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Abstrak :
Teknologi biogas bukanlah teknologi baru. Teknologi ini telah banyak dimanfaatkan oleh petani peternak diberbagai negara, diantaranya India, Cina, bahkan Denmark. Teknologi biogas sederhana yang dikembangkan di Indonesia berfokus pada aplikasi skala kecil/menengah yang dapat dimanfaatkan masyarakat pertanian yang memiliki ternak sapi 2 - 20 ekor. Penggunaan biodigester dapat membantu pengembangan sistem pertanian dengan mendaur ulang kotoran hewan untuk memproduksi gas bio dan diperoleh hasil samping berupa pupuk organik dengan mutu yang baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk kajian awal mempelajari hasil gas metan yang terbentuk dari biodigesrter. Penelitian ini menghasilkan rancangan biodigester yang berbahan dasar campuran baja dengan spesifikasi sebagai berikut: biodigester dengan volume total 60 liter, waktu proses 25 hari, memiliki pengaduk dengan kecepatan 20 rpm dan penampung dari bahan plastik dengan kapasitas sebesar 2 liter. Hasil dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa kandungan gas metan pada biodigester dengan volume 60 liter sebesar 19.5447 %, nilai kalor bersih sebesar 6.45 Joules /cm3, jumlah gas yang dihasilkan dari proses fermentasi biogas selama 25 hari sebesar 76.9 g dan Pengaduk dengan dua impeller mempercepat terbentuknya biogas. ......Biogas technology is not new technology. This technology has been used extensively by cattle farmers in all countries, including India, China, and even Denmark. Simple biogas technology developed in Indonesia focus on small-scale application / medium that can be utilized agricultural community who have cattle from 2 to 20 tails. Use of biodigester can help the development of agricultural systems to recycle animal dung to produce bio gas and a byproduct obtained in the form of organic fertilizer with good quality. This research aims to study the results of initial studies of methane gas that is formed from biodigesrter. This research produced a design based biodigester steel mixed with the following specifications: biodigester with a total volume of 60 liters, 25 day processing time, a stirrer with a speed of 20 rpm and a container of plastic material with a capacity of 2 liters. The results of this study found that the methane gas content in the volume biodigester with 60 liters of 19.5447%, net calorific value of 6:45 Joules / cm3, the amount of gas produced from biogas fermentation process for 25 days for 76.9 g and stirrer with impeller speed up the formation of two biogas.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Penatalaksanaan kolesistektomi laparoskopik telah menjadi baku emas untuk penanganan kolesistolitiasis simptomatik di RS Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), sedangkan sampai saat ini belum ada sistem penilaian kantung empedu intraoperatif yang diterapkan saat operasi. Penilaian kantong empedu intraoperatif yang sesuai dapat menggambarkan tingkat kesulitan kolesistektomi laparaskopik secara objektif dan akan berpengaruh terhadap pemilihan teknik kolesistektomi laparaskopik yang tepat untuk mencegah terjadinya trauma bilier. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi nilai G10 dan mencari hubungan dengan teknik operasi pada pasien yang sudah dilakukan kolesistektomi laparaskopik di RSCM. Metode : Dilakukan penelitian retrospektif pada subjek yang telah dilakukan kolesistektomi laparaskopik pada Januari 2019 sampai Desember 2019 di institusi kami. Kami mengumpulkan karakteristik subjek berdasarkan catatan medis rumah sakit. Kami menentukan nilai G10 dan teknik operasi berdasarkan dokumentasi gambar intraoperatif dan laporan bedah. Data nilai G10 dan klasifikasi teknik operasi dilakukan uji non parametrik Mann-Whitney untuk melihat perbedaannya. Dilakukan uji statistik Kendalls Tau untuk menilai hubungan antara nilai G10 dengan prosedur bailout. Dilakukan uji ROC untuk melihat sensitifitas dan spesifisitas nilai G10 terhadap prosedur bailout, kemudian ditentukan nilai cut-off nya. Hasil : 99 subjek Indonesia, usia rata-rata 49,80+13,421 tahun, menjalani kolesistektomi laparaskopik di Rumah Sakit Umum Dr.Cipto Mangunkusumo selama satu tahun. Sebagian besar diagnosis adalah kolesistolitiasis tanpa kolesistitis (68 subjek, 68,8%) dan kolesistitis kronis (23 subjek, 23,2%). Pembedahan elektif dilakuan pada 91 subjek (91,9%). Median nilai G10 adalah 2 (rentang 1-8). CVS dilakukan pada 81 subjek (81,8%), sedangkan 18 subjek dikelola dengan prosedur bailout (18,2%), terdiri dari 14 subjek dilakukan FF (14,2%), 2 subjek SC (2,0%) dan 2 subjek konversi operasi terbuka (2,0%). Nilai median G10 berbeda pada subjek yang menjalani CVS (1, rentang 1-6), FF (3, rentang 2-6), SC (5, rentang 5-5) dan konversi terbuka (6,5, rentang 5-8). Ada perbedaan median nilai G10 (<0,001) antara kelompok yang dilakukan CVS (1, rentang 1-6) dengan kelompok yang dilakukan prosedur bailout (4, rentang 2-8). Terdapat hubungan antara nilai G10 dengan prosedur bailout (<0,001, +0,478). Akurasi nilai G10 untuk memprediksi prosedur bailout dinilai dengan menggunakan kurva receiver operating characteristic (ROC) (<0,001, AUC 0,865) dan didapatkan cut-off point yang optimal untuk melakukan prosedur bailout adalah 2,5 (x2, p=0,000019). Kesimpulan : Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa G10 adalah sistem penilaian kandung empedu intraoperatif yang objektif dan dapat diterapkan saat melakukan kolesistektomi laparaskopik. Nilai G10 berhubungan dengan prosedur bailout. Nilai 2,5 adalah cut-off point yang optimal untuk melakukan prosedur bailout saat kolesistektomi laparaskopik. ...... Introduction. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become a gold standard for symptomatic cholecystolithiasis management at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), while there is no intraoperative gallbladder assessment system applied during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. An appropriate intraoperative gallbladder assessment system can describe objectively the degree of difficulty in laparascopic cholecystectomy and fascilitate appropriate surgical decision-making to prevent biliary injury. This study aims to validate the intraoperative G10 scoring system and look for relationships with laparoscopic cholecystectomy techniques already performed at RSCM. Method. A cross sectional study was established to the subjects had performed laparascopic cholecystectomy between Januari 2019 and December 2019. We collected characteristic of subjects based on medical records. We assessed the G10 scoring system and operation technique based on the documentation of intraoperatif images and surgical reports. Results. Ninety-nine indonesian subjects, mean age 49.80+13.421 yrs, underwent laparascopic cholecystectomy at RSCM for a year. Most diagnosis were symptomatic cholecystolithiasis (67.7%) and chronic cholecystitis (23.2 %). Most of surgery was elective (91.9%). The median G10 score was 2 (range 1-8). CVS was feasible in 81.8%, whereas 18.2% cases were managed by bailout procedure. Of those, 14.2 % cases underwent FF, 2% SC and 2% open surgery conversion. The median G10 score differs among subjects undergoing CVS (median 1, range 1-6), FF (median 3, range 2-6), SC (median 5, range 5-5) and open conversion (median 6.5, range 5-8). There was a difference in the G10 score (<0.001) between the groups that performed CVS (median 1, range 1-6) and the groups that performed bailout procedures (median 4, ranges 2-8). There is a relationship between the G10 score and the bailout procedure (<0.001,+0.487). The accuracy of the G10 score to predict the bailout was assessed using a ROC curve (<0.001, AUC 0.865) and the optimal cut-off point to perform a bailout procedure was 2.5 (x2, p=0.000019). Conclusion. The G10 is an objective and applicable intraoperative gallbladder assessment system when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The G10 score has a relationship with the bailout procedure during laparascopic cholecystectomy. G10 score 2.5 is the optimal cut-off point for a bailout procedure when performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rika Oktarina Rony
Abstrak :
Dari kondisi yang ada pada Bagian Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Palembang diketahui bahwa pemanfaatan kapasitas terpakai hanya 33% dari kapasitas terpasang. Ini menyebabkan jumlah pendapatan rumah sakit dari bagian ini tidak optimal. Untuk itu perlu dipikirkan suatu upaya untuk mengatasi masih rendahnya kunjungan pada Bagian Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Palembang tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan unluk mengetahui strategi meningkatkan kunjungan Rawat .ialan RS Pelabuhan Palembang, berikut factor ekstemal dan internal yang mempengaruhi. Metodotogi yang digunakan datam penelitian ini adalah metode telaah kasus, dengan pendekatan deskriptif analitik. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Januari-Febniari 2003. Metoda pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui data primer lewat wawancara indepth interviewdan melakukan diskusi kelompok. Serta data sekunder melalui penelusuran data rekam medis rumah sakit dan data dari Badan Pusat Statistika kota Palembang. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa peluang utama Bagian Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Palembang adalah mengembangkan pasar dan produk yang ada. Dengan ancaman yang ditakutkan adalah larinya pasien, dokter spesialis dan perusahaan pelanggan ke rumah sakit lain. Dari hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan, bahwa rendahnya kunjungan dikarenakan fungsi internal marketing rumah sakit belum berjalan optimal, jumlah dokter di poli spesialis tidak merata, kecepatan layanan di masing-masing poli tidak sama, waktu tunggu yang lama serta sarana bagian rawat jalan yang kurang memadai. Oleh karena itu disarankan kepada pihak rupiah sakit untuk melakukan peningkatan profesionalisme SDM bagian pemasaran, mengkaji ulang kembali beberapa poli spesialis yang masih dapat ditingkatkan kunjungan pasiennya, mcningkatkan kecepatan layanan, memperpendek waktu tunggu dan memperbaiki sarana pelayanan bagian rawat jalan. Daftar Pustaka : 24 (1979-2001)
From the existing conditions of the outpatient clinic of Pelabuhan Palembang, it is apparent that it is operating at only 33% of its full capacity. This causes the output of the outpatient clinic to be less than optimal. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a strategy for increasing the low number of visits to the outpatient clinic of Pelabuhan Hospital, Palembang. The purpose of this research is to know how increasing the number of visits to the outpatient clinic of Pelabuhan Hospital. Palembang, as well as Ending external and internal influential factors. This research was carried out with case study methods at January-February 2003. The primary data was obtained through indepth interviews and group discussionswith hospital administrators. Secondary data was obtained through examining hospital records and data from the Center for Health Statistics in Palembang. From this research, it appears that the main opportunity for increasing the number of visits to the outpatient clinic of Pelabuhan Hospital, Palembang is by giving priority to develop the market and product. One existing problem is that patients seek treatment from other specialists and other treatment centers. In Conclusion, the low number of patients seeking treatment at the outpatient clinic, is caused by there is not enough promotion and information from the hospital, limited number of specialists, service time, waiting time and facilities still poor. It is advisable that the hospital increase to improve the quality of the marketing human resources, reevaluate the some of the specialists that can be increase in the number of patient visits, and improve the following: - Service time. - Waiting time. - Facilities of the outpatient clinic.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Rony
Abstrak :
The main subject of this research is to identify how the government policy is in implementing the Law No. of 2004 concerning Local Government in local government direct election (Pilkada). What the impact of local government direct election regarding the responsibility and the depose of the head of local government (kepala daerah) is; and how the future prospect relatiop between the head of local government and local parliament (DPRD) in performing the local administration as a result of the local election is.

