Sharma, B.
Abstrak :
Oesofago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD) dilakukan pada pasien yang diterima melalui sistem "open acces " dan sistem biasa. Keluhan dapat berbeda pada pasien yang berumur < 45 tahun atau yang berumur > 45 tahun. Diagnosis rujukan, umur, gender dan faklor lingkungan dapat menimbulkan implikasi penting. Studi ini ditujukan untuk mempelajari profil pasien yang datang untuk OGD berdasarkan usia (< 45 tahun atau > 45 tahun) antara Januari 2004 - Desember 2004 yang dirujuk berdasarkan "open acces system" di wilayah sub-Himalaya, India Utara. Studi ini dilakukan di Indira Gandhi Medical College. Pasien dibagi dua kelompok: kelompok I usia < 45 tahun dan kelompok II usia > 45 tahun. Dari 1186 pasien, 451 (38%) adalah perempuan, 735 (62%) adalah laki-laki. Enam ratus enambelas pasien (52%) berusia < 45 tahun dan 570 (48%) berusia > 45 tahun. Dari kelompok /, 431 (70%) menunjukkan gambaran endoskopi yang normal dan 185 (30%) menunjukkan kelainan. Pada kelompok II 302 (53%) menunjukkan gambaran endoskopi yang normal, dan 268 (47%) memperlihatkan kelainan pada endoskopi. Ulkus gaster dan masa lebih sering terlihat pada kelompok > 45 tahun. "Gastro-esophageal reflex disease" (GERD) lebih sering pada usia muda. Gejala subjektif sama pada kedua kelompok. Disimpulkan bahwa untuk gejala yang sama, kelainan OGD lebih sering pada kelompok usia > 45 tahun. Hasil positif meningkat dari 30% menjadi 47% antara usia < 45 dan > 45 tahun. Disimpulkan bahwa semua pasien usia > 45 Tahun perlu dirujuk untuk endoskopi pada kali pertama kelainan gastrointestinal atau adanya alarm simtom. (MedJ Indones 2006; 15:90-3).
The Oesophago-Gastro-Duodenoscopy (OGD) is done in patients received by either open access system or the conventional system. The presenting complaints and OGD findings may differ among patients with age < 45 yrs and those who are more than 45 yrs old. The referral diagnosis, age, sex, and environmental factors have important implications on the chances of finding and objective abnormality on endoscopy in a patient. This study was aimed to evaluate to evaluate the profile of ! 186 patients divided into younger (<45 yrs) and older age (45 or > 45 yrs) groups presenting for oesophago gastroduodenoscopy through open access referral system in sub-Himalayan region of North India. This is a retrospective study carried out on patients who underwent the OGD from Jan, 2004-Dec, 2004. The study was conducted in Indira Gandhi Medical College situated at a moderate altitude in North India. All patients presenting in Medical College during the study period for OGD were taken into study. The patients were divided into two groups based on age; less than 45 yrs and 45 yrs or more than 45 yrs. Their presenting complaint, age, sex, and OGD findings were recorded. The profile was compared between the two groups. A total of 7186 patients underwent OGD; the females were 451(38%) and males were 735(62%); 616(52%) were < 45 yrs old and 570(48%) of the patients were 45 yrs or older. In the group I 431(70%) had a normal endoscopy and 185(30%) showed abnormal endoscopic findings. In group II 302(53%) had a normal endoscopy, and 268(47%) had abnormal findings on endoscopy. Gastric ulcers, mass lesion/new growth were more common in elderly group, Gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD) was more common in younger group. The presenting complaints were similar in both groups. It is concluded that for the same presenting diagnosis the yield of OGD was more in patients > 45 yrs old. The positivity rate increased from 30% in < 45 yrs to 47% in the elderly cohort. So, all people >45 yrs should go for endoscopy at the first hint of upper Gl pathology, or appearance of alarm symptoms. (MedJ Indones 2006; 15:90-3).
[place of publication not identified]: Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2006
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