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Ditemukan 15 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Kepemimpinan adalah salah satu faktor penting pembentuk budaya safetY. Model kepemimpinan situasional yang dikembangkan oleh Hersey dan Blanchard merupakan model yang banyak digunakan oleh gerusahaan untuk melihat gaya kepemimpinan para manajer mereka. Tesis ini melinat gaya kepemimpinan dan fleksibilitas safety leader dengan melakukan Penilaian persepsi leader terhadap gaya kepemimpinannya sendiri yang dikembangkan oleh Hersey dan Blanchard.
Leadership is one of the most important thing to build safety culture. Most of company uses situational leadership model by Hersey a d Blanchard as a tool to see what style of leadership are their managers This research is going to picture about the style and flexibility of leadership the safety leaders in front line managers at production department.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pandemi COVID-19 telah membawa dampak signifikan pada perilaku konsumen di seluruh dunia, termasuk dalam aktivitas belanja daring (online shopping). Salah satu bentuk online shopping yang mulai berkembang dan populer akhir-akhir ini adalah live stream shopping (LSS), yaitu aktivitas belanja online yang dilakukan melalui video langsung yang dipandu oleh streamer atau penjual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mendorong repurchase intention dalam aktivitas live stream shopping dari perspektif social exchange theory. Teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori social exchange sebagai teori yang merepresentasikan interaksi dua belah pihak (streamer dengan viewer) dengan menerapkan cost-benefit analysis untuk menentukan risiko dan manfaat yang diperoleh dari interaksi yang terjadi antara viewer dan streamer untuk memaksimalkan benefit dan meminimalisir cost yang dapat terjadi. Penelitian ini memiliki 472 responden valid yang pernah membeli barang dalam live stream shopping di aplikasi e-commerce atau s-commerce. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) dan multigroup analysis berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia menggunakan bantuan program SmartPLS 4. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Learning, Perceived Enjoyment, Social Presence, Satisfaction, dan Responsiveness berpengaruh terhadap repurchase intention, sedangkan Trust in Streamer dan Privacy Concern tidak berpengaruh terhadap repurchase intention. Lalu, ditemukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan penerimaan hipotesis saat diujikan terhadap kelompok jenis kelamin dan kelompok usia yang berbeda. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan bagi pihak yang menggunakan live stream shopping dalam melakukan pemasaran atau penjualan untuk meningkatkan layanan mereka, yang dapat berdampak pada repurchase intention konsumen. ......The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on consumer behavior around the world, including online shopping. One form of online shopping that is starting to develop and become popular lately is Live Stream Shopping (LSS), which is an online shopping activity carried out via live video guided by a streamer or seller. This study aims to analyze the factors that drive repurchase intention in live stream shopping activities from the perspective of social exchange theory. The theory used in this study is social exchange theory as a theory that represents the interaction of two parties (streamer and viewer) by applying cost-benefit analysis to determine the risks and benefits derived from the interactions that occur between viewer and streamer to maximize benefits and minimize costs that can occur. This study has 472 valid respondents who have purchased goods in live stream shopping in e-commerce or s-commerce applications. Data analysis was carried out using the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) method and multigroup analysis based on gender and age group using the assistance of the SmartPLS 4 program. The results of this study indicate that Learning, Perceived Enjoyment, Social Presence, Satisfaction, and Responsiveness have an effect on repurchase intention, while Trust in Streamer and Privacy Concern have no effect on repurchase intention. Then, it was found that there were differences in the acceptance of the hypothesis when tested on different gender and age groups. This research is expected to provide insight for parties who use live stream shopping in conducting marketing or sales to improve their services, which has an impact on buyer enthusiasm for repurchase intention.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tampubolon, Robby
Abstrak :
This writing is aimed to describe how is the role of Account Representative (AR) in increasing tax servicing and the Taxpayer compliance after the implementation of Modem Taxation Administration System (SAPM). In this research is explained background/basic thinking of SAPM implementation at Foreign Investment Tax Office Four, for realizing the highest level of voluntary compliance, the conviction level against high taxation administration and high productivity of taxation agency. The implementation of Modem Taxation Administration System was started with the change of organization structure and taxation information system technology. Organization structure was designed based on the functions of covering servicing, inspection, supervision, collecting, objection functions, based on tax type as determined before. The most prominent change element is the establishment of Account Representative position (AR) who is responsible for servicing and supervising Taxpayer compliance. AR becomes connector between tax office and Taxpayer who is responsible for submitting taxation information effectively and professionally.

