrizal Syaiful
Abstrak :
Perusahaan membutuhkan skenario yang tepat sebagai dukungan dalam meningkatkan produktivitas. Skenario yang tepat adalah yang dapat mengarahkan perusahaan kepada tujuan yang diharapkan pada awalnya. Penulis mengadakan penelitian mengenai produktivitas PT. Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA), dengan menggunakan model perbandingan kedalam (intrafirm comparation) terhadap laporan keuangan dari tahun 1998 hingga 2001. Kemudian untuk mengetahui indikator produktivitas yang perlu ditingkatkan, penulis menggunakan Proses Hirarki Analitik (PHA) untuk mendapatkan bobot dari tiap indikator produktivitas dan membuat kuesioner untuk pakar keuangan tambang. Sebelumnya penulis membuat hirarki dari indikator produktivitas tersebut, sehingga ada peringkat tujuan yang paling utama, kriteria, sub kriteria dan sub-sub kriteria. Setiap peringkat akan mendapat nilai sesuai dengan kepentingannya. Akhirnya, dihasilkan beberapa rekomendasi setelah mengetahui skenario PTBA, keadaan produktivitas saat ini, tujuan yang akan dicapai, hasil analisis dan pengukuran indikator produktivitas PTBA. Rekomendasi ini dapat dipakai oleh PTBA untuk meningkatkan produktivitas.
A company requires an appropriate scenario as a support to increase its productivity. A successful scenario is one which can direct a company?s activities to the initial expectation. Therefore, a company should have a scenario to obtain the goal that has been stated. This study is about the productivity of PT Tambang Batubara Bukit Asam (PTBA) by using the intrafirm comparison method on the company's financial report from the year 1998 up ' to 2001. Analytical Hierarchy Process to know which productivity indicator should be increased through the weighing of each indicator and making the questioner for the mining tinancial expert. In the early times, hierarchy of productivity indicators are made to make ranking of the goal (mainly), criteria, sub-criteria and sub-sub criteria. Each rank will obtain the score related to its purposes. Finally, it will produce some recommendations after acknowledging the PTBA scenario, current productivity status, the oblective that will be reached, the result of analysis and PTBA's indicator measurement. This recommendation can be used by PTBA to increase its productivity.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Syaiful
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Hidrokarbon telah ditemukan dan diproduksi di Lapangan ?M?, yang terletak di Sub-cekungan Cipunegara, Cekungan Busur Belakang Jawa Baratlaut, dari level yang lebih dalam, yaitu di Formasi Baturaja dan Formasi Talang Akar, sejak awal tahun 2000-an. Minyak dan gas bumi juga telah diproduksi dari level yang lebih dangkal di Formasi Cibulakan Atas di Cekungan Jawa Baratlaut, tetapi di sub-cekungan yang lain, bukan dari Lapangan ?M? yang berada di Sub-cekungan Cipunegara. Di dalam rangka mencoba menemukan hidrokarbon di Formasi Cibulakan Atas dari Lapangan ?M? ini, keberadaan reservoirnya haruslah diteliti terlebih dahulu. Dengan menggunakan data yang terbatas, yaitu 3 sumur pemboran dan seismik 3D, pemetaan atribut seismik telah dilakukan untuk mengetahui keberadaan reservoir batupasir. RMS amplitude, average amplitude, maximum amplitude, energy half-time, dan arc length, telah diaplikasikan untuk mengetahui keberadaan reservoir batupasir. Keberadaan reservoir batupasir ini akan dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu faktor dari sistem petroleum di daerah ini.
