Abstrak :
TNI sebagai komponen utama dalam sistem pertahanan negara, memiliki karakteristik berbeda dengan organisasi non militer yaitu adanya prinsip kesatuan komando (Unity of Command) yang berarti keputusan diambil secara sentralisasi dan pelaksanaan secara desentralisasi. Komandan satuan (pimpinan cabang) tidak berwenang mengambil keputusan, tetapi hanya melaksanakan kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh pimpinan pusat. Berbeda dengan di swasta, pimpinan cabang berwenang membuat keputusan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi (emppwerment). Agar tu[ok dapat berjalan optimal, TNI harus mampu mengumpulkan, menyimpan, mengolah data menjadi informasi, dan menyebarluaskannya dengan mudah dan cepat, serta adaptive terhadap perubahan yang terjadi (internal/ eksternal). Selain itu, TNI harus memiliki keselarasan (aligntment), dan keterpaduan (integration) di semua level manajemen. Hal tersebut, hanya dapat diwujudkan melalui pemanfaatan kemajuan TI secara optimal. saat ini, TNI telah memanfaatkan TI namun hasilnya belum optimal yang disebabkan antara lain: Pengembangan SI/TI masih bersifat ad-hoc (business opportunities are missed): SI yang ada belum terintegrasi (lack of integration of system): Adanya duplikasi SI, sehingga pengolahan data tidak efektif (ineffective information management produces duplication of effort): , dan pengelolaan SI/TI belum terpadu dan terencana (lack of understanding and agreed direction). Menjadi keharusan bagi TNI memiliki rencana strategis SI, agar dapat terarah dalam mengembangkan SI/TI di masa mendatang. Oleh karena itu perlu melakukan perencanaan strategis SI yang sesuai dengan karakteristik TNI yang berorientasi kepada visi dan misi. Namun mencari model perencanaan strategis SI yang dapat dijadikan acuan bagi TNI sangat sulit, karena kecenderungan model yang ada lebih diarahkan kepada organisasi bisnis/profit yang bersifat decentralized/distributed. Penelitian ini, bertujuan untuk memperoleh model perencanaan Strategis SI yang tepat untuk TNI dengan studi kasus di TNI AU. Untuk itu dilakukan pengkajian terhadap enam dokumen perencanaan strategis SI milik swasta dan pemerintah yaitu Lembaga Sandi Negara, PT Jamsostek, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau (PTPN V), U.S. Departement of Defense (US DoD), U.S. General Service Administration (US GSA), dan U.S. Departement of Justice (US DoJ). Melalui perbandingan beberapa model tersebut, dan penggunaan kombinasi metodologi perencanaan SI versi Ward & Peppard, Tozer, dan James Martin, diperoleh model pengelolaan SI/TI yang sesuai untuk diterapkan di TNI AU yaitu model federal yang berupa kombinasi antara terpusat (centralized) dan tersebar (decentralized), yaitu fungsi komando dilakukan secara terpusat dan operasional SI/TI secara tersebar da satuan kerja SI/TI TNI AU. Hasil penelitian ini, diharpkan dapat digunakan sebagai acuanbagi komponen TNI lainnya yaitu Mabes TNI, TNI AD dan TNI AL, tentunya dengan melakukan penyesuaian sesuai karakteristik masing-masing.
Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) is a military organization in Indonesian Characteristic's TNI differ from organization of non military, the decision taken by centralized and execution decentralized. In TNI, commandant set of (head branch) unqualified take decision, but only execute policy specified by head center. It is difference from business/ profit organization, head of authoritative branch makes decision to reach organizationl target (empowerment). In Order to optimal main task, TNI have to able to collect, store, processes of data become information, and overspread it easily and quickly, and also adaptive to change that happened in internal or external. Others, TNI have to own compatibility and integrity in all level management. The mentioned, can only be realized by through exploiting of progress of Technology Information (IT) in an optimal fashion. In this time, TNI have exploited TI but it is not optimal yet caused for example Development Information System (IS) Technology Information (TI) still have the character of ad-hoc (business opportunities acre missed); So, The Information System existing not yet integrated. Data processing is ineffective information management produces duplication of effort and both of Management IS/TI not yet in wrought and planed made lack of understanding and agreed direction. TNI have to own strategic plan for Information System to earn directional in developing systems. Therefore require to conduct strategic plan of IS matching with characteristic TNI orienting to mission and vision. Searching type of strategic plan of IS which can be made by reference for TNI very difficult, because this is existing type tendency more instructed to business organization having the character of decentralized and distributed. This research, aim to obtain gets of strategic planning of the correct for TNI with case study in Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU). For that conducted by study to six documents of strategic plan of IS property of private sector and governmental that is Lembaga Sandi Negara, PT Jamsostek, PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau (PTPN V), U.S. Department of Defense (US DoD), U.S. General Service Administration (US GSA), and U.S. Department of Defense (US.DoD), US. Gener ServiceAdministration (US GSA), and US Department of Justice (US DoJ). Through comparison of some the type, and use of combination of methodologies of planning of IS version Ward & Peppard, Tozer, and James Martin, obtained a model management of appropriate SI/TI to be applied in TNI AU that is federal type is which is in the form of combination of between centralized and decntralized, where is function command centrally and operational of SI/TI blazed abroad in set of job of SI / TI TNI AU. Result of this research, is expected serve the purpose of reference for each of TNI (Mabes TNI, TNI AD and TNI AL). perhaps conducted is adjustment of according to characteristic of them.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library