In this thesis writing is used descriptive method with qualitative and quantitative approaches, a method to uncover conditions and factual problem happened in this time. Based on said method, the research in this writing would be focused to analyze the role of AR in increasing servicing and Taxpayer compliance at Foreign Investment Tax Office Four after SAPM implementation.

The research result indicated that the role of AR in SAPM implementation at Foreign Investment Tax Office Four is very dominant and influence servicing to Taxpayer. With the existence of AR as Liaison Officer between Tax Office and Taxpayer in creating servicing and inspection functions against tax compliance becoming more effective. Even though there is some settlement of Taxpayer application out of time, but based on research, the said delay is largely caused by the lack of Taxpayer understanding level concerning the order, procedure and formal completeness which should be provided when requesting application to Foreign Investment Tax Office Four.

The role of AR in increasing Taxpayer compliance in submitting annual SPT 2004 with SPT electronic application is not optimal yet. Based on this research, many obstacles were faced by AR in executing socialization and e-SPT training against Taxpayer causing the level of Taxpayer to use e-SPT application is still low.

In order that SAPM can be done optimally for increasing tax servicing and Taxpayer compliance in submitting annual SPT at Foreign Investment Tax Office Four, can be done various efforts, with increasing the role of Account Representative (AR) in inspecting and giving taxation information to Taxpayer, maximizing the application of Sl-DJP with conducting the completing of the available system in this time, as well reconstruction and increase Human Resources quality in Foreign Investment Tax Office Four followed by the increase of moral quality in the event of developing awareness for increasing servicing to Taxpayer. With awarding good servicing to Taxpayer is expected can increase also the voluntary Taxpayer compliance, so that Foreign Investment Tax Office Four can maximize duties in the event of state income from tax sector.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marolop, Robby
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fadli Robby
Abstrak :
Aluminium sebagai bahan konduktor sangatlah luas pengaplikasiannya. Salah satunya adalah untuk kebutuhan kabel transmisi tinggi. Semaikin hari kriteria yang harus dimiliki kabel transmisi ini semakin tinggi, mengingat kebutuhan listrik yang semakin meningkat. Didalam penelitian ini akan dibahas mengenai pembuatan serta pengkarakterisasian material komposit AlZrCe/Al2O3 nano partikel dengan metode pengecoran aduk untuk keperluan kabel transmisi. Di dalam matriks, zirkonium akan menambah ketahanan panas sedangkan cerium akan menjaga konduktivitas listrik agar tidak turun dan diharapakan penambahan partikel Al2O3 akan meningkatkan kekuatan tarik dari komposit ini. Magnesium sebesar 5 wt% ditambahkan sebagai unsur peningkat kemampubasahan antara matriks dan penguat. Didapatkan bahwa penambahan Al2O3 akan meningkatkan kekuatan tarik, menurunkan konduktivitas listrik dan menurunkan koefisien muai panas komposit ini. Titik optimal untuk mendapatkan sifat mekanik listrik dan panas yang paling baik didapatkan pada fraksi volume 1,2% Al2O3. Daerah antarmuka yang didapatkan oleh seluruh sampel pengujian tidaklah baik, sehingga data yang dihasilkan belum bisa optimal dan sesuai dengan harapan. ......Aluminum as conductor material is very broad applicability. One of them is to demand of high-voltage overhead transmission lines. The requirements that must be owned of high-voltage overhead transmission lines are getting higher these days, because the electric needs are increasing. In this research will be investigated about fabrication and characterization AlZrCe/Al2O3(np) using stir casting process for overhead cable transmission. In the matrix, zirconium will be increase heat resistance, cerium will keep the value of electrical conductivity in order not to decrease and the addition of Al2O3 particles is expected to increase the tensile strength of the composite. Magnesium 5 wt% was adding as wettability agent. The results showed that the addition of Al2O3 will increase the tensile strength, decrease electrical conductivity and decrease coefficient thermal expansion of this composite. The optimal value for get the best of mechanical, electrical and thermal properties is obtained at 1.2% Al2O3 volume fraction. Interface areas obtained by the entire sample testing is not good, so the resulting data can not be optimal and appropriate expectations.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akhmad Irhas Robby
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Korosi sebagai penyebab utama kegagalan di industri migas dapat dicegah dengan menggunakan green inhibitor yang bersifat aman, mudah diperoleh, biodegradeable, murah, dan ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kadar optimal campuran kedua ekstrak ubi ungu dan melinjo untuk melindungi baja API 5L di lingkungan NaCl 3,5% dengan metode kehilangan berat dan polarisasi. Kedua green inhibitor dipilih karena mengandung senyawa antioksidan yang dapat menghambat laju korosi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua inhibitor yang digunakan anti-sinergis dimana kebanyakan variasi kadar pencampuran melindungi sampel kurang baik dibandingkan dengan salah satu inhibitor tersebut. Pencampuran 6 ml kedua ekstrak menghasilkan perlindungan maksimal terhadap korosi.
