"Latar Belakang : Air susu ibu merupakan nutrisi ideal untuk bayi. World Health Organization (WHO) telah menganjurkan pemberian ASI eksklusif hingga 6 bulan. Data Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2003 dan 2007 menunjukkan angka keberhasilan ASI eksklusif di Indonesia secara keseluruhan cenderung menurun. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan terdapat beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi pemberian ASI eksklusif.
Tujuan : Mengetahui proposi bayi IMD yang memperoleh ASI eksklusif, dan mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara antara usia ibu, jumlah paritas, cara persalinan, faktor fisis dan psikis ibu, ibu merokok, tingkat pendidikan ibu, ibu bekerja, pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif, status sosial ekonomi keluarga, dukungan keluarga, promosi susu formula, dan konseling ASI dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi cukup bulan yang dilakukan IMD.
Metode : Penelitian bersifat deskriptif potong lintang analitik dengan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara pada bulan Juni hingga September 2012. Subyek penelitian adalah ibu yang memiliki anak berusia 0-6 bulan yang datang ke poliklinik anak RS St. Carolus Jakarta. Data kemudian ditabulasi untuk melihat karakteristik subjek dan proporsi ASI eksklusif. Analisis statistik dilakukan untuk mencari faktor yang berhubungan dangan pemberian ASI ekslusif dengan cara uji Kai kuadrat atau Fisher (analisis bivariat) dan uji regresi logistik (analisis multivariat).
Hasil : Penelitian dilakukan pada 120 subjek. Sebagian besar subjek merupakan primipara (56,7%). Sebanyak 65,8% melahirkan secara spontan. Sebanyak 73,3% subjek memiliki tingkat pendidikan tinggi dan 59,2% merupakan ibu bekerja. Sebanyak 45% subjek termasuk ke dalam status sosial ekonomi tinggi, dan sisanya berada di sosial ekonomi rendah (4,2%), dan menengah (50,8%). Sebanyak 77,5% tidak memiliki faktor fisis selama masa menyusui. Pengetahuan yang benar mengenai ASI eksklusif didapatkan pada 85% subjek. Sebagian besar subjek (73,3%) telah memperoleh konseling ASI. Sebanyak 64,2% subjek merasa yakin terhadap kecukupan produksi ASI. Berdasarkan uji regresi logistik, didapatkan faktor yang paling bermakna memengaruhi ASI eksklusif secara berurutan, yaitu faktor psikis ibu, diikuti oleh dukungan keluarga, pengetahuan ibu tentang ASI eksklusif, dan konseling ASI dari petugas kesehatan.
Background: Breastmilk is recognised for its ideal nutritional benefits for babies. The WHO recommended that infants are exclusively breast-fed for the first 6 months of life. Data from Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2003 and 2007 showed that exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) rate in Indonesia tends to decease. Several studied have found some factors that influence breastfeeding practices.Objective: To determine the proportion of exclusive breastfeeding among infant who initiate breastfeeding at birth and study its influencing factors. Those factor are maternal age, parity, method of delivery, physical factor (included sore nipples, inverted papillae, and mastitis), psychological factor, maternal smoking, maternal education, mother’s employment, maternal knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding, socio-economic level, family support on breastfeeding, formula promotion, and counceling about breastfeeding.Methods: A descriptive analytic cross-sectional study was conducted from June to September 2012. Subjects selected by consecutive sampling were mothers with a 6-12 months old child, who came to pediatric policlinic at St Carolus hospital Jakarta. Chi square test and multivariate analyses were used to analyze subjects with logistic regression calculation.Results: There were 120 mothers recruited. The rates of exclusive breastfeeding were 75%. The majority of mothers were primiparous (56,7%) and had normal delivery (65,8%). Of 120 mothers, 73,3% mothers had high level of education, 59,2% mothers were the working mother. Forty five percent mothers had high socio-economic level, 4,2% had low socio-economic level, and 50,8% had middle socio-economic level. Majority of mothers (77,5%) did not have physical factor that inhibit the process of breastfeeding. Adequate knowledge about breastfeeding was found in 85% mothers. Majority of mothers (73,3%) received breastfeeding councelling from the hospital staff. Most of mothers (64,2%) had confidence in ability to breastfeed. Multivariate analyses showed that factors significantly associated with EBF were maternal breastfeeding confidence, good family support, adequate mothers knowledge about EBF, and breastfeeding counseling from the hospital staff.Conclusion: The proportion of EBF in infant who initiated breastfeeding was 75%. Factors that influenced the practice of EBF were pshycological factor, family support, mother’s knowledge about EBF, and counselling from the hospital staff."