ABSTRACT Hydrocarbon has been discovered and produced in the ?M? Field, located in the Cipunegara Sub-basin, Northwest Java Back Arc Basin, from deeper levels of the Baturaja and Talang Akar Formations since early of 2000s. Oil and gas has also been produced in the shallower level of the Upper Cibulakan Formation in this Northwest Java Basin, but in the other sub-basin, not in the ?M? Field in the Cipunegara Sub-basin. Prior to find hydrocarbon in the Upper Cibulakan Formation of this field, the existing of its reservoir should be evaluated. Based on a limited data of 3 wells and a 3D seismic, several seismic attributes mapping has been used to define the reservoir of sandstone. RMS amplitude, average amplitude, maximum amplitude, energy half-time, and arc length, have been applied in defining the sandstone reservoir. This sandstone reservoir could be considered further in studying the petroleum system in the area.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nasution, Syaiful
Abstrak :
Energi listrik merupakan salah satu infrastruktur yang menyangkut hajat hidup orang banyak, oleh karena itu sudah seharusnya eketersediaan energi listrik terjamin dengan jumlah yang cukup dengan mutu yang baik dan harga yang wajar. Pertumbuhan perekonomian nasional menyebabkan konsumsi listrik setiap tahunnya terus meningkat. Dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan energi dan maraknya isu mengenai permasalahan lingkungan membuat para ahli terus mengembangkan teknologi yang tepat agar dapat mengatasi kedua masalah tersebut. Sistem PLTP siklus biner merupakan salah satu teknologi pembangkit yang sangat efektif untuk diterapkan dalam pemanfaatan energi panas bumi skala kecil enthalpy rendah sampai menengah dengan menggunakan fluida kerja yang memiliki titik didih lebih rendah daripada air, oleh karena itu maka pada tesis ini dilakukan suatu pemodelan sistem PLTP siklus biner dengan memanfaatkan waste brine dengan temperatur 180 0C pada wellpad 4 PLTP Dieng. Pemodelan dilakukan dengan menggunakan software Matlab dan REFPROP, kemudian dilakukan optimasi terhadap sistem dimana exergy destruction total dan total annual cost dipilih sebagai fungsi objektif. Adapun optimasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan multi objective genetic algorithm. Berdasarkan simulasi diketahui bahwa efesiensi exergi dan nilai ekonomis dari sistem PLTP siklus biner yang optimal adalah pada temperatur evaporasi sebesar 163,3 oC, temperatur brine keluar preheater sebesar 130 0C, temperatur air pendingin keluar kondenser sebesar 35,4 0C, tekanan kerja fluida kerja keluar pompa sebesar 3859 kPa dengan campuran refrigeran 86 R601 dan 14 R744 menghasilkan daya turbin sebesar 119,8 kW nilai exergy destruction total 742,4 kW dengan efesiensi exergy sebesar 48,8 dan total annual cost sebesar 36.723 US dollar.Kata kunci : PLTP siklus biner, efesiensi exergi, exergy destruction , cost, genetic algorithm. ......Electrical energy is one of the important part of human life, so the provision of electrical energy must be able to guarantee the availability of sufficient quantity, reasonable price and good quality. Indonesia rsquo s electricity consumption every year continues to increase in line with the increase of national economic growth. The increasing demand on energy and environmental issues make the experts to develop the right technology in order to face both issues. PLTP binary cycle is a highly effective generating technology to be applied in the utilization of small scale enthalpy low to medium geothermal energy by using a working fluid that has a lower boiling point than water, hence in this thesis a PLTP binary system model was performed using waste brine with temperature of 180oC at wellpad 4 in PLTP Dieng. Modeling has been done by using Matlab and REFPROP software, then optimization procedure has been conducted to the system where total exergy destruction and total annual cost are chosen as the objective function. In addition, environmental aspects are also considered in this modeling where natural environmentally friendly working fluids are used. The optimization is done by using multi objective genetic algorithm. Based on the simulation it is known that the exergy efficiency and economic value of the optimal binary cycle of PLTP system has an optimum condition at the evaporation temperature of 163.3 oC, the brine temperature out the preheater of 130 oC, the condenser coolant outlet temperature of 35.4 oC, the outlet pump pressure at 3859 kPa with composition of refrigeran mixture 86 R601 and 14 R744, turbine power of 119.8 kW, total exergy destruction of 742.4 kW with exergy efficiency of 48.8 , and total annual cost about 36.723 US dollars.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia Rahmi Syaiful
