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Abstrak :
Pemanfaatan biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif untuk subtitusi bahan bakar diesel/solar pada sektor transportasi di DKI Jakarta merupakan salah satu alternatif solusi dalam memenuhi kebutuhan bahan bakar khususnya pada sektor transportasi yang berbahan bakar diesel. Dengan pemanfaatan biodiesel ini, diharapkan adanya kesinambungan persediaan BBM terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan BBM di DKI Jakarta. Oleh karena itu, dalam menunjang kelancaran distribusi BBM dan Biodiesel sebagai subtitusi Solar, dibutuhkan sebuah sistem perencanaan yang secara integralistik dengan mengacu kepada program ketersediaan energi dan udara bersih secara berkelanjutan di DKI Jakarta. Model perencanaan yang dibuat menggunakan alat bantu perangkat lunak Powersim 2005, yang merupakan tools pembuatan model pemanfaatan biodiesel di DKI Jakarta. Dengan model ini, kebutuhan BBM dan pemanfaatan biodiesel terhadap ketersediaan BBM dan CPO nasional di DKI Jakarta sampai tahun 2015 dapat diketahui. Peran transportasi dan energi sebagai motor penggerak aktivitas perekonomian di DKI Jakarta sangat signifikan. Pemakaian energi oleh transportasi selain memberikan dampak terhadap persediaan BBM juga berdampak terhadap lingkungan di DKI Jakarta yang semakin memperhatinkan. Simulasi model menunjukkan pada tahun 2015 transportasi di DKI Jakarta mencapai 15.318.592 unit dengan jumlah transportasi yang berbahan bakar diesel sebesar 801.120 unit. Bahan Bakar Diesel yang dibutuhkan sebesar 25.763.860 barrel, sedangkan rasio kebutuhan BBM dengan kebutuhan BBM nasional -255%. Dengan pencampuran biodiesel sebesar 15%, pada tahun 2015 Biodiesel yang dibutuhkan sebesar 8.140.068 Barrel, CPO yang dibutuhkan mencapai 575.875 Ton sedangkan Rasio Kebutuhan CPO dengan Produksi CPO 3,21% dan Rasio dengan kebutuhan BBM nasional berkurang menjadi -221 %. Dengan adanya pemanfaatan biodiesel ini, diharapkan mampu menjadi alternatif solusi yang efektif dalam pemenuhan bahan bakar khususnya transportasi berbahan bakar diesel di DKI Jakarta. ......The biodiesel utilization as alternative fuel to substitute for diesel in the transportation sector at DKI Jakarta is one of alternative solution to fulfill needs of fuel, especially for transportation which using diesel. With this utilization, we expected that there is continuity of BBM stock to fulfill needs of BBM in DKI Jakarta. Therefore, to support the fluency of BBM and biodiesel distribution as a diesel substitution, we need an intergalactic planning system that referred to sustainable energy and fresh air program in DKI Jakarta. Planning model was making with Powersim Software 2005, which are tools for making biodiesel utilization model in DKI Jakarta. With this model, we able to know the needs of BBM and The biodiesel utilization on the BBM and CPO national stock in DKI Jakarta until 2015. The role of transportation and energy as a generator for economic activity in DKI Jakarta is so significant. Energy consumption for transportation sector had been impacted on the BBM stock and also to the environment in DKI Jakarta. Simulation model showing that in 2015, transportation in DKI Jakarta will reach 15.318.592 unit with the amount of transportation using diesel is 801.120 units. The needs of diesel fuel are 25.763.860 barrel, while ratio need of BBM and national BBM is -255%. With mixing biodiesel 15%, in 2015, the needs of biodiesel is 575.875 ton while ratio of CPO need and CPO production is 3,21 % and ratio CPO with national BBM needs decrease to -221 %. So, the use of biodiesel is expected to be able to become an effective alternative solution in the fulfill of fuel, especially for transportation which using diesel in DKI Jakarta.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang model pengelolaan pelabuhan dan peningkatan kinerja logistik pada sektor industri pelabuhan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena Indonesia memiliki potensi besar menjadi poros maritim dunia. Namun, efisiensi logistik pelabuhan masih belum memuaskan, hal ini terlihat dari kinerja dwelling time masih 5-6 hari, dan biaya logistik masih 24,64% dari produk domestik bruto. Model ini dibangun dari 9 variabel laten dan 33 variabel manifest. Keseluruhan variabel yang digunakan berdasarkan studi literatur dan hasil wawancara langsung dengan 20 praktisi/ahli di bidang logistik pelabuhan, dan melalui focus group discussion untuk memastikan keseluruhan indikator yang digunakan sesuai dengan kondisi dan karakteristik pelabuhan di indonesia. Untuk membangun dan menguji model, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Structural equation modeling dimana terdapat 15 hipotesis yang digunakan. Sebanyak 500 kuesioner yang didistribusikan ke berbagai stakeholders industri pelabuhan, Namun, hanya 260 kuesioner yang valid untuk dapat diproses lebih lanjut. Hasil perhitungan persamaan struktural diperoleh bahwa faktor political economic environment berpengaruh signifikan terhadap model pengelolaan pelabuhan, dan model pengelolaan pelabuhaan berupa pemisahan dengan tegas antara operator pelabuhan dan regulator pelabuhan dan pengembangan pelabuhan dalam bentuk konsesi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap infrastructure and port facility, hinterland accessibility, quality of services, integration information system, price and incentive strategy; efisiensi customs clearance and administration procedure. Dalam model ini, efisiensi customs clearance and administration procedure yang diintegrasikan dengan operator pelabuhan terbukti berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kinerja