Ryan Singgih Prabowo
Abstrak :
Sudah lama jika kehidupan masyarakat Tengger yang mendiami tepian
kaldera Gunung Tengger telah menarik perhatian para ilmuan sosial dan antropolog.
Masyarakat Tengger terkenal dengan kehidupannya yang damai, terartur, tertib,
jujur, dan rajin bekerja. Dataran tinggi Tengger dikenal sebagai wilayah yang damai
dan tentram karena orang Tengger masih memegang teguh nilai budaya yang
diwariskan nenek moyangnya. Selain itu mereka juga apresiatif terhadap tradisi yang
diwariskan leluhurnya yang dijadikan rujukan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Akan
tetapi bagaimana dengan kondisi saat ini, dimana interaksi antara masyarakat dataran
rendah dengan masyarakat dataran tinggi mulai intens karena membaiknya kondisi
insfrastuktur yang menunjang. Apakah meningkatnya interaksi tersebut telah
merubah kehidupan masyarakat Tengger khususnya nilai budaya yang selama ini
menjadi rujukan mereka dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.
Dalam kajian ini yang menjadi fokus utama adalah bagaimana sosialisasi
nilai budaya Tengger yang dilakukan keluarga melalui pola asuh dalam membentuk
karakter anak ditengah perubahan yang terjadi. Keluarga inti dipilih sebagai unit
analisis karena sebagai satuan terkecil dalam satuan sosial memiliki kepekaan
terhadap masalah-masalah sosial yang dihadapai masyarakat dan perubahan yang
terjadi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jika pada masyarakat Tengger di Desa Ranu
Pani telah mengalami perubahan, sehingga ada nilai budaya yang tetap dipertahankan
dan ada yang mulai berubah. Selain itu perubahan yang terjadi telah berdampak
sampai tingkat keluarga sehingga berpengaruh terhadap sosialisasi nilai budaya dan
pola asuh dalam pembentukan karakter anak.
It's been a long time known that the lives of the people who inhabit the
periphery of Tengger Caldera mountain has attracted the attention of social
scientists and anthropologists. Tengger community famous for a peaceful life,
strong community, orderly, honest, and diligent. Tengger highlands known as the
quiet and peaceful region because of the Tengger still adhere to the cultural values
inherited by their ancestors. In addition, they are also appreciative of the inherited
tradition by their ancestors and it were used as a reference in social life. But what
about the current conditions, where the interaction between the people from the
lowland and highland begin intense because of the improved conditions of
infrastructures. Does increasing the interaction has changed people's lives,
especially Tengger cultural values that have become their reference in social life.
In this study the main focus is how the socialization of Tengger cultural
values carried by families through child rearing in shaping the character of
children amid the changes. Nucleus family chosen as the unit of analysis, as the
smallest unit in a social unit, it has a sensitivity to social problems faced by
society and the changes that happen. The results show that Tengger community at
Ranu Pani village has changed, so there is cultural value will be retained and there
is some that starting to change. Besides the changes have an impact until the level
of the family, it contributes to the changes of socialization of cultural values and
child rearing in the formation of character., It's been a long time known that the lives of the people who inhabit the
periphery of Tengger Caldera mountain has attracted the attention of social
scientists and anthropologists. Tengger community famous for a peaceful life,
strong community, orderly, honest, and diligent. Tengger highlands known as the
quiet and peaceful region because of the Tengger still adhere to the cultural values
inherited by their ancestors. In addition, they are also appreciative of the inherited
tradition by their ancestors and it were used as a reference in social life. But what
about the current conditions, where the interaction between the people from the
lowland and highland begin intense because of the improved conditions of
infrastructures. Does increasing the interaction has changed people's lives,
especially Tengger cultural values that have become their reference in social life.
In this study the main focus is how the socialization of Tengger cultural
values carried by families through child rearing in shaping the character of
children amid the changes. Nucleus family chosen as the unit of analysis, as the
smallest unit in a social unit, it has a sensitivity to social problems faced by
society and the changes that happen. The results show that Tengger community at
Ranu Pani village has changed, so there is cultural value will be retained and there
is some that starting to change. Besides the changes have an impact until the level
of the family, it contributes to the changes of socialization of cultural values and
child rearing in the formation of character.]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library