Abstrak :
Zona ekonomi eksklusif merupakan wilayah dimana kegiatan penangkapan ikan dilakukan oleh negara lain dalam hal ini kapal asing. Zona ekonomi eksklusif rentan terhadap pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh kapal asing, negara pantai seperti Australia, Indonesia dan Malaysia menerapkan tindakan khusus sebagai bagian dari penegakan hukum bagi para pelaku yang melanggar di wilayah mereka, sebab negara-negara pantai yang berdasar pada UNCLOS 1982. Pasal 73 UNCLOS 1982 terkait penegakkan hukum di negara pantai, aturan ini memberikan hak dan kewajiban negara untuk mengatur kebijakan di laut, menegaskan bahwa negara pantai dapat melaksanakan hak berdaulat untuk melakukan eksplorasi, eksploitasi, konservasi dan pengelolaan sumber kekayaan hayati di ZEE, melalui tindakan khusus berupa penenggelaman kapal berbendera asing yang diterapkan oleh Australia, Indonesia dan Malaysia dalam rangka penegakan hukum dan selaras dengan prinsip pembangunan berkelanjutan bahwa negara bertanggung jawab untuk menjamin aktivitas dalam yurisdiksi mereka atau pengawasan yang tidak merusak lingkungan negara lain. Walaupun demikian, ketiga negara tersebut memiliki perbedaan dalam segi praktek serta prosedur sebab ketiganya terikat kepada kedaulatan negara, oleh sebab itu peneliti ini mengangkat terkait praktek dan prosedur penenggelaman kapal berbendera asing yang melakukan pelanggaran di zona ekonomi eksklusif suatu negara pantai melalui pendekatan normatif dengan menganalisa dan mengkaji ketentuan hukum internasional dan hukum nasional di negara pantai.
Exclusive economic zone is a region where fishing activities carried out by other States in this regard foreign ships. Exclusive economic zone vulnerable to violations committed by foreign vessels, coastal States such as Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia implement special measures as part of law enforcement for the perpetrators who infringe on the territory them. Article 73 of law enforcement related to UNCLOS 1982 in coastal states, this rule provides the rights and obligations of the State to set policy at sea, asserts that coastal States can exercise the right of sovereign to do exploration, exploitation, conservation and management of the biological wealth of resources in the EEZ, through special measures in the form of a foreign flagged ship sinking applied by Australia, Indonesia and Malaysia in the course of law enforcement and in harmony with the principles of development sustainable that the country responsible for the guarantee activity in their jurisdiction or control do not damage the environment of other States. However, they have differences in terms of practice and procedure because they are tied to State sovereignty, therefore the researchers this raised related practices and procedures the sinking ship of foreign flagged infringing on the exclusive economic zone of a coastal State through a normative approach by analyzing and reviewing the provisions of international law and national law in the coastal States.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Ahmad Syaiful
Abstrak :
Tesis ini membahas mengenai ancaman teror di Indonesia dan kemungkinan pelibatan TNI dalam penanganan terorisme secara langsung dengan menggunakan pendekatan teori sekuritisasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan bersifat eksplanatif. Berdasarkan tingkat eskalasi ancaman dan menggunakan teori sekuritisasi, TNI dapat dilibatkan dalam penangan teror secara langsung untuk kemudian berkolaborasi dengan Polisi dan unsur intelijen untuk membentuk sebuah badan gabungan yang khusus menangani terorisme.