logistik pelabuhan melalui quality of services, integration information system. Model ini juga membuktikan bahwa Efisiensi customs clearance and administration procedure berpengaruh signifikan terhadap quality of services, integration information system, dan price and incentive strategy. Begitupula infrastructure and port facility terhadap quality of services; quality of services terhadap kinerja logistik pelabuhan; dan integration information system terhadap kinerja logistik pelabuhan; berpengaruh signifkan terhadap kinerja logistik pelabuhan. Sedangkan variabel yang menurut responden tidak berpengaruh signifikan adalah hinterland accessibility terhadap quality of services dan price and incentive strategy terhadap kinerja logistik pelabuhan. Selain itu, dari hasil pengujian signifikansi model menunjukkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan kinerja logistik pelabuhan ekpor-impor di indonesia, prioritas utama yang perlu dilakukan adalah integration information system antara operator dan customs baru kemudian dilakukan price and incentive strategy, quality of service, infrastructure and port facility, dan terakhir hinterland accessibility. ......This study discusses the port management model and improved logistics performance in the port industry sector in Indonesia. This research was conducted because Indonesia has great potential to become the world's maritime axis. However, the efficiency of port logistics is still not satisfactory, this can be seen from the dwelling time performance of still 5-6 days, and logistics costs still 24.64% of gross domestic product. This model was built from 9 latent variables and 33 manifest variables. All variables used are based on literature studies and the results of direct interviews with 20 practitioners/experts in the field of port logistics, and through a focus group discussion to ensure that all indicators used are by the conditions and characteristics of ports in Indonesia. To build and test the model, this study uses the Structural equation modeling method where there are 15 hypotheses used. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to various port industry stakeholders. However, only 260 questionnaires were valid for further processing. The results of structural equation calculations show that political-economic environment factors have a significant effect on the port management model, and port management models in the form of explicit separation between port operators and port regulators in the form of concessions have a significant effect on infrastructure and port facilities, hinterland accessibility, quality of services, integration of information system, price and incentive strategy, efficiency of customs clearance and administration procedure. In this model, the efficiency of customs clearance and administration procedures integrated with port operators has proven to have a significant effect on port logistics performance through the quality of services, integration information systems. This model also proves that the efficiency of customs clearance and administration procedures has a significant effect on the quality of services, integration of information systems, and price and incentive strategies. Also infrastructure and port facility for quality of services; quality of services to the performance of port logistics; and integration of information systems to port logistics performance; significant effect on port logistics performance. While the variables which according to respondents do not have a significant effect are hinterland accessibility to quality of services and price and incentive strategies to port logistics performance. In addition, the results of testing the significance of the model indicate that to improve the performance of import-export port logistics in Indonesia, the main priority that needs to be taken is the integration of information systems between operators and customs and then a price and incentive strategy, quality of service, infrastructure and port facilities, and finally the hinterland accessibility.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Malang: Setara Press, 2011
342.065 98 SIR h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saifuddin Sirajuddin
Abstrak :
Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) adalah salah satu program Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, yang memberikan rangsangan awal dimulai pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) secara dini, dan diharapkan berkelanjutan selama enam bulan pertama. Kegagalan IMD dan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada periode tersebut, berpotensi menimbulkan defisiensi zat gizi pada bayi, serta memungkinkan terjadi status gizi kurang, yang berujung pada penurunan poin kecerdasan intelektual bayi, dan menjadi ancaman terhadap sumber daya manusia Indonesia peda masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh faktor determinan pendidikan, pengetahuan, sikap ibu, tindakan bidan dan dukungan keluarga) terhadap Pelaksanaan IMD. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang, populasi adalah ibu yang bersalin di Puskesmas Tilamuta, Kabupaten Boalemo. Sampel sebanyak 215 orang ditentukan secara acak sederhana. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan uji kai kuadrat dan analisis multivariat dengan regresi linier ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat tiga variabel yang berkontribus meliputi dukungan keluarga, pendidikan, tindakan bidan (nilai p < 0,05). Variabel dukungan keluarga, pendidikan dan tindakan bidan adalah determinan penting, sedangkan variabel dukungan keluarga adalah determinan utama terhadap pelaksanaan IMD.
