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Ditemukan 1 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Silvia Wijaya
Abstrak :
Ekosistem mangrove memiliki fungst ekologis dan ekonomis. Namun, mangrove di Indonesia mengalami pengurangan luas yang Jebih cepat dibanding laju rehabilitasinya, seperti yang tetjadi di Pantai Utara Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Hampir l 00% hutan mangrovenya hancur akibat tsunami dun ekstensifikasi tambak Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Tibang dan Kajhu, dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan teknik sampling purposive. Koodisi a1am, dan ekonomi dikedua lokl!Si relatif sama. Sebagian besar tipologi lahannya adalah tambak dan vegetasi yang dominan yaitu kelapa dan cemara. Jenis fauna yang banyak ditemukan yaitu burung. Umumnya masyarakat dikedua Jokasi beketja sebagai nelayan dan petambak. Narnun kondisi sosial dikedua lokasi agak berbeda, masyarakat di Tibang mono etnis sedangkan di Kajhu multi etnis. Pelaksanaan rehabilitasi mangrove yang tidak tepat dan kurangnya partisipasi serta pcmberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat adalah hasil rehabi!itasi mangrove di Tibang. Di Kajhu. pelaksanaan rehabHitasi mangrove dilakukan dengan tepat. partisipasi masya.rakatnya tinggi, dan pemberdayaan ekonorni dilakukan secara terpadu. Berdasarkan uji chi square dengan tingkat signifikasi lima persen, partlsipasi masyarakat dari variabel sikap, pekeljaar, dan respon, berhubungan dengan tingkat berhasilnya rehabilitasi mangrove.sedangkan variabel pengetahuanumur, dan pendidikan, tidak berhubungan signifikan. Pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat juga berhubungan signifikan dengan tingkat berhasllnya rehabilitasi mangrove. ......Mangrove forest ecosystem has ecological and economical function. However, widespread deforestation of Indonesian mangrove is much faster than the rehabilitation activity; as it experienced at the North Coast of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Almost 100"/o of the mangroves were destroyed by tsunami and land conversion activities into ponds. Research are done in two adjacent locations in the North Coast NAD, which are at Kajhu and Tibang Village, with using quantitative method and purposive sampling technique. The natura! condition yet the economic level of both locations are re]atively similar. Most of its land typology is shrimp ponds. Vlith dominant vegetation of coconut and pine trees. Types of fauna that usually found are birds. Most of !he locals in both locations have the profession as a fisherman. However. the social conditions in these two areas are slightly different. People of Tibang still conduct the Aceh culture and rituals since most of the people are originally the Acehnese, while Kajhu is more modem as it is occupied by multi-ethnics people. Improper of mangrove planting techniques, lack of community participation as well as locals' economic empowerment, is a result of mangrove rehabilitation in Tibang V1Hage. While in Kajhu, mangrove planting is done with high public participation, integrated and controlable economic empowerment. Based on chi square test with level of significance five percent, community participation from the variable of attitude, work, and respond has the consequence the success of mangrove rehabilitation both at research locations, while from the variable of knowledge age and education background gave no significant effect Loca1seconomic empowerment also influences the success of rehabilitation.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2010
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