This qualitative and explanative thesis aims to describe terrorism threat in Indonesia and involvement possibility of Indonesian National Army (TNI) in direct counter-efforts of terrorism using securitization approach. Based on escalation level of terrorism threat and using of securitization approach, TNI could be involved in direct counter-efforts and then in collaboration with police officer and intelligence agency under coordinate by Desk of Special Task Force.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfan Aulia Syaiful
Abstrak :
Kajian ini melakukan analisis kapabalitas dinamik terhadap pengelolaan daya saing pariwisata di Kota Tua Jakarta. Kota Tua Jakarta sebagai tempat wisata berkompetis dengan tempat wisata lainnya, baik di internal wilayah ataupun dengan dunia internasional. Untuk dapat sukses melalui kompetisi dibutuhan strategi pengelolaan daya saing (Teece, Pisano, dan Shuen, 1997). Salah satu strategi untuk itu dengan meningkatkan kapabilitas dinamik pengelolaan Kota Tua. Kapabilitas dinamik adalah kemampuan untuk mengelola sumber daya untuk memenuhi tantangan lingkungan yang dinamis sehingga mampu memiliki daya saing (Teece dan Augier, 2007). Kajian ini memberikan contoh bagaimana organisasi publik harus beradaptasi dalam linkungan yang dinamik dalam upaya mampu bertahan hidup dengan mengintegrasi, memodifikasi, dan menata ulang sumber daya yang dimiliki. Hasil analisis memperlihatkan ada tiga faktor yang dibutuhkan untuk meningkatkan kapabilitas dinamik Kota Tua Jakarta yaitu orang yang mampu, proses yang tangkas, dan relasi antar kelompok. Faktor pendorong ini berinteraksi dengan elemen kapabilitas dinamik yaitu berpikir ulang, berpikir kedepan, dan berpikir modifikasi untuk menciptakan kebijakan adapatif dalam memenuhi indek daya saing pariwisata. Kajian ini memakai metode riset tindakan berbasis sistem lunak. Adapun model riset tindakan ini menggunakan pendekatan dual imperative yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah faktual dan mencari kebaruan dari teori yang ada.;
This paper explores dynamic capability for tourism competitiveness in old town Jakarta. Dynamic capability is the ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environments (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). This paper provide ilustration how public organization used dynamic capability to keep organization fit to the competitive and dynamic situation. In this paper how the public organization continously anticipating and adjusting are using three driven factor (Rothaermel & Hess, 2004; Neo & Chen, 2007) at able people, agile process, and intergroup relationships and three key element (Neo & Chen, 2007) at thinking ahead, thinking again, and thinking across that used to achieve adaptive policies for tourism competitive advantage. Action research is conducted in the field of old town Jakarta governance including DKI Jakarta goverment, tourism department of Jakarta, Museum in Old Town Jakarta and comunities in Old Town Jakarta. These research is using SSM-Based AR to explores the messy situation in Old Town Jakarta. Soft Systems Methodology is used to tackling social complexity in old town Jakarta. These research are dual imperatives of action research as mentioned by Mc kay and Marshal (2001) and hardjosoekarto (2013).;This paper explores dynamic capability for tourism competitiveness in old town Jakarta. Dynamic capability is the ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environments (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). This paper provide ilustration how public organization used dynamic capability to keep organization fit to the competitive and dynamic situation. In this paper how the public organization continously anticipating and adjusting are using three driven factor (Rothaermel & Hess, 2004; Neo & Chen, 2007) at able people, agile process, and intergroup relationships and three key element (Neo & Chen, 2007) at thinking ahead, thinking again, and thinking across that used to achieve adaptive policies for tourism competitive advantage. Action research is conducted in the field of old town Jakarta governance including DKI Jakarta goverment, tourism department of Jakarta, Museum in Old Town Jakarta and comunities in Old Town Jakarta. These research is using SSM-Based AR to explores the messy situation in Old Town Jakarta. Soft Systems Methodology is used to tackling social complexity in old town Jakarta. These research are dual imperatives of action research as mentioned by Mc kay and Marshal (2001) and hardjosoekarto (2013)., This paper explores dynamic capability for tourism competitiveness in old town Jakarta. Dynamic capability is the ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environments (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). This paper provide ilustration how public organization used dynamic capability to keep organization fit to the competitive and dynamic situation. In this paper how the public organization continously anticipating and adjusting are using three driven factor (Rothaermel & Hess, 2004; Neo & Chen, 2007) at able people, agile process, and intergroup relationships and three key element (Neo & Chen, 2007) at thinking ahead, thinking again, and thinking across that used to achieve adaptive policies for tourism competitive advantage. Action research is conducted in the field of old town Jakarta governance including DKI Jakarta goverment, tourism department of Jakarta, Museum in Old Town Jakarta and comunities in Old Town Jakarta. These research is using SSM-Based AR to explores the messy situation in Old Town Jakarta. Soft Systems Methodology is used to tackling social complexity in old town Jakarta. These research are dual imperatives of action research as mentioned by Mc kay and Marshal (2001) and hardjosoekarto (2013).]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library