Early Breastfeeding Initiation (IMD) is Indonesian?s Ministry of Health program, which is intended to provide early stimulation start of breastfeeding, and expected to sustained during the first six months (exclusive breastfeeding). IMD failure and exclusive breastfeeding during this period, potentially causing nutrient deficiency in infants, and allow the malnutrition status, which led to the decline of infant IQ points, and a threat to Indonesia's human resource in the future. This study aims to determine the determinant factors (education, knowledge, attitude mother, midwife, and family support Determinan Pelaksanaan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Determinant of the Implementation Early Breastfeeding Initiation measures) of implementation of IMD. The study design was cross sectional study, population was mothers who delivered at health centersTilamuta, Boalemo district. Sample as many as 215 drawn by simple random sampling. Data analysis was performed using univariate, bivariate by chi square test and multivariate analysis using multiple logistic regression. The results of the study showed that there were a relation between education, knowledge, mother attitude, midwife action, and family support with the implementation of IMD (p value < 0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that variable family support, education, and midwife action contribute to the implementation of the IMD (p value < 0.05), and family support give the highest contribution. Family support, education and midwife action are an important determinant, whereas family support is the main determinants of the implementation of IMD.
Makasar: Universitas Hasanuddin, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Program Studi Gizi, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saifuddin Sirajuddin
Abstrak :
Anemia gizi besi masih merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat dengan prevalensi pada anak 5 - 12 tahun sebesar 29% di Indonesia dan di Kota Makassar sebesar 37,6%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor determinan (status kecacingan, status seng, kebiasaan sarapan pagi, pola konsumsi makanan sumber heme dan nonheme, pola konsumsi sumber makanan pelancar dan penghambat zat besi) terhadap kejadian anemia. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang yang dilaksanakan pada bulan April ? Juni 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang yang dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas 3 - 5 SD Negeri Cambaya Kecamatan Ujung Tanah Kota Makassar. Sampel sebanyak 120 siswa yang dipilih secara acak sederhana. Analisis data dilakukan secara univariat, bivariat dengan uji kai kuadrat dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor determinan kejadian anemia adalah status kecacingan (nilai p = 0,007), kebiasaan sarapan pagi (nilai p = 0,002), pola konsumsi makanan sumber heme (nilai p = 0,004), dan pola konsumsi sumber makanan penghambat zat besi (nilai p = 0,016). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa pola konsumsi makanan sumber heme (OR = 5,09 dan 95% CI = 1,98 ? 13,08) dan pola konsumsi sumber makanan penghambat zat besi (OR = 4,53 dan 95% CI = 1,65 ? 12,43) adalah determinan utama kejadian anemia gizi.

Iron deficiacy anemia has been a public health problem with prevalence on 5 - 12 year old children worth 29% in Indonesia and 37.6% in Makassar. This study aimed to determine the determinant factors (worm status, zinc status, breakfast habit, consumption pattern of heme and nonheme source of food, consumption pattern of iron enhancer and inhibitor food) toward anemia incidence. The study used cross sectional design conducted in April - June 2014. The population was third to fifth grade students of Cambaya State Elementary School at Ujung Tanah District , Makassar City. Sample of 120 students were selected randomly. Data was analyzed using univariate, bivariate with chi-square test, and multivariate with logistic regression test. The results showed that the determinant factors of anemia incidence were wormy status (p value = 0.007), breakfast habits (p value = 0.002), consumption pattern of heme and non-heme source of food (p value = 0.004), and consumption pattern of iron enhancer and inhibitor (p value = 0.016). Multivariate analysis result showed that consumption pattern of heme (OR = 5.09 and 95% CI = 1.98 - 13.08) and consumption pattern of iron enhancer and inhibitor food (OR = 4.53 and 95% CI = 1. 65 - 12.43) was a major determinant of nutritional anemia.
Universitas Hasanuddin, Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Program Studi Ilmu Gizi, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library