"Penelitian ini menggambarkan arti dan makna pengalaman psikososial remaja penyandang skoliosis, di wilayah karesidenan Surakarta, Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi deskriptif dengan wawancara mendalam. Partisipan sebanyak 7 remaja putri (14-20 tahun) dan diperoleh melalui metode purposive sampling. Tujuh tema teridentifikasi dalam penelitian ini, yaitu pemahaman terhadap skoliosis, respon psikologis, kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap skoliosis, kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap terapi skoliosis, dukungan penyelesaian masalah, harapan kesehatan yang optimal, dan kekhawatiran terhadap masa depan. Support keluarga dan teman sebaya sangat dibutuhkan remaja untuk meminimalkan stress psikososial. Peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan melalui program pendidikan kesehatan dan skrining skoliosis di masyarakat sangat diharapkan skolioser remaja.
......This study describes the significance and meaning of adolescent psychosocial experience of people with scoliosis, in the residency of Surakarta, Central Java. This study used descriptive phenomenological approach with in-depth interviews. Participants were 7 girls (14-20 years) and obtained through purposive sampling. Seven themes identified in this study, namely an understanding of scoliosis, a psychological response, adaptability to the scoliosis, the ability to adapt to the treatment of scoliosis, support for problem solving, optimal health expectations, and concerns over the future. Family and peer support are needed to minimize adolescent psychosocial stress. Improved health care through health education and screening programs in the community is expected adolescents with."