ABSTRACT Corrosion as the main cause of material failure in oil industries can be prevented with green inhibitors, which are easily accessible, biodegradable, cheap and environmental friendly. This research is intended to determined the optimal mixing concentration of both purple sweet potato and melinjo extract in protecting API 5L steel in NaCl 3,5% environment by weight loss and polarization tests. These inhibitors are selected as they contain antioxidants to decrease corrosion rate. The results of the research conclude that these inhibitors not anti-synergic as most of the mixing concentration provide worse protection against corrosion than either one of the inhibitors. The optimal mixing concentration is both extracts at 6 ml.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Saragih, Robby
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini merupakan analisa filosofis terhadap teori rekognisi dalam keragaman identitas dalam kehidupan sosial masyarakat, yang mana kondisi di dalamnya terjadi diskriminasi individu atas identitas yang dimiliki sehingga menjadi individu yang tidak diakui eksistensinya. Hal ini memberikan celah untuk menganalisa ulang bagaimana seharusnya individu dengan identitasnya dapat diakui keberadaanya dengan sepenuhnya sehingga akhirnya memunculkan kondisi kesetaraan dan solidaritas sosial. Praksis dalam kehidupan sosial memunculkan distribusi sensibilitas yang mengklasifikasikan individu-individu di dalam sistem. Adanya pengklasifikasikasian dalam hal apapun selalu mengarah pada ketidaksetaraan. Ketidaksetaraan dalam kondisi keragaman identitas menurut Axel Honneth akan memunculkan peluang terjadinya konflik. Menanggapi masalah tersebut, terdapat teori rekognisi yang berpotensi memberikan jalan keluar, yaitu dengan cara pengakuan terhadap keragaman identitas inividu-individu dan kesempatan yang setara dalam kehidupan sosial. Terkait dengan permasalahan diatas, teori rekognisi juga memiliki celah dalam usaha untuk memahami keberagaman identitas dalam relasi sosial. Perbedaan tersebut berada pada level rekognisi yang terletak pada interkultural dan intersubjektivitas yang kemudian berpengaruh kepada kondisi subjek individu yang berusaha merealisasikan dirinya melalui rekognisi yang diperolehnya. Dengan usaha perumusan teori rekognisi di level intersubjektivitas dan level interkultural dapat memberikan solusi bagi permasalahan keberagaman identitas.
