"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pengaruh edukasi terhadap kecemasan dan efikasi ibu merawat BBLR. Desain penelitian quasi experiment, pretestposttest with control group. Sampel penelitian 44 ibu BBLR dibagi dua kelompok, 22 kelompok intervensi, dan 22 kelompok kontrol. Edukasi diberikan dengan media leaflet, video dan phantom bayi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sesudah diberikan edukasi 86,4% responden mengalami penurunan kecemasan dan 18,2% responden mengalami peningkatan efikasi diri. Kecemasan berhubungan dengan pendapatan dan pengalaman (p<0,05); sedangkan efikasi diri berhubungan dengan pendapatan, pengalaman, dan jumlah anak (p<0,05). Edukasi efektif untuk menurunkan kecemasan dan meningkatkan efikasi diri.
The research has aims to identify the influence of education in discharge planning towards the level of anxiety and self efficacy on mother's for caring a low birth weight baby (LBWB). This research is quasi experiment study with pretest post test with controlled group design. Samples are divided into 2 groups, 22 respondents as intervention group and 22 respondents as controlled group. Educating on the treatment with leaflet, video and also phantom of baby.
The result of research showed 86,4% after education given respondents decreased anxiety and 18,2% of respondents experienced an increase in self efficacy. The level of anxiety influenced by income and experience (p<0,05); whereas self efficacy is influenced by income, experience and the number of children. (p<0,05). The education effective to decrease anxiety and to improve self efficacy."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2013