Sri Wahjuni
Abstrak :
Arsitektur jaringan overlay P2P berjenjang terstruktur (structured
hierarchical P2P) sangat sesuai untuk jaringan heterogen karena
mempertimbangkan keberagaman kapabilitas peer. Pada penelitian ini diusulkan
pendekatan baru mekanisme rejoin yang dinamakan collective rejoin, dimana
proses rejoin dilakukan secara per kelompok, sebagai alternatif dari pendekatan
individual rejoin yang selama ini diterapkan pada arsitektur P2P berjenjang
terstruktur berbasis Chord. Setiap kelompok yang mengalami kegagalan
superpeer akan menunjuk normal peer dengan kapabilitas tertinggi dalam
kelompoknya sebagai superpeer baru. Superpeer baru ini yang akan mengirimkan
pesan rejoin ke sistem. Dengan pendekatan ini, jumlah trafik rejoin akan jauh
berkurang dibandingkan pendekatan individual rejoin, sehingga konsumsi
bandwidth untuk overhead trafik pengelolaan dapat dikurangi.
Kinerja pendekatan collective rejoin ini dievaluasi dengan menggunakan
parameter: variasi nilai rasio superpeer, tingkat dinamika jaringan (churn), ukuran
jaringan, dan tingkat kesibukan jaringan (lookup query rate). Evaluasi kinerja
dilakukan dengan mengamati jumlah trafik yang dihasilkan oleh proses rejoin
pada saat terjadi kegagalan superpeer (rejoin traffic load), rasio antara lookup
query yang berhasil diselesaikan terhadap seluruh lookup query yang terjadi
(successful lookup rate), dan banyaknya hop yang harus ditempuh untuk
menyelesaikan sebuah lookup query (lookup query cost). Nilai efisiensi diperoleh
berdasarkan penghitungan penghematan penggunaan bandwitdh yang dapat
dilakukan oleh pendekatan collective rejoin.
Pada seluruh parameter yang diujikan, pendekatan collective rejoin
menghasilkan jumlah trafik rejoin yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan
pendekatan individual rejoin. Hal ini dibarengi juga dengan successful lookup rate
yang rata-rata lebih baik, dengan tanpa meningkatkan lookup query cost. Rasio
superpeer dan ukuran jaringan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap nilai efisiensi.
Sedangkan pada pengujian terhadap parameter tingkat dinamika jaringan dan
tingkat kesibukan jaringan, nilai efisiensi relatif tetap. Hasil simulasi
menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan collective rejoin efektif jika diterapkan pada
jaringan P2P berjenjang terstruktur dengan ukuran kelompok yang besar (pada
penelitian ini, dengan rasio superpeer terbesar adalah 10%).;
By considering the diversity of p
overlay network architecture is weeer capability, structured hierarchical P2Pll suited for heterogeneous networks. In this
research, a new approach of rejoin mechanism is proposed, called collective
rejoin, whereby rejoin process is done per group. Each group that experiences a
superpeer failure will appoint a normal peer that has highest capabilities in the
group as the group's new superpeer.
This new superpeer will send rejoin message
to the system. Using this approach, the number of rejoin traffic is less than
individual rejoin. In turn, it will decrease the bandwidth consumption of
management traffic overhead
The collective rejoin approach performance is evaluated using parameters:
variety of superpeer ratio, network dynamics level (churn), network size, and
overlay network activities level (lookup query rate). Performance evaluation is
conducted by observing the number of rejoin traffic, the successful lookup rate,
and the lookup query cost. The efficiency value is obtained by calculating
bandwidth consumption saving by the collective rejoin approach.
On all tested parameters, the collective rejoin approach produces fewer
rejoin traffics than the individual rejoin approach. The successful lookup rate of
collective rejoin is outperform the individual rejoin. The lookup query cost of the
collective rejoin can be maintained at the same value as in the individual rejoin.
Superpeer ratio and network size significantly impact the efficiency. Meanwhile,
networks dynamic and activities provide a relative stable efficiency. The results
show that the collective rejoin approach is useful for large group size hierarchical
structured P2P (in this research the maximum superpeer ratio is 10%).;By considering the diversity of p
overlay network architecture is weeer capability, structured hierarchical P2Pll suited for heterogeneous networks. In this
research, a new approach of rejoin mechanism is proposed, called collective
rejoin, whereby rejoin process is done per group. Each group that experiences a
superpeer failure will appoint a normal peer that has highest capabilities in the
group as the group's new superpeer. This new superpeer will send rejoin message
to the system. Using this approach, the number of rejoin traffic is less than
individual rejoin. In turn, it will decrease the bandwidth consumption of
management traffic overhead
The collective rejoin approach performance is evaluated using parameters:
variety of superpeer ratio, network dynamics level (churn), network size, and
overlay network activities level (lookup query rate). Performance evaluation is
conducted by observing the number of rejoin traffic, the successful lookup rate,
and the lookup query cost. The efficiency value is obtained by calculating
bandwidth consumption saving by the collective rejoin approach.
On all tested parameters, the collective rejoin approach produces fewer
rejoin traffics than the individual rejoin approach. The successful lookup rate of
collective rejoin is outperform the individual rejoin. The lookup query cost of the
collective rejoin can be maintained at the same value as in the individual rejoin.
Superpeer ratio and network size significantly impact the efficiency. Meanwhile,
networks dynamic and activities provide a relative stable efficiency. The results
show that the collective rejoin approach is useful for large group size hierarchical
structured P2P (in this research the maximum superpeer ratio is 10%)., By considering the diversity of p
overlay network architecture is weeer capability, structured hierarchical P2Pll suited for heterogeneous networks. In this
research, a new approach of rejoin mechanism is proposed, called collective
rejoin, whereby rejoin process is done per group. Each group that experiences a
superpeer failure will appoint a normal peer that has highest capabilities in the
group as the group's new superpeer. This new superpeer will send rejoin message
to the system. Using this approach, the number of rejoin traffic is less than
individual rejoin. In turn, it will decrease the bandwidth consumption of
management traffic overhead
The collective rejoin approach performance is evaluated using parameters:
variety of superpeer ratio, network dynamics level (churn), network size, and
overlay network activities level (lookup query rate). Performance evaluation is
conducted by observing the number of rejoin traffic, the successful lookup rate,
and the lookup query cost. The efficiency value is obtained by calculating
bandwidth consumption saving by the collective rejoin approach.
On all tested parameters, the collective rejoin approach produces fewer
rejoin traffics than the individual rejoin approach. The successful lookup rate of
collective rejoin is outperform the individual rejoin. The lookup query cost of the
collective rejoin can be maintained at the same value as in the individual rejoin.
Superpeer ratio and network size significantly impact the efficiency. Meanwhile,
networks dynamic and activities provide a relative stable efficiency. The results
show that the collective rejoin approach is useful for large group size hierarchical
structured P2P (in this research the maximum superpeer ratio is 10%).]
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library