Saidina Malik Ibrahim H.
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini tentang evaluasi program bantuan biaya pendidikan Kartu Jakarta Mahasiswa Unggul (KJMU) yang dijalankan oleh unit P5OP. Secara umum bertujuan untuk pengembangan disiplin ilmu kesejahteraan sosial dan melihat gambaran terkait evaluasi program KJMU di DKI Jakarta berdasarkan logic model dan melihat faktor pendorong dan penghambat program. Penelitian ini dikategorikan sebagai penelitian evaluasi formatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam program KJMU di DKI Jakarta muncul permasalahan yang berasal dari internal dan eksternal lembaga, seperti masalah penginputan yang dilakukan oleh peserta, peserta yang tidak boleh cuti akademik, pendataan ulang terhambat karena administrasi KRS, persetujuan kepala dinas terhambat karena pihak universitas yang lama dalam proses verifikasi hingga penangguhan UKT yang membuat pencairan menjadi masalah serta permasalahan lainnya yang menghambat proses implementasi program. Disisi lain, terdapat beberapa sumber daya yang dapat dikembangkan dan dimaksimalkan untuk mendukung pelaksanaan program seperti tanggung jawab sebagai abdi negara, kerjasama dan keterlibatan masyarakat yang tinggi. Kemudian ditemukan juga faktor penghambat seperti ketidaktahuan penerima terkait seleksi DTKS, Penerima baru belum menerima buku tabungan dan penerima manfaat tidak meninggalkan saldo mengendap. Jadi kesimpulan hasil skripsi ini diketahui bahwa P4OP telah memenuhi proses spesifik dari masing-masing aktivitas program meskipun terdapat kendala yang harus dituntaskan.
......This thesis is about the Jakarta Student Excellence Card (KJMU) tuition assistance evaluation program which is run by P4OP DKI Jakarta. In general, it aims to develop social welfare disciplines to see an overview of the evaluation of the KJMU program in DKI Jakarta based on a logic model and see the driving and inhibiting factors of the program. This research is categorized as a formative evaluation research with a qualitative approach. The results of the study show that in the KJMU program in DKI Jakarta, problems arise from internal and external institutions, such as input problems made by participants, participants who are not allowed to take academic leave, data collection is hampered because of KRS administration, approval from the head of service is hampered because the university which took a long time in the verification process to the suspension of the UKT which made disbursement a problem as well as other problems that hindered the program implementation process. On the other hand, there are several resources that can be developed and maximized to support program implementation, such as responsibilities as a civil servant, cooperation between staff and high community involvement. Then it was also found inhibiting factors such as ignorance of recipients regarding DTKS selection, new recipients had not received a passbook and beneficiaries did not leave a prepaid balance. So the conclusion of this thesis is that P4OP has fulfilled the specific process of each program activity even though there are obstacles that must be resolved.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dam Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library