ABSTRAKPenelitian mengenai penambahan serat baja ke dalam campuran beton telah menjadi sorotan beberapa dekade terakhir sejak pertama kali dipublikasikan pada tahun 1960. Beberapa penelitian bahkan telah mengaplikasikan beton berserat baja atau biasa disebut steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) pada struktur pelat, dengan ataupun tanpa penambahan tulangan. Penelitian mengenai sifat mekanis material beton dengan berbagai proporsi pencampuran (mix design) telah dan akan terus dikembang di berbagai belahan dunia. Beberapa penelitian mengenai beton berserat baja ini bahkan telah diakui sebagai ASTM (American Standard Test Method) dan digunakan sebagai acuan metode pengujian di berbagai negara.
Dalam penelitian ini, Pengujian pelat akan di lakukan berdasarkan volume fraksi steel fiber yang digunakan bervariasi diantara 0,19%; 0,32%; dan 0,51 % serta diamati pengaruhnya terhadap kuat tekan, kuat lentur, kuat tarik belah dan kuat geser. kuat tekan, kuat lentur, kuat tarik belah dan kuat geser bertambah seiring dengan pertambahan volume fraksi steel fiber dalam beton tersebut.
ABSTRACTResearch on addition of steel fiber into the concrete mixture has been in the spotlight the last decade since it was first published in 1960. Some studies have even applied steel fiberor so-called steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC) at the slab structure, with or without the addition of reinforcement. Research on the mechanical proporties of concrete materials with different propotions of mixing (mix design) has been and will continue to be developed in various part of the world. Some research on the steel finer concrete has even been recognized as an ASTM (American Standard Test Method) an used as reference test methods in various countries.
In this study, Slab testing will be made based on the volume fraction of steel fiber used varies between 0,19%; 0,32%; 0,51% and the observed effect on compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and shear strength. Compressive strength, flexural strength, split tensile strength and shear strength increases with increasing volume fraction of steel fibers in concrete."