Sujoko Efferin
Abstrak :
This study examines the dynamics of the implementation of IFRS in Indonesia and challenges
faced by its stakeholders by using interpretive-qualitative research paradigm. In-depth interviews,
observations, and documentary analysis were used during data collection processes. The results
were then cross-examined through triangulation. More specifically, this study attempts to identify
problems arised during the implementation and the responses of the stakeholders. The authors
hope that the findings can enrich the literatures about the interconnectedness among accounting,
culture, language, and stakeholders? interests in the context of developing countries, especially
Indonesia. Our results indicate that there is an interdependence among the stakeholders (regulator,
auditor, user, preparer, and higher education institutions) in which there is no party that can
individually ensure the successfulness of the IFRS implementation. Synergistic, long-term oriented
collective efforts among those parties are required since they all have internal constraints that can
inhibit the implementation. In addition, culture (including language) exacerbates the problems
and, hence, require long-term, strategic responses in macro level. Finally, this study suggests seven
propositions conditioning the effectiveness of IFRS implementation in a national context.
Studi ini mengkaji dinamika implementasi IFRS di Indonesia beserta tantangan-tantangan yang
dihadapi oleh para pihak yang berkepentingan (stakeholders) dengan menggunakan paradigma
penelitian interpretif-kualitatif. Wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan analisis dokumen digunakan
selama proses pengumpulan data untuk kemudian hasilnya ditinjau silang melalui proses
triangulasi. Secara lebih khusus, studi ini berusaha mengidentifikasi problematika yang muncul
dalam implementasi tersebut dan bagaimana respons para stakeholders selama ini. Penulis berharap
temuan yang diperoleh dapat memperkaya literatur tentang keterkaitan antara akuntansi, budaya,
bahasa, dan kepentingan pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalamnya dalam konteks negara berkembang,
Universitas Surabaya, Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika, 2014
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library