This thesis is a philosophical analysis of the theory of recognition in the diversity of identity in the social life of society, where the conditions in which there is individual discrimination of the identity that has become an individual who is not recognized existence. This provides a loophole to re analyze how individuals with identities should be fully acknowledged so as to ultimately bring about conditions of social equality and solidarity. Praxis in social life brings out the distribution of sensibilities that classify individuals within the system. The existence of classifiers in any case always leads to inequality. Inequality under the conditions of diversity of identity according to Axel Honneth will raise the chances of conflict. In response to the problem, there is a theory of recognition that has the potential to provide a way out, that is, by recognizing the diversity of identities of individuals and equal opportunities in social life. Associated with the above problems, recognition theory also has a gap in the effort to understand the diversity of identity in social relations. The difference is at the level of recognition that lies in intercultural and intersubjectivity which then affects the condition of the individual subject who seeks to realize himself through the acquired recognition. With the effort of formulating the theory of recognition at the level of intersubjectivity and intercultural level can provide solutions to the problem of diversity of identity.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arrafi Daffa Robby
Abstrak :
Istilah ecotourism pertama kali muncul pada 1980-an ketika praktik berkelanjutan diakui dalam industri pariwisata yang berkembang, menjadi sub-cabang dari industri pariwisata. Kosta Rika dan Norwegia adalah dua negara yang terkenal dengan keindahan alamnya, memiliki sektor pariwisata yang berkisar pada alam dan keberlanjutan. Penelitian ini menggabungkan kerangka coevolutionary yang dikembangkan oleh Lewin dan Volberda (1999) untuk membahas perubahan dan bagaimana industri ekowisata dan institusi pemerintah berevolusi bersama dan perubahan coevolutionary-nya. Industri Ecotourism telah berkembang dan masih berkembang, undang-undang lingkungan dan pariwisata yang diberlakukan oleh pemerintah telah mendukung industri Ecotourism. Penelitian ini menekankan perbedaan bagaimana Kosta Rika dan Norwegia memiliki latar belakang sejarah yang berbeda, praktik penegakan hukum dan pemahaman tentang Ecotourism yang pada akhirnya membantu membentuk industri di masing-masing negara. ......The term ecotourism first emerged in the 1980s when sustainable practices were acknowledged in a growing tourism industry, becoming a sub-branch of the tourism industry. Costa Rica and Norway are two countries well-known for their natural beauty, having tourism sectors that revolves around nature and sustainability. This research incorporates the coevolutionary framework developed by Lewin and Volberda (1999) to discuss the changes and how the ecotourism industry and government institutions coevolves and its coevolutionary changes. The Ecotourism industry has evolved and is still growing, environmental and tourism laws enacted by the government have supported the Ecotourism industry. The research emphasizes the difference in how Costa Rica and Norway have different historical backgrounds, law enforcement practices and understanding of Ecotourism that eventually helped shape the industry in each country.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhamad Bill Robby
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan bahwa kapital sosial dan ketiadaan korban pada aksi terorisme di masa lalu dapat meningkatkan persepsi positif masyarakat terhadap mantan pelaku terorisme. Penelitian sebelumnya membuktikan bahwa kepemilikan pada kapital sosial dan kondisi ketiadaan korban dapat meningkatkan persepsi bahwa pelaku dapat menjadi individu yang lebih baik di masa depan, meminimalkan stigma negatif, dan memperbesar persepsi reintegrasi bagi mantan pelaku kejahatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode population-based survey experiment (P-BSE) dengan vignette treatment, serta melibatkan 398 partisipan dengan rentang usia 18 hingga 29 tahun untuk membandingkan persepsi partisipan terhadap kondisi mantan pelaku terorisme dengan kapital sosial tinggi vs. rendah serta ada vs. tidak adanya korban. Hasilnya, tidak ada perbedaan persepsi partisipan terhadap kondisi mantan pelaku terorisme dengan kapital sosial tinggi vs. rendah ataupun ada vs. tidak adanya korban. Penelitian ini turut menganalisis faktor demografis partisipan terhadap persepsi mengenai reintegrasi mantan pelaku terorisme. Hasilnya, faktor demografis juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap perbedaan persepsi partisipan mengenai mantan pelaku terorisme. ......This study aims to prove that social capital and the absence of victims of past acts of terrorism can contribute to the increase of people's positive perceptions on ex-terrorists. Previous research show that the ownership of social capital and the absence of victims could contribute positively on the increase of belief in redeemability, minimizing negative stigma, and increasing the perception of reintegration. This study uses population-based survey experiment (P-BSE) method with vignette treatment, and involved 398 participants with age range from 18 to 29 years old in order to compare participants' perceptions on the conditions of ex-terrorists with the characteristics of high vs. low social capital and visible vs. invisible victims. As a result, there is no difference in participants' perceptions of the condition of former terrorists with either high vs. low social capital or visible vs. invisible victims. Apart from that, this study also analyzes participants' demographic factors on perceptions of the reintegration ex-terrorists. As a result, It is found that demographic factors also do not affect the differences in participants' perceptions of ex-terrorists
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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