ABSTRAKKeberhasilan universal health coverage di Indonesia sangat ditentukan olehutilisasi sumber daya yang efisien di rumah sakit. Variasi biaya yang tinggi untukperawatan tertentu menunjukkan indikasi bahwa rumah sakit belum cukup efisien dalammemanfaatkan sumber dayanya untuk menyediakan pelayanan. Length of stay LOS adalah salah satu faktor penting penentu biaya yang banyak digunakan sebagai indikatorefisiensi rumah sakit dalam penggunaan sumber daya. LOS dan biaya perawatandipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, baik yang merupakan karakteristik pasien maupunfaktor terkait manajemen di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasiseberapa besar hubungan antara karakteristik pasien dengan variasi LOS dan biayaperawatan,dan mengetahui gambaran penerapan clinical pathway sebagai upaya kendalimutu dan biaya pada pasien JKN rawat inap di RSUP Fatmawati dari tahun 2015 ndash;September 2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi usia, jumlah diagnosis,jumlah prosedur dan kelas rawat hanya dapat menjelaskan sedikit variasi LOS dan biayaperawatan R2
ABSTRACTTitle Analysis of Length of Stay and Cost Variation in Jaminan KesehatanNasional JKN Patients Case Study in 5 fFve Casemix MainGroups in Fatmawati General Hospital in 2015 2017Counsellor Kurnia Sari, SKM, MSEABSTRACTEfficient use of resources in hospitals will contribute to successfulimplementation of universal health coverage in Indonesia. Substantial variation inhospital costs for certain diagnosis or procedure is an indication of resource useinefficiency. Length of stay is a well accepted measure of resource utilization and a keydriver to hospital costs. Variation in LOS and costs can be influenced by patientdemographic and clinical factors that are outside a hospital rsquo s control, in the meanwhilethere are also factors within the control of a hospital. This research focuses on fiveCasemix Main Groups and aims to identify how patient characteristic factors contributeto variation in LOS and costs, and to investigate qualitatively the implementation ofClinical Pathway as a management approach to control LOS as well as hospital costs forJKN patients at RSUP Fatmawati, a class A teaching hospital in Jakarta, from 2015 toSeptember 2017. The result indicates that the variance in LOS and cost is notsignificantly correlated to patient rsquo s age, number of diagnoses, number of procedures androom types as independent variables. The hospital has numerous clinical pathways thathave not been optimally implemented yet for LOS and cost control. This researchprovides information for hospital management team to improve LOS performance byimplementing care planning, intensive case management and to use cost data foridentification of inefficiency of certain types of care.Keywords Length of stay LOS , costs, efficiency, clinical pathway, CMG"