The secondary source as the collected data is the main source in this research, collected through library research, which is supported by primary source that being fetched through interview with several respondents under purposive sampling. ln addition, all the collected data has been analyzed quantitatively. The outcome of this research is that the direct election of local govemment (pilkada) is the new paradigm of local govemment election in Indonesian history, and the government has already implemented the Law No. 32 of 2004 through law and regulation and socialized the election in order to succeed the local government election that will be started in 1 June 2005.

The impact of this election is that the head of local government only present annual final report to local parliament. Moreover, the head of local government should provide the local government administration progressive report to central government and inform this report to public. The direct impact of these tinal and progressive reports as well as the information to public is without any sanction that could depose the head of local government. The head of local government only can be ousted before the period because of violating the law.

The procedure of depose the head of local government due to the breach of law, may come from public because of the crisis concerning the leadership of the head of local government may also extend from local parliament because of the violation of the vow. Furthermore, the deposing may approach from president due to the allegation of conducting corruption, coup d'etat and terrorism.

The local government direct election (Pilkada) will provide the bright future for the performance of government administration.

The new issue found in this research is that although it is possible under Indonesian regulation, however the fact is that it is difficult for an individual to enter the local election as a personal candidate.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chair Rony
Abstrak :
Kontrol otomatis telah memegang peranan yang penting dalam bidang industri. Beberapa fungsi kontrol automatis adalah sebagai pengontrol proses dan instrumen keselamatan. Penggunaan kontrol otomatis memiliki keuntungan meliputi operasi yang lebih stabil, kemudahan dalam mendapatkan performa dari sistem mekanik, mengeliminasi pekerjaan manusia dan meningkatkan faktor keselamatan. Karakteristik respon kontroler dipengaruhi oleh laju udara dan temperatur set point. Pengujian respon pemanas udara dilakukan untuk mengetahuai pengaruh fin terhadap respon sistem. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan didapat hasil bahwa fin akan memberbesar hambatan termal konveksi elemen pemanas sehingga akan mempercepat respon menurunkan overshoot dan temperatur elemen pemanas juga turun. Pada penelitian sebaiknya menggunakan alat ukur temperatur dengan ketelitian yang sangat tinggi sehingga diperoleh hasil yang akurat.
Automatic control held a major role in industrial sector. Some of its function are process controller and safety instrument. The use of automatic control have same advantage such as operation stability, usage of gathering the performance of mechanical sistem, eliminate human activity and improving the safety factor. Controler respon characteristic is influenced by air flow and set point temperature. The experiment of air heater respon is conduct to observed the fin’s influence to the system respond. From the experiment we conclude the result that fin will increase the resistance of thermal convection of heater element, decrease the overshoot and temperature of the heater element. In this research, it is better to use temperatur measurenment with high accuration so that we can get an accurate result.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Rony
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 1995
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library