ABSTRACTPenelitian ini membahas proses penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial oleh Serikat Pekerja (SP) PT X, beserta hambatan yang dihadapi oleh Serikat Pekerja (SP) PT X dalam proses penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bentuk deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa SP PT X sebagai anggota FSPMI berhasil mengupayakan penyelesaian perselisihan hubungan industrial melalui proses perundingan secara kolektif dengan menggunakan berbagai strategi secara bertahap. Dalam proses tersebut, SP PT X menghadapi berbagai hambatan, yaitu belum maksimalnya fungsi dan struktur serikat pekerja, kapasitas pengurus SP yang masih belum maksimal, kurangnya motivasi dan keseriusan pengurus SP dalam memperjuangkan isu perselisihan, miskomunikasi dan perbedaan penafsiran dalam mengupayakan perundingan, adanya pandangan negatif dari pekerja terhadap SP PT X, serta belum adanya Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB). Kemudian, SP PT X mengatasi hambatan tersebut dengan memaksimalkan peran tim perunding, serta mengembangkan kapasitas tim perunding.
ABSTRACTThis study discusses the process of industrial relation dispute resolution carried out by worker union, along with the obstacles experienced by that worker union in the process of resolving industrial relation disputes. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive forms. The results of this study conclude that worker union as a member of FSPMI managed to seek industrial relations dispute resolution through a collective bargaining process by using various strategies in stages. Meanwhile, the obstacles faced by the worker union in the process of industrial relations dispute resolution in the form of not optimal function and structure of trade unions, lack of capacity of worker union officer, lack of motivation and seriousness of worker union officer in fighting disputes, miscommunication and differences in interpretation seek negotiations, views on worker union are still viewed negatively by workers, as well as the absence of a Collective Labor Agreement (PKB). Then this worker union overcame these obstacles by maximizing the role of the negotiating team, as well as developing the capacity